WhyOppositeMany people like to oppose other people. But have you ever heard of people opposing themselves? The Bible mentions them. 2 Timothy 2:25 talks about “those who oppose themselves.” Isn’t it a strange thing?

I believe that many of the women who marched in the pro-abortion march belong to this group. They were created female by God’s design, and yet they oppose everything that is female and womanly. They oppose the way they were created. Some not only oppose themselves, but have become nasty, rebellious, and vulgar. I am still grieving and praying daily for these women.

I am sure that many of them have only become this way because of feminist programming from liberal teachers and professors. They have been propagandized and directed toward a path of destruction. But they can be redeemed. I know many mothers who love being mothers and yet were once feminists. We must continually share the beautiful truth of God’s design for women which hasn’t changed since the beginning of time.

Sadly, there are also women in our society, and even in the church, who are deceived. They are such lovely women—women who are admired, women who love God, women who serve God. And yet many ignorantly oppose themselves. Because they too have been influenced by our liberal society and education system, they do not fully embrace motherhood and childbearing. In other areas, they have a beautiful attitude and spirit, but many are as deceived about their womanhood as those in the world. They are still living opposite to God’s original design, especially when careerism conflicts with motherhood. It is difficult to embrace both fully.

Why do women deny the way they are created? God created us physically to be the bearers of life and eternal souls. He created us to be the nurturers and nourishers of our children, and ultimately society. He created us for the glory of motherhood. Why do women resist? I know it is Satan’s subtle deception for he hates life and hates motherhood. Satan is always in opposition to God.

Let’s embrace God’s blessed and beautiful design. His plan is perfect. It brings rest and peace.

Be encouraged today.

Nancy Campbell

Painting: Kelley Carey MacDonald's "A little joy!"


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