NothingAsBigIn what capacity, do you like to introduce yourself? Some like to introduce themselves as a teacher, a singer, or even a mother. Many pastors like to introduce themselves as Pastor So and So. They make sure they precede their name with the word, Pastor!

How did Paul and Peter introduce themselves? When writing to the Romans Paul begins: “Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ.“ 2 Peter 1:1 Peter begins: “Peter, a servant . . .” He then adds that he is also an apostle. The word servant is “doulos” and literally means a bondslave, one who is in permanent relation of servitude to another. Although Paul and Peter were apostles, they first saw themselves as servants of Christ. Even Jesus himself confessed that He did not come “to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28 ESV).

How do you look upon yourself? In this day of feminism and liberal theology a “servant” would be unthinkable. Isn’t it amazing that many Christians think they are better than the early apostles and even Jesus Himself? We are too proud to be servants.

Dearest mother, when you feel overburdened and overworked and you have no time to do anything you want to do because all you do is serve others all day long, don’t despair! You are following the footsteps of Jesus. You are like the early apostles. You are in the perfect will of God.

Oh, I know you don’t like being a servant. None of us do. We are so fleshly and selfish. But do we really want to be increasingly more like Jesus? There’s no greater way than to serve. How blessed we are as wives and mothers. We can joyfully serve in our homes all day long. We are in the very sphere where we can become like Jesus.

What way do you like to serve? We can serve grudgingly—sighing and complaining. Or we can serve joyfully. That takes the sting out of serving and relegates it to a high place. We can serve faithfully. This is the serving that Jesus talks about in Matthew 25:21 where He says: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.”

You may have dreams of big things you want to do in your life. There’s no way you can do them with all your little children around you, needing you every minute of the day. Dear mother, be faithful to your menial, daily tasks. God sees them. As He sees you faithful in the little things, He will bless you in His time with bigger things.

Although I must interrupt my writing here. I don’t believe exactly what I have just written. Because I believe that no matter what “bigger things” you may one do in your life, nothing is as big as what you are doing now. Nothing is as big a bringing into this world an eternal soul that will live forever. Nothing is as big as pouring out your nurturing heart to your children. Nothing is as big as preparing and training them for God’s destiny here on earth. Your God-given mothering career influences nations, governments, generations, and eternity!

I hope you have the most wonderful day SERVING your husband and family.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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