HusbandGovToday I am posting you another writing from my granddaughter, Meadow. Be blessed.

I have a question for liberal feminists (I love you, please don’t hate me):

I agree that women should have rights. I’m glad that I have the privilege to vote in this country. I have a career of my own. And I am glad that I am free to openly share my personal opinions. I believe that women can still be intelligent, bold, and contribute to society without calling themselves feminists.

And seeing that American women have more rights than we’ve ever had before and more rights than most women in the rest of the world; seeing that I am content to let my husband be the head of our household (which is biblical and he is much better at leading than I am) and that doesn’t mean he doesn’t respect my opinions and that I am in bondage; seeing that I do not believe in abortion; and seeing that I don’t feel like life is unfair to me as a woman . . . I do not consider myself a feminist. I have nothing to complain about.

But that is not the point . . . The point is a that I see a flaw in the liberal stance of feminism, which some of you may not have considered yet.

What is feminism? What do feminists stand for? Feminism is the belief of the social equality of the sexes, correct? Feminism is the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women to be equal to those of men. Feminism says that women are just as important as men (I believe men and women are important for different reasons). Feminists thrive to prove they can be just as independent, capable, and contributing as men.

But is this the true nature of women? Many women are at least forcing it to be so. According to feminists, women who do not want to prove they are just as good as men (like me), simply haven’t been enlightened yet.

Back in the old days (before feminism), when women considered a man to be her husband, she was drawn to qualities that made her feel protected and provided for. She didn’t want a man who was weak and lazy. She wanted a man who would take care of her NEEDS. Women were wired to feel this way. This was a natural attraction. And it was one of the qualities that I naturally found attractive in my husband. There were many other reasons why I fell in love with him, but I also loved that I could DEPEND on him.

But now days, it is not feministic to depend on a man. Women aren’t looking for men to be their providers anymore because now they compete with them. It is almost shameful for some feminists to admit they depend on men because the whole point they are trying to prove is that they can do without them.

Feminists seek to prove that they are independent and can take care of themselves . . . and that is why liberal feminism confuses me.

Instead of looking for those ancient attractions that used to draw women towards men, liberal feminists now look for those same qualities in the government. They want a government that will protect them, provide for them, take care of their needs, and give them free stuff. They want to feel like they can depend on the government. They place their security in the government. They seek the same qualities in a government that women used to seek in a husband.

This is why a majority of voters who elected President Obama (who was sending the message that he would provide for their needs) were women. And perhaps, this is part of the reason why a majority of protestors against President Trump (a conservative, whose agenda is an economy that provides for themselves and he doesn’t believe in giving free-hand-outs) are women. (I know there are other reasons why women hate Trump, because he has been disrespectful towards women in the past, but that's off subject).

This is my question . . . If they really are feminists and they’re capable of providing for themselves. . . why should they need the government to be their husband? Why should they need the government to give them free care if they are independent and strong women who can provide for themselves? Even though I am not a feminist, I at least have a better understanding of conservative feminism because they don’t rely on the government to provide for all of their needs, which is true independence.

Forgive me if this post has angered you. I am not trying to judge you or attack you. I don’t want to start a heated argument. I am just trying to challenge that way of thinking. My request is that since feminists like to believe they support women to express their own opinions and rational thinking, that you will at least support me for expressing my own rational thinking, even if is not something you agree with. Even though I challenge this way of thinking, I do not want further division and conflict, so please keep responses polite and let's respect one another. I want liberal feminists to understand where the rest of us are coming from . . . and I really want to see peace and unity in the country we all love.



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