Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

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Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


GloryWomenYesterday we talked about a woman of honor and dignity. God has more to say about women.

Proverbs 11:16 says: “A gracious woman retains honor.” The word “honor” in this Scripture is a different Hebrew word than in Proverbs 31:25. Some modern translations say that she earns respect, but the word “respect” is not strong enough. It means “weight (don’t despair: it doesn’t mean bodily weight, but to carry an authority in your speech and demeanor), glory, esteem, majesty, and wealth.” This word, "kavod" is mostly translated as “glory” in the Scriptures. The Douay-Rheims Bible translates it most correctly: “A gracious woman shall find glory.”

Feminists are fighting harder than ever for their women’s rights! As they fight, they spurn their glory. How sad they do not understand that God has already endowed them with glory and majesty—the glory of being a woman and the purpose of their femaleness. It is ridiculous to my brain that these dear women fight against how God created them. They despise their womb. They rant and rave for the right to murder unborn children. And they throw away their glory (Hosea 9:11).

Do you notice that this Scripture says that the gracious woman RETAINS her glory? She doesn’t have to acquire it. It has already been given to her. All she needs to do is keep it. Hang on to it. Don’t throw it away. We keep our glory by embracing who God created us to be. By loving the way God created us as a female for child-bearing and nursing . By knowing our purpose to be a helper to our husbands. By living dignified, gracious, and sensible lives.

How is it that women do not understand the way God created them? The Scripture is true that when people do not want God in their knowledge that He gives them over to a “reprobate mind,” a mind that is void of judgment (Romans 1:28).

Once again, as with Proverbs 31:25, the word “honor” that is given to women is also the same word that speaks of God’s glory! God has invested us with a glory from Him when He created us female. How dare we throw it back in His face. Let’s retain our glory. In this way, we glorify Him.

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting by William Rothenstein (1872 - 1945): Mother and Child (candlelight, oil on canvas).

Some examples of God’s glory: Exodus 24:17; 33:22; Numbers 14:10, 22; 16:42; Psalm 24:7-10; 29:3; 145:5; 2 Chronicles 5:14; 7:2; and Zechariah 2:5.

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AWomanDignityMost translations of Proverbs 31:25 use the word “dignity.”

What does it mean to have dignity? The dictionary tells us it is the quality of being worthy of respect and honor. Having a high sense of propriety, truth, and justice. Moral correctness. Elevated deportment of manners and behavior. It also means an elevated office, an honorable or high rank, a degree of excellence in estimation or the order of nature.

Dignity is meant to be the testimony of godly women. The more we walk in God’s ways, the more we will walk in dignity.

It is heart-breaking to see thousands of women crying out for recognition as women. Unfortunately, they have been deceived to think they will receive it with ranting and raving and vicious and vulgar words and lifestyle. This is the very opposite of womanhood and dignity.

We reveal our dignity as women when we embrace who God created us to be. He created us female. He created is physically to birth and nurse babies. He created us to be nurturers in society. This is God-given dignity. And don’t forget, dear mother, that you have an honorable and high rank as you faithfully mother in your home each day.

And even more amazing, too amazing to comprehend. The word “honor” in the King James Bible or “dignity” as many translations give it, is the very same word that is used to describe God! Here is one of many Scriptures: “O LORD my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honor and majesty.” And yet here in Proverbs 31:25 the woman is clothed "with honor.”

We can only walk in this honor and dignity as we embrace God’s ways and His beautiful life He wants to live through us. It is His ways that will be honored through our daily lives.

Walk in your God-given dignity today.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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PrinceDarkLift up the name of Jesus as you face your battles. Lift up the name of Jesus in your home. No demon power can stand at the name of Jesus. "At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father" (Philippians 2:10, 11).

~ Nancy

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ThankYouWould the word “thankfulness” describe you and your family? I don’t believe we can be too thankful. Firstly, to God for His wonderful salvation given to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. None of us will ever be able to fathom that enormity of His grace to each one of us. The fact that He, who lived in the glory of eternity, was willing to not only become a man and die, but take upon Himself our sin (the vilest of sins) is incomprehensible (Philippians 2:5-8). Eternity will not be enough time to reveal the wonders of his grace and salvation.

I love to thank God, every day for providing such a great salvation. I try not to miss a day. I think of how back in the Old Testament God required the Israelites to sacrifice a lamb every morning and every evening. They sacrificed at many others times, but this was the foundation of all sacrifices. It pointed to the Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who would come to take away our sins (John 1:29). When Jesus became our sacrifice, there was never any need for the daily sacrifices again. Hebrews 10:10 tells us of “the offering of the body of Jesus Christ ONCE FOR ALL.”

The Israelites looked forward to this ultimate sacrifice. But now we look back to the sacrifice of Jesus, once for all. I never want to forget or take it for granted, do you? That’s why at our Family Devotions each morning and evening I seek to praise the thank the Lord Jesus Christ for His great and eternal salvation.

But that’s just the beginning. We have been given everything we need in Christ to live this life (2 Peter 1:2,3). We are overloaded with blessings every day. Each new day is a blessing. We are blessed with family, a home to live in, food, and all of God’s glorious creation.

I think we should get into the habit of thanking the Lord for everything we think of.
A new spring flower appears. Thank Him.
Your baby laughs and smiles. What joy. Oh, thank You, Lord.

Water pours out of your tap. You don’t even have to go to the well. Thank you, Lord.
You throw your disposable diaper in the trash. You don’t even have to wash your diapers in an old ringer washing machine! Praise the Lord.
And this could keep going for pages. Get into the habit of being thankful for everything. And not a little thankful, but hugely thankful.

Thank your husband for every little thing he does for you, and just for being him. Become an extravagantly thankful wife. Thank your children when they finish their chores, when they do something for you, or when they are polite. Become an excessively thankful mother. And watch your children become thankful people too.

Some time back a wonderful missionary family stayed in our home. They also loved fellowshipping with the Johnsons (Howard and Evangeline’s family). They noticed how their children were very thankful about everything. They didn’t say “Thank you” in a monotonous voice, but “Oh, tha-a-a-a-a-a-nk you SOOOO much.” Our visiting family and their children got into the habit also. When they waved goodbye to us, they all puts their heads out the window cried out: “Tha-a-a-a-a-a-nk you SOOOOO MUCH!” You can never be too exuberantly thankful!

Have an extravaganza day,

Nancy Campbell

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BabylonIn my post NO LOOP HOLE, posted below, I shared with you an important word that God wants proclaimed and broadcast to the to the ends of the earth. Do you remember what it was? We find it in Isaiah 48:20 (CEB): “Go out from Babylon; flee from the Chaldeans! REPORT this with a loud shout, PROCLAIM it; BROADCAST it to the end of the earth. SAY, ‘The LORD has redeemed his servant Jacob!’”

God wanted His people out of Babylon in that day. He wants us to get out of Babylon now. In God’s Word, Babylon speaks of confusion, delusion, and deception. It also speaks of mixture.

The amazing thing about deception is that we usually don’t know we are deceived. Deception deceives us from knowing we are deceived! Satan’s deception is so subtle that he successfully deceived Eve. And yet she walked and talked with God personally every day! Help, what about us?

I believe our greatest deterrent against deception is God’s Word. We must live in it. Meditate on it. Talk about it. And of course, share it with our children. We have an awesome responsibility as mothers to not only save ourselves from deception, but save our children from the deception of this humanistic society.

Sadly, a large proportion of the church is deceived. It is filled with mixture. People love God with their hearts, but their minds are filled with the humanistic agenda. It permeates this society. Most people in the church have been educated in the humanistic, feministic (and now, increasingly influenced by alternative lifestyles and the homosexual agenda). The most popular doctrine in the church today is “tolerance.” The devil makes sure that we are silent about sin. Or look out, we’re judgmental! On the other hand, God wants it exposed loudly, like a trumpet (Isaiah 58:1). This shows up whose side we are on!

My constant prayer is that God will save me from deception and that He will fill me with discernment. I’m sure this is your prayer too. It’s so easy to be deceived by that which looks good. That’s how Eve was deceived. Satan made the temptation look “good” and “wise” (Genesis 3:6). Everything from God is good, but not everything that looks good is from God! We must have godly discernment. We’ll get it from God’s Word.

As you pray together as a family each day, pray that God will show you any mixture that has come into your lives or your home. Ask Him to expose every tiny bit of deception. Ask Him to show you the spirit of Babylon in your lives. Ask Him to give each one of you such a love for His Word that you, your husband, and all the children will love to read it.

It isn’t the people in the world that God tells to flee out of Babylon. It’s God’s people. If the spirit of this world is more important to us than God, His Word, and prayer, we’re obviously still in Babylon. Every time the word “saints” is translated in “The Scriptures” it translates it “set-apart ones.” This is who we are as the people of God. Living in this world, but liberated from the spirit of this world.

Be encouraged today,

Nancy Campbell

P.S. Further Scriptures about coming out of Babylon: Isaiah 52:11; Jeremiah 50:8; 51:6, 45; Zechariah 2:6-8; 2 Corinthians 6:17, 18; James 4:4; 1 John 2:15-17; and Revelation 18:3-5.

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ProclaimNewsI often hear people say that they like to keep their faith personal. They don’t like to talk about it. However, that is not biblical. Did you realize that our Christianity is a confession? 1 Timothy 6;12; (Hebrews 4;14; and 10:23).

We are born again into God’s family by believing and confessing. Romans 10:9, 10 says: “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou SHALT BE SAVED.” If we believe in our hearts only, we are only half saved. To truly receive salvation, we must believe and CONFESS.

This is the beginning. But this is how we continue our walk with Christ. We keep on confessing. It is not a one-time confession, but a daily confession of our salvation. A daily confession of God’s truth. It’s only what we confess that we keep.

I was challenged by reading Isaiah 48:20 (CEB): “Go out from Babylon; flee from the Chaldeans!
REPORT this with a loud shout,
BROADCAST it to the end of the earth. (the whole world)
SAY, ‘The LORD has redeemed his servant Jacob!’”

God doesn’t tell us only once to share about our redemption, but in four different ways in one Scripture. He doesn’t give us a loop hole to be silent! He wants us to broadcast His truth through the whole earth. God miraculously redeemed Israel from the hand of Pharaoh. He miraculously delivered them from Babylon. But we have an even greater redemption.

What a wonderful redemption!
Never can a mortal know
How my sin, the' red like crimson,
Can be whiter than the snow.

Ephesians 2:7 tells us that it will take “the ages to come” to “show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.”

Are you confessing every day? Are you teaching your children how to be confessing Christians? If not, we are not teaching them correctly. If they are not confessing, they will grow up weak in the faith.

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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LearnToFocusDo you ever get into a dream when reading or listening to God’s Word? I have the best intentions to not let my mind wander, but it still happens. Even this morning at Family Devotions as Colin read the Word to us I found my mind wandering. I started thinking about Bowen and Kahoru’s wedding that is coming in May. Help! I had to immediately focus again.

I notice the pattern God sets when He wants to tell us something. He wants to tell us something new every day! His Word is filled with truth and the way He wants us to live. Filled with treasures waiting for us to discover.

When God wanted to speak to Ezekiel in Ezekiel 40:4 the angel (or was it Jesus Himself) said to him: “Behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thine heart upon all that I shall show thee.” We must see by the eyes of faith. We must hear with our spiritual ears, listening for the voice of the Holy Spirit who is the interpreter of God’s Word. And we must set out hearts upon it. I cannot find a verse in the Bible that talks about getting it into our minds (although of course we will do this), but He commands us to get our eyes, ears, and heart involved.

That’s why I believe it is imperative to ask questions at Family Devotions when we read God’s Word to our children. If it is easy for our minds to wander, what about our children? They can begin dreaming about other things. Questions keep them focused on what God is saying. Questions keep them interested and attentive.

I find I need the questions too. There are times when Colin asks a question and I am guilty and must ask, “Darling, can you please read that Scripture again?” I didn’t comprehend it properly as I was not intently focusing at that moment.

Ezekiel 40:4 also speaks about our mouths! It says: “Declare all that thou see to the house of Israel.” Our mouths must become involved too. God wants to us to share with others what He tells us. We can only declare what is deeply imbedded in our hearts. If it’s not in our hearts, we have nothing to say. That’s why the Word must get into our hearts.

“Did not our hearts burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the Scriptures?” exclaimed the disciples about talking with Jesus. There’s nothing like true Christian fellowship when you can talk and discuss the Word together. However, I find it hard to find this today. When meeting with fellow believers I love to ask, “What’s God been saying to you from the Word recently?” It is so deflating to be returned with blank looks and silence. They have nothing to declare!

Dear precious believers, if we are opening God’s Word and tuning in our eyes, ears, and hearts, we’ll have so much to declare! To confess! To share with others to change their lives.

This is not only a challenge to ourselves, but in the training of our children. What kind of children are you training? Those who are being trained to stay babies, go to church once a week and open their mouths like little birds to receive food from the pastor or minister? Or are you training children to discipline their eyes, ears, and hearts to hear what the Spirit is saying. They are learning to hear personally. To hear for themselves. Not second hand. They are the children growing into mature Christians. I am sure no mother wants her children to stay babies in the Lord. We want them to be declarers of God’s truths and they can only do this as they get it into their hearts.

May you be anointed of the Lord today as you prepare mighty young men and women for God’s purposes,

Nancy Campbell

Don’t you love this famous painting? "Way to Emmaus" by German painter, Robert Zünd (1827-1909). My parents had this picture on the wall of the home where I grew up and I loved looking at it.

There are many paintings of the story of Jesus walking with the two disciples to Emmaus. I'd love to share two or three more of my favorites: This is a painting by James Tissot from "Pilgrims on the Road to Emmaus" (1884-1896).


Further to my post above, LEARNING TO FOCUS, here is another of my favorite paintings of the scene on the way to Emmaus: This is a painting by William Brassey Hole.


Here's just one more painting of the Scripture: "Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the Scriptures?" (Luke 24:32). Painting by Ira Thomas.


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TVAddicts1. The TV is my shepherd, I shall not want.

2. It makes me lie down on the sofa: it leads me away from the

3. It destroys my soul: it leads me in the paths of sex and violence for the sponsor’s sake.

4. Yea, though I walk in the shadow of Christian responsibilities, there will be no interruption, for the TV is with me; it’s cable and remote control, they comfort me.

5. It prepares a commercial for me in the presence of my worldliness; it anoints my head with humanism and commercialism; my coveting runneth over.

6. Surely laziness and ignorance shall follow me all the days of my life: and I shall dwell in the house watching TV forever.

~ Anon

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HusbandGovToday I am posting you another writing from my granddaughter, Meadow. Be blessed.

I have a question for liberal feminists (I love you, please don’t hate me):

I agree that women should have rights. I’m glad that I have the privilege to vote in this country. I have a career of my own. And I am glad that I am free to openly share my personal opinions. I believe that women can still be intelligent, bold, and contribute to society without calling themselves feminists.

And seeing that American women have more rights than we’ve ever had before and more rights than most women in the rest of the world; seeing that I am content to let my husband be the head of our household (which is biblical and he is much better at leading than I am) and that doesn’t mean he doesn’t respect my opinions and that I am in bondage; seeing that I do not believe in abortion; and seeing that I don’t feel like life is unfair to me as a woman . . . I do not consider myself a feminist. I have nothing to complain about.

But that is not the point . . . The point is a that I see a flaw in the liberal stance of feminism, which some of you may not have considered yet.

What is feminism? What do feminists stand for? Feminism is the belief of the social equality of the sexes, correct? Feminism is the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women to be equal to those of men. Feminism says that women are just as important as men (I believe men and women are important for different reasons). Feminists thrive to prove they can be just as independent, capable, and contributing as men.

But is this the true nature of women? Many women are at least forcing it to be so. According to feminists, women who do not want to prove they are just as good as men (like me), simply haven’t been enlightened yet.

Back in the old days (before feminism), when women considered a man to be her husband, she was drawn to qualities that made her feel protected and provided for. She didn’t want a man who was weak and lazy. She wanted a man who would take care of her NEEDS. Women were wired to feel this way. This was a natural attraction. And it was one of the qualities that I naturally found attractive in my husband. There were many other reasons why I fell in love with him, but I also loved that I could DEPEND on him.

But now days, it is not feministic to depend on a man. Women aren’t looking for men to be their providers anymore because now they compete with them. It is almost shameful for some feminists to admit they depend on men because the whole point they are trying to prove is that they can do without them.

Feminists seek to prove that they are independent and can take care of themselves . . . and that is why liberal feminism confuses me.

Instead of looking for those ancient attractions that used to draw women towards men, liberal feminists now look for those same qualities in the government. They want a government that will protect them, provide for them, take care of their needs, and give them free stuff. They want to feel like they can depend on the government. They place their security in the government. They seek the same qualities in a government that women used to seek in a husband.

This is why a majority of voters who elected President Obama (who was sending the message that he would provide for their needs) were women. And perhaps, this is part of the reason why a majority of protestors against President Trump (a conservative, whose agenda is an economy that provides for themselves and he doesn’t believe in giving free-hand-outs) are women. (I know there are other reasons why women hate Trump, because he has been disrespectful towards women in the past, but that's off subject).

This is my question . . . If they really are feminists and they’re capable of providing for themselves. . . why should they need the government to be their husband? Why should they need the government to give them free care if they are independent and strong women who can provide for themselves? Even though I am not a feminist, I at least have a better understanding of conservative feminism because they don’t rely on the government to provide for all of their needs, which is true independence.

Forgive me if this post has angered you. I am not trying to judge you or attack you. I don’t want to start a heated argument. I am just trying to challenge that way of thinking. My request is that since feminists like to believe they support women to express their own opinions and rational thinking, that you will at least support me for expressing my own rational thinking, even if is not something you agree with. Even though I challenge this way of thinking, I do not want further division and conflict, so please keep responses polite and let's respect one another. I want liberal feminists to understand where the rest of us are coming from . . . and I really want to see peace and unity in the country we all love.


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NothingAsBigIn what capacity, do you like to introduce yourself? Some like to introduce themselves as a teacher, a singer, or even a mother. Many pastors like to introduce themselves as Pastor So and So. They make sure they precede their name with the word, Pastor!

How did Paul and Peter introduce themselves? When writing to the Romans Paul begins: “Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ.“ 2 Peter 1:1 Peter begins: “Peter, a servant . . .” He then adds that he is also an apostle. The word servant is “doulos” and literally means a bondslave, one who is in permanent relation of servitude to another. Although Paul and Peter were apostles, they first saw themselves as servants of Christ. Even Jesus himself confessed that He did not come “to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28 ESV).

How do you look upon yourself? In this day of feminism and liberal theology a “servant” would be unthinkable. Isn’t it amazing that many Christians think they are better than the early apostles and even Jesus Himself? We are too proud to be servants.

Dearest mother, when you feel overburdened and overworked and you have no time to do anything you want to do because all you do is serve others all day long, don’t despair! You are following the footsteps of Jesus. You are like the early apostles. You are in the perfect will of God.

Oh, I know you don’t like being a servant. None of us do. We are so fleshly and selfish. But do we really want to be increasingly more like Jesus? There’s no greater way than to serve. How blessed we are as wives and mothers. We can joyfully serve in our homes all day long. We are in the very sphere where we can become like Jesus.

What way do you like to serve? We can serve grudgingly—sighing and complaining. Or we can serve joyfully. That takes the sting out of serving and relegates it to a high place. We can serve faithfully. This is the serving that Jesus talks about in Matthew 25:21 where He says: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.”

You may have dreams of big things you want to do in your life. There’s no way you can do them with all your little children around you, needing you every minute of the day. Dear mother, be faithful to your menial, daily tasks. God sees them. As He sees you faithful in the little things, He will bless you in His time with bigger things.

Although I must interrupt my writing here. I don’t believe exactly what I have just written. Because I believe that no matter what “bigger things” you may one do in your life, nothing is as big as what you are doing now. Nothing is as big a bringing into this world an eternal soul that will live forever. Nothing is as big as pouring out your nurturing heart to your children. Nothing is as big as preparing and training them for God’s destiny here on earth. Your God-given mothering career influences nations, governments, generations, and eternity!

I hope you have the most wonderful day SERVING your husband and family.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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WhyOppositeMany people like to oppose other people. But have you ever heard of people opposing themselves? The Bible mentions them. 2 Timothy 2:25 talks about “those who oppose themselves.” Isn’t it a strange thing?

I believe that many of the women who marched in the pro-abortion march belong to this group. They were created female by God’s design, and yet they oppose everything that is female and womanly. They oppose the way they were created. Some not only oppose themselves, but have become nasty, rebellious, and vulgar. I am still grieving and praying daily for these women.

I am sure that many of them have only become this way because of feminist programming from liberal teachers and professors. They have been propagandized and directed toward a path of destruction. But they can be redeemed. I know many mothers who love being mothers and yet were once feminists. We must continually share the beautiful truth of God’s design for women which hasn’t changed since the beginning of time.

Sadly, there are also women in our society, and even in the church, who are deceived. They are such lovely women—women who are admired, women who love God, women who serve God. And yet many ignorantly oppose themselves. Because they too have been influenced by our liberal society and education system, they do not fully embrace motherhood and childbearing. In other areas, they have a beautiful attitude and spirit, but many are as deceived about their womanhood as those in the world. They are still living opposite to God’s original design, especially when careerism conflicts with motherhood. It is difficult to embrace both fully.

Why do women deny the way they are created? God created us physically to be the bearers of life and eternal souls. He created us to be the nurturers and nourishers of our children, and ultimately society. He created us for the glory of motherhood. Why do women resist? I know it is Satan’s subtle deception for he hates life and hates motherhood. Satan is always in opposition to God.

Let’s embrace God’s blessed and beautiful design. His plan is perfect. It brings rest and peace.

Be encouraged today.

Nancy Campbell

Painting: Kelley Carey MacDonald's "A little joy!"

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CannotSilentThe following is a writing from my granddaughter, Meadow, which she wrote on her Facebook. I would love to share it with you. I know you will be blessed . . . .

I have decided to make another exception to post something political. On second thought, I think it's bizarre that this is a political topic, because once upon a time, both parties would never have even considered that this would become a political issue . . . So, let's not call this a political issue. This is a basic human's right issue.

I am sharing this after being inspired to see so many of my brothers and sisters in-Christ stand up for something many of us believe in . . . Life.

I have always been passionate about the topic of pro-life. And I know plenty of others who are, too, but sometimes I wonder if God placed this issue to be so strong in my heart so that I would especially defend it. This has been a topic I am willing to stand up for, despite being criticized . . . which I have been plenty of times.

The most bizarre criticism I can think of, is was when one woman angrily compared me to Hitler because I was apparently forcing my opinions onto others (this is when I wrote a pro-life article that was comparing the abortion holocaust to the original holocaust and it was shared on a public fan page). But I can only laugh at the absurdity of that statement, while at the same time, be saddened by her opinion.

Another bizarre time was when I realized that pro-choice people who were getting abortions saw people like me who were there to persuade them to choose life, as their enemies. They would have been thrilled to see us arrested (though, we were doing nothing illegal). I remember feeling baffled and hurt at that realization. I was there to peacefully show that I cared and wanted what was best for them and their children. But I was despised for it. I'm not saying this to make you feel sorry for me, but to show the persecution that can come from defending life.

I know what many pro-choice people like to say . . . pro-life people do too much talk and no action. But I have nurtured this cause by writing articles, writing a pro-life song, recently filling out an application to counsel at a pregnancy crisis center (even though I don't know if anything will ever come out of that) . . . and by personally going to an abortion clinic several times to try to talk to women out of getting abortions. But I know that there is much, much more that we need to do.

People would like to argue that I don't really know what those women are going through, so I have no right to judge them. But I have seen first-hand some of those women at their most vulnerable moments.

People say that many people get abortions because they are too poor, I watched couples arrive at the clinic in fancy cars.

People say that women get abortions because it is their choice. I have seen a woman drive away from the clinic in tears because she must have felt like that was her only “choice.”

People say that the man has no say in the matter when it comes to abortion. I have seen a father fall to the ground paralyzed in the parking lot at the abortion clinic, because his girlfriend was about to murder his child and he didn't know how to stand up for the child. He was rushed out in an ambulance. After that the woman chose life.

I have seen people literally laugh at the fact that they were about to kill a baby. I've seen people be in total outrage that we would dare tell them what they're doing is wrong (one man threatened violence). I've seen people be so self-conflicted and torn about whether or not it was really the choice they needed to make.

I've seen people turn around from the clinic and choose life.

I know that some of them were struggling to ignore their conscience that murder was wrong. I know that there were demons in that facility . . . I felt the darkness. Sometimes the weight of the darkness was so heavy in that place that I would be so depressed while I was there and even awhile afterwards.

I am sharing all of this to show you what I have seen. Please don't tell me that I am ignorant and don't know where other people are coming from. If you look at the statistics from a study in Florida, most abortions don't happen due to rape or because the mother's life is in danger. They mainly happen because the baby is somehow interfering with the mother's life.

Have you ever considered why mothers turn on their own babies? The connection between a mother and her baby is one of the most powerful things that God ever created. It is something beautiful by God's design . . . and Satan hates what God loves.

God created the womb to be the safest place in the world for a baby to grow in . . . so Satan has tried to turn the womb into a grave.

God created a mother to live her life for her baby and be willing to give her life for her baby . . . so Satan has deceived mothers into thinking they should live for their own lives and even take the lives of their babies.

God created men to be protectors and defenders of women and children . . . so Satan has tried to push men to use women, leave them, and neglect their own children.

God created families to love and take care of each other, and be the foundation of a strong nation . . . so Satan has tried to weaken families and our nation by trying to prevent children from being born in the first place.

This is not a war against pro-choice people. This is a war against the darkness of the world. This is a war against serving the idol called "Pro-choice" that devours human sacrifices. This is something that not only needs to be changed in the government, but more importantly, in the hearts of men and women.

Many people are defending the rights of women and people of other races. But if we are really fighting for equality, that means we should fight for the rights of ALL people . . . including the unborn.

This is not an issue we can tolerate with silence. Everyone has a right to live.

MEADOW HALL (Pearl Barrett’s daughter).

Meadow, who is now married to Kendall Hall, is in charge of Social Media for Trim Healthy Mama.

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PourOutBring this promise before the Lord for your children!

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FilledMiraclesNever forget the amazing miracles that surround you in your home. Each child God gives you is unique and special. A unique person who has never lived in the history of this earth before, and never will again. They are one of a kind, designed by our Creator. God gives each one special gifts to use for Him to glorify His name. What a privilege to encourage them into God's plan and destiny.

~ Nancy

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Dear mother, you are in the perfect will of God as you mother your children in your home!


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ANewWordI love new and interesting words. The other day my sister introduced me to a new word, “perspicacity” meaning “the ability to understand things and make accurate judgments, to have discernment.” We certainly need this virtue in this day of such deception.

However, the word I have for you today is a Greek word, “spoudazo.” You pronounce it “spoo-dad-zo.” I like the sound of it, don’t you? I think your children will love saying it too. And it has a great meaning.

It comes from 2 Peter 1:10: “Give DILIGENCE to make your calling and election sure.” The word “diligence” means “to use speed, to be prompt, to make an effort, to be earnest, labor, study.”

I think we could helpfully add this word to our family vocab, don’t you? This word teaches our children how to do their daily chores—not haphazardly, not complainingly, not dragging their feet, but instead as quickly as they can and putting their full effort into it.

Why not teach this word to your children? Get them saying the word aloud. Get them saying it all together at breakfast time as you start the day. It’s fun to say. When you ask them to do something, remind them to do it with SPOO-DAD-ZO!

If you as the mother, and each of the children embrace this word with everything you do throughout the day, can you imagine the fun? The change in attitude? The efficiency that will come to your home?

This word applies to our spiritual and practical lives.

Be blessed. Nancy Campbell

Ephesians 4:3; 2 Timothy 2:15; Hebrews 4;11; and 2 Peter 3:14.

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CHOOSE LIFE! It's always the right decision!


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QFeminieDear ladies, As our humanistic society seeks to become more and more genderless, I feel it would not be out of order to read another article about femininity. Here is another one for you today.


May you be blessed. Love from Nancy

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FullyFemalejpgDear ladies, Continuing the thoughts on my post yesterday, MY HEART GRIEVES, regarding the Women’s March (which was not actually a march for womanhood, but everything that is opposite to womanhood) I thought I would give you some positive words.

I hope you can take the time to look up this article called FULLY FEMALE which speaks about God’s plan for females. I think it is very important for us all to know what God says about femaleness considering He is the One who created us, don’t you?


Love from Nancy Campbell
Painting by Zula Kenyon (1873 – 1947, American)

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HeartGrievesI felt very saddened as I read and saw pictures of the Women’s march on Saturday. How grieving to see so many beautiful young women protesting, and yet deceived. Why were they marching? It began as an anti-Trump rally, but became a liberal, feminist rally to stand up for their female rights. And yet they stood against them. Madonna even disclosed that she considered blowing up the White House.

Instead of standing for all that is female and beautiful, they angrily held up banners picturing vaginas and private female parts, demanding abortion and gay rights. They are furious that Trump wants to defund Planned Parenthood that sells body parts of precious babies murdered in the womb.

Most of the signs are too vulgar to print, but a few milder ones:
“My body, my choice.”
“Fempire strikes back.”
“We are the granddaughters of the witches you could not burn.”

A beautiful little girl held up a placard “Trust Women” from the “Reproductive Freedom for All.” She is being deceived from childhood.

“My uterus is private property.” I beg your pardon? Why do they proclaim such a sign? Of course, it is private property within the protection of marriage. But they have turned from God’s original plan. If only I could tell them how God’s plan for His female creation brings joy, protection, and blessing. Instead they reject purity and reap heartache. They reject marriage and miss the glorious joys and fulfilment of a committed, faithful marriage. Many reject children and miss the greatest joys a woman can experience. They stand for womanhood and reject what womanhood is all about.

I know many have been hurt through unfaithful husbands and perhaps even abusive fathers. But many are just brainwashed. They don’t know that God is jealous for His female creation. That’s why He is so strong when he talks about widows and the fatherless. God wants to protect women. And when women and children do not have the protection of a godly man, look out. God is on their side and look out those who tamper with them. Psalm 68:5 says; “A father of the fatherless, and a judge of the widows, is God in His holy habitation.” Read more Scriptures at the end of this post and you’ll see how He feels.

But these women want their rights without men. They hate men. They protested against “stereotypes” (God’s eternal plan for a male and a female), “traditionalism” (committed marriage relationship), “sexism” (discrimination against women based on sex). This is the very root of deception. Because God created us female, this is who we are. To reject it and to be otherwise is to reject the destiny of our lives. To embrace our femaleness (which includes marriage and motherhood) is to walk in the destiny our Creator has designed for us.

They protest against “Marginalization” (to treat a group as inferior). God does not marginalize women. He lifts them up to the highest status. His plan protects women. It does not leave them vulnerable. This nation doesn’t marginalize women. They have every freedom they want. They even have the freedom to murder their babies and turn to the abominable lifestyle of homosexuality. What more do they want? What are they really protesting about? Do they really know. I don’t think so. I think they are confused.

God, our Creator loves these women. I pray that He will come in supernatural ways to show them His love and His truth and bring them into the fullness and liberty of true womanhood and femaleness. Will you pray too?

Love from Nancy Campbell

Exodus 22:22-24; Deuteronomy 10:18; 14:29; 16:11, 14; 24:17, 19-21; 26:12, 13; 27:19; Job 22:9,10; 29:11-16; 31:16-22; Psalm 10:14, 17, 18; 68:5, 6; 82:3; 146:9; Proverbs 23:10, 11; Isaiah 1:17, 23-25; 10:1-3; Jeremiah 5:28, 29; 7:6, 7; 22:3-5; Ezekiel 22:7, 14; Zechariah 7:9, 10; Malachi 3:5; Matthew 23:14; 1 Timothy 5:3; 5:8, 16; and James 1:27

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Above Rubies Address

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PO Box 681687
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