Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


CanWeBeKristin Eason emailed a beautiful poem she wrote, which I share with you below. She writes: “I wrote this poem after thinking how birds are always singing their sweet songs, rain or shine, and how strange it would be if they stopped singing.

I then thought how man is made in the image of God and yet how little I spend my days praising. Even though we have so much to be thankful for--a God who daily provides for us, a Savior who died for us and is our Intercessor before God the Father, nature with all its natural beauty (sunrise, sunsets, starlit sky), we often find it easier to grumble and complain. If birds praise their Creator, how much more should we as children of God?


If birds should halt their songs of praise
And silence filled the woods each day,
Would we begin to question why,
Their natural instinct they defy?

If birds should grumble and complain,
Believing singing is in vain;
Because they sing not like the wren,
They vow to never sing again.

If birds should worry oft’ and fret,
The Lord’s protection soon forget,
No longer would they chirp and sing,
Praise and worship to the King.

Would this seem strange and truly odd,
To have no song to sing abroad?
In gratitude for wings to fly,
To soar above the sunlit sky?

Yet we’ve been given so much more,
But choose to walk when we could soar.
Above the way we often feel,
God, give us passion, give us zeal!

I’ve never heard a silent dawn,
Where birds in nests are found withdrawn.
For praise is what they’re made to do,
So, let their songs encourage you.

For Christ has given all we need,
Our enslaved hearts He came to free.
Yet we fail to sing our words,
Unlike the songs we hear from birds.

Let birds remind us to adore,
To sing His praises ever more.
Rejoicing in our world abroad,
Of hope in Christ, of faith in God.

El Dorado Springs, Missouri, USA

Thank you, Kristin, for this reminder.

~ Nancy

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ContSunshineI’d love to share with you a quote I read this morning. It is from an article by Alexander MacLaren called CONTINUAL SUNSHINE from his book, “Expositions of Holy Scripture.” You’ll want to read it more than once.

It is an excerpt from his commentary on Psalm 89:15: “Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O Lord, in the light of Thy countenance.”

“There is only one thing that breaks the continuity of that blessedness, and that is our own sin. We carry our own weather with us, whether we will or no, and we can bring winter into the middle of summer by flinging God away from us, and summer into the midst of winter by grappling Him to our hearts.

“There is only one thing that necessarily breaks our sense of His Presence, and that is that our hearts should turn away from His face. A man can work hard and yet feel that God is with him. A man can be weighed upon by many distresses and yet feel that God is with him and loves him; but a man cannot commit the least tiny sin and love it, and feel at the same time that God is with him.

“The heart is like a sensitive photographic plate, it registers the variations in the sunshine; and the one hindrance that makes it impossible for God’s light to fall upon my soul with the assurance of friendship and the sense of sweetness, is that I should be hugging some evil to my heart. It is not the dusty highway of life nor the dark vales of weeping and of the shadow of death through which we sometimes have to pass that make it impossible for this sunlight to pour down upon us, but it is our gathering round ourselves of the poisonous mists of sin through which that light cannot pierce.”

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ZealousSome people allow themselves to get eaten up inside with bitterness, hurt, and jealousy etc. We cannot allow these attitudes to continue in our lives for they destroy us and our entire family. We have a responsibility as mothers to keep our spirits whole--pure, blameless, and continually forgiving.

However, there is one area where the Bible tells us we can get eaten up? Do you know what it is? John 2:17 says of Jesus: “The zeal of thine house hath EATEN ME UP.” These words were spoken after Jesus made a whip and cleansed the temple. He drove out all the sheep and oxen, tipped over all the tables and money, and cried out: “Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house a house of merchandise” (John 2:16). He also cried out: “It is written, my house shall be called the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves” (Matthew 21:13).

Your home is also God’s house if you have dedicated it to the Lord, which I am sure you have. Therefore, we should have the same zeal Jesus had to protect our homes and families. We are faithful watchwomen who drive evil out of our home. Even if we upset everyone! I’m sure we won’t be tipping over tables and throwing money everywhere, but we’ll be strong enough to take a stand against any evil that seeks to bring darkness into our homes. We’ll have a passion to keep our homes holy.

We’ll have the zeal of the Lord about making our home a House of Prayer! In fact, if our homes are not homes of prayer, can we call them God’s homes? We’ll plan our schedules around our daily prayer times with our family. We won’t just hope it fits in. We’ll make it happen!

We won’t be apathetic about building holy homes and homes of prayer. We’ll be zealous about it. We’ll be consumed with it.

Jesus Christ redeemed us to be “zealous of good works” (Titus 2:14). Building your home and family for God is a good work. Do it with zeal. Don’t do it half-heartedly, allowing other things to consume your mind and time. Embrace the great commission God has given to you and pour your heart into it.

May the blessings of God fall upon you, dear anointed, zealous, passionate mother,

~ Nancy Campbell

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GonAnnointedYesterday we talked about the opposite attitudes of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and His enemy the devil. Satan was the anointed cherub. You can read the full description of his origin in Ezekiel 28:12-15.

Jude 1:6 tells us that God gave him a realm of authority. The word is “arche” and means principality, dignity, power, and rule. He had his own sphere of rulership, but was not content. Instead, he grasped at that which didn’t belong to him.

We see a warning to us in this Scripture. God has given to women a sphere where we have the privilege to rule and to reign. We admit that we love to rule over something, don’t we? Yes, it is inherent. I believe it comes from the very beginning where God told Adam and Eve to “be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth,” but also to “subdue and take dominion.”

We go to the New Testament 1 Timothy 5:14 and read that God’s plan for the younger women is to “marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.” The words “guide the house” literally mean to manage (to rule and reign in the home). The Greek word is “oikodespoteo.”

Now that doesn’t mean we rule our husbands. It means that we have a sphere to manage and rule well. It is in this realm that we live in the glory God intends for us. We also must keep the right attitude and embrace the realm God has given to us. It is not significant. It is not subservient. It is a place of managership and productivity. It is our glory.

Satan comes to tempt us with the same attitude that resulted in his downfall. He makes us discontent. He wants us to grasp after other areas of rulership that God does not intend for us.

Let’s read some different translations to get more understanding.

ESV: “the angels who did not stay within their OWN POSITION OF AUTHORITY, but left their proper dwelling.”
Berean: “the angels who did not STAY WITHIN THEIR OWN DOMAIN, but ABANDONED their proper dwelling.”
HCSB: “the angels who did not KEEP THEIR OWN POSITION but DESERTED their proper dwelling.”
KNOX: “The angels, too, who LEFT THE PLACE ASSIGNED TO THEM, instead of keeping their due order.”

Embrace your God-anointed sphere. It is your queendom.

Blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting by Robert Coombs. Isn’t this the most beautiful painting?

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AttitudeEverything in our lives comes back to attitude, doesn’t it? It determines the way we live? What is my attitude toward my husband? What is my attitude toward my role of mothering in the home? Is it based on what I want, or is it founded on God’s eternal plan?

I am forever challenged by the words in Philippians 2:5-8 (HCSB) where it says: “Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus, who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God as something to be used for His own advantage (or something to be grasped after). Instead He emptied Himself by assuming the form of a slave, taking on the likeness of men. And when He had come as a man in His external form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death—even to death on a cross.”

This a description of the mind of Christ and we are exhorted to have the same mind. Do we have anything like this attitude? What a difference it would make in our marriages. What a different to the atmosphere of our homes. I often think that if we had no other Scripture, apart from this one, to show us how to live as married couples, it’s all we’d need.

On the other hand, we see the attitude of Satan is the opposite of Christ. Although Jesus was God, He did not grasp at holding on to His Godhead. Satan was not God. He was a created being, although one of the most beautiful creatures God created (Ezekiel 28:12-19). But rather than having a humble attitude, he was not satisfied or content with the glorious sphere God gave to him (Jude 1:6). Instead he rose up with pride and independence.

The Bible tells us in Isaiah 14:12-15: “For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Highest.” Do you notice his favorite words, “I will, I will, and I will” again and again”?

What is my attitude? What is yours? Do we have the attitude of Jesus which is submission, humility, and laying down our life? Or is it the attitude of Satan which is pride, independence, and demanding our own way? The attitude of Jesus is beautiful and brings harmony, peace, joy, and delight into our marriages and homes. Satan’s way may seem good in getting your own way, but it always ends in destruction.

I believe we must all encourage ourselves, including myself, to have the attitude of Jesus. Just remember that Satan is out do get you to go his way. He has been very successful. He managed to lure Eve to his way, even though she walked with God in the garden every day. He drew to himself one third of the angels of Heaven against God. Revelation 3:13 tells us that the whole world will follow him and few will be saved.

Don’t be one of the deceived. Go after the attitude of Jesus now.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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edisonThis article is worth reading:

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AFullHouseI read some time ago that the home is the emptiest place in America during the day. God never intended the home to be empty. Jesus told the parable of the man who made a big banquet and told his servant to “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled” (Luke 14:23).

This is a picture of God’s house. He wants His home to be filled. Because we are to be like Him, He wants our homes to be filled too. Not only filled with furniture and décor, but filled with people. He wants them to be filled with family togetherness--food, feasting, friendship, fellowship, and fun.

When a mother leaves her home and the family members scatter each day, the home is fragmented. The home is meant to be the strength of the nation where the family learns together, works together, and grows stronger together.

If your home doesn’t have enough people, open your doors of hospitality and invite others in to fill your home and show them God’s love. God loves to say, “Come.” Do you?

Have a great day,

Nancy Campbell

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ConfessWithIt's not enough to believe in your heart; you have to confess with your mouth. You only keep what you confess. You only experience in your life what you confess. We are exhorted to "Hold fast the CONFESSION of our faith without wavering" (Hebrews 10:23). Can I let you in on a secret? The more you confess the less you will waver!

~ Nancy Campbell

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WhatALifeWhen Eve woke up to life, she was in her garden home. God had the home ready for her. This was to be her life. This is where she would bring life into the world and raise children to influence the world. This is where she would work fulfill all the gifts God had given her. It was not a place of restriction, but joy, freedom, efficiency, and productivity. And this is His plan for you, dear mother. This is your life, too.

You are a “keeper at home” (Titus 2:5). Oops! That’s not in the Bible, is it? Yes, it’s still there, unless you cut it out. But, it is not restricting! Its vastness is as wide as the ocean and as high as the heavens.

The home is a birthing center, a mothering/nurturing center, a training and education center, a praise and worship center, a prayer center, an eating center, a cultural development center, a social center, a hospitality center, a counseling center, a health center, an industry center, a garden center, and a convalescent center! And this is just the beginning.

There should be more joy, excitement, and productivity in the home than anywhere else in the world. Of course, YOU make it happen.

Have a wonderful day,

Nancy Campbell

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LetLoveBeWhen we eradicate evil in our home, we mustn’t only sweep it outside the door. We must make sure we send it FAR FROM OUR HOME! Job 22:23-25 (NASB) says: "If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored; if you remove unrighteousness far from your tent (your home) . . . then the Almighty will be your gold and choice silver to you."

When Moses told Pharaoh that he was taking the children of Israel from Egypt to sacrifice to the Lord, he stated emphatically that they would not just go over the border, but they would go a THREE-DAY JOURNEY out of Egypt (Exodus 3:18; 5:3 and 8:27-28)! It’s good to have a three-day gap mentality when dealing with temptation and anything that is contrary to God’s Word.

Don't compromise with evil and the worldly spirit. Don’t let it hang around the door of your home! Kick it FAR AWAY.

Blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell

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GoodAdvThe Scriptures to wives and mothers in Titus 2:3-5 end with rather fearful words. It says that if we do not live the lifestyle that God tells us that we “blaspheme” God’s Word. Now, before this makes you too mad, just remember, I didn’t say these words. They are the words of Scripture.

Perhaps some other translations may soften the words. Let’s see.
Bring disrepute to the Word of God (NEB).
Bring reproach to the Word of God (AMP).
Bring shame on the Word of God (NLT).
Discredit the Word of God (RSV).
Disgrace the Word of God (TJB, CJB).
Dishonor the Word of God (NASB).
Malign the Word of God (NIV).
Revile the Word of God (ESV).
Slander the Word of God (MLB, HCSB).
Speak evil of the Word of God (GNB).

Wow, they all give the same message. I wonder why such strong words are used? I believe the reason is that the lifestyle God reveals in this passage is God’s purpose for us as wives and mothers. God created us for more than existence. He created us for purpose. To function according to how He created us. When we embrace childbearing, mothering, and homemaking along with faith, love, godliness, and self-control we bring glory to God. We can only glorify God when we function as He intended.

When we spurn the purpose for which God created us we bring dishonor to God and blaspheme His Word.

However, if you don’t like these words, you may prefer J. B, Phillips’ translation. He turns it around to a positive note and states that if we embrace this lifestyle it will be “a good advertisement for the Christian faith.”

Are we revealing the glory of God as we embrace who He created us to be? Are we being a good advertisement?

Love from Nancy Campbell

Illustrator: Chiaki Okada

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GoodLifeWho wants to live “the good life”? I am sure we all do. God wants us to live “the good life” too. That’s why He shows us how to live in Titus 2:3-5. Remember, this is the passage where the older women are told what to teach the younger women. J. B. Phillips’ translation calls it “the good life.”

The good life is a lot about loving. There are three specific things we are told to love in this passage. We are to be . . .

1. HUSBAND LOVERS. Every couple is in love with one another on their wedding day. However, marriage is all about keeping on loving one another, even when we face all the habits, idiosyncrasies, and annoyances we didn’t know about them before. We don’t love because we feel like loving. We love because that’s what we’re meant to do. We love through the hard times. We love through the unlovely times. And amazingly, the more we love the more we fall in love. We are proactive about loving. We speak words of love. We write words of love. We show our love by our actions. We are purposeful in loving.

2. CHILDREN LOVERS. Somehow, it’s easy to love our children, isn’t it? Or most of the time! The Greek words for husband-loving and children-loving in this passage show the aspect of being friendly and affectionate. It’s love we express with our hands by touching and caressing. However, I think we need to realize that there’s something greater than loving our children. It’s loving motherhood. Every mother loves her children, but not all mothers love motherhood. When we finally embrace motherhood—accept it and love it, knowing that we are in the perfect will of God, even loving our children becomes greater.

3. HOME LOVERS. Too many mothers want to get away from the home. They would rather be in their careers, than at home. I’ve heard mothers say: “I can be a better mother if I have time away from my children.” That’s not “hands on” mothering. And that’s not being a home lover. God created the home for the woman and He wants us to be lovers of our homes. That’s not talking about our décor. It’s talking about making our home a place for the presence of God. A place where we love to be with our children and where we make it an exciting place for them. It’s where we manage and rule our home well with all efficiency and order. It’s hard to love living in a messy home. Therefore, we make it a place where we love to be.

Enjoy “the good life” today.

Love from Nancy Campbell
Artist: Stevie Lewis

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ICanDoThis is how God describes you! And why are you so amazing? Not because of anything of yourself, but because you are God’s created handiwork.

All of God’s works are amazing. As I look out the window I see the green leaves appearing again on the trees and the dogwoods are blooming. It is beautiful. We look at the night sky and we are in awe. We behold the breathtaking mountains and we cannot help but praise God. Each animal, bird, or insect is an intricate and remarkable creation of God.

But the greatest glory of His creation is man. It is only man who God created in His image and likeness. We have been chosen to reveal the purposes of God and be His representatives. I think we need to be reminded of how God sees us, don’t you? On the sixth day of creation, after creating male and female, God beheld His creation and “behold, it was very good.” This word means “exceedingly good, very beautiful, excellent indeed.” The Amplified says “He approved it completely.”

This means the way God created our female bodies is perfect and for God’s intentional purpose. God did not create us only for existence, but for purpose. Therefore, our bodies should function according to God’s plan. He didn’t create a womb for the woman for her to stop the function of her womb. He didn’t give her breasts only for beauty, but to nourish life. And it is all glorious and wonderful.

However, Satan who hates God’s creation and who hates life seeks to distort God’s purpose for His creation. He has succeeded in deceiving women regarding their role and purpose in life. He has blinded them to the glory of who God created them to be.

Let’s remind ourselves again of the wonder of who we are as we read the descriptions of God’s works of creation in Psalm 111. The works of the Lord are . . .

GREAT (v.2).

HONORABLE (v. 3). The Hebrew is “howd” and means “beauty, excellency, glorious, majestic.”

GLORIOUS (v. 3). The Hebrew is “hadar” and means “magnificent, splendor, beauty, excellency, glory, honor, majesty, and dignity.” This is the same word that is used to describe women in Proverbs 31:25: “Strength and honor (hadar) are her clothing.” We are to be clothed with God’s anointing of glory and dignity.

WONDERFUL (v.4). The Hebrew word is “pala” and means “marvelous, miraculous, hard, extraordinary, astonishing, beyond the bounds of human powers or expectations.” It’s the same word that is used in Psalm 139:14: “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully (palah) made: marvelous (pala) are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” God’s amazing plan of the female body is extraordinary and miraculous. Why would we want to discount it?

POWERFUL (v. 6).

FAITHFUL AND JUST (v. 7) they are perfect and should never be changed. “The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy; they are established forever and ever, to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness” (ESV).

Let’s live in the glory and purpose of who God created us to be.

Be blessed, Nancy Campbell

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TimeWhere can you communicate while you eat?

Where can you enjoy real fellowship sweet?
Where can you laugh with friends who are neat?
At the table.

Where can you pour out your heart and soul?
Where can you explain what is taking its toll?
Where can you share your vision and goal?
At the table.

Where can you dialogue and sift through ideas?
Verbalize thoughts and yet still be at ease?
Discover new subjects to debate if you please?
At the table.

Where can your hearts be knitted as one?
Where can you yarn and old stories be spun?
And feel accepted so you don’t have to run?
At the table.

Where can your children learn to sit still?
Acquire eating habits that won’t make them ill?
Be taught good manners of which some have nil?
At the table.

Where to imbibe values and ethics for life?
Learn to eat correctly with fork and knife?
Observe how “to father” and be a good wife?
At the table.

Where can you reveal God’s ways to your kin?
Teach them His Word will keep them from sin?
And to follow God’s laws is the way to win?
At the table.

Where can you encourage your children each day?
And boost the confidence of these “jars of clay”?
Give counsel that will keep them from going astray?
At the table.

Where can you make your house feel a “home”?
With a lovely warm ambience and happy tone?
From where your children will not want to roam?
At the table.

Where can you show love to God’s special “flock”?
Feed those who come to your door and knock?
Even those who don’t know God can be their Rock?
At the table.

Where does God love His presence to fill?
Where does He want His blessings to spill?
Where does He want restless hearts to be still?
At the table.

Dear father and mother, look again at your table,
Family meals together will make your home stable!
Make it a priority--your God will enable!
Sit at your table!

~ Nancy Campbell

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MyPhoneThe following are some ideas that I have found helpful in maintaining togetherness at our family meal table.


I believe it is important to train our children to come to the table the moment we call. Of course, they will know the approximate time of the meal and can anticipate it. They should also be in the kitchen at this time, helping with the meal and setting the table, so they shouldn’t be too far away.


The Bible speaks about SETTING the table. Proverbs 9:2 (CJB) says: “She has prepared her food, spiced her wine, and she has set her table.” A lovely set table draws the family to come. Use a tablecloth. Maybe even add candles or a centerpiece. This is not extra work for you if you train your children. Organize them to take turns and have competitions to see how attractively they can make the table.

If you are in the stage with little toddlers and can’t imagine the thought of washing an extra tablecloth, purchase a pretty one and cover it with clear plastic. All you have to do is wipe it down at the end of the meal.


Have you noticed that if you don’t prepare something to talk about, the conversation goes nowhere? It is often quite boring and shallow. When I prepare the meal, I like to also think about what we will discuss at the evening meal.

Ask the children a question (and make sure everyone at the table gets an opportunity to share their point or view). Or bring a subject to the table for them to discuss (and once again, make sure each one takes a turn to speak, even the youngest child). This changes your table time from nothingness to wonderful memories—or even a riot or a revival! I can remember when sometimes one of the children would stand up on their chairs with their fingers waiving to make sure they got their point across! Our table was never boring.

If you are at a loss to think of subjects, go to DINNER TIME CONVERSATIONS: http://aboverubies.org/…/797-family-meal-table-dinner-time-…


Although we allowed our children freedom to speak, we only allowed one at a time. We never allow separate conversations to carry on at the table. Everyone must be focused on the subject the whole family is discussing. It is not etiquette for some people at the table to personally speak to each other when there is a family discussion in progress. Children should also learn this etiquette for when they visit other families. They should give undivided attention to the focus of discussion at the table.


I do not allow iPhones at the table. The table is a time of family togetherness. We come to interact and communicate with one another, not other people who are not at the table. This is the height of rudeness!


I expect everyone to stay at the table until the meal is finished. That means staying until we have enjoyed Family devotions together—the reading of God’s Word and prayer. Interestingly, in the Netherlands, they call Family Devotions “Finishing up the Meal.” Reading God’s Word and praying together is how they finish up their meal! This also means not popping up and down throughout the meal.

I have found that if we begin to clear the dishes away from the table before devotions, it is difficult to get everyone back to the table again. Once they are up, they start disappearing. Therefore, we do not clear the plates away until we have enjoyed our reading the prayer together.

Many blessings to you from Nancy Campbell


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WheresFamYesterday we talked about the first question God asks in the Bible, “Where are you?” God didn’t come to Adam and Eve the moment they sinned. He came at the end of the day. The heat and toil of the day is over and a gentle breeze is now blowing. It’s the time to rest. It’s the time for fellowship.

Genesis 3:8 says: “And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.”

This is the time of the day God still wants to visit us and fellowship with us. It’s the time when we gather to eat together as a family. It’s the time when we sit around the table to fellowship and discuss things together. It’s the time when we invite God’s presence to our table. And we wouldn’t leave the table without opening His precious Word to allow Him to speak to us and to spend time praying and calling out to Him.

God longs to come to us. Do we long for His presence? Or do we hide? Just as Adam and Eve hid from the presence of the Lord, I believe many families continue to hide from God’s presence. This is the time of the day God established to specifically communicate with His created ones. We should make sure we are not hiding.

Unfortunately, the enemy of God and of our souls seeks to keep us from this daily appointment. He makes sure that all our extra-curricular activities are scheduled for this time of the day when we should be home preparing the evening meal and gathering our family together to not only eat together, but enjoy His presence. Sports and lessons all vie for this time. Instead of preparing for a meal with God and our families, many mothers and children are still away from home and fighting the traffic. No time to prepare a meal. Grab some fast food. Eat it while looking at the head of someone in front of you in the car!

This is not how we are meant to eat meals. We are meant to sit around where we can see one another’s faces and truly communicate. And even more than sitting together, Satan makes sure we don’t have time to read God’s Word together. He makes sure we won’t be home to pray together as a family, the most powerful, nation-changing, and world-changing thing we can do as a family. Nothing we can do is as powerful as praying together.

Don’t let good things prevent you from doing the most powerful thing. Don’t let Satan trick you to hide from God’s presence when He comes to be with your family in the “cool of the day.”

Love from Nancy Campbell

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DavidDaleidenDo you remember the fearless reporting of David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt who helped expose Planned Parenthood selling baby parts? Now, California Attorney General, Zavier Becerra has filed felony charges against them which could put them in prison for years. All for standing up for life and justice. Please pray for them and please sign the petition in their defense.

Go to: https://secure.giveworks.net/o…/save_pro_life_heroes/HUM6299

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StandLifeLike me, do you love to stand up for life, truth, and justice? Proverbs 31:8, 9 says: “Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.” Here is a petition you may like to sign to stand up for life. (I’ll send you two more inn separate emails).

Tragically, over 4,000 babies are aborted every day in our nation. That's over 1.6 million every year!

The Supreme Court admits in Roe that once Congress establishes the personhood of unborn children, they must be protected by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution which explicitly says: "nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property." Therefore, the passing of this LIFE AT CONCEPTION ACT can end abortion in America!

To sign, go to:

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ