VisitFromGodWho would like to have a visitation from God? We couldn’t think of anything more wonderful, could we? We rejoice to hear of many Islamic people encountering Jesus through dreams and visions. Jesus has appeared to many saying: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” This is happening in North Africa, the Middle East and even here in USA.

We have a dear friend from Sudan who is now a born again Christian. He saw a vision of Jesus while in the mosque here in Nashville. Jesus told him that someone would come to him the next day to tell him more. And the next day our grandson, Zadok arrived to purchase a car from him. According to his daily habit, he began witnessing to him about Jesus! This man was already prepared and came to the Lord very soon after that meeting.

However, I am talking about a different kind of visitation. The Bible calls the conception of a baby a visit from God. How amazing! God visited you to give you every baby you conceived. Even those you have lost to miscarriage are eternal souls whom you will meet one day.

Let’s read the Scriptures. Genesis 21:1, 2: “And the Lord VISITED Sarah as he had said and the LORD did unto Sarah AS HE HAD SPOKEN (in Genesis 18:10, 14). For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him.”

We read also of God visiting Hannah and giving her children. After Hannah had taken Samuel to live at the temple because she had dedicated him to the Lord, 1 Samuel 2:21 says: “And the LORD VISITED Hannah, so that she conceived, and bare three sons and two daughters.” She was blessed with five more visitations of God.

What a privilege to be visited by God. And yet think of those who refuse a visitation of God. Do we realize the enormity of what we are doing? We thwart the sovereign plans of Almighty God. We say No to life instead of Yes. And when we stop one conception, it is not only one baby, but a dynasty to come!

I love the words of Martin Luther: “In the propagation of humans, God’s special benediction is conspicuous; and, therefore, the birth of every child is rightly deemed the effect of divine visitation.”

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

For those interested, here are some links about Islamic people finding Jesus through dreams and visions:




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