BoastAre you preparing for the Coming Day? The day when our Lord Jesus Christ returns from Heaven? What will we present to Him on that day? Paul writes about what He is preparing for the Lord Jesus. He doesn’t mention any material things or aspirations of building a great organization. Instead he talks about his babes in Christ.

When writing to the new Thessalonian believers, he says: “For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you? For you are our glory and joy” (1` Thessalonians 2:19, 20 ESV).

What a challenge to us as mothers. We have such a powerful ministry right in our own home. God has given us precious lives to lead to salvation and to nurture, train, and teach to be ardent disciples of the Lord. We have the responsibility to pray and pour into their lives so we can present our children to the Lord at His coming—sanctified and blameless in body, soul, and spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23).

We have no greater ministry. The Lord Jesus will not be interested in our presenting our career to Him. Or our material possessions. Or the great name we made for ourselves. He will only look for cleansed, purified, and holy sons and daughters. This will not happen without our intercession, dedication, sacrifice, and pouring out our lives (1 Thessalonians 2:7-12).

Are your children your boast in the Lord? This is my greatest burden of prayer and longing? I am sure it yours too. May our children be our “glory” and “joy” at His coming. Oh, may we not live in vain. I pay along with Paul in Philippians 2:16: “Holding forth the word of life that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have NOT RUN IN VAIN, NEITHER LABORED IN VAIN.”

You are a full-time pastor in your home.

Be blessed and encouraged,

Nancy Campbell

Painting by Jessie Willcox Smith


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