BlessedMothersDayI send God’s blessing to all mothers today. May you be encouraged in your highest calling—your nurturing and mothering anointing. Motherhood is the glory of women. And yes, for all women—those with children and those who cannot have children.

I love the words of my daughter, Serene’s song, “El Shaddai,” from the album “Peace All Over Me.”

As I hold this baby in my arms
I’m like a picture of You,
To nurture with Your love
Is what You made me to do.”

God chose you, as a woman, to reveal His nurturing anointing to the world.

Are you a first-time mother with a little baby? This is your first official Mother’s Day. May you be filled with joy as you nurture your little darling. Embrace your God-given role. You are walking in the perfect will of God.

Are you a mother with little children around you? Or perhaps little children, middling children, and older children. You are blessed beyond measure. God has destined every child He has given you from the foundation of the world. I know you will be blessed today with your children all around you. Be encouraged to never give up. Remember that even when you face tiring and difficult days God is with you to strengthen you each new day. You are in the highest career in the nation. You are determining the destiny of the nation.

Are you single? Or a mother who desperately waits for children from your womb? You are no less a mother. The nurturing anointing resides in you. May you be blessed today as you open your heart to who God created you to be and reach out to the hurting and needy around you.

The world cries out for the nurturing anointing of God. You can become the greatest mother in the nation as you pour out your mother heart to the lonely, destitute, hurting, and unloved. Think of Mother Theresa. She did not have the blessing of having children from her womb, but she mothered thousands more than a married woman. As Isaiah 54:1 says: "More are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the LORD.”

Be blessed today.

Love from Nancy Campbell

Painting by Jessie Rasche, “Pink Love.”


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