AFewSheep"What are you accomplishing with those little children in your home?" Have you been ridiculed by such words as these? David, who later became the great king of Israel, was also derided by similar words. His father asked him to take food to his brothers who were engaged in battle with the Philistines and when he arrived he heard the challenge of the huge giant, Goliath to fight with one of the Israelis. No one was offering--except David.

However, David's brother scoffed, "With whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness?" His brother didn't think he was doing anything worthwhile. He didn't understand the heart of a shepherd. A heart that is both tender and brave. Dear mother, you are also a shepherdess to your precious little flock. And let me tell you, your mothering is not insignificant, either. As David was out in the wilderness caring for sheep, God was preparing him to one day be King of Israel. In fact he chose him "from following the ewes great with young" (Psalm 78:71-72). God is also working greatly in you.

Why was David the one who was not afraid of the giant? Because out with those "few sheep in the wilderness" he was learning how to face the enemy! He slew a lion and a bear with his bare hands. He was ready for this giant. You too, dear mother, face challenges and onslaughts from the enemy in your day to day mothering. But, you are learning how to overcome the enemy and how to have the victory. You are growing stronger in God each day as you shepherd your "few sheep in the wilderness." More and more you will become a dangerous threat to the enemy.

The devil fears home-building, children-loving, devil-destroying mothers!

Nancy Campbell


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