ThankYouWould the word “thankfulness” describe you and your family? I don’t believe we can be too thankful. Firstly, to God for His wonderful salvation given to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. None of us will ever be able to fathom that enormity of His grace to each one of us. The fact that He, who lived in the glory of eternity, was willing to not only become a man and die, but take upon Himself our sin (the vilest of sins) is incomprehensible (Philippians 2:5-8). Eternity will not be enough time to reveal the wonders of his grace and salvation.

I love to thank God, every day for providing such a great salvation. I try not to miss a day. I think of how back in the Old Testament God required the Israelites to sacrifice a lamb every morning and every evening. They sacrificed at many others times, but this was the foundation of all sacrifices. It pointed to the Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who would come to take away our sins (John 1:29). When Jesus became our sacrifice, there was never any need for the daily sacrifices again. Hebrews 10:10 tells us of “the offering of the body of Jesus Christ ONCE FOR ALL.”

The Israelites looked forward to this ultimate sacrifice. But now we look back to the sacrifice of Jesus, once for all. I never want to forget or take it for granted, do you? That’s why at our Family Devotions each morning and evening I seek to praise the thank the Lord Jesus Christ for His great and eternal salvation.

But that’s just the beginning. We have been given everything we need in Christ to live this life (2 Peter 1:2,3). We are overloaded with blessings every day. Each new day is a blessing. We are blessed with family, a home to live in, food, and all of God’s glorious creation.

I think we should get into the habit of thanking the Lord for everything we think of.
A new spring flower appears. Thank Him.
Your baby laughs and smiles. What joy. Oh, thank You, Lord.

Water pours out of your tap. You don’t even have to go to the well. Thank you, Lord.
You throw your disposable diaper in the trash. You don’t even have to wash your diapers in an old ringer washing machine! Praise the Lord.
And this could keep going for pages. Get into the habit of being thankful for everything. And not a little thankful, but hugely thankful.

Thank your husband for every little thing he does for you, and just for being him. Become an extravagantly thankful wife. Thank your children when they finish their chores, when they do something for you, or when they are polite. Become an excessively thankful mother. And watch your children become thankful people too.

Some time back a wonderful missionary family stayed in our home. They also loved fellowshipping with the Johnsons (Howard and Evangeline’s family). They noticed how their children were very thankful about everything. They didn’t say “Thank you” in a monotonous voice, but “Oh, tha-a-a-a-a-a-nk you SOOOO much.” Our visiting family and their children got into the habit also. When they waved goodbye to us, they all puts their heads out the window cried out: “Tha-a-a-a-a-a-nk you SOOOOO MUCH!” You can never be too exuberantly thankful!

Have an extravaganza day,

Nancy Campbell


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