AWomanDignityMost translations of Proverbs 31:25 use the word “dignity.”

What does it mean to have dignity? The dictionary tells us it is the quality of being worthy of respect and honor. Having a high sense of propriety, truth, and justice. Moral correctness. Elevated deportment of manners and behavior. It also means an elevated office, an honorable or high rank, a degree of excellence in estimation or the order of nature.

Dignity is meant to be the testimony of godly women. The more we walk in God’s ways, the more we will walk in dignity.

It is heart-breaking to see thousands of women crying out for recognition as women. Unfortunately, they have been deceived to think they will receive it with ranting and raving and vicious and vulgar words and lifestyle. This is the very opposite of womanhood and dignity.

We reveal our dignity as women when we embrace who God created us to be. He created us female. He created is physically to birth and nurse babies. He created us to be nurturers in society. This is God-given dignity. And don’t forget, dear mother, that you have an honorable and high rank as you faithfully mother in your home each day.

And even more amazing, too amazing to comprehend. The word “honor” in the King James Bible or “dignity” as many translations give it, is the very same word that is used to describe God! Here is one of many Scriptures: “O LORD my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honor and majesty.” And yet here in Proverbs 31:25 the woman is clothed "with honor.”

We can only walk in this honor and dignity as we embrace God’s ways and His beautiful life He wants to live through us. It is His ways that will be honored through our daily lives.

Walk in your God-given dignity today.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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