Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


WeHaveAnchorWe sang this old hymn at our Family Devotions yesterday morning. It was written by Priscilla Owens (1829 – 1907). Aren’t they great words?
Will your anchor hold in the storms of life,
When the clouds unfold their wings of strife?
When the strong tides lift, and the cables strain,
Will your anchor drift or firm remain?
We have an anchor that keeps the soul,
Steadfast and sure while the billows roll,
Fastened to the Rock which cannot move,
Grounded firm and deep in the Savior’s love.
It is safely moored, ’twill the storm withstand,
For ’tis well secured by the Savior’s hand;
And the cables passed from His heart to mine,
Can defy the blast, through strength divine.
It will firmly hold in the straits of fear,
When the breakers have told the reef is near;
Though the tempest rave and the wild winds blow,
Not an angry wave shall our bark o’erflow.
It will surely hold in the floods of death,
When the waters cold chill our latest breath;
On the rising tide it can never fail,
While our hopes abide within the veil.
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RestoreGodlyNationSome years back I received this prophetic writing from a friend. I would love to share it with you today as I believe this word is needed more than ever:
The old town church bell began to ring. There was heard a shout! It was a call throughout the land for mothers everywhere to return home.
"The children need you,” came the cry.
"Your husbands need you," the preacher urged from the front church steps.
"This nation needs a great Christian revival for Mothers to get back on the old-fashioned path of being at home. This is your post. Stand by! Stand Fast! The country is in turmoil. There is misery and suffering everywhere. We need all the mothers in the home. Dig in your heels and make your homes lighthouses of holiness and service. Don't let the enemy invade the hearts of our homes. Don't let the enemy get a foothold in or they will slowly erode and take away the godly home."
There was a cry of repentance and lamentation. There were tears of conviction and a softening of cold, worldly hearts which had been hardened by materialism, the seeking of money, and a life of seeking constant recreation. Work must be done in the home! A sense of joy, pride, and relief filled these mother’s minds. There was heavenly work to do, and they were coming from the byways and highways back to their own homes. The Mother's place was being restored everywhere.
As the sun rose the next morning, there were mothers on their knees in prayer. They were reading their Bibles. They were making homemade breakfasts, doing the laundry, wearing aprons, and caring for all who entered their doors. They were soldiers for the HOME.
Every house had a mother in her post in every community across this land. Every child in every neighborhood had security and peace knowing that a loving, godly mother was always home. Their innocence was restored and protected.
Husbands were now known in the gates for their work in civic and church duty. They were no longer coming home to empty houses or having to take on the extra task of mother's work. They served the community and took on church work. They had loving wives at home who cared for their families and provided a place of rest.
All the prayers and Bible reading from the mothers infiltrated the lighthouses and brought holiness into the children's souls. Mothers trained up their children to do a mighty work for the Lord. Mother was always there to make nutritious meals, to keep the home pretty and clean, and to have the patience of a saint to care for her charges.
This revival of Mothers at Home affected the land and the nation. Godly children grew up with integrity and honor. They took political offices, held places of authority in both business and government and their actions and lives turned the tides and won the war against the threat of ungodly ruin and sinful devastation.
The tide was turned. Mothers helped win the war because they heard the preacher's cry. They heard the bell from the town church which called all citizens to stand fast, to stand by, and to take action! The land was restored to order as all the mothers were called out of the world and back into their homes.
They sacrificed much, they sacrificed energy, money, and fulfillment. And by their actions of a mass exodus of Mothers back to their homes, these women restored a godly nation!
~ Sharon White
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HighwayBiwayWe sometimes forget that God's Word is for ALL generations and that includes our 21st century. God, who created mankind, designed and planned the way for us to live. And what is His plan? Marriage and family life. Because God planned it, it is the HEALTHIEST AND HAPPIEST way to live. Sadly, we don't always see the evidence of this today, do we?
Why? Because people are too modern for God, even though He is the same, yesterday, today and forever! They think the "ancient paths," the principles God established in the very beginning, are too old fashioned for them.
We live in a humanist and deceived age. There are bypaths everywhere and many of them look wise and good, but if they veer off the highway of God's plan, they eventually take us down a road of destruction.
Jeremiah 18:15 (MLB): "My people have forgotten Me . . . they have stumbled in their ways, in the ancient roads, and have WALKED IN BYPATHS, NOT THE HIGHWAY.” This is the way it is translated in most versions, but the ESV says they "walk into side roads, not the highway." The NLT says they "walk in muddy paths." Moffat's translation says that they "take to bypaths of their own."
The Hebrew for "walk in bypaths" is translated in other places in the Old Testament as "desolation, astonishment, or waste."
Are you on THE highway, or walking a bypath? Make sure you and your family fill your minds and hearts with the Word daily. This is the only map to keep us on the highway and unless we constantly refer to it, we often don't realize we are on a bypath.
Jeremiah 6:16: "Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is, THE GOOD WAY and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls."
Enjoy the “good way” today,
Love from Nancy Campbell
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Dear mother, you are a life-giver to the world!


Every new baby you bring into this world is a blow to the enemy, who hates life!

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God's purposes will ripen fast, unfolding every hour; The bud may have a bitter taste, but sweet will be the flower.

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AHappyMarriageWhat's your disposition toward your husband? I was struck by Way's translation of Titus 2:4 which exhorts wives "to be amiable and submissive to their own husbands." To be amiable makes for a happy and loving atmosphere.
The dictionary meaning of amiable is "good-natured and friendly." This is a good translation of the Greek word that is used in this Scripture which is the word "philandros." It means "to be affectionate and friendly."
This is the attitude God wants us to have as wives. Then why do we get so prickly, irritated, and impatient with our husbands?
Ask God to take away your prickliness. Ask Him to fill you with His amiableness. Get into the habit of reacting with an amiable spirit rather than an impatient spirit.
Think of ways to be good-natured, friendly, and affectionate to your husband. That means taking time to stop what you are doing and look at him, smile at him, touch him, hug him, and kiss him.
Can anyone say Amen?
Have a wonderful day,
Nancy Campbell
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TwelveReasons to have babies1. BECAUSE HE WANTS TO BLESS YOU (Genesis 1:27-28; 9:1, 2, 7; Psalm 128:3-4 and loads of others). There is a whole chapter on these blessing Scriptures in the book, Be Fruitful and Multiply.
3. BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU (Deuteronomy 7:13).
5. BECAUSE HE REJOICES OVER YOU (Deuteronomy 28:63).
6. BECAUSE HE WANTS TO DO YOU GOOD (Genesis 32:12; Deuteronomy 28:6; and 30:5).
7. BECAUSE HE WANTS TO HONOR YOU (1 Chronicles 25:4-5 and Psalm 127:5).
11. BECAUSE HE WANTS TO GIVE YOU JOY AND GLADNESS (Psalm 113:9; 127:5; and Luke 1:13-14).
12. BECAUSE HE WANTS TO FILL THE EARTH WITH HIS IMAGE--AND FILL ETERNITY (Genesis 1:28; Malachi 2:15 and loads of others).
How many more reasons do you need?
Love from Nancy Campbell
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DontWearOutThe greatest temptation from the enemy of our souls is in our minds. Revelation 12:9 calls him "that old serpent." He mostly attacks us in our minds, or should I say, even torments us. He brings to our minds thoughts of doubt, deception, despondency, rejection, anger, self-pity, and even despair. And yes, worry, worry, worry! If we are not aware of his tactics and do not resist them, they become bigger he wins the victory.
Daniel 7:25 speaks about the coming anti-Christ (although this same spirit is already in the world): "He shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High." The words "wear out" in the Hebrew mean "to afflict mentally." These words are only used in a mental sense. This is Satan's strategy. To wear us out in our minds with unbelieving and deceiving thoughts. If you are worrying, confused, and tormented in your mind, you can't function emotionally or physically.
Therefore, you must be on the alert. You don't have to let the enemy wear you out! This is not God's plan. You can't stop these thoughts coming to your mind, but you stop them embedding in your mind! You don't have to dwell on them for one minute! Resist them in the name of Jesus. Throw them out of your mind. They don't belong in your redeemed mind.
My daughters call them "bucket thoughts" which they throw in the garbage!
1 Peter 1:13 says: "Gird up the loins of your mind." In Bible days the men wore long tunics and when doing physical exercise pulled up their tunic and tucked it in their belt so they would not be hindered. In the same way, we must eradicate of any thoughts in our minds that hinder us from walking in the victory which Jesus Christ died to give us.
Be encouraged again today with 2 Corinthians 5:4, 5: "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity EVERY THOUGHT to the obedience of Christ."
May you have a victorious day triumphing over the wiles of the devil. You do not have to let him wear you out.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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Your Powerful InfluenceIt's amazing that King Hezekiah turned out a godly man. His father, Ahaz, was a very wicked king and even sacrificed his own children to Molech. He was so wicked that when he died, they did not even bury him in the sepulchers of the kings of Israel. But Hezekiah, his son "wrought that which was good and right and truth before the Lord his God" (2 Chronicles 29:1, 2 and 31:20, 21).
Why did he turn out to be a righteous king? 2 Kings 18:1-6 tells us: "Hezekiah . . . reigned 29 years in Jerusalem. His mother's name also was Abi (shortened version of Abijah), the daughter of Zachariah. And he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord." His father's influence was evil, but he had a godly mother.
A mother's influence is powerful. It is interesting that when the Bible writes about the kings of Israel and Judah it begins by stating whether they were wicked or good-and includes the name of their mother! The mother's influence determined the course of their lives, and ultimately the destiny of the nation.
Perhaps your husband is not walking in the ways of God. Do not give up influencing your children for God. Keep pouring God's truths into your children. Live your godly life before them. Pray for them daily. God has chosen you to steer them in the ways of God.
Nancy Campbell
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FosterFamilyTogethernessAlexander Maclaren writes: "Unless religion is communion, it is nothing." True Christianity is a relationship with a person, Jesus Christ. However, this same principle relates to us as families too.
Family life is togetherness. It is relationships. They take time to build. If we don't make an effort to keep the family relating together, it is easy for everyone to start going their own ways. The family becomes fragmented instead of being built together.
Of all the animals God created, He chose to call us His sheep. Sheep have a flock mentality. They cannot survive on their own. They are only content when in the flock. Psalm 107:41 tells us that God also makes "families like a flock." He wants us to be together.
A wonderful way to fellowship together is at the family meal table where we encourage discussion and heart and soul dialogue together. I hope you have the same rule that we do at our family table that no one is allowed to bring iPhones to the table. I cannot think of anything ruder than people texting or checking their messages while sitting with the family. It's bad enough seeing families do this at a restaurant, let alone in the family home. We sit around a table for the purpose of being able to look at one another in the eye as we share together.
Don't let other things crowd out this godly habit in your family.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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AreYouStuckI love the affirmation of the psalmist in Psalm 119:31: "I have STUCK unto thy testimonies." Do you cling to God's Word? Of course, before we can stick to it, we have to know it. We can't stick to something we don't know. In fact, I think this is why many are not glued to God's Word. It's because they are trying to cling to something they are a little hazy about. We have to get the Word into our heart and into our mouths (Isaiah 59:21).
This last statement really enables us to stick-and that is getting into our mouths. When you constantly confess the Word and speak it out, you'll find it easier to stick to. Hebrews 10:23 says: "Let us HOLD FAST the confession of our faith without wavering." Speak out the affirmations of your faith every day.
What about your children? I am sure you want them to be those who will STICK TO THE TRUTH and the principles of God's Word. Fill their minds with God's Word but make sure it gets into their mouths too. If it is not in their mouths it won't stick. It's sad to see children grow up in a Christian home and become unstuck!
Be a sticker and raise stickers! Amen.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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InfluenceOthersJeremiah 15:19 reminds us to stand strong and not be lured back to worldly ways, deception, and humanistic thinking: "Let them return unto thee; but return not thou unto them." It is very clear in the New Living Translation: "You must influence them; do not let them influence you!"
I am sure you constantly hear conflicting voices and reactions against what you believe. You are laughed at for embracing more children. You are scorned for homeschooling. Are you influenced by these comments? They should roll us off like water on a duck's back. We know we are walking in truth. Why should we be affected by the ignorant and deceptive words of others?
The Message Bible is even more powerful in its translation: "Let your words change them. Don't change your words to suit them. I'll turn you into a steel wall, a thick steel wall, impregnable. They'll attack you but won't put a dent in you because I am at your side, defending and delivering."
Stand tall, dear mother. Stand strong. Constantly influence others as you speak words of truth. Don't be influenced by the popular humanistic agenda. Even when you are attacked with words, it won't even put a dent in you because God is with you.
You never have to feel guilty for embracing motherhood and delighting in your home. God crated you for this task and you are in the perfect will of God.
Keep standing strong,
Nancy Campbell
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All Ages And StagesIsn't it interesting that man seems to think he knows better ways of doing things than God? The teaching system of today is to segregate children into their age groups. Of course, I can understand that this makes it much easier for teachers. However, even the church has taken on the public school method and separates children from babies to teens in all their separate age levels.
But God didn't intend it to be this way. Whenever He wanted to speak to His people, He didn't ask them to put all their children into their different age groups so they could each understand the message in their own level. Instead, He commanded that they all come together--the nursing babes, the toddlers, and everyone in the family.
Here are some examples: Joshua 8:33-35: "Joshua read all the words of the law . . . there was not a word of all that Moses commanded, which Joshua read not before all the congregation of Israel, with the women AND THE LITTLE ONES."
2 Chronicles 20:4, 13: "And all Judah stood before the Lord with their LITTLE ONES, THEIR WIVES AND THEIR CHILDREN."
Joel 2:15-17: "Blow a trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly. Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, GATHER THE CHILDREN, AND THOSE THAT SU_CK AT THE BREASTS."
Also read Deuteronomy 31:11-13; Ezra 10:1; Matthew 21:12-16; Mark 9:33-37 and 10:13-15. God commands us to teach our children in the setting of the home--when we sit down, walk by the way, drive in the car, lie down, and rise up (Deuteronomy 6:6-9).
God wants children to be able to communicate with all ages--children who do not ignore adults but know how to converse with them. Do you notice that many young people today ignore older people? They will come into a room without even acknowledging their presence. They only gravitate to their age group. Their conversation relates to the shallowness of their peers. Or they are consumed with texting or face-booking.
When Jesus was only twelve years old, He sat with the "doctors of the law, both hearing them and asking them questions" (Luke 2:42-47). Are your children interested in learning from adults when they are in their presence?
Let's raise children who understand the value of all ages--older people and also the little ones.
Be encouraged today,
Nancy Campbell
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LOIS AND EUNICEPaul wrote to Timothy recalling "Your sincere faith that first LIVED in your grandmother Lois, and then in your mother Eunice" (1 Timothy 1:5 HSCB) No wonder Timothy not only believed God's Word but walked in it. The heritage was passed on. His grandmother and mother not only believed, but their faith affected every part of their lives. It lived in them.
We can have all the talk, but unless our children see our faith living and working out in the circumstances of everyday life, it will not really affect their lives. Is your faith a living faith that affects your actions and attitudes in the home? Do your children see that your faith is real? Are you passing on the baton?
It's not just a head knowledge of truth, but the reality of Christ living in you (Colossians 1:27). Let His life LIVE in and through you today.
May you have a lovely day in your home,
Nancy Campbell
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WhatsTheirAnswer?Are you teaching your children to respond correctly when asked a question? Here are a few examples:
"Did you have a great day?"
Incorrect: "Yes."
Correct: "Yes, thank you. It was a great day."
"Did you sleep well last night?
Incorrect: "Yes."
Correct: "Yes, thank you, Mommy." (It is important to teach your children to address the person's name.)
At the table. "Would you like some more dessert?"
Incorrect: "Yes."
Correct: "Yes, thank you, Mommy." Or, "Yes, thank you, Mrs. Smith."
Correct: "No thank you, Mrs. Smith. I am well satisfied." Or: "No thank you, Mommy. But it was very delicious."
When introducing yourself to someone.
Incorrect: "Hi."
Correct: "Hello. My name is Caleb Rogers. It's very nice to meet you." And shake hands firmly.
To answer with one syllable and not address the person who is asking the question is very rude. Nor does it show respect to the person asking the question. And yet I find that not only children, but many older young people answer this way. They have never been taught basic etiquette.
Do some practice runs with your children each day so that it becomes the habit of their lives.
Blessings to you today.
Nancy Campbell
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RiverFlowingAn important question. Are our homes stagnant or flowing with joy and life? Psalm 46:4 (JUB) gives a description of the homes of Jerusalem: "There is a river, the streams of which make glad the city of God, the sanctuary of the tents of the most high." The city is filled with gladness because streams are flowing from the homes of the city.
What are these streams? They flow from the river of the Holy Spirit (John 7:37-39 and Romans 5:5). As mothers, we have a responsibility to "make glad" our home. The words in the Hebrew mean "to brighten up, to cheer up, to rejoice, to make merry and very glad." The only way we can do this is to be filled with the Holy Spirit and allow the streams that flow from Him into our lives to flow out from us to our husband and children.
What are these streams? They are streams of love, forgiveness, sweetness, healing of the soul and body, holiness, encouragement and building up, compassion and kindness, tenderheartedness, humility and meekness, longsuffering and patience, and streams of forbearance and peacemaking. These streams can only come from the river of the Holy Spirit.
Do you make your marriage glad? Do you make your motherhood glad? Do you make your home glad? Are these streams flowing from your life or are they stagnant? Don't allow the debris of self-pity, discouragement, despondency, unforgiveness, and discontentment to block up the river.
Let the river of life flow in your home today,
Nancy Campbell
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Destroy Devils PlanDid you ever hear about the Georgia Guidestones and what has happened to them?
Recently a friend came to stay with us and shared his concern regarding these Guidestones. They are huge granite rocks inscribed with ten commandments for a humanistic world, or obviously for the New World Order.
They have been sitting out in the middle of nowhere, in Elbert County, about 90 miles from Atlanta for about 40 years. No one knows for sure who organized their construction.
The first inscription says: Maintain humanity under 500 million.
The current population of the world is 7.795 billion, nearing 8 billion. To bring it down to this number would mean they would have to wipe out nearly 90 percent of the world's population. It would have to be an orchestrated genocide beyond anything we could dream of. This is also the plan of the World Economic Forum.
As we talked about it at our prayer meeting, our friend, Gary asked us if we would pray. "Let's pray," he said, "that God will wipe them out and they will fall flat on the ground. Could God send an earthquake or an explosion?"
And so we began to pray. We really prayed. We brought out our prayer guns and mightily prayed against those stones with their blatant message to mankind and more importantly the spirit behind it. And we continued to pray at our morning and evening devotions.
Amazingly, three weeks later, on Wednesday July 6 we woke up to hear the news that these massive stones were wiped out. There was explosion. In fact, two explosions. And then because of safety, they completely bulldozed them down. And as of this present moment, no one has found any source of how it happened! What an amazing victory! Our God is a prayer answering God. I am sure that God touched many others to pray against this evil agenda too.
This comes as another encouragement after the victory of Roe v. Wade. I share this with you to encourage you to pray. Do you pray together with your family each day? You can see mighty things happen as you pray. The most powerful families on earth are praying families. Praying families are nation changing families. Even world-changing families.
Do you have a prayer meeting in your home? It's such a great thing to do. Gather others with you each week to pray for this nation and for the world. We are going to be facing difficult times very soon. Food Shortages. And maybe power and water and many other shortages. This is not a time to live life as usual as though nothing is happening.
We must become preparing and praying people! Be part of seeing God do great things even in the midst or deception and darkness. Move from little prayers to battering ram prayer meetings. Demolishing the works of the devil prayer meetings. Taking up your authority in the name of Jesus.
God bless you today,
Nancy Campbell
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HouseRulesDo you have laws in your house? I do. I have rules to keep my home in order and running efficiently. If I let everyone do whatever they want or however they want, the home soon turns to chaos. At the same time, I hate legality and love to have a spirit of freedom and openness to spontaneity, fun, and laughter. However, when we have an underlying foundation and plan for our home, it's easier for this to happen. Everything is in order, so we are free to do unexpected things.
Let's look at an example in the Bible. Ezekiel 43:12 says: "This is the law of the house; Upon the top of the mountain the whole limit thereof round about shall be MOST HOLY. Behold, this is the law of the house." This is talking about the temple, the place of God's dwelling.
God had laws for His house. He established many ordinances to make it run smoothly. In Ezekiel 44:5 it says: "Son of man, mark well, and behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears all that I say unto thee concerning ALL THE ORDINANCES OF THE HOUSE OF THE LORD, and ALL THE LAWS thereof: and mark well the entering in of the house with every going forth of the sanctuary."
Because I am also building a house to the Lord, a sanctuary for the living God and for my husband and family, I believe I can't do better than God's plan. If it was important for God to have ordinances to run His house smoothly, I think I also need laws and ordinances to make my home function effectively.
God's house had order and established daily times for certain functions. I need to make this happen in my home too. I believe in flexibility because every day of every year is different, and we never know what is going to happen. However, we need to institute a basic plan to keep order.
And do you notice the ultimate vision? That God's house will be MOST HOLY. Not only the house, but all around the house. This should be our ultimate passion and vision, to build a holy home for God's glory. We seek God's holiness on and in our home, but also on our land--the backyard, front yard, and all around our house. It is all to be holy to the Lord. We should pray this every day upon our home and allotment or acreage, whether it be large or small. We must guard what goes on in our home AND around our home!
"Holiness adorns your house, O LORD, forever" (Psalm 93:5). Does holiness adorn our homes?
Blessings to you today,
Nancy Campbell
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StrengthEachDayI’m sure you love God’s promise in Deuteronomy 33:24, 25: “As thy days, so shall thy strength be.” But have you read it in context? It’s in the passage of the prophetic blessing upon the tribe of Asher which says: “Let Asher be blessed with children” and then it concludes with “As thy days, so shall thy strength be.” Isn’t that amazing?
God doesn’t bless us with children without giving us the strength to nurture and train the children He gives us. This promise is tailor made for parenting.
You may think, “How on earth could I ever cope with another child? My hands are full already.” Dear mother, God is your Strength. He promises to give you strength for each new day. He doesn’t give you strength for tomorrow, but for TODAY. And He doesn’t give you strength and energy for a baby that has not arrived yet. If God sends you another blessing from Heaven, He will give you the strength when that baby comes. What a wonderful God we have.
Look to Him for His strength for today.
Love from Nancy Campbell
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BadysDedicationRachel Carlson wrote this poem for her baby’s dedication:
In a mother's heart are hidden
Prayers both large and small,
They consume her every fiber,
And the Lord, He sees them all.
There's no language to articulate
The depth of all these needs
As she steps forward on the path
Where she'll plant a million little seeds.
Drawing on the courage
That only has one Source,
She whispers out a plea
For this overwhelming course.
I pray I'll have the peace of mind
That comes with knowing you're not mine,
Since you're ultimately His,
And He'll hold you for all time.
Believe me when I tell you
I'll ask for safety and your health,
And if I'm being completely honest,
I'll even throw in wealth.
But the safety I crave most for you
Isn't from physical harm,
It's the security you'll come to know
By being held within His arms.
And while I want your body
To be absolutely sound,
A healthy heart will seek His face,
Where true wholeness can be found.
I pray your needs are always met,
Provided by His hand,
For the resources He possesses
Are as countless as the sand.
But most of all I pray you'll know
The riches of His glory,
That your eyes might be enlightened,
And you'll make His hope your story.
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Picture: Rachel with little Edithanne (8 months) at her dedication. Jay and Rachel are also blessed with three sons, Tommy (7), Finn (4), and Jed (2).
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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ