Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


FullTimeCan you believe it? According to research by George Barna, research pollster for Cultural Research Center (CRC) at Arizona Christian University, only six percent of Christians have a biblical world view! Well, when they did the poll 51 percent stated they had a biblical world view but when asked specific questions, only six percent proved it.
For example, of the 51 percent, 49 percent believed that reincarnation is possible after they die! Some believed that all religions are equal, the Holy Spirit is not a personal being, and people can earn their way to heaven by being good.
How can this be? I guess we have to face the facts that it comes back to parents. We are responsible to pass on God’s truth to the following generation.
Isaiah 38:19: ”The father to the children shall make known thy truth.”
Deuteronomy 4:9 (NRSV): “Take care and watch yourselves closely, so as neither to forget the things that our eyes have seen nor to let them slip from your mind all the days of your life; make them known to your children and your children’s children.”
Deuteronomy 6:7: “Thou shalt teach them DILIGENTLY unto thy children . . .”
The Amplified version states: “You shall teach them diligently to your children (impressing God’s precepts on their minds and penetrating their hearts with His truths) and shall speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you get up.”
That’s sounds like full time teaching. A LIFESTYLE of teaching our children. And it’s written to fathers and mothers, not the schoolteacher! Or even the Sunday schoolteacher!
Dear mothers, are you sure your children have a biblical world view? We can’t hope they have. We must know they have. And won’t happen without our daily teaching them “precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little,” and constant penetrating into their hearts and minds (Isaiah 298:10).
But it’s even more than their hearts. We must get it into their mouths. It’s a command. It’s only when they have God’s truths and His word coming out of their mouths that we really know that they have it. If they can’t speak it out, they can’t pass it on. We must be sure that they have it so strongly they will pass it on to the next generation.
God speaks to us in Isaiah 59:21 (NRSV): “”My spirit that is upon you, and my words that I have put in your MOUTH, shall not depart out of your MOUTH, or out of the MOUTHS of your children, or out of the MOUTHS of your children’s children, says the LORD, from now on and forever.” God uses the word MOUTHS four times in this one Scripture! He wants us to get the message.
God has given us His truth on every matter in life. We must teach our children from His Word what He says about every subject. We dare not let our children be brainwashed by the humanistic (and many times diabolical) teaching of our current public school system that is now even trying to ram transgernderism into the minds of our littlest children.
Dear mothers, let’s rise and be who God has appointed us to be. He holds us responsible for passing on His truth to our children and our future generations.
You have a full-time career. Motherhood is not only feeding and clothing your children. It is getting God’s Word into every part of their lives.
Many blessings to you today,
Nancy Campbell
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I know there are times when you don’t feel like this. You feel overwhelmed and worn out! But can I encourage you to say these words even when you don’t feel like it. Words have such power to change your attitude and your mindset. Speaking negatively takes you into self pity. Speaking positively brings you into joy and blessing. And even though you may have a few bad days, what are they in the lifetime of your divine calling of motherhood?

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CherisMomentsI know you will love this lovely poem sent to me by Ashley O’Brien.
Welcome to the world, sweet baby be
You came hand-delivered, sent to me
With a tiny, small frame, hands and toes,
A full head of hair and rosy pink nose.
Up at my breast you slurp and sip,
Nourishing milk is found on your lip,
I haven't always known, but now I see
Your whole entire world depends on me.
I'm a mama bear, called to stand in the fight
Against evil and lies, to pray in the night,
Our home is a place, come storm, wind, and rain
That will forever and ever exalt God's name.
Give me grace through the day to mirror Your light,
Disciplined, Bible reading, and tender goodnight,
Help me honor this man who’s at my side
With submission, appreciation, come any tide.
Help me nurture wee tots crowded around,
This is Your army, hear their triumphant sound,
Giggles and yawns, pitter-patter feet,
You see the future, You don't miss a beat.
I'll train them steadily with Your law and order,
Standing firm and leaning on Your shoulder,
With prayer and petition, I'll run this race
So my family and I will one day see Your face.
With every warm meal, diaper change, and kiss,
I'm cherishing moments I would have missed
If I took a job, which sometimes sounds nice,
But I'd be ditching my calling, too heavy a price!
Instead I'll stay here in these homey four walls
With my quilts, fireplace, children filling the halls,
This is my sphere, I'll take care of it well,
I'll allow The Lord's blessings, my womb will swell.
Oh mother, stand firm, you're doing holy work,
You get paid in kisses, that's a neat perk,
Your children will rise and call you blessed
And every now and then you'll find some rest.
After babes are in bed, grab your Bible and tea
Sit in bed with your man and read with glee,
These are the words that will shape your heart,
They'll keep surprising you, with every new part.
Set your priorities right, it's costly to fail,
Soon you'll be a legacy, children setting the sail,
A family that’s molded on God's unchanging Word
And went out to witness, out into the world.
Be sweet, kind, and fair, always gentle and giving,
Your children's children will always see you smiling,
And this, oh mother is very hard to do,
But do it with grace, God's covering you!
An older woman you'll be on your death bed
With many gathered around that you have led,
Your children will say (all grown up now),
"Thank you, Mama, for teaching us how.”
You'll smile up at them with a contented white glow,
Knowing they'll go beyond you and continue to grow,
You'll watch from Heaven the countless lives you began
When you chose to trust God in all of His plans.
~ Ashley Lynn O’Brien * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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“Be ye kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you” (Ephesians 4:32). This is such a beautiful Scripture and a good one to make as a memory verse for your children too.

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Marriage is a covenant. You can endure it or enjoy it according to how you build into it each day. One of your most powerful building words are your tools! Speak loving, kind, sweet and encouraging words to your husband each day. Even when you don’t feel like it.

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BetterGoldBetter than gold is a peaceful home
Where all the fireside characters come,
The shrine of love, the heaven of life,
Hallowed by mother, or sister, or wife.
However humble the home may be,
Or tried with sorrow by heaven’s decree,
The blessings that never were bought or sold,
And center there, are better than gold.
~ A. J. Ryan
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LikeWorlOrBibleThe devil rarely changes his tactics. Obviously, he finds the ones he uses are effective. Back in the Bible days, he continually tempted the Israelites to become like the nations around them. He uses the same temptation today. Why are God’s people lured to become like the world around them? It happens subtly. Even without trying we become absorbed into our humanist society. We think it is normal when often it is abnormal according to the plumbline of God’s word.
In 1 Samuel 8:5 we read how the children of Israel wanted a king: “Make us a king to judge us LIKE ALL THE NATIONS” they cried out. Samuel pleaded with them to not give into this temptation, but they would not listen. Verses 19, 20 say: “Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us; that we also may BE LIKE ALL THE NATIONS.”
I am astounded as I talk with church going people to find their lives are not very different from the world. They limit their families, put their children in day-care, and leave the home to go out into the corporate world. This is opposite to God’s original plan.
Recently I talked with a feminist. She hotly disagreed with women embracing their role as mothers in the home. But I had to challenge her to look at the fruit of the feminist agenda. More and more divorce and fragmentation of family. She had no answer.
It’s so easy to be sucked into the system of this world. We need to come continually to God’s Word to be encouraged in the truth. I think it is a great idea for mothers to Read Psalm 127 and 128 about once a week. They are God’s revelation for the family.
The question is: Is our family life closer to God’s way or the world’s way?
Be encouraged,
Nancy Campbell
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VeryPresentDo you need help? Right now? Psalm 46:1 is a wonderful promise to you: “God is our refuge and strength, a VERY PRESENT help in trouble.” You may not feel it, but God is with you right now. He is present in the midst of your calamity and trial. You may feel as though you are left destitute, that you can’t see any light in the tunnel, and you can’t feel that God is near at all!
Dear one, please understand that you can’t go by what you feel. Feelings deceive. We must go by truth and the truth is that GOD IS WITH YOU RIGHT NOW (Isaiah 43:1, 2). He is a present help. Not far away. Nor coming in two months’ time. He is with you now. You may not see the answer right now, but you can thank God that He is with you. Thank Him that He is your Strength. Thank Him that He is your Refuge. Thank Him that you can trust Him to work out your situation. In His way.
He is more than a present help. He is a VERY present help. The word is “m’od” in the Hebrew and means “great, exceedingly, mightily, wholly, speedily.” Believe His Word rather than your feelings.
As you thank God for His truth, faith will arise in your heart. You will be able to say with the psalmist as he continues in verses 2 and 3 (ESV): “THEREFORE WE WILL NOT FEAR though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.” In fact, why don’t you speak these words out loud, now! And say them again.
No matter how terrible your situation looks, God is bigger. And He is working it out. Sometimes it takes longer than you want but His way is always the best.
Love to you today,
Nancy Campbell
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OlderWomenEach morning and evening when we come together to read God’s Word and pray, we use our Prayer Boxes. I have nine different Prayer Boxes on different subjects to keep us reminded about the needs for prayer. We choose two of the boxes each time. The other morning, we chose our Above Rubies box and my card read: “Pray for the older women of the nation to take up their Titus 2 mandate to teach the young women.”
What has happened to the older women? It is rare to find them pouring out their lives to teach, train, and encourage the new generation of young mothers. Most have forgotten about motherhood and have moved further into their careers or begun a traveling life. How can they teach the young women if they are not showing by the example of their own lives?
This mandate is not optional. It is a command. Unless the older women show the new generation God’s way for them to live as wives and mothers they flounder. And this is what has happened. Most of this new generation know less about being a wife and mother than any generation in history. They are not only uninformed but brainwashed against their divine calling of motherhood and building a godly home—which means being in the home!
Most of this generation of young mothers are not in the home. Their mothers didn’t show them an example. The older women of the church didn’t teach them. Even many pastor’s wives are out at work showing an opposite picture than God gives us in His Word.
Some older women are teaching God’s Word, but not the specific subjects that God commanded them to teach. Titus 2:3-5 (HCSB) states: “Older women are to be reverent in behavior . . . to teach what is good, so they may encourage the young women to love their husbands and to love their children, to be self-controlled, pure, homemakers, kind and submissive to their husbands, so that God’s message will not be slandered.” The KJV says: “that the word of God be not blasphemed.”
Don’t you think we better return to God’s original plan? Jeremiah 6:16 says: “Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.”
I think we could truly say:
As go the older women, so go the younger women.
As go the younger women, so go the children.
As go the children, so goes the nation!
It’s time for the older women to show the next generation God’s truth and His ways for them in the home. It’s time for mothers to return to their homes, the glorious sphere that God provided for the raising of children and the influence of the nation. The home is a powerful place, not only affecting our children’s lives but the myriads of people we draw into our homes to love, encourage, and nurture along the way.
Malachi 4:5, 6 (ESV) are the last words of the Old Testament and a continual warning to us today: “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children (and that includes the mothers) and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.”
The spirit of Elijah came through John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus’ first coming. Luke1: 16, 17 tells us that he came “in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”
But Jesus is coming a second time and once again we must be prepared for His coming. The way we do this is to turn back to our homes. Back to raising our children in the home. If we do not obey this word, instead of blessing, as the Scripture states, we will receive the curse.
Will we rebel or listen and obey?
Painting: A beautiful painting by Jayan Walter – “Mother”
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WhatIsPassionI thought that the Queen of Sheba came to visit Solomon because of his fame, wisdom, and riches. However, I noticed in 1 Kings 10:1 that there was more to her curiosity. Let’s read what it really says: “And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon CONCERNING THE NAME OF THE LORD, she came to prove him with hard questions.”
Her biggest interest was the name of the Lord God. We notice this again in 1 Chronicles 2:1: “And Solomon determined to build a house FOR THE NAME OF THE LORD.” The name of the Lord was Solomon’s passion.
What is your passion as you build your home? Is it to have the most beautiful décor? Or do you want your home to be a home where the name of the Lord is honored, uplifted, and magnified? In every room. In every life. In the atmosphere.
The name of the Lord is so powerful. All God’s attributes are revealed in His names. May we seek to know His name and acknowledge His name in our homes. May our children be in awe of His name. May people around know that our home belongs to the name of the Lord.
Through the name of Lod God, we can defeat the devil, have power over temptation, and receive answers to prayer. We are more than conquerors through His name. His name is a strong tower into which we can run.
Are you building a home to honor the name of the Lord? Does the fame of His name go out from your home to your neighborhood?
Blessings to your home today,
Nancy Campbell
Picture: Painting by John Sloane. I remember folding the sheets from the line with my mother just like this.
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Nagging“Where there is complaining, it shall fail,
Where there is nagging, it shall drive the husband away,
Where there is bitterness, it shall poison the marriage,
Where there is self-pity, it shall bring self-destruction,
But loves goes on forever!”
Adapted for wives from 1 Corinthians 13.
Art work by Claudia Tremblay. Available for purchase from Etsy.
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StarveFearsAnd your faith will grow as you feed on God’s word. Feed it to yourself and feed it to your family and you will become a faith growing family.

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Are you sure your children think with a biblical world view rather than a humanistic world view? I notice that many children and young people of Christian and homeschooling parents watch a lot of movies. It would be best if they only rarely watched a good and wholesome movie. But if you allow them more, the challenge should be taken up to make sure they receive more time in God’s Word and prayer than they do of movies and the “spirit of the world.” Keep the right balance.
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LoveBlessMultiThe first thing He did when He created the man and the woman was to bless them. And what was His blessing? He blessed them with fruitfulness. Children are the greatest blessing God delights to give us. Do you love to receive God’s blessings?

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NationBuilderMotherThere is no other career that is so influential. Mothers determine the outcome of the nation. They influence generations to come. And they are privileged to bring forth children for eternity. No wonder the devil wants to decry motherhood. He knows it is so powerful.

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LetUsOutdoWhat a beautiful vision for everyone in the home. If we can encourage each one of our children to outdo one another in being kind to one another, what a delightful home to live in.

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MakeWorldGoRoundA Mother!

In her kitchen on her stair,

What ups and downs! What wear and tear!


She is forever meeting needs;

Forever sowing tiny seeds,


So that the little feet may run

Upon the highway to the sun


And that the trustful eyes may trace

Redemption stories in her race,


Losing her own life hour by hour,

She finds it breaking into flower.


~ Fay Inchfawn

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GodIsGoodSatan will not tempt you with that which looks evil as you wouldn’t be tempted. Instead, he tempts you with that which looks wise and good just as he did with Eve in the garden. We must continually watch and pray that we are not deceived by the things that seem good and wise. Make sure they line up with God’s word.

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DontMissDaniel 9:20, 21 tells us about Daniel praying and confessing his sin and the sin of the people of Israel before the LORD God. It then tells us that at the time of the evening offering the Angel Gabriel came and "touched" him and began to speak with him.
God delights to speak to us, but He had certain times when He specifically revealed himself to His people. He came to Daniel at the time of the evening sacrifice and burning of incense.
It was at the time of the evening sacrifice that God came to Elijah on Mount Carmel and revealed Himself as the God in Israel and "the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench. And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he is the God: the LORD, he is the God" (1 Kings 18:36-39).
It was at the time of burning the incense when the angel came to Zacharias to tell him that God would give them a son who would prepare the way for the Savior of the world (Luke 1:8-17). It doesn't say whether it was at the time of the morning or evening incense burning, but it was one or the other. As the priest sprinkled the incense on the burning coals from the altar and the fragrant sweet aroma rose up to God, all the people prayed outside. The altar of incense speaks of prayer, praise, and intercession.
God established the morning and evening principle in His Word for us to meet with Him. Do you want God to touch you? Do you want Him to come and touch each one of your children? How important it is for us to gather our families each morning and evening (according to the prototype God gave us) to offer praise and intercession to Him and hear His Word. We should give God every opportunity to come to us as a family.
Don't miss these opportunities for God to come and speak to you and your children.
God bless you today.
Nancy Campbell
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GodLaughsI am sure you have heard of Thomas Robert Malthus, the originator of Malthusianism. He believed that people would keep multiplying but food subsistence would only mathematically grow and therefore could not keep up with the multiplying of people! Consequently people must limit their families.
Margaret Sanger, the source of Planned Parenthood was also a Malthusian.
But get this. Malthus lived from 1766 to 1834. Back in 1820 when Malthus lived the world population numbered only 1.1 billion people and 95 percent lived in poverty with 85 percent existing in extreme poverty.
By 2015 the world population grew to seven billion. It is now 8.1 billion and yet less than 10 percent live in poverty. Over the last quarter of a century demographers calculate that every day 137,000 fewer people around the world live in extreme poverty!
Today we still have people who believe in Malthusianism. The New World Order and the World Economic Forum are intent in reducing the population of the world. They state openly they want to reduce it to 500 million! Just think of how many people they want to eradicate from the earth.
This nation is still the breadbasket of the world, but they are having to force food shortages. This government is paying farmers to destroy crops and animals.
What does the Bible say? “Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this world? Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?” (1 Corinthians 1:20).
God who made this world made it with plenty of room to be inhabited with human population! He knows what He is doing. Listen to what He says: “For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be INHABITED: I am the LORD; and there is none else” (Isaiah 45:18).
We only have to travel this this great country and see the vast lands that are still uninhabited. You travel through a city and then go back to hours of traveling through land that still waits to be inhabited!
We certainly need to affirm the words in Romans 3:4: “Let God be true, but every man a liar.” I’d certainly rather trust in God’s wisdom than the foolish wisdom of man. Wouldn’t you?
Be blessed today,
Nancy Campbell
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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ