GettingReadyChurchAre you getting your family ready for church? Some people think they do not need to go to church but God commands the assembling of his saints together. Hebrews 10:24 exhorts us to “not forsake the assembling of ourselves together. “
Did you know that the word church is mentioned 118 times in the New Testament? And the word means “a Christian community of members on earth, an assembly.” The church is not just a building but the assembling of his people. If we love God‘s people we will love to gather with them. I believe it is a very important part of family life to gather with the people of God and worship with them. It was Jesus’ habit to go to the synagogue every week. It should be our habit and the training of our children into this habit to also worship with God‘s people every week, whether in a big church or a house church.
Paul said, “I teach everywhere in every church” (1 Corinthians 4:17). True Christianity does not isolate; it gathers.
And of course, it comes back to us as mothers. We have to make the effort to prepare for this day and get our children ready and inspire our families to meet with the people of God, from babies to the oldest one living in our homes. No one is exempt!

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