SecretPlaceIf my motherly heart could give just one piece of advice to my children who are growing up in this era, it would be this: “Please, do not forsake your secret place.” (Matthew 6:6) I am convinced that to be faithful to the Lord in this hour, it is going to take way more than just a quick prayer or one short devotion, or church attendance every week.
But how do we not forsake that time with the Lord while taking care of the children? I remember having huge guilt when I was no longer able to spend hours in my prayer closet after having my little ones. But this is when our Lord always comes through. God spoke to my heart one night, "Why don’t you take your children into your secret room?" And that question opened many doors to the answers I needed.
While putting my children to sleep, I'd get down on my knees, letting them know that mommy really wants to give glory to Jesus. They would end up falling asleep to my prayers and praises.
Later on, I found my little three-year-old in the room on her knees, quietly talking to Jesus about her dolls and her princess shoes.
I cannot ever forget the day I took my little ones with me to the secret room. They knelt with me, and I turned my heart towards His presence. I knew they were watching me, and I asked them to just be quiet and wait for God's presence. I asked the Holy Spirit to come. And He did. He always does. I was sitting in His presence, resting my soul. Soon I started hearing little sniffles behind me. As I turned around, my four-year-old boy was wiping away his tears that were gently rolling down his cheeks.
"Is everything alright, sweetheart? Why are you crying?" I asked him. He took a while to answer as he swallowed tears.
"I don't know why I'm crying mommy. I just really feel Jesus in the room, and I feel like He really, really loves me. Mommy, He is so kind."
Sometimes after putting children to sleep, it's nice to put the phone down and put everything else on hold to go and sit in His presence. It’s amazing what five minutes with Jesus can do. I remember those nights when I'd kneel and say, "Dear Lord, I am so exhausted and so overwhelmed. I don’t have much to bring to you. I am a completely empty vessel today. I'm sorry."
He would sit with me in silence with no condemnation, just loving upon me. He would show me the moments of the day where He was in the midst of the chaotic, loud day, giving me grace, filling my vessel with His peace and His views about me as a mother. Or that never-ending mess when you have little ones in the house all day.
I remember when we were renovating and moving with a new born, a toddler, and a four-year-old. I woke up and walked into our messy, filled with boxes living room and thought, "Oh my, where do I start?!" I felt like bursting into tears. And I heard His gentle voice inside me saying, "Why don’t you start with praise”?
So there we were, in the midst of a huge mess, praising and dancing for Jesus! I am telling you, that day was such a productive day. I got so much done. He really is my Strength! And my Patience. As a mother of little ones, I need it.
We, as mothers must interact with God Himself. It must be our priority to yield and sink into His heart, to dwell in His presence, and teach our children to do the same. I know that I cannot possibly complete my beautiful assignment of raising mighty warriors for God’s Kingdom if my cup is empty and dry. It is so simple. I need my Precious Holy Spirit. I need that secret room.
It does NOT have to be hours. He knows that we are taking care of the little ones. He meets where we are, and He wants to be involved in every little detail of our day.
You're doing dishes? Thank Him that He washes us clean, whiter than snow! And believe me, your little ones are watching you.
You're doing laundry? Thank Him for taking all the loads of sin and pains from you.
Putting children to sleep? Read them the Bible. Put their names into it and bless them!
His presence is your overflowing cup, your well that never runs dry, your river of life. I want to bring my children to that Living Water. I want them to taste His goodness and fall in love with His holiness and glory.
I humbly pray, that as our children watch our love for His presence, they would run to their secret place to personally and deeply intertwine with the Great I AM.
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Wilberforce, Ontario, Canada
Picture: Josh and Anastasija with their children: Jadon (5),
Tayah (3), and Eleanor (9 months).

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