Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


PrayFamilyOnly one week to go to determine the course of this great nation. Oh, dear families, I trust you are praying. I trust you are meeting daily as a family to pray for this nation and for these coming elections.
We are living in an unprecedented time in our history where we who believe God, in His Word, in His ultimate truth, and in righteousness are facing an enemy that is so huge. We have never faced such evil as we face now in this nation.
The current president (although illegitimate) and all his party, stand on the side of abortion (even if the baby is born alive), for same sex marriage (which is an abomination in the eyes of God), and now the advocating of transgender and the mutilation of young children’s bodies to the opposite sex. Joe Biden wants to make it a federal law that not even states cannot go against the choice of a young child to change gender!
Does this not want to bring you to your knees? This coming week, could you gather your family to pray together morning and evening for God to move mightily and to spread forth His holy arm to rain down righteousness upon us? Get all your children praying. God hears the prayers of children.
If we are not praying in our homes, we won’t be praying in our churches? And if we are not praying, how can we expect God’s blessing.
God has promised to answer those who humble themselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways (2 Chronicles 7:14). When we do this, He promises He will heal our land. But is this happening? How many Christian families are praying together daily? Do we rally want our land to be healed?
And we must not only pray but vote. To not cast a vote is to align ourselves with all this evil which can only bring the judgment of God. We must stand on God’s side. We must vote for righteousness. We must vote against all this evil, deception, tyranny, and ultimately the New World Order which is a complete takeover of our families and our lives.
We have a dear friend from Venezuela who has come into our lives. He had to escape. Even though he has escaped he is still under the surveillance of this communist government. He grieves daily as he sees that everything that was happening in Venezuela to lead to the communist takeover is happening in our nation right now. He pleads with people to vote.
If we do nothing, it means we are happy to come under servitude. If we care for our families and future generations, we will forget everything else on our agenda this coming week and will pray and make sure we vote.
Let’s join together as God’s people to stand for truth and righteousness,
Nancy Campbell
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TreatingHusbandMy last post to you was from Way’s translation of Titus 2:3-5. Here is something else I noticed. I was struck by how Way's translation exhorts wives "to be amiable and submissive to their own husbands."
The dictionary meaning of amiable is "good-natured and friendly." This is a good translation of the Greek word that is used in this Scripture which is the word "philandros." It means "to be affectionate and friendly." To be amiable makes for a happy and loving atmosphere.
What’s your disposition toward your husband?
This is the attitude God wants us to have as wives. Then why do we get so prickly, irritated, and impatient with our husbands?
Ask God to take away your prickliness. Ask Him to fill you with His amiableness. Get into the habit of reacting with an amiable spirit rather than an impatient spirit. We can get into the habit of doing it one way or the other.
The psalmist rejoiced in Psalm 84:1: "How amiable are thy tabernacles (dwelling places), O LORD of hosts." Fill your home with an amiable spirit. Toward your husband and your children.
Think of ways to be good-natured, friendly, and affectionate to your husband. That means taking time to stop what you are doing to look at him, smile at him, touch him, hug him, and kiss him.
Can anyone say Amen?
Have a wonderful day,
Nancy Campbell
Picture: Grandson, Noble Barrett and his wife Megan, and little Isla.
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GoodIdeaJean Marie writes:
“I am a mother of two young boys, three years and five months. I was encouraged by an article I read in one of the Above Rubies magazines to pray for other countries. I wanted to implement learning the locations of other places while simultaneously praying for them as well. At the Dollar Tree I picked up an inflatable globe and now we try to make it a daily practice to pray with our globe.
We start with spinning the globe and then I have my boys point on the globe and say STOP and where it stops spinning, we look at the location and pray for the country, the salvation of the people, and whatever else the Holy Spirit leads me to pray. Afterwards my boys play catch with the globe.
This is a picture of my five-month-old baby after we prayed for Sudan and South Africa.
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SpecialDomainI love the Arthur S. Way's translation of Titus 2:3-5 where it tells the older women their responsibilities: "They should be teachers of virtue, qualified to school in self-control the young women, to teach them to love their husbands and their children, to be discreet and chaste, to recognize that their sphere is home, to be amiable and submissive to their own husbands, so that no slander may assail the Word of God."
I also love the phrase, "to recognize that their sphere is home." God has given a special sphere to us as mothers.
It is the place where He wants us to rule and reign as queens.
It is the place where He planned for us to nurture and raise our children.
It is the place where we teach and train children to come forth into the world to bring God's love, truth, and the revelation of who He is.
It is where we build a sanctuary for Him.
This place is our home.
Thank the Lord for the gift of your home today. Thank Him for this special sphere He has given to you where you are free to fulfill your destiny—to be the greatest wife to your husband and the greatest mother to your children. Thank Him for this powerful sphere from which you can change the world.
May God inspire and bless you today.
Nancy Campbell
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ClothedInGloryWhen God first got a hold of my heart completely at 17 years old, He changed me from the inside out. My attitudes changed as this new life of Christ began to unfold in my life. I saw all things He created as if it were the first time. I couldn’t get enough of His presence. At 17 years, I spent all free time and weekends soaking in the presence of God, saturating myself in His Word, and praying for hours upon hours. I couldn't wait to be with Him in the secret place every day.
I began listening to uplifting songs to my Savior as I discarded all the secular beats I once knew. There were so many changes in my life and my joy was bountiful. I was abounding in newness and love for others and all things that are pure.
God began to show me areas in my life that were not pleasing to Him, and this included the clothing I was wearing. Without thinking of rules or standards, I began to dress to honor my First Love, my King and realize I had come into a royal kingdom. This set me out on a journey.
As I grew older, I slipped into some of my older ways of dressing and God would gently nudge me to reevaluate why I was dressing certain ways. He wanted to purify so many areas of my life including this one area.
As I began to lead our ladies’ Bible study on Modesty this last year, I decided to get down to the bottom of what Scripture actually does reveal about modesty. As I began typing notes for the class, it became very obvious it was turning into a book.
The Holy Spirit inspired and guided this book in a matter of two months. The Lord showed me that He was resurrecting this truth in His church, His Body, for He is coming for a pure and spotless bride without spot or wrinkle. He is purifying His Bride.
The book is called “CLOTHED IN HIS GLORY, What Scripture Reveals About Modesty.” I pray you will read it and be blessed. If any of you would like to read it, but do not have the budget, please contact me as I have a few on my shelf I can give away. My prayer is that whatever journey you are on with the Lord, that this book would be a catalyst to encourage your walk to deepen in faith, purity, and love.
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Go to this link to order Tiffany’s book:
Clothed In His Glory: What Scripture Reveals About Modesty: Self, Tiffany: 9798802949177: Amazon.com: Books
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StopListeningIt’s so easy to get burdened down with negative thoughts, isn’t it? If we don’t discipline our thoughts they tend toward self-pity, “poor me” attitude, selfishness, and even thoughts of God that are not worthy of Him.
We must bring our thoughts into captivity for we live as we think.
We mother according to how we think. The whole atmosphere of our home depends on how we think! We speak and act according to how we think. That’s why God wants us to think correctly. That’s why He wants us to be transformed by the daily renewing of His living Word (Romans 12:1, 2).
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (HCSB) says: “For though we live in the body, we do not wage war in an unspiritual way, since the weapons of our warfare are not worldly, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds. We demolish arguments (reasonings) and every high-minded thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive to obey Christ.”
Are you ready for some warfare? We can’t hope our negative and unbelieving thoughts will disappear. We must make war against them. Demolish them! That’s right. The word literally means “to demolish, destroy, overthrow, and make extinct.”
We belong to the “Resistance Movement.” We RESIST the devil when he comes with his deceiving and demoralizing thoughts. James 4:7: “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
Speak out: “I refuse these high-minded, deceiving, destructive thoughts in the name of Jesus. They don’t belong to me. I demolish them through the power of the blood of Jesus.”
Now, go to God’s Word and speak His living words out loud. This is how Jesus overcame the enemy (Matthew 4: 3-11). Every time the devil put his thoughts into Jesus’ mind, He demolished them by saying, “IT IS WRITTEN.”
Through the Word of God and the power of the name of Jesus you can have victory over your thought life.
Be blessed today.
Nancy Campbell
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PaintingsDrawingsetcDear ladies, as you are aware, I love to send out a picture to you with every post I write. A picture is worth a thousand words! But it is not always easy to find the right picture and as I look for pictures there is often a problem with copyright.
Therefore, I was thinking that I could make a file of wonderful pictures from you. Would you like to help me?
If you have any pictures or paintings of mothers and babies, babies by themselves, families, married couples, different aspects of family life around the home, etc., I’d love to have them available to post. I must admit I love beautiful paintings of mothers and babies. Maybe you even paint yourself. I’d love to receive some original paintings.
I am often looking for pictures, paintings, or photographs of families sitting around the table together, or families having Bible reading together or family devotions. It is difficult to find these pictures as not many families are doing this together. You may even like to take a picture of you around your table. I know it is not that easy. You’ve got to get the right angles to fit everyone in, but I’d love you to try.
And I’d love to have on hand paintings or beautiful photographs of married couples, maybe doing something together.
If you send a painting, please tell me the painter or if you have painted it yourself. I always like to give credit. Make sure that whatever you send is not copyright.
Thank you so much,
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
Painting: Jessica Zemsky art.
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RUFOCUSEDIn order to counteract distractions this we must get into the habit of becoming disciplined and focused. How can we FOCUS? I'll share an acrostic with you, and as I do, I'll point three fingers back at me!
F FOLLOW the Lord closely. Don't lag behind where you are too far away to hear His voice. When distractions get in between you and the Lord, be ruthless and shove them out of the way. What are the things that you have allowed to come in that have dimmed His voice? Are you a Facebook timewaster? Addicted to movies? Whatever it may be, take stock and discipline your time. Stipulate what time you allow yourself to use your electronics.
O OPEN your heart to the Holy Spirit instead of all the media and technology all around you (James 4:8). Open your heart to God's Word, which means you must discipline yourself to read it.
C CALL upon the Lord to help you (Romans 10:13). You can't do it in your own strength.
U UNDERSTAND your calling (Ephesians 5:17). If God has blessed you with children, motherhood is your highest calling. The devil will tempt you to get involved with so many extra "good" things, but they will weaken your power and influence as a mother.
S SIMPLIFY your life. The more stuff you have the more it fills up your life, and the more work it takes to look after it all. Get rid of everything you don't need (more fingers pointing back at me)! My daughter, Evangeline, loves to say: "I'm not wasting my time running around after stuff; I'm using my time for God and my children." But it's not only material stuff we must throw out. It's all the time-wasting hours we spend on so many other things. Knock off some things you are involved in. Go out less. Focus on the important. Eliminate the less important. Discipline your life.
Keep focused. Blessings from Nancy Campbell
P.S. Read these Scriptures: Numbers 14:24; Psalm 57:7; 63:8; 108:1; Proverbs 4:25-27; 16:32; 25:28; 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; Philippians 3:12-14; and Titus 2:12.
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HeartsSingThree of our grandsons singing "On Christ the solid rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand." They loved to sing with all their hearts.
And now they are all grown up: Crusoe is married to Stephanie and they are soon to have their third baby; Cedar gets married to Halle Hartman on the 17 December, and Noble is married to Megan they have little Isla.
The years go by so quickly.
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GoldDispenserWow, wouldn’t your children think it was was cool if you could give gold to them every day? Dear mother, you have the power to do this. You have gold in your hands. As you and your husband read God‘s word to your children each day, you are giving them gold. Gold that is eternal. Gold that will lead lead them on a path of success. Psalm 19:10 says that God’s words and more precious than much fine gold. They are sweeter than honey dripping from the honeycomb. The most important thing you can do each day is to dispense the goal of God’s word to your children. Don’t let other things interfere. Make it a priority.

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ArgueWithGodIt grieves me when I hear people say they are angry with God. Really? Who do we think we are to be mad at Him? He is the God of the universe, the Creator of the world, the Creator of our bodies, the God who judges righteously and perfectly, the God who loves us with an everlasting love, the God who works everything out for our good even when we can't see it, and the God who sent His only Beloved Son to die and save us from our sins.
Romans 9:20 (NLT) asks the question: "Who are you, a mere human being, to argue with God?"
It’s much better to give up your contest with God. It takes too much energy. It is much easier to yield to His will and trust Him in whatever you are going through. Surrender. Lie on His breast and let Him quiet your spirit just as a babe is quieted at his mother's breast.
Although you cannot see it, God is working everything out for good (read Genesis 50:20). And no matter what you have suffered, God is able to heal your broken heart. He is the great Healer and Restorer.
You may even be struggling at accepting motherhood. You keep feeling pulled to other things outside your home. Trust God, dear mother. You are in the perfect will of God as you mother and nurture the precious children God has given to you. Don’t resist it. Embrace it with all your heart.
I love the words of Hannah Hurnard:
In acceptance lieth peace,
O my heart be still;
Let thy restless worries cease
And accept His will.
Though this test be not thy choice,
It is His—therefore rejoice.
He waits for you to come and rest in His love.
Love from Nancy Campbell
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NoMoreSighsAre you a grumbling mother or a praising mother?
Are you a depressed mother or a joyful mother?
Are you a negative mother or an encouraging mother?
Dear mother, you don't have to live by your feelings. You don't have to live according to your circumstances. In Christ, you can live above your feelings and your circumstances. You either choose to yield to the flesh or yield to the Spirit which is the life of Jesus Christ within you.
"For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death . . . For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace" (Romans 8:2, 6).
Notice how it starts IN YOUR MIND. Cast down all your negative, deceiving, and lying thoughts and yield to God's truth and His life.
"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; Casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:4, 5).
Have a wonderful day living in the power of the Holy Spirit,
Nancy Campbell
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ThersMoreYesterday I shared with; you seven adjectives of how God wants us to fill the earth. But there’s more. Not only does God give us these adjectives but He also paints pictures for us on this subject. He wants us to feel His heart about this subject. God promised the patriarchs of old that their descendants would be like . . .
Genesis 22:17: “That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the STARS OF THE HEAVEN.”
God wants us to look up to the heavens and see the multitude of stars and understand that this is how He wants to multiply His people. God did not give this promise only once but many times. Read more in Genesis 15:5; 26:4; Exodus 32:13; Deuteronomy 1:10; 10:22; 28:62; 1 Chronicles 27:23; Nehemiah 9:23; and Jeremiah 33:22.
The New Testament also writes about it in Hebrews 11:11, 12 (NLT): “It was by faith that even Sarah was able to have a child, though she was barren and was too old. She believed that God would keep his promise. And so a whole nation came from this one man who was as good as dead—a nation with so many people, that LIKE THE STARS IN THE SKY . . . there is no way to count them.”
God promised Abraham in Genesis 13: 16: “And I will make thy seed as the DUST OF THE EARTH: so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered.”
Read also Genesis 28:14; Numbers 23;10; and 2 Chronicles 1:9.
Genesis 32:12: “I will surely do thee good, and make thy seed as the SAND OF THE SEA, which cannot be numbered for multitude.”
Read also Genesis 22:17; Isaiah 48:18, 19; Jeremiah 32;22; Hosea 1:10; and Hebrews 11:12.
Job 5:25 (NLT): “You will have many children; your descendants will be as plentiful as grass!” Read also Ezekiel 16:7.
Genesis 24:60: “And they blessed Rebekah and said unto her . . . be thou the mother of THOUSANDS OF MILLIONS, and let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them.”
The phrase “thousands of millions” speaks of that which cannot be numbered.
Numbers 10:35, 36 (NASB): “Then it came about when the ark set out that Moses said, ‘Rise up, O LORD! And let your enemies be scattered’ . . . When it came to rest, he said, ‘Return, O LORD, to the MYRIAD THOUSANDS of Israel.’”
Deuteronomy 33:17: “His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the TEN THOUSANDS of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh.”
Hosea 1:10: “Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which CANNOT BE MEASURED NOR NUMBERRED.”
Deuteronomy 1:11: “The LORD your God make you A THOUSAND TIMES SO MANY MORE as he hath promised you.”
Psalm 107:41: “Yet setteth he the poor on high from affliction, and maketh him FAMILIES LIKE A FLOCK.”
God loves to make our families like a flock. One or two children don not make a flock. Whether you are blessed with a small flock or a large flock, a flock is more than the 1.9 average of children per family in America today.
Ezekiel 36:37, 38: “I will multiply their people like sheep. Like the sheep for offerings, like the sheep of Jerusalem during her appointed feasts, so will the ruined cities be FILLED WITH FLOCKS OF PEOPLE. Then they will now that I am the LORD.”
Dear ladies, as we read the above Scriptures, we read more than words. We get a glimpse of God’s big heart, His love for children, and His purpose for multiplying His people. He not only wants to fill the earth with His glory (revealed through His people) but to fill eternity.
Let’s look AT A COUPLE OF Scriptures that take us into the eternal realm as we close this post.
We read in Daniel 7:9, 10: “I beheld . . . the Ancient of days . . . whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool; his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire. A fiery steam issued and came forth from before him: THOUSAND THOUSANDS ministered unto him, and TEN THOUSAND TIMES TEN THOUSAND stood before him: the judgment was set, and the books were opened.”
Revelation 5:9-12: “And they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy . . . for that was slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation: And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth. And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders and the number of them was TEN THOUSAND TIMES TEN THOUSAND, AND THOUSANDS OF THOUSANDS . . .”
Can we enlarge our hearts to think like God’s heart?
Love to you today,
Nancy Campbell
Painting by Sarah Miller
Sarah Miller (sarahmillerfineart.com)
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SameMindsetAs I read the Scriptures, I invariably find that my thinking is quite opposite to God’s thinking. What should I do? I’ve got to change my opinion to God’s way of thinking. I think that many who call themselves Christians don’t really believe in the God of the Bible after all. It is so easy to believe in a God of our own imagination. Unless we constantly fill our minds with God’s Word, we can be deceived. The other day I was checking out God’s attitude toward fruitfulness. I notice the Bible is far removed from how even Christians think today. The average number of children per family in America is only 1.9 children per family but God’s vision is much bigger.
If you listen to my podcast. LIFE TO THE FULL, each week you will know that I am continually discovering adjectives in the Bible. God’s Word is filled with adjectives. God has to use adjectives because nothing about God is normal, ordinary, or status quo. He is beyond the normal. He is MORE THAN! So let me introduce you to a few more adjectives today.
The very first words that God spoke into the ears of man were “Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth” (Genesis 1:27). But then God continues to tell us HOW He wants us to be fruitful. The Scriptures tell us that God wants us to multiply . . .
Genesis 9:7: “Be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth ABUNDANTLY in the earth, and multiply therein.” The Hebrew word for abundantly is “sharats” and means “to swarm or abound.”
The MLB translation renders it correctly when it says: “Swarm over the earth and multiply it . . .” The TS2009 says: “Bring forth teemingly in the earth . . .” The Knox translation of Exodus 1:7: says: “The race of Israel grew into a teeming multitude.”
Genesis 16:10: “I will multiply thy seed EXCEEDINGLY, that it shall not be numbered for multitude.” The Hebrew word “rabah” means to increase exceedingly, to be many, to be abundant.” We read this word over 30 times in the Old Testament.
Deuteronomy 6:3: ”That ye may increase MIGHTILY as the LORD God of thy fathers hath promised thee.” The Hebrew word is “m’od” meaning “vehemently, wholeheartedly, speedily, diligently.” We are not to fulfil this command reluctantly but with passion. The same Hebrew word is used in Psalm 105:24: “He increased his people GREATLY; and made them stronger than their enemies.”
There are two more Hebrew words for mightily. Exodus 1:7 tell us that “the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly and multiplied, and waxed exceeding MIGHTY, and the land was filled with them.” This word is “atsam” meaning “mightier and stronger.”
And in verse 9, Pharoah said: “Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and MIGHTIER than we.” This time it is the word “atsuwm" meaning, “numerous, powerful, strong.”
Deuteronomy 26:5 tells us how the children of Israel in Egypt “became there a nation, GREAT, mighty, and populous.” The Hebrew word here is “gadol” meaning “great, exceeding, mighty, more.”
Deuteronomy 30:9: “The LORD thy God will make thee PLENTEOUS . . . in the fruit of they body . . .“ The Hebrew word is “yathar”  and means “to jut over or exceed, cause to abound.”
Genesis 32:12: “I will surely do thee good, and make thy seed as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude." The Hebrew word for “multitude” is “rob” meaning “abundance, huge, more in number, multitude.” There are many more Scriptures where this word is used again.
Deuteronomy 26:5 tells us how Israel became a POPULOUS nation. The word is “rab” which means “powerful, great, mighty.”
Do you use any of these words in your daily vocabulary? Say each one aloud. They are Bible words and therefore should be part of our thinking and vocab. Do we use the language of our humanistic society or the language of the Bible?
Have a great day,
Nancy Campbell
Painting by C. M. Cooper
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Are you pregnant? Do you have a young baby and littlest ones around you? Dear mother, God gently leads you. You don’t have to be up the front of the flock. You don’t have to get involved in all the extras around you. You are already doing a great job. Remember that God is tenderly watching over you.

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“The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” A mother’s heart and a mother’s hands are powerful.

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ZealousMothersSome people allow themselves to get eaten up inside with bitterness, hurt, and jealousy etc. As mothers, we cannot allow these attitudes in our lives for they destroy us and our entire family. We must keep our spirits whole--pure, blameless, and continually forgiving.
However, there is one area where the Bible tells us we can get eaten up? Do you know what it is? John 2:17 says of Jesus: "The zeal of thine house hath EATEN ME UP." These words were spoken after Jesus made a whip and cleansed the temple. He drove out all the sheep and oxen, tipped over all the tables and money, and cried out: "Take these things hence; make not my Father's house a house of merchandise" (John 2:16).
He also cried out: "It is written, my house shall be called the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves" (Matthew 21:13).
Your home is also God's house if you have dedicated it to the Lord, which I am sure you have. Therefore, we should have the same zeal Jesus had to protect our homes and families. We must be faithful watchwomen who drive evil out of our home even if we upset everyone! I'm sure we won't be tipping over tables and throwing money everywhere, but we'll be strong enough to take a stand against any evil that seeks to bring darkness into our homes. We passionately keep our homes holy.
We have the zeal of the Lord about making our home a House of Prayer! In fact, if our homes are not homes of prayer, can we call them God's homes? We plan our schedules around our daily prayer times with our family. We don't hope it fits in. We make it fit in to our schedule. Or better still, we make our schedule fit around our highest priority, our daily family times of prayer and Bible reading.
Jesus Christ redeemed us to be "zealous of good works" (Titus 2:14). Building your home and family for God is a good work. Do it with zeal. Don't do it half-heartedly, allowing other things to consume your mind and time. Embrace the great commission God has given to you and pour your heart into it.
I have watched mothers, who have been wonderful mothers, become zealously involved in a specific interest outside their home. It consumes them. Now, instead of continuing to build their marriage and children's lives, they pour their life into this vain emptiness that is temporary and has no eternal value. Their home lies destitute. They are building empty castles in the air instead of building their family.
May the blessings of God fall upon you, dear anointed, zealous, passionate mother.
~ Nancy Campbell
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Only12YearsOldDo you remember the account of Jesus when he was only twelve years old? The family came to the Feast of Passover at Jerusalem. On the way home, along with all the other hundreds of families returning from Jerusalem, his parents noticed Jesus' was missing. They immediately returned to Jerusalem, but it was three days before they found Him.
Where was he? In the temple, sitting among the teachers and doctors, asking and answering questions about his Father. What did Jesus answer to his frantic parents? "Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?" (Luke 2:49). Even at this young age He wanted nothing else than God's will. This was His consuming passion for life.
What vision do you have for your children at this age--twelve years and moving into early teens? It saddens me that when they get to this age many children become less interested in the things of God. This breaks my heart. Statistics reveal that children who grow up in Sunday Schools rather than being in the main service with their parents are usually not interested in church by the time they are twelve years of age. They are influenced and conditioned by their peers to worldly things rather than pursuing after God.
Some translations of the Bible say that Jesus replied, "I must be in my Father's house?" I love the words, "My Father's courts" or "my Father's house." Jesus loved to be in the house of God. He loved to talk with and learn from older men of the deep things of the Word of God. This was his home. Do your children love to come to church, love to pray, and love to listen to adults sharing the deep truths of God?
What is the spiritual temperature of your twelve-year-olds and teens? Let's pray intently for our children that they will become more passionate for God with every passing year, rather than less and less.
Bless you today, Nancy Campbell
Art work by Kathy Fincher
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DoingGoodWorkEphesians 6:8 tells us: “Whatsoever GOOD thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive the Lord.”
Dear mother, I want to remind you that you are doing a GOOD work. God tells us in Titus 2-5 that the “GOOD” things the older women must teach the younger women are all about the home—loving your husband, loving your children, and being a keeper at home. When you embrace this lifestyle God planned for you, you are doing a GOOD work.
When you nurse your baby, teach your children, prepare the meals, clean, and keep your house in order you are doing GOOD things.
Some translations call them "beautiful" things.
1 Timothy 5:10 also describes the woman in the home--embracing and nurturing children, showing hospitality, and ministering to the needy. Once again it says these are “GOOD works.”
And what does God say when you do these good things He wants you to do? You receive your reward from the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:58). Be encouraged today. As you pour your life into building your marriage and your family, it is never wasted. God sees every effort. And you will not miss your eternal reward.
Live in the joy of knowing you are doing a good work,
Nancy Campbell
Painting by Edna Hibel
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ArticleDear ladies, the other day I was searching for a certain article on my computer and while doing so, the following birth story popped up! I read it again and laughed and laughed. I had printed this in Above rubies back in 2004 and here it was, still on my computer. Although it was written so long ago, I thought I’d share it with you again today. I know you will enjoy a laugh, and also enjoy reading again of the wonder of birth. I have contacted Suzy and she is so happy for me to share it with you again. And after all these years, they are still growing their organic grains, but sorry, it is too far away to order them in New Zealand!
It’s not often you invite your mother-in-law for dinner, and she doesn’t get to eat it! Instead of a meal she falls, hits her head on a macrocarpa post, pulls her leg muscles, does the splits, breaks her pelvis, helps birth a baby . . . and finally goes home hungry and wounded but, on cloud nine!
Here's the story!
Late Saturday afternoon, 07 June 2003, my husband’s mother arrived to milk the cow. After Mum and I got the cow into the yards, and she was busy milking I walked back to the house to prepare dinner. Instead of going through the gate I climbed over the cattle yards. A tightening came just as I got to the top of the yards. I had been having tightenings since I was 20 weeks pregnant and had became so used to them, I didn’t think much about them.
I climbed down from the yards and had to stop for a few moments. Although the tightening wasn’t painful, it grabbed me more than before. Mum finished milking and went back home saying they would return later to have dinner with us. She had cooked one of our home-grown chickens which was in her crock-pot and it would be ready around 7.30ish.
I started preparing the vegies ready for tea* and put them in the oven. The tightenings started coming more often and getting tighter. All of a sudden, I felt quite weary and went upstairs to lie down. Bruce sensed things were happening and rang his Mum and Dad to come for dinner as soon as they could. They were about to leave anyway and arrived at 7.15 pm. I heard them come into the kitchen and called out to Mum from my bed saying the vegies were in the oven, I was resting upstairs and would be down to help shortly.
At that moment I felt a popping sensation inside me and guessed my waters may have broken. Mum came upstairs, and as she came around by the side of the bed, she slipped on the rug, (we had just had our wooden floors waxed and polished). She hit her head on the macrocarpa bedpost and fell onto the floor. I looked up from our bed and was astounded to see my mother-in-law doing the splits!
I got off the bed to help her and felt this huge gush of water bucketing down my legs. Mum had cut her forehead quite badly. Blood was pouring out from the cut and splattering on the floor. As I stood on my feet, I felt a strong bearing down sensation.
In the meantime, Bruce and Dad, hearing the fall from downstairs, came running up. Mum was anxious about me and told me to get downstairs right away and told Bruce to fill up the birth pool. I walked downstairs, aware that Mum must feel that the baby wasn’t far away. I felt so in control that it didn’t occur to me that it could be close. My mind was still getting over her fall and doing her callisthenics tricks on our bedroom floor!
I got into the birth pool. I sat down feeling relaxed, peaceful and in complete control of my body. Two-year-old Sammy-Jo was right beside me, insisting on hopping into the pool with me. Mum arrived from upstairs to have her granddaughter begging her to put her ‘star’ togs** on. She wasn’t going to miss out on any of this excitement.
Once in the birth pool, she splashed in the little water there was, her voice shrieking with glee. She decided to help her Daddy and Poppa with the water situation. She grabbed the cold hose that was dangling into the water and aimed it straight at me, squirting it onto my back. I shuddered with the coldness. I immediately asked her to take the hose away, but Sammy-Jo was enjoying herself too much to stop. I didn’t have a show.
Meanwhile, Mum was leaning over the side of the pool, I told her I felt like bearing down. Mum knew I was very close to birthing this baby and there was no midwife. She couldn’t get near enough from outside the pool to see what was happening, so she said she was getting into the pool to birth this baby herself.
Sammy-Jo was ecstatic as she watched her Nana climb into the pool with us. We saw the excitement on her face as she shouted to Nana to look at her ‘star’ togs as the cold hose continued to squirt all over me. For a moment I forgot what we were actually in the pool for as I laughed at my daughter having so much joy. What an unforgettable moment watching Sammy-Jo enjoying the excitement of this baby’s arrival.
I called for Bruce to come and pray as I knew the baby was close to being born. I didn’t feel a strong urge to push, but I could feel the baby moving down and the head crowning. He prayed and I felt very calm and relaxed. Everything that was happening in my body felt very natural. My energy level was high, and I felt empowered.
The atmosphere became electric. Even time halted. Something more powerful than me was at work. When the next contraction came, I had the urge to bear down although I never felt any compelling need to push. It was only three or four contractions later when I felt the pressure of the head come through and our baby was right there before us. I was overwhelmed that our baby was out. Everything had happened so quickly that I had to stop and recapture the moment.
“It’s a boy,” Mum elatedly cried. He wasn’t breathing so Mum and Bruce both blew on him and in a moment he took a breath and out came that first cry that brings you back into time. It was 7.50 pm.
Mum immediately put a hat on him and wrapped a towel around him. We stayed in the birth pool, waiting for Gretchen, the midwife, to arrive and for the delivery of the placenta. She arrived at 8.20 pm, surprised the baby was already born.
Gretchen delivered the placenta then helped me out of the birth pool to shower. Dad went home and brought back the celebration cake which we all enjoyed with a hot drink. We laughed as we reminisced the entertaining events of the evening.
There must have had an enormous amount of endorphins at our home that night. It wasn’t until it was all over that Mum felt the pain kick in from her injuries. We had no idea she had broken her pelvis in two places until she was x-rayed at Palmerston North hospital two days later.
Troy’s birth was the most incredible experience, thanks to our wonderful God, the Creator of life. Childbirth is not something to be scared of. Birth gives woman strength and empowers them.
Martin, New Zealand
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Bruce and Suzy grow organic grains such as high protein wheat for home users who mill their own flour, oats which can be rolled for porridge, muesli bars etc, organic stock food (for poultry), peas, barley, dinkel (spelt) - the ancient grain. They also produce organic lamb and beef. The grandparents are Keith and Lorraine Rea.
P.S. And although this testimony was written in 2004, they are still growing their organic grains today.
* “Tea” in New Zealand is what Americans call “supper.”
** “Togs” is the word for “bathing suit” in New Zealand.
Painting: Dorian Florez Zuleta (Colombia)
Paternidades - Dorian Florez Pintor Colombiano
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