MothersWZealDear wives and mothers, you are doing a wonderful work as you build your home and family for the Lord. In fact, we should daily keep in our minds what we are doing--building a house to God. We should have no other motive. I am sure you think of your home as "the house of the Lord" for God longs to dwell in your home and fill it with His presence.
What kind of an attitude should we have as we build our home to the Lord? I am sure it should be the same attitude Jesus had for His house. John 2:17 (ESV): "Zeal for Your house will consume me." Some other translations say "devour me" (NET) and "burns in me like a fire" (GNB).
How are we going about raising our family and mothering from day to day? Are we doing it out of duty? Or just because there is no one else to do it? Are we doing it with groaning, complaining, and sighing? Or are we filled with zeal that burns in us like a fire? If this is not your attitude, ask God to give it to you. Ask Him to give you His vision for building your home which is ultimately helping to build a nation and godly generations.
As you get up each morning ask God for His zeal for the mothering mandate He has given to you. Is there a big pile of dishes waiting for you to do? Go at it with zeal. And there's all that laundry stacked up-- approach it with joy.
Are you homeschooling? Do it with excitement. Tackle each task you have to do with all your heart—aboundingly, diligently, fervently, faithfully, heartily, joyfully, mightily, thankfully, and willingly. Did I make these up? No, every one of these attitudes toward work and our mothering are written in God's Word.
Can you imagine what would happen when mothers across the land embrace their great career with the zeal of the Lord? Look out world!
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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