PrayFamilyOnly one week to go to determine the course of this great nation. Oh, dear families, I trust you are praying. I trust you are meeting daily as a family to pray for this nation and for these coming elections.
We are living in an unprecedented time in our history where we who believe God, in His Word, in His ultimate truth, and in righteousness are facing an enemy that is so huge. We have never faced such evil as we face now in this nation.
The current president (although illegitimate) and all his party, stand on the side of abortion (even if the baby is born alive), for same sex marriage (which is an abomination in the eyes of God), and now the advocating of transgender and the mutilation of young children’s bodies to the opposite sex. Joe Biden wants to make it a federal law that not even states cannot go against the choice of a young child to change gender!
Does this not want to bring you to your knees? This coming week, could you gather your family to pray together morning and evening for God to move mightily and to spread forth His holy arm to rain down righteousness upon us? Get all your children praying. God hears the prayers of children.
If we are not praying in our homes, we won’t be praying in our churches? And if we are not praying, how can we expect God’s blessing.
God has promised to answer those who humble themselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways (2 Chronicles 7:14). When we do this, He promises He will heal our land. But is this happening? How many Christian families are praying together daily? Do we rally want our land to be healed?
And we must not only pray but vote. To not cast a vote is to align ourselves with all this evil which can only bring the judgment of God. We must stand on God’s side. We must vote for righteousness. We must vote against all this evil, deception, tyranny, and ultimately the New World Order which is a complete takeover of our families and our lives.
We have a dear friend from Venezuela who has come into our lives. He had to escape. Even though he has escaped he is still under the surveillance of this communist government. He grieves daily as he sees that everything that was happening in Venezuela to lead to the communist takeover is happening in our nation right now. He pleads with people to vote.
If we do nothing, it means we are happy to come under servitude. If we care for our families and future generations, we will forget everything else on our agenda this coming week and will pray and make sure we vote.
Let’s join together as God’s people to stand for truth and righteousness,
Nancy Campbell

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