ClothedInGloryWhen God first got a hold of my heart completely at 17 years old, He changed me from the inside out. My attitudes changed as this new life of Christ began to unfold in my life. I saw all things He created as if it were the first time. I couldn’t get enough of His presence. At 17 years, I spent all free time and weekends soaking in the presence of God, saturating myself in His Word, and praying for hours upon hours. I couldn't wait to be with Him in the secret place every day.
I began listening to uplifting songs to my Savior as I discarded all the secular beats I once knew. There were so many changes in my life and my joy was bountiful. I was abounding in newness and love for others and all things that are pure.
God began to show me areas in my life that were not pleasing to Him, and this included the clothing I was wearing. Without thinking of rules or standards, I began to dress to honor my First Love, my King and realize I had come into a royal kingdom. This set me out on a journey.
As I grew older, I slipped into some of my older ways of dressing and God would gently nudge me to reevaluate why I was dressing certain ways. He wanted to purify so many areas of my life including this one area.
As I began to lead our ladies’ Bible study on Modesty this last year, I decided to get down to the bottom of what Scripture actually does reveal about modesty. As I began typing notes for the class, it became very obvious it was turning into a book.
The Holy Spirit inspired and guided this book in a matter of two months. The Lord showed me that He was resurrecting this truth in His church, His Body, for He is coming for a pure and spotless bride without spot or wrinkle. He is purifying His Bride.
The book is called “CLOTHED IN HIS GLORY, What Scripture Reveals About Modesty.” I pray you will read it and be blessed. If any of you would like to read it, but do not have the budget, please contact me as I have a few on my shelf I can give away. My prayer is that whatever journey you are on with the Lord, that this book would be a catalyst to encourage your walk to deepen in faith, purity, and love.
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Go to this link to order Tiffany’s book:
Clothed In His Glory: What Scripture Reveals About Modesty: Self, Tiffany: 9798802949177: Books

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