FountainAre you a bubbling fountain of life to your husband and children?

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PreciousnessLifeTHE PRECIOUSNESS OF LIFE versus cold-blooded murder. The RHA which New York governor, Cuomo, signed into law allows precious human beings to be murdered in the womb up to the time of birth. No God-fearing person can stay silent. We are told to ABHOR evil (Romans 12:11). That means to shudder with horror! Life begins at conception and is a separate human being than the mother. The baby has a different DNA than the mother! To kill a baby at any time in the womb is murder and nothing less. Let’s not be duped and deceived. #standforlife #lifebeginsatconception #abortionismurder #embracemotherhood #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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CommandmentsLifeMother, you are the watch dog of your children--body, soul, and spirit.

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MotherhoodBeautifulMotherhood is beautiful—tender, passionate, powerful, protecting, emotional, the most challenging and heart-wrenching of all careers—but the glory of womanhood. P.S. Would you like to add some more descriptions? #mothering #ilovemotherhood #powerofmotherhood #gloryofmotherhood #godsdesign #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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WhatAPrivilegePerhaps you are sitting on your rocking chair and nursing your baby as you read this post. What a powerful work you are doing. You are not only nurturing and comforting your baby, you are not only preserving your own body, but you are revealing the character of God. What could be more beautiful and powerful?

We see God’s nurturing heart in Isaiah 49:15: “Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion (wombness) on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.” This powerful anointing of protection, love, and nurturing that pours from you while you nurse your baby comes from God. Only God’s anointing is even stronger. A mother may forget, but God will never.

We see the same character in Jesus when He cried over Jerusalem: “How often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!” (Matthew 23:37).

Rejoice that you have the privilege of revealing God’s character in your home and to the world

Love from Nancy Campbell

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NecessaryQuestionsHere’s some good questions to ask yourself about your marriage . . .

Am I Nourishing my husband with love?
Am I Nurturing him and ministering to his needs—physically, emotionally, and spiritually?
Am I being Nice to him, or just plain grouchy?
Am I Noticing him and giving him time in my busy schedule?
Am I Nesting the home to provide him a place of solace?
Am I Nobly revealing the picture of Christ and His church through my marriage?
Am I Never giving up in my commitment to my marriage?

Love from Nancy Campbell

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GodMySanctuaryDo you feel lonely, out of sorts, full of fears, or down in the dumps? You don't have to stay in this state! Did you know there is a sanctuary where you can run? It is God Himself! He is your refuge and hiding place, and He waits for you to run to Him. As you run into His heart, you will find safety, comfort, help, and deliverance!

Ezekiel 11:16 says: "Although I have cast them far off among the heathen . . . yet will I be to them as a little SANCTUARY." No matter what your situation, God is always our SANCTUARY (which is the same word that is used for the tabernacle and the temple where God dwelt in all His Shekinah glory)!

Don't stay in your depressed state one minute longer! Run into God! Hurry!

Love from Nancy Campbell

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LookOutWorldYour home is a haven providing protection,

Filled with joy and peace and lots of affection,
It’s God’s chosen place for your husband and you,
To raise godly children, righteous and true,

You’re making it a sanctuary from the evil around
So you can train children to be whole and sound,
The right time is coming when you’ll send them out,
Empowered with God’s Spirit—world, look out!

Love from Nancy Campbell

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HowLoveChildrenWhat is God's plan for our lives? To present us unblameable and unreprovable in His sight at the coming of the Lord Jesus (I Corinthians 1:8; Colossians 1:21-23; and I Thessalonians 3:13). To conform us to the image of His Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29 and 2 Corinthians 3:18).

We also should have a vision for our children. Of course, we need a biblical vision. If God’s vision is to present us blameless at His coming, I think that’s a good vision for our children, don’t you?

When raising our children, I took to my heart the following Scripture. 1 Thessalonians 5:23: “The very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."

It is not enough to care for our children’s physical lives. We must guard their souls and spirits. This kind of vision takes our whole lives and earnest prayer.

I was talking with a mother last evening and she said something arrested me. “I love my children beyond their flesh.” How true that is. As mothers, we have a higher vision than making sure our children are well fed and clothed. We see beyond that. We are not content with middle of the road children. We want to see them passionate for God, instead of hankering after the things of this world.

If our children are rebellious and disobedient, we don’t think it’s funny. We deal with this sin. We cry out to God in prayer. For we are not just looking after children. We have a vision for God’s character to be formed in them. We want them to fulfil the purpose for which they were born. We do not want them contaminated by the deceptions of this world.

We constantly and vigilantly watch over their souls and their spirits.

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

Painting by Pierre Auguste Renoir (1897).

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LikeSaltAs God’s representative in your home and in the world, He wants you to be tasty and flavorful salt. Never BLAND! Bland salt is good for nothing except to be thrown out. God vomits Luke-warm believers out of His mouth (Revelation 3:16). Let’s embrace the extravagant life of Christ Jesus who lives within us. Never bland. Never mediocre. Never status quo. Never ordinary. Never boring. Instead OVERFLOWING with love, joy, patience, and generosity. #abundantlife #abundantlifeinchrist #youarethesaltoftheearth #aboveselfpity #aboveanger #aboverubies#nancycampbell

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NailedThe victorious life is the crucified life. Anger, bitterness, jealousy, self-pity and other fleshly sins no longer rise up in our lives if we have nailed them to the cross. This is how you live in victory in your home. Read also Galatians 2:20; Romans 8:13; and Colossians 3:12, 13. #crucifiedtotheflesh #thecrucifiedlife #alivetojesuschrist #liveinvictory #aboverubies

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HeavenOnEarth“Heaven on earth.” Is it possible? Jesus told us to pray: "As in heaven, so in earth" (Luke 11:2). That’s a huge prayer, isn’t it? But it’s what He asked us to do.

Lift your vision higher today, dear mother. God wants His will to be accomplished in your home just as in His heavenly home. He wants the atmosphere of heaven to be the atmosphere of your home. As He fills heaven, He wants to fill your home with His presence. Will you let Him?

Yes, that means in the midst of your frustrations and challenges of training your children. Often it doesn’t happen, because we live in the shallow and don’t realize this is God’s plan for us.

Think on this truth and confess it out loud over and over again today: "As in heaven, so in earth." Now make it a little more personal: "As in God’s home, so in my home!"

Amen and amen.

Be blessed today,

Love from Nancy Campbell

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URSaltI was amazed to read about some of the sons of Israel. I Chronicles 12:14-15 (NASB) says: “The sons of Gad were captains of the army; he who was least was equal to a hundred and the greatest to a thousand. These are the ones, who crossed the Jordan . . . when it was overflowing all its banks and they put to flight all those in the valleys, both to the east and to the west.”

What a vision! To raise a son who is equal to a hundred men! Or a son who is equal to a thousand other men! Wouldn’t that be amazing? In I Chronicles 26:29-31 we read about “capable men” and also “men of outstanding capability.”

Don’t aim for raising sons and daughters that are status quo and like everyone else around. Aim your vision higher. Educate children who will think like God thinks instead of the “dumbing down” spirit of this world. Raise sons and daughters who “know their God” and who will be “strong, and do exploits” (Daniel 11:32).

This morning I read the familiar Scripture in Matthew 5:13 how God wants us to be the salt of the earth. I checked the TPT and read: “Your lives are like salt among the people. But if you, like salt, become bland, how can your ‘saltiness’ be restored? Flavorless salt is good for nothing and will be thrown out and trampled on by others.”

I picked up on the word BLAND! Oh, isn’t that such a boring word? I don’t like bland food And I don’t like being bland myself. I don’t want my children to be bland. I want them to change the world.

We, and our children, will never be world changers if we are bland—normal, average, mediocre, middle of the road, lukewarm, ordinary! God does not intend us or our children to live this way. Jesus says in John 10:10 that He came to give us LIFE. But more than that. He came to give us life MORE ABUNDANTLY!

That does not mean bland! The word “abundantly” means “superabundant, excessive, exceedingly, beyond measure, vehemently.” How can we live bland lives when Jesus Christ, the Son of God lives within us?

Let’s not be satisfied with being bland ourselves. Let’s not be content to raise children who are bland. We are raising them to be the salt of the earth. To flavor everyone they meet with God’s life and truth. To fear God rather than man, for salt will often sting, but we and our children will not be afraid to speak the truth. For the truth, when it is received, restores, heals, and liberates.

Blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell

Picture: Mother, as you raise mighty sons and daughters, you are pouring out salt upon the earth.

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NotTooLateA word of encouragement does wonders. Loving words break down barriers. Sweet words break the hardest bone. Saying sorry heals wounds. #lovingwords #encouragingwords #kindwords #forgivingwords #strengthenyourmarriage #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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NoResistBabyYou’re pregnant? But you are scared to tell your parents or parents-in-law! You know you’ll get a negative reaction (or maybe even a violent reaction)! Can I encourage you that you only have to get through the next few months. When your precious baby is born, their hearts will change. No one can resist a baby!

Your parents and friends have this negative reaction because they have been brainwashed to have this response. Society, the media, and the education system all teach that you shouldn’t have too many babies. Instead, they want you to give your life to a career or a job that you will leave behind and which will have little impact on the nation or eternity! Their minds have been conditioned to believe lies from Satan who hates life.

But don’t lose heart. They’ll love your baby when he or she arrives!

Every new baby is a revelation of God to the world They are part of God’s kingdom. Jesus said in Matthew 19;14 (ESV): “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

You are helping to establish the kingdom of God on earth, and in heaven. Lift up your head and rejoice.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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LampBurningWhen you get up get dressed ready for another day in your great career of mothering. You will accomplish your great work far better when dressed appropriately! Don’t hang around in pajamas or bathrobe! You are in the service of the King of kings. #getdressed #highcallingofmotherhood #motherhoodadventure #powerofmotherhood #ilovemotherhood #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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EveryStormI have been thinking more about the Scripture I posted below. God is a jealous God. He commands: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). He wants our undivided loyalty. Look at this example of those who went after other gods (Deuteronomy 13:13-18).

We are to portray this same relationship in our marriages. We know that God planned marriage to be a picture of the relationship between Christ and the church ((Ephesians 5:22-33). Therefore, as we picture this, we should have no divided loyalty in our marriages.

I was amazed some time back to read a Facebook post from a wife asking if it was okay to have a special friendship with another male. I answered in the negative but was surprised to read many answers from “Christian” wives that it was totally okay. “What’s wrong with your husband that he won’t let you have a friendship with another male?” “What’s wrong with going out to lunch and enjoying friendship with another male?”

However, this is totally foreign to God’s plan. When a couple get married, that is the end of any other “personal” friendship with another male! Period. Do you remember your marriage vows when the minister asks: “Will you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? Will you love her, honor and keep her in sickness and in health and FORSAKING ALL OTHERS keep her only unto you so long as you both shall live.”?

By the way, the marriage of the wife that asked this question ended. Always the end result of divided loyalty. Of course, you can have friends of the opposite sex that you enjoy together with your husband, but never separately from your marriage. This is divided loyalty.

God does not want us to be “two-souled” in our relationship with Him or in our marriages.

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

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WashHandsGod does not accept divided loyalties. In the same chapter He says that if we are a friend of the world we are an enemy if God. The big question: Are we God’s friend or His enemy? #friendorenemy #purifyyourheart #undividedloyalty #jesusislord #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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HowToReceiveDo you read God's Word and not get anything out of it? Do you hear preaching and yet not get anything? We must do more than read and listen. We must RECEIVE! James 1:21 says: “RECEIVE with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls."

When you open God’s Word, get into the mode of RECEIVING, even when you don't like what it says! As you read the Word, respond with, “Yes, Lord, I receive this rebuke.” “Yes, Lord, thank You for this promise.” “Yes, Lord, I will obey Your Word.”

I am currently reading the wonderful biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer who was an intelligent and gifted theologian. However, he gradually learned to read the Bible not so much from a textual criticism point of view, but instead to receive it into his life. He wrote: “Just as we do not grasp the words of someone we love by taking them to bits, but by simply receiving them . . . so it will be with the words of the Bible. Only if we will venture to enter into the words of the Bible, as though in them this God were speaking to us who loves us . . . shall we learn to rejoice I the Bible . . . Since I have learned to read the Bible in this way . . . it becomes every day more wonderful to me.”

The New American Standard Bible says: “In humility RECEIVE the word IMPLANTED which is able to save your souls." When a baby is conceived, if it doesn't implant, it will die. If the Word is not IMPLANTED into our lives, it will be ineffective.

Let the Word implant in you! Teach your children how to read and hear God’s Word by receiving it into their lives, too. This is when it has the power to save their souls.

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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WorkSacredYou would think it would be a holy task to be a priest, wouldn't you? Would you like to know some of their holy tasks? They had to take charge of the utensils, counting them when they were brought in and out . . . look after the furniture in the Holy Place . . . . oversee the flour, wine and oil. . . mix the spices . . . bake bread every week . . . and take responsibility over the things baked in pans" (1 Chronicles 9:28-32).

Such menial tasks! And yet the Levites and priests were "set apart" by God for these appointed tasks.

Dear mother, do you sometimes think that many of your tasks are menial? No, nothing you do in your home is unimportant in God’s eyes. Every task, whether big or small, is a sacred task. Your home is a sanctuary and therefore everything you do it in it is a holy task.

Your mothering is a sacred task. An eternal calling. A powerful work. Like the Levites and priests of old, you have been set apart by God for this ministry in your home. It is a high calling to take charge of your kitchen, cook meals, bake bread, and care for your family.

It is hallowed work, especially when you do it unto the Lord!

Enjoy a wonderful day in your home today,

Nancy Campbell

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