UseGiftsI am continually amazed at our great God. He creates each new individual in the world unique and special. God has given you gifts and talents that no one else in the world has. I am sure you notice this in your children too. God has created each one with different talents, abilities, and gifts. There is no one like them in the whole word, and there will never be anyone like them again. Isn’t it amazing?

I often look at my grown children and I am amazed at their gifts and abilities. Where did they get them? They certainly didn’t get them from me. They have accomplished things that I couldn’t even dream about. I acknowledge their gifts come from God. He is the gift-giver. And because of this none of us can boast about any gift or talent we have. We would not even have it if God didn’t give it to us. 1 Corinthians 4:7 (NLT) says: “What do you have that God hasn’t given you? And if everything you have is from God, why boast as though it were not a gift?”

What does God want us to do with these gifts? He wants us to develop more gifts as we use what He gives to us (Matthew 25:14-30). And because He has given them to us, He wants us to use them to bless others. They are not really ours, for our pride or personal gain. They are given for the blessing of the world.

1 Peter 4:10 says: “As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” Let me share some more translations with you.

JBP: “Serve one another with the particular gifts God has given each of you, as faithful dispensers of the magnificently varied grace of God.”

AMP: “Just as each one of you has received a special gift (a spiritual talent, an ability graciously given by God), employ it in serving one another.”

I notice that God doesn’t say that He wants us to use our gifts for monetary gain. Yes, it is true that people’s gifts enable them to make money, provide for their families, and many other families as well as they provide employment.

Many mothers use their gifts and creative abilities to create a home business that can help provide for their families. This can be a blessing, especially if you do it in the right season. There is always a season for everything. It is not wise to do this when you have little children. This can sometimes work out as your children get bigger and often the children can eventually become part of the family business.

However, we must remember that God wants us to use our gifts to bless others because He wants people to be blessed. He is the blessing God. And He can only bless His people through His servants. Therefore, don’t feel you have to do everything for money. Do it for love. Do it to bless others. Give freely.

And don’t wait for some big ministry before you use your gift. Sometimes Above Rubies readers send me poems to include in the Above Rubies magazine. I don’t always have room to publish everything that comes to me. I encourage these lovely ladies to not wait for something to be published before they use it. Instead, you can write a poem for someone who is lonely and in need. Write it on a beautiful card and send it to them. You can write poems for your children. For your husband. You can write rhymes and verses for Table Place Cards.

Are you a great cook? One day you may end up establishing a baking business from your home. But don’t wait for that. Bless you family with your wonderful cooking. Show hospitality. Bake and cook for those who are sick, for mothers with a new baby, and the elderly.

Whatever your gift, use it where you are. Use it for the people who are around you. As you are faithful to use it, God will open the bigger doors in His time and His way.

We read about Dorcas this morning in Acts 9:36-42. Verse 36 says: “this woman was FULL OF GOOD WORKS and ALMSDEEDS which she did." The word “almsdeeds” means “compassion, especially to the poor.” This word is not only used of the feeling of mercy but the action. That’s why it’s translated almsDEEDS! It is also translated “acts of charity.” It is love worked out in action.

You know the story of how this woman died, they called for Peter who prayed for her, and she was raised from the dead. Before Peter prayed, verse 39 (TPT) says: “There were many widows standing next to Peter, weeping. One after another showed him the tunics and other garments that Tabitha (Dorcas) had made TO BLESS OTHERS.”

She had a sewing gift which she didn’t use to establish a big business, but to reach out to the poor and bless others.

Let’s not forget the most important reason for the talents God gives to us.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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