HomeSHomeA true home is one of the most sacred of places. It is a sanctuary into which men flee from the world's perils and alarms. It is a resting-place to which, at close of day the weary retire to gather new strength for the battle and toils of tomorrow.

It is the place . . .
where love learns its lessons,
where life is schooled into discipline and strength,
where character is molded.

Few things we can do in this world are so well worth doing as the making of a beautiful and happy home! He who does this builds a sanctuary for God and opens a fountain of blessing for men.

Far more than we know do the strength and beauty of our lives depend upon the home in which we dwell. He who goes forth in the morning from a happy, loving, prayerful home into the world's strife, temptation, struggle, and duty is strongly inspired for noble and victorious living.

The children who are brought up in a true home go out trained and equipped for life's battles and tasks carrying a secret of strength in their hearts, which will make them brave and loyal to God, and will keep them pure in the world's severest temptations!

James Russell Miller (1840 – 1912).

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ChooseHowNo matter what you are going through at this moment, God is with you to give you the victory. “This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith” (1 John 5:4). #Christinyou #godgivesthevictory #walkwithgod #godsway #notyourway #aboverubies

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WifesMissionDo you think attitudes have changed in recent years?

By J. A. James (1838).

“The Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him’” (Genesis 2:18).

Woman's mission is to be the suitable help-mate of that man, to whom she has given herself as the companion of his pilgrimage upon earth.

She is, in wedded life, to be his constant companion, in whose companionship he is to find one, who meets him ... hand to hand,
eye to eye,
lip to lip,
and heart to heart.

To whom he can unburden the secrets of a heart pressed down with care, or wrung with anguish;
whose presence shall be to him above all other friendship;
whose voice shall be his sweetest music;
whose smiles his brightest sunshine;
from whom he shall go forth with regret;
and to whose company he shall return with willing feet, when the toilsof the day are over;
who shall walk near his loving heart, and feel the throbbing of affection as her arm leans on his, and presses on his side.

In his hours of private companionship, he shall tell her all the secrets of his heart; find in her all the capabilities, and all the promptings, of the most tender and endeared fellowship; and in her gentle smiles, and unrestrained speech, enjoy all to be expected in one who was given by God to be his companion and friend.

That companionship which woman was designed to afford to man, must of course be included the sympathetic offices of the comforter.

It is hers, in their hours of retirement, to console and cheer him;
when he is injured or insulted, to heal the wounds of his troubled spirit;
when burdened by care, to lighten his load by sharing it;
when groaning with anguish, to calm by her peace-speaking words the tumult of his heart;
and act, in all his sorrows, the part of a ministering angel.

* * *

Could you say Amen?

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BlueFindIt’s so true. There’s no better way to lift your spirit than to do something to bless someone else. Are you feeling “blue”? Think of what you can do for someone else, something really special. #aboverubies

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NaggingNoWork“Where there is complaining, it shall fail,
Where there is nagging, it shall drive the husband away,
Where there is bitterness, it shall poison the marriage,
Where there is self-pity, it shall bring self-destruction,
But loves goes on forever!”
Adapted for wives from 1 Corinthians 13.

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NoLawToStopThere is only one Scripture in the Bible where it says that there is no law to stop you! You’re free! Not a person can stop you. Except yourself.

Yes, you know the Scripture in Galatians 5:22 (RSV): “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such THERE IS NO LAW." Isn’t that wonderful?

These are the graces we want to pour into our home. These are the fruit we want to exhibit in our lives. And isn’t it wonderful? There is nothing stopping us, except our yielding to the flesh.

We don’t have these things in our own selfish nature. But they are in Christ. They are the picture of who Christ is, and He dwells in us. When we are born again, and He dwells in our hearts and He wants to fill our lives with these attributes.

Are you feeling lousy and upset? Your joy has left. What’s happening? You are giving into your feelings and fleshly nature. Remember, Christ dwells in you and His nature is joy. Begin to acknowledge and confess the joy of the Lord. It is a greater truth than your feelings.

Do you want to scream at your children? That’s your flesh. But Christ dwells in you. Acknowledge His presence. Confess out loud: Thank you, Jesus that You live in me and You are filled with patience and longsuffering. Thank You for Your patience that fills my life. I’m walking in Your patience right now. Amen.”

Remember, no one is stopping you. Only your own will. We either yield to the flesh or yield to the Holy Spirit. You are free to do it and live in the fulness of the life of Christ which is His abundant life.

Don’t let the devil win in your home today. Don’t let anger, temper, unforgiveness, worry, fretting, or misery rob you.

Much love from Nancy Campbell

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I would encourage you to visit this site. I go to it periodically to remind me of the horrors of what is happening in our nation. It gives you the up-to-date minute by minute number of abortions taking place in our nation and across the world. This site keeps you from becoming lethargic and putting your head in the sand. We must be reminded so we will wake up and do something.

As I post this now, here are a few statistics. Since Roe v. Wade 60,853,116.0 babies have been murdered! Planned Parenthood has killed 294,544.7 this year. Already, at 10.15 am 1,088.4 abortions have taken place in the US today!

You can check out other statistics on this site. Go to:

~ Nancy Campbell

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WhentheRighteousAre you praying daily? Pray that the people of this nation will be faithful at these mid-term elections to vote in righteous, pro-life, pro-constitutional, marriage and family protecting, and border-protecting candidates. #voterighteously #prayforournation #praywithyourfamily #aboverubies

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FamilyMemoriesMake family memories in your home. Make time to spend together as a family. Make your home life exciting and wonderful!

Painting by Pascal Campion

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DeathofNationDid you see the movie, DEATH OF A NATION: Can we Save America a Second Time?

If not, you can get the DVD which is now available. Purchase a copy as soon as possible. Show it to your young people. Bring in friends and show it to them. Everyone needs to see this eye-opening, action-packed documentary.

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HomeschoolEncoreFor the first time ever, we are delighted to announce a Homeschool Summit encore!

We were so grateful to host the Homeschool Parenting Summit last week, and over 20,000 families joined us as we learned from 25 speakers about biblical discipleship in the context of home education. We hoped to reach as many families as we could with this great content — all part of our vision to share resources and encouragement with Christian families so they are equipped to pass on the faith to the next generation.

We wanted to extend the opportunity for families to learn and benefit from the Parenting Summit free content, so we decided to open up the entire free event for two more days! While it’s still only available for a limited time (the event closes down on Tuesday night at midnight CST), we hope the additional time will give you the chance to sign up for free at https://zb362.infusionsoft.com/…/e…/6006866/9e1d94c4866cab5c and catch a few of the great sessions AND share about the event with your friends so they can be equipped and encouraged, too.

To register and get started go to this link: https://zb362.infusionsoft.com/…/6…/6006866/9e1d94c4866cab5c
After you sign up, you’ll be given an opportunity to share about the event with friends using your own personalized link and earn rewards (like session transcripts, audios, and more).

We hope it’s an encouragement to you and many families!

Daniel & Megan Craig
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VoteRighteousnessI voted Republican against . . .
* DISTORTION (campaigning as moderates when they are extreme socialists)
* DUMBING DOWN our constitution and conservative values
* DESTRUCTION OF LIFE in the womb (Democrats are pro-abortion)
* DEMOLISHING ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and all protection of our borders (although many have big fences around their own homes)
* DEVASTATION of our nation (Democrats want abortion, open borders with freedom for terrorists to come in, sanctuary cities to harbor terrorists, Obama Care, tax increases, education change (promotion of transgender, Muslim curriculum, and changing our history, but never the word Christian).

I voted to save our beloved country and future generations!

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TragicLast night, on the way home from our Above Rubies Family Retreat in Pennsylvania, we went to the movie GOSNELL: The Trial of America’s Biggest serial Killer. It is a powerful drama that every person should see. It is well-produced and well-acted. It doesn’t show horrific pictures of aborted babies but the exposure of murder at the trial comes through loud and clear.

Please try and get to this movie. One, because it is imperative you see it. Two, because by going to the movie you are a voice for life and righteousness. When we stay home, we are silent.

We didn’t think we would get to see this movie. It is only showing in selected movie theaters. It played in the AMC theaters in our area but was soon stopped. We were glad to find that it was still playing at the Regal Hollywood at 100 Oaks Mall in Nashville and made the effort to go. It may not be playing for much longer.

It was tragic. Not only was the subject of the movie tragic. But there were only four of us in the theater. Where are God’s people who will be a voice? I know it can be a sacrifice to go. It costs money. Money we often don’t have. But we are not spending money for pleasure, but to stand up for life.

You may have to travel. Even if you must travel an hour and a half, it’s worth it. You are standing on God’s side. You are not hiding in your silent cave. God says in His Word: “OPEN THY MOUTH for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. OPEN THY MOUTH, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy” (Proverbs 31:8, 9).

Go to http://www.gosnellmovie.com/theaters/ to find the nearest theater to you. If it is still playing within an hour or two of where you live, go. If it’s not on, call your theater and ask why. Most AMC theaters have pulled it. You can call their head office at 913 213 2000 and complain. The liberals do not want people to see this movie.

A pro-choicer said these words: “If Christians really thought abortion was murder, it wouldn’t be legal any more.” We are complicit with evil when we do nothing.

Albert Einstein said: “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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HoldUnwaveringlyLet’s never give up confessing our great salvation. Let’s never give up adhering to the truth of God’s Word. Let’s be UNWAVERING in our stand for truth. #amen #standfortruth #unwavering #nevergiveup #neverturnaside #nevercompromise #godistrustworthy #aboverubies

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VForgeOn the way home from the Above Rubies Pennsylvania retreat we passed by Valley Forge. Colin and I are standing by one of the log huts the soldiers lived in during the winter at Valley Forge. The cabins were sparse and damp and 2,000 soldiers died, two thirds of diseases. #valleyforge #aboverubiesretreat #aboverubies

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BringhimHomeI printed this story two times in Above Rubies. However, I would love to share it with you again today. It is still one of the most powerful marriage restoration testimonies I have read. Read how Connie waited 12 agonizing years for her wild, in-and-out-of prison husband to return to her!
~ Nancy

Jim and I met in 1966. He was 25, I was 18. He was wild and so was I. When we met he had already been in and out of prison for about seven years and was going back again for two years. We married in the prison six months later. Soon after I had our son. A few months later I miraculously came to Christ. Because of the prison term I didn’t live with my husband for another two and a half years. After being home a year he began a crime spree.

He deserted us over and over again. I had nowhere to turn except to God. No one knew where my mate was. Some of the time my heart would rage like a forest fire out of control. I would run and scream like a woman out of her mind searching for her mate in the raging fire. I’d scream curses at God only to faint from exhaustion and weep bitter tears of repentance. I’d get back up, begin running again and fall again and again until finally I’d surrender my will to Christ’s will. And then I’d wait, maybe for another six months, knowing God was in control.

In the beginning I thought about divorce. Well, wasn’t that what a woman does if her husband leaves her repeatedly? And yet Jim kept coming back and repenting. He would mysteriously end up at my back door after being missing for four or five months, looking like a mad man. But beneath the dirt and sun-parched face he was still mine.

I’d bring him in the house, give him dinner, and speak peace and rest to him. I’d run the bath water for him to wash and feel like a man again. Compassion would rise in my heart. I had the Lord, and my Jim didn’t. I would reverence and praise him. I would shut the door on the world and be alone with my mate. No matter what he had done to me, we were still one flesh. He was my first and only husband--a terrible, ungodly, unfaithful husband, but he was still my husband. His healing came repeatedly as I forgave him and opened my love to him. I held nothing back.

There would be times when putting dinner on the table I’d notice he was awfully late. I’d listen for the car and begin running back and forwards to the window. The old familiar fear would rage, knowing that he had deserted me again. This happened about 30 times in the first twelve years of marriage. He would suddenly disappear without warning. The children would run in from play crying, “Where is daddy, where is my daddy?” I’d tell my little baby, Jimmy, “Daddy is sick, but Jesus is going to heal him.” I taught my little ones to pray, “Thank you, Jesus, for bringing my daddy home.”

His mother died, and no one could find him. My prayers went out to God day and night, seemingly to no avail. The years went on and the crimes continued as if I had no God. I felt like a motherless and fatherless child. I was completely exhausted, and my mate committed still another crime and went to prison for almost four years.

I loved him. I felt he was demon possessed, yet he was my husband. And, at times I hated him. Your arms and legs belong to you even when they hurt, you can’t cut them off. I was like this about my husband. I hated it when he deserted me, but I was married to him no matter what. Adultery to me was the worst of all sins. At night before I entered my marriage bed alone I’d cry out to God to keep me pure, even in my dreams, and that I would never dream of another man.

Many mornings I’d wake up and think, “Lord, why did you give me another day to live?” Often the world seemed so black to me, but sweet Jesus would come to me and speak life and joy into my tired and depressed soul. One day God supernaturally took all my burdens away. I forgot Jim had left me. It was so hilarious. I even wrote myself a note to remember to pray for him.
The day-to-day message from the Lord was, “Now Connie, you just get up out of that bed. You straighten your shoulders and you believe God. This problem isn’t bigger than God. Don’t you prepare your day as though Jim won’t be home. You get up and prepare your home for a miracle.” Each evening when my husband was gone I’d fix supper for him and put his plate at the head of the table. No one was allowed to sit in his chair and no one was allowed to bad-mouth him. I ran the house as if he were home.

I survived and lived on the Word of God. I whispered His name all day long. He walked with me in the valley of death and guided me to a straight path.

All our phone conversations at the prison were censored. I’d speak faith into the phone and say, “I’ll see you in a few days, honey. The guards thought we were planning an escape because Jim had been given a 10-year sentence!

People laughed and said he would always leave me and be in and out of prison. The prison guards told me that Jim was institutionalized and was hopeless. Hopeless or not, he was my husband. I knew I could never forsake the Lord by not forgiving my own husband. Also, as a young wife I wanted to be a teacher of women when I got older and I knew I couldn’t be divorced. I’d sing, “Keep me Jesus as the apple of thine eye.”

The Lord would tell me to speak to the mountains in my life and not doubt in my heart. I would speak to the mountain, which was Jim. I would woo him and call him home with my prayers. Every muscle in my body cried out to God to save him. I fasted and prayed continuously.

Jim was healed in 1979. After he had been in prison for the last four years and home for about three months, he asked me to have another baby, our fourth. I was so fearful. I said No, I was not going to have another baby. I walked away from him and the Lord spoke to me. “Connie," He said, “You have come this far by faith. Don’t give up now.” After much heartache I obeyed the Lord.

“Yes,” I told Jim, "I’ll have another baby for you.” I placed my future in his hands. When Jim saw that I still believed in his life as a human being something released within him. The fear left his eyes and He was delivered. He lifted up his hands to His Father and received the anointing of a sound and unfettered mind. He began to slowly give more and more of his life to Christ. He took over the bills and began to work steadily.

The Lord did exceedingly and abundantly more than I could ask or think. He gave me joy unspeakable. Satan had come in like a flood, but the Lord raised such a standard against him. All Satan did was build me a grand testimony.

God gave me a new batch of fruit. I had David in 1980, Dan in 1982, and Mary in 1985. We now have six children. I was queen in my palace. I raised the children for Christ and to honor their daddy. I taught them to jump when Daddy walked into the room. I taught them to get Daddy a cup of coffee or honor him in some way.

The guys at work say to my husband, “You don’t go out and drink and party.” Jim says, “I have a wife to go home to. I spend my time with my family.”

One guy said, “Boy, when work is over you run home.” The guy thought something was wrong with him!

I sit here thinking of Jim and the man he is now. He has been home sitting at the head of our table for 20 years! Who is this Jesus we serve? Surely, He is the Son of the living God, a God who saw me crying and feeling so forsaken, a God who knew the very moment Jim would be healed. Jim is my walking miracle to always remind me that nothing is impossible with God. He showed me that if we don’t give up we will see the glory of God.

Proverbs 31:11 says, “The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her.” A woman must gain the trust of a man such as this. His healing comes as he feels safe enough to give Christ his heart and his wife his heart. When Jim was healed he went from not seeing me to taking care of me. He turned from Satan and took dominion over his Eve. He came into his responsibilities as a man. I come under my husband and I don’t desire to do anything else. I don’t always agree with him and I tell him I don’t. But in the end his word is final. I want to be as Esther and not as Queen Vashti.

Dear wives and mothers, don’t give up on your husband. God sees your heartache. He won’t leave you or forsake you if you trust in Him. I know. I’ve been to the other side.

Updated December 2012
In April 2006 my dear husband, Jim, died of a heart attack. As my six children and I gathered around Jim’s hospital bed the Hospital Chaplain told me, "I have never seen a family so full of love." As the nurse told us Jim had passed, I whispered to each of the children to comfort and love each other. As we left the hospital room I left a chapter in my life.

I wish I could say that all went well after that, but grief is hard to understand, and unpredictable. Jim and I were married for almost 40 years, my first and only husband. I still live in our family home, garden, bake bread, cook from scratch, and try to practice what I preach.

Jim would often say, "Connie and the children are what I live for, but I try to put God first. My family is my life." When we would give our testimony to a church group Jim would look up from the pulpit and say, "If it wasn't for that little girl right over there I wouldn't be alive today. She was my guardian angel."

I now have nine grandchildren and they are a wonderful blessing. Had I given up on my husband I would have never known the joy of all these grandchildren. Praise the Lord.

Jim and I lived from one miracle to the next. To me, Jim and I were just two good forgivers as we all have feet of clay. Our love and life together was the most gut-wrenching experience I ever had, but it was a one of a kind marriage. Would I do it all again? Yes, I would. Oh yes, it was worth it all. My marriage was tried in the fire many times, but I came out with a testimony of love and truth. My marriage has a message, "If you don't give up you will see the glory of God."

Marian, Iowa, USA

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WhatRWeMissingIn Washington DC, at a Metro Station, on a cold January morning in 2007, a man with a violin played six Bach pieces. During that time, approximately 2000 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.

After about four minutes, a middle-aged man noticed that there was a musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds, and then he hurried on to meet his schedule. About four minutes later, the violinist received his first dollar. A woman threw money in the hat and, without stopping, continued to walk. At six minutes, a young man leaned against the wall to listen to him, then looked at his watch and started to walk again.

At ten minutes, a three-year old boy stopped, but his mother tugged him along hurriedly. The child stopped to look at the violinist again, but the mother pushed hard, and the child continued to walk, turning his head the whole time. This action was repeated by several other children, but every parent - without exception - forced their children to move on quickly.

At forty-five minutes, the musician played continuously. Only six people stopped and listened for a short while. About twenty gave money but continued to walk at their normal pace. The man collected a total of $32.

After one hour, he finished playing and silence took over. No one noticed, and no one applauded. There was no recognition at all.

No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the greatest musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, with a violin worth $3.5 million dollars. Two days before, Joshua Bell sold-out a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100 each to sit and listen to him play the same music.

This is a true story. Joshua Bell, playing incognito in the D.C. Metro Station, was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste, and people’s priorities.

This experiment raised several questions: In a common-place environment, at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty? If so, do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize talent in an unexpected context?

One possible conclusion reached from this experiment could be this: if we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world, playing some of the finest music ever written, with one of the most beautiful instruments ever made . . . how many other things are we missing as we rush through life?

Leonid Afremov, Violinist, Oil Painting

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LaysNextGenIt is mothers who keep the nation going. It is mothers who keep the generations going. Without Mother’s the world would wind down. Dear mother, be encouraged today. You determine the destiny of nations and generations! #nationbuilding #generationbuilding #mothering #powerofmotherhood #motherhood #mother #aboverubies

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FieldsFamilyI printed this article, written by Pam Fields, in Above Rubies #93. It is such a good idea that I’d love to share it with you again today. You will be inspired. Love from Nancy.

For years, I told people that I believed in the power of prayer. I affirmed with my mouth that “prayer changes things.” I knew in my mind and heart it was true.

At a Ladies’ Retreat a few years ago, Nancy talked about prayer and quizzed us on Scriptures pertaining to prayer. There are at least 650 references to prayer in the Bible—probably more. I’m familiar with them, but do I believe them? Do I live like I believe that prayer is as powerful as the Bible says?

That weekend, I was challenged to pray for my children. If I don’t pray for my children, who will? I cannot rely on grandparents or a prayer-warrior-friend to cover my children with prayer. It is my duty and should be my delight. I must be vigilant for we live in the midst of a daily spiritual battle. I must purposefully pray for my children.

I had to look at my prayer life and found it sorely lacking. My heart was heavy. I was failing to pray for my own children! Day-to-day, I was very conscientious to prepare them nourishing foods, to educate them, and to fill their brains with a Biblical worldview. All these things are good, but I’d neglected to pray for my children. I’d left them uncovered.

When I did remember to hunker down and pray in the hustle and bustle of life in a big family, I usually petered out. Starting at the top of the age list, I could never get through them all—interrupted by my own distractions or the needs of the very ones I was trying to pray for.

The next time, I would start with the youngest and work my way up. Again, I was pulled away and some always got left out! The squeakiest wheel got the most prayer and the quietest one (who happened to be in the middle) was forgotten. This was unacceptable! I was abnegating the most basic of parental duties. I was surrendering my most powerful weapon to protect my family. Abandoning my post. This was not my heart. I needed a plan!

As Nancy shared that weekend about the high priest of Israel and his garments which held the names of the tribes of Israel, an idea began to take shape. On the ephod and the breastplate of the priestly garments were the names of the tribes of Israel. Exodus 28:29 (ESV) says: “So Aaron shall bear the names of the sons of Israel in the breastpiece of judgement on his heart, when he goes into the Holy Place, to bring them to regular rememberance before the Lord.” I realized that I could no longer leave out any of “my tribe.” I needed to carry them with me as I carried out my motherhood role, to cover them, and bring their names before the Lord.

I am not much of a jewelry girl. I find it most inconvenient as I don’t know how to match it to my clothing, it makes a noise, or gets in the way when I try to be productive. I knew I couldn’t manage a breastplate or an ephod! But I needed a physical reminder.

Now, I wear a bracelet for each of my children. Each one is a simple elastic string of beads that matches just about everything. Honestly, I don’t care if it doesn’t match, because these bracelets are more important than fashion!

I put beads, which spell out my children’s names, on each bracelet. Every morning, I put the bracelets on my left wrist. As I pray for them, I move the bracelets to my right wrist. Now, when I am interrupted, I don’t lose my place! If I pray for them as the Lord leads, I don’t lose my place. No longer must it be done in order! If I finish praying for some, I slip those bracelets onto the counter—ready for the next day.

While driving errands, my wrist is right before me at the steering wheel—a reminder. I turn off the radio and pray instead. If I think, as I cook or wash dishes, “these bracelets are getting in the way,” I remind myself that my true work for the day is not completed. I am called to pray. When folding laundry, instead of letting my mind wander, I check my wrist and get down to the real business of my home.

My children know about my bracelets. It is the sweetest thing when my seven-year-old comes up to me, lovingly caressing my arm and checking each bracelet to look for her name. “Mommy, you haven’t prayed for me yet?” or, with excitement, “Mommy! You prayed for me already!”

I find that when I pray for each child, the Lord brings to my heart all the needs surrounding each particular child. My prayer life is becoming quite unbounded. I now pray for my children’s friends, their workplaces, their future spouses, and the ministries to which God has called them. Though I still need to make a bracelet for him, I pray for my husband daily as well.

I was once unable to find the time to pray for my husband and the nine precious children God has given me. Then I discovered I had the time all along. I was merely distracted. My walk with God is stronger, as I talk with Him all day long concerning the most exciting and the dullest things.

I ask you what I asked myself: “Do you really believe in the power of prayer? If so, are you living what you believe?” I’d be so happy for you to try my plan.

Salem, Oregon, USA * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

What you need:
Clear stretchy cord, beading needle, seed beads, E6000 glue (to secure the knot so it doesn’t come undone). These supplies can be found at a craft store.
Alphabet beads from Oriental Trading company or Amazon (Amazon has an extra vowel set) which might be necessary, depending on how many you make). My beads started off silver, but after a year of wearing them, the silver has rubbed off and they are now white.

PICTURE: The Fields family.

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ