CanChildrenBeSavedYes! The Lord Jesus said so: "But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged, about his neck, and that lie were drowned in the depth of the sea. " (Matthew 18:6).

Jim Moritz was suddenly taken to Glory at the age of four, June 28, 1969. He grew up under the constant hearing of the Gospel in word and in music. His parents, Pastor and Mrs. Fred Moritz, dedicated him to the Lord before he was born. He knew John 3:16 before he was two years of age.

Saturday, March 15, during evangelistic meetings the evangelist, Allen Northrup, and pastor were still at the church after the service when Mrs. Moritz phoned and said: "Your son says he wants to become a Christian."
The pastor and evangelist tried to talk to the boy that night, but he was very timid and just went to his room.

After the series of meetings, Jim began to speak of having been saved. His father said, "Jim, when were you saved?"
His dad thought that because Jim had raised his hand during the meetings, he might have the false impression that be was saved. But the boy replied: "Dad, when Allen Northrup was here in our church, I went into my room one night, and I sat down by my bed and asked Jesus Christ to save me and be my Savior,"

After that, whenever his dad or anyone else would question him about his salvation he would say, "Dad, I told you when I was saved. You remember, don't you?" Jim always had the right answers when anyone questioned him about salvation.

On June 9, 1969, Jim came to the door with a little friend and said, "She wants to be saved." Jim's father led the little girl to Christ. She was saved because of Jim's witness.

After Jim's sudden home-going, his testimony lived on, and his parents know of at least eight who have been saved since then because of Jim's salvation and his witness.

How important it is that little children are taught the Gospel. How wonderful that even little children can witness. The plan of salvation is so simple that even a child need not err therein!

Yes, anyone, young or old, who "believes in" Christ has eternal life! Our Lord said: "He that believeth on me hath everlasting life" (John 6:47).

See Matthew 18. In verse 2, we learn that our Lord loves little children, for He "called a little child unto him."

Also, little children can learn to love Him, for when the Lord called this little one to Him, the child came. The little boy was not afraid of the Lord; he did not run from Him-he came to Him!

Now read verse 6 again, and let these words sink into your mind: "these little ones which believe in me."

Yes, thank God, little children can be saved. I was saved at my mother’s knee when I was four years old.

Some say, "No one can be saved at the early age of four." Well, my mother didn't know that, so she just went ahead and led me to Christ! And I didn't know it either, so I just went ahead and received Christ and got saved!

Parents, be sure to lead your little children to Christ. If you explain salvation to them, over and over again, they will understand.

If your little child were suddenly called from this world, what a comfort it would be to say, "I had the joy of leading him or her to Christ."

Remember, our Lord said, "Suffer (allow) little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 19:14).

Yes, you can lead your children to Christ. They will understand if you carefully explain the plan of salvation to them. Don't say, "If you are a good boy, you'll go to Heaven." No, he won't!

NOBODY goes to Heaven by "being good" or by being "religious."

By the way, mother or dad, are YOU saved? You know you are a sinner, for God declares: "All have sinned." (See Romans 3:23.) And you know you are a lost sinner: "For the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23).

You know that "God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

And now that Christ died to bear your sin and rose again, you can be saved forever by trusting in Him and in what He did for you on the cross.

"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name" (John 1: 12).

Children are saved by receiving the Lord Jesus and trusting in Him. And adults are saved the same way!
Mother and daddy make sure you are saved, and then set. out to win your children to Christ.

Do it now! Before this ungodly, wicked world with its fierce temptations, snares, and pitfalls drags your child into the cesspools of iniquity.

Do it now! Before Satan, through his many agents and helpers, deceives them with false teachings of evolution, new morality, situation ethics, sensitivity training, and sex without morality.

Do it now! Then get into a good, sound, separated, Christ-exalting, Bible-preaching church and see to it that the whole family is there at all the regular services.

Do it now! And begin a daily "family altar" in your home, when you read the Word of God and pray with your family

You will pay an awful price if you don't. You will reap many blessings if you do.

Printed from Bible Tracts Inc. P.O. Box 588, Normal, IL 61761-0588

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HandsFullBlessingNext time you are out and about with your children and someone says: “My, you have your hands full” don’t feel intimidated. Instead, lift up your head, put a smile on your face, and answer: “Oh yes, they are filled with blessings!” Or you might say: “Oh yes, we love children. Don’t you?” They don’t have an answer for that one. Or what about this one someone told me that they like to say when asked if they are having any more children: “It’s conceivable!” #childrenareablessing #myhandsarefullofblessings #iamblessed #ilovemotherhood #powerofmotherhood #mothering #joyfulmotherhood #aboverubies

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MakeSacrificesIs everything going wrong today? The house is a mess? The children are behaving badly! You want to give in your notice! But you can’t do that! You feel upset and angry. That’s giving into the flesh. So, what do you do?

The Bible always gives the answer, although it is often not the one we want to hear!

When we feel miserable or upset, God wants us to make a sacrifice! Yes, that means to do something we don’t like. Something that denies the flesh.

You may feel down in the dumps. Forget your feelings. Make a sacrifice of JOY! It is a sacrifice isn’t it? Especially when you don’t feel like it, but Psalm 27:6 tells us to make “SACRIFICES OF JOY.” And how do you make the sacrifice? It goes on to say: “I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD.” You’ve got to start singing.

There are more sacrifices yet! When you are full of self-pity, cast it out in the name of Jesus and make a sacrifice of PRAISE. Jeremiah 17:20 and 31:11 talk about it and then the New Testament takes it up in Hebrews 13;15: “Let us offer the SACRIFICE of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.”

You’ve got to do something You’ve got to open your lips and praise instead of complaining!

If that’s not enough, God’s tells us to make the “SACRIFICES of thanksgiving” (Psalm 107:22 and 116:17). Do you notice the plural? It’s not only one sacrifice of thanksgiving, but sacrifices! You’ve got to keep on sacrificing your feelings and keep on thanking and praising the Lord.

Will you do it? know you don’t feel like it. It is a sacrifice. But it leads you to victory and triumph.

Listen to Jonah’s testimony. He offered the “sacrifice of thanksgiving” when he was down in the belly of the whale where the depths closed over him, the see wrapped itself around his head, and he sank to the very roots of the mountains! He was imprisoned in the earth! I am sure your problem isn’t as bad as Jonah’s! But he made the sacrifice, and God gave him deliverance (Jonah 2: 1-19).

The Bible also talks about the “SACRIFICES of righteousness” (Psalm 4:5 and 51:19 and the “SACRIFICES of a broken spirit and contrite heart (Psalm 51:17).

One more thing. God makes it clear that these sacrifices are not only for sometimes. We are to make them CONTINUALLY. The Old Testament commanded the people of Israel to make “continual “or “daily” sacrifices. The word in the Hebrew is “yom” and means from “sunrise to sunset.”

It doesn’t change in the New Testament. Hebrews 13:15 states: “Let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God CONTINUALLY.” No option. We can’t get off the hook. This is the plan. In fact, it’s the remedy. It’s the answer. God’s ways always work.

When you open your lips and start praising, you’ll win the victory. Your attitude will change. The atmosphere in your home will change, and even the children will change their behavior.

I know you’ll do it.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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NoWisdomGod’s Word is “settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89) and nothing we do on earth can change it. It is purified seven times (Psalm 12:6). We might as well get with it and do it God’s way. His way brings blessing, joy, and peace. Doing it our way ends in destruction. #godsword #godswordistruth #godswordispure #obediencebringsblessing #obediencebrings

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TwoLittleMenYour confession determines your lifestyle. I taught this little poem to my children when they were young and it has influenced their lives. They also taught it to their children. Pearl’s daughter, Meadow, wrote a song about it which can be heard on iTunes. #youcangettothetop #watchyourconfession #yourwordshavepower #deathandlifeareinthepowerofthetongue #aboverubies

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TheHurrierGod doesn’t intend us to live in a frenzy, but in His rest. We’ll accomplish a lot more . #godsrest #slowdown #trustingodnotyourself #aboverubies

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CresendoGod’s glorious creation began with things such as dirt, then vegetation, then animals, etc. … it just kept getting better and better. God then created His great love interest … human beings. Yet man was created only second to last. Woman is the crescendo … the last and greatest of all of God’s creation! God has created nothing more beautiful, more loving, more tender-hearted, more nurturing. That is why women are perfectly positioned to be wife and mother.”
~ Fr Richard Heilman

Painting by John Fernandes

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GreatestWeaponPsalm 127:1 says: “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.”

Are you ready to stop laboring in your own strength to build a strong homeschooling family and instead see the Lord build your house?

Then sign up for the free Homeschool Parenting Summit (October 22-27, 2018), an online event with 25+ video sessions with speakers (including Nancy Campbell) who will encourage you to turn your heart to God’s ways for your family’s joy and give you practical steps for faithful action.

Get registered now at

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WomenRaiseStandard“When a man loves a woman, he has to become worthy of her. The higher her virtue, the more noble her character, the more devoted she is to truth, justice, goodness, the more a man has to aspire to be worthy of her. The history of civilization could actually be written in terms of the level of its women.” –
~ Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Painting by Ron DiCianni

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DoWeTrustGodsPlanYesterday I asked the question: “Why do many people hate the word patriarchy?” It’s not really that scary because it just comes from the word “pater” which is father. Whenever I have been interviewed on TV I have always been asked the question: “What do you think about patriarchy?” The liberals have a terrible view of this word. They think of ogre men who lord it over their wives. Sadly, there are men who treat their wives this way and distort God’s image of patriarchy. The true sense of the word is the revelation of God the Father to the world.

The origin of father is in the family. God even reveals family in the Trinity. We have God the Father. God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is never called a mother in God’s Word. And yet, we see the picture of mothering. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter and in the beginning of creation we read of Him “brooding” over the waters.

The Father is the head. Ephesians 4:6 says: “One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” Following the image of the Three-in-One God, 1 Corinthians 11:3 states clearly: “I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.” There is perfect equality and oneness in the God-head and yet they also have different functions. God wants us to function like He does.

Many women cannot accept that man is head of the woman. They demand equality, but they don’t have to demand equality, because we are already equal with men. God plainly reveals our equality and worth with men. But we have different functions. Just because God gave us different functions does not make us inferior. In fact, when we each fulfil our specific functions, our marriage and family life functions successfully.

Sometimes we need to be reminded of God’s ultimate plan. God, who is the “only wise God” has the plan that works best. Or I should say, the only plan that really works.

God reveals the headship of man even in creation.

1. Man was created first, then the woman.

2. God represented the human race through Adam, the man, not Eve (1 Corinthians 15:22).

3. God gave Adam the responsibility to name Eve. Naming someone reveals their headship over the one named.

4. God called both Adam and Eve the name Adam (or “man” in the Hebrew), rather than Adam and Eve. Genesis 5:2 states: “Male and female he created them, and he blessed them and named them Man when they were created.” Both are equal in worth, value, and importance, but God called them “man” to denote the male headship.

5. God held Adam accountable. Even though Eve was deceived and sinned first, when God came to the Garden of Eden what did He do? Genesis 3:9 says: “And the LORD God called unto ADAM,
and said unto him, Where art THOU?”

6. God created Eve to be a helper (Genesis 2:18). To be a helper is not inferior, for God is also called a Helper (the same Hebrew word “ezer”), but He didn’t call her the leader or the head.

7. Marriage is a picture of Christ and the church. The church does not lead Christ. The church submits to Christ as the wife submits to her husband. Ephesians 5:24: “Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.”

Can we not trust the ultimate wisdom of God? Why do we think we know more than God? Why do we resist His ways? It only results in destruction as we see in our society today. God’s ways are perfect.

Proverbs 21:30: “There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD.”

Psalm 33:11: “The counsel of the LORD stands
forever, the thought of his heart to all generations.”

In His love,

Nancy Campbell

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StrengthForTodayHis strength is sufficient for each new day! #strengthfortoday #godismysufficiency #godismyrock #godismyfortress #godismylife #aboverubies

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WhyDoTheyHateItFatherhood is the very essence of God and He wants His fatherhood represented in man. God reveals His plan for fathering and mothering in the very beginning of the Bible (Genesis 2:24), before anyone had ever seen a father and mother!

We go over to the New Testament and Paul prays: “I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named” (Ephesians 3:14). Every family finds its source in the fatherhood of God.

The Greek word for family in this passage is “patria” from the root word “pater” which is the word for father. Everything that is called after the Father belongs to or springs from Him. Oh, how the feminists hate this! They hate the word patriarchy which comes from “pater” (father).

This is the ridiculous deception of feminism. They hate their origin. They hate who they are because they hate God who is their source. They could not be in this world without a natural father, and of course, their Heavenly Father who is the only One who can give conception and who planned to bring them into this world.

We know that many harbor this hatred because of hurts they have received from their own fathers, or from men in their lives. This is all the work of the enemy. Satan hates fathering and mothering because it is how God wants to reveal Himself on this earth and he hates every plan of God. Therefore, he constantly attacks these powerful roles to distort and tread them down.

That’s why we must continually pray the promise of Malachi 4:5 that “He will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers.” God’s ultimate plan is that fathers reveal His beautiful Father heart to their families and the world, just as God wants His female creation to reveal His maternal heart to the families and the world.

Jesus was one with the Father. He was the Beloved Son of His Father, and the Father was His Beloved Father. And yet in His most amazing mercy He wants to share His Beloved Father with us. That’s why He left the glory of Heaven to come to this earth, shed His blood, and pour out His life for us—to save us and share His Father with us for eternity.

After Jesus had risen from the dead, He said to Mary: “I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.” Have you ever read anything so incredible? Jesus tells us that He wants His Father to be our Father. He wants to share His glorious and eternal Father with us.

Would you want to share your father? Maybe we would be too selfish to do that. And yet Jesus wants us to experience His Father. When we know Him, we understand what fatherhood is all about.

While Satan and all his cohorts are pulling down fatherhood and motherhood, let’s raise up these roles to be mighty in the nation. When we do this, we reveal God in the earth.

Be encouraged.

Nancy Campbell

Painting by Katie Berggren

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URFavPlaceHow do you feel about your home? Do you feel like a prisoner? Are you longing for the day when you can get on to something different?

Or is your delight in your home? Is it your favorite place to be? Dear mother, this is God’s plan for you.

Psalm 106:24, 25 says: “Yea, they despised the pleasant land, they believed not his word: But murmured in their tents, and hearkened not unto the voice of the LORD.“ The “pleasant land” was the home God chose for His people, but they despised it and murmured and complained.

God has chosen a “pleasant land” for you too. It is your home. The first home, which was the prototype of all homes to come, was called the garden of Eden. Eden means “delight” and God wants you to make your home a delight too.

The word “pleasant” in Psalm 106:24 also means “delightful, desirable and precious.” When God spoke to Daniel in Daniel 10:11, 19 He called him “greatly beloved” which is the same Hebrew word.

Dear sweet mother, I know life is not always easy in your home as you care for your little ones and face all the challenges of each day. But can I let you in on a secret? It is delightful or burdensome according to your attitude. Nothing influential or powerful in this life is easy. It takes hard work and commitment. It’s the same with mothering in your home.

If you are in the grumbling and despising state, change your attitude today. Embrace your home. You are in the perfect will of God. Delight in it. And commit to making your home a delight--for your husband, your children, and even for yourself.

Love to you today,

Nancy Campbell

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DontBeSurprised2Peter encouraged the believers in Asia: “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you.” The NLT says: “Don’t be surprised.”

Do you wonder why you have to endure the trial you are experiencing? Your world is falling apart. Family relationships are estranged. You are ridiculed for your godly convictions. Dear mother, please don’t lose heart. This is not something strange. It is part of living in this fallen, hurting, and deceived world. We are in a fight against evil and it will not stop until Christ comes to bring vengeance upon His enemies and all evil into subjection to His sovereignty.

Every day we face the fight. But we don’t face it in defeat. We have the power of Christ living within us to overcome. The rewards are for the overcomers. Peter continues to tell the believers how to react to their reproaches and sufferings. His words are a little different to what we would expect.

1. REJOICE (verse 13). It is joy that comes as a result of God’s grace in our lives. We don’t rejoice because we feel like it, but because we know that God is in control. He has the bigger picture. He is working everything out for final good.

2. EXCEEDING JOY (verse 13). These words are “agalliao” in the Greek which comes from two roots words: “agan” meaning VERY MUCH; and “aliomai” meaning TO LEAP. It is the same word used in Matthew 5:11, 12: “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be EXCEEDING GLAD: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.”

When going through trials and persecution we are to leap for joy. Not only a little skip. We are to leap VERY MUCH. Or in other words, “to leap and skip about with excessive or ecstatic joy and delight.” My, I sure have to change my attitude. What about you?

3. HAPPY (verse 14). This word means more than superficial happiness. It is to be fully satisfied in whatever situation I am in (favorable or not), because Christ lives in me. Because Christ indwells me-- and nothing takes Him by surprise or gets Him in a state of tension--I do not have to cave in. And God says that when we are reproached for the name of Christ His glorious spirit rests upon us.

Keep your chin up. Look up to the Lord and trust in Him. He has everything that is happening to you in His control, even when it looks impossible.

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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LazyWayWhat’s happening in your home today? Is everything piling on top of you--laundry, dishes, and teaching the children all waiting to be accomplished? Don’t despair, dear mother. Don’t look at everything waiting to be done. Just tackle one job at a time. Priorities first. But do each task with ALL YOUR MIGHT. Not half-heartedly, grumblingly, or lazily. And teach your children to do their chores with all their might, too. Inspire this attitude in them as they see the way you work in the home.

The Bible always shows us the way:
Ecclesiastes 9:10: “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy MIGHT.”

Colossians 3:23, 24: “And whatsoever ye do, do it HEARTILY, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance; for ye serve the Lord Christ.”

Colossians 3:17: “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.”

1 Corinthians 10:31: “Whatsoever ye do, do all to the GLORY OF GOD.”

Philippians 2:14: “Do all things WITHOUT MURMURING.”

Matthew 25:21, 23 and Luke 16:10: “He that is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also in much.”

Enjoy a great day in your home today as each one does everything with all their might.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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SecretYou’ll never be bored or depressed again when you get the right attitude. Your career becomes so exciting and fulfilling when you not only love your children, but you LOVE MOTHERHOOD! #ilovemotherhood #ilovebabies #ilovefamilylife #ilovehome #godplannedmothering #joyfulmothering #aboverubies

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DelightChildrenThe Bible is true when it says that children are a blessing! #childrenareablessing #godloveschildren #ilovechildren #ilovemotherhood #mothering #aboverubies

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NeverConvenientI remember someone saying to me when I was raising our children, "There is never a convenient time to have a baby!" How true. If we wait for the perfect time, it will never come. There’s always some trauma happening in our lives. There’s always some financial challenge. There’s always some excuse which we think is legitimate at the time!

But when this blessing (even unexpected) of conception and a baby comes, the BABY ALWAYS FITS INTO THE FAMILY!


God's plans are always better than ours.

I’m sure that many of you have testimonies about this.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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PowerTongueWe build our marriages and our families with our words. Every time we open our mouths, we either build up or pull down. Be a builder. Be a life-giver. #powerofthetongue #buildyourmarriage #buildyourfamily #speaklife #speaklifegivingwords #aboverubies

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HardSoftWe raise our children to understand that life doesn’t revolve around them. They are here in this world to glorify God and to serve others. This will enable them to live a fulfilled and happy life. So we we to need to start training them now. To give into their every whim raises selfish individuals. It will one day affect their marriage and family life. #glorifygod #trainingchildren #obedientchildren #godlychildren #aboverubies

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