ToBeWithChildEvery conception is a visitation from God. It is a miracle. God calls conception, pregnancy, and birth the “glory” of the nation. Let’s embrace God’s beautiful plan. #withchild #mothering #ilovemotherhood #powerofmotherhood #gloryofthenation #aboverubies#nancycampbell

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AGoodDayAt the end of each creating day, God stated, "It is good!" Wouldn't it be great to say at the end of your day, "It’s been a good day"? Maybe you don't always think your days are good days! You feel overwhelmed and wonder what you are accomplishing. Dear mother, God's Word tells you that "loving your husband, loving your children, and keeping the home, etc." are “GOOD” things

Look out for the word GOOD in these Scriptures: 1 Timothy 5:10 and Titus 2:3-5.

If you say and do something loving to your husband today, it is a GOOD DAY! If you manage to do your laundry, dishes, and prepare nutritious meals for your family, it is a GOOD DAY. If you nurse your baby and spend time loving your children and reading to them, it is GOOD DAY!

When your husband arrives home this evening, instead of groaning about all the problems, confess to him: “It’s been a GOOD day, Darling (and especially now you have arrived home!”

Have a good day.

Love from Nancy Campbell

Painting by PHOEBE WAHL

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MyMissionWe accomplish so much more when we have purpose, don’t we? Are you mothering with purpose? Here is a Mission Statement for you as a wife and mother. You may like to print it our and pin it up in your kitchen as a daily reminder.

I am . . .

M    Mothering with passion!
I     Inviting God into every situation I face today!
S    Serving with joy, even in the routine and mundane!
S    Saturating my husband and children with love and encouragement!
I     Intercepting the devil's attacks with prayer and praise!
O    Overflowing with joy and thankfulness!
N    Nurturing my children with God's anointing!

“Thank you, Lord, for the privilege of being part of the greatest mission on earth. Amen.”

Many blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell
Swiss Genre Painter: Albert Anker (1831-1910).

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AsJesusDidThat means revealing Jesus in my home—in all my actions and reactions, to my husband and to my children. And not just when everything is peaceful, but even when it is chaotic. Challenging, isn’t it? #abidinginchrist #christinme #christinyouthehoopeofglory #jesusinmyhome #motherhood #ilovemotherhood #ilovescripture #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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UnwaveringlyNever waver. Never compromise. Never give up. Never luke-warm. Never mediocre. Never average. Never middle-of-the-road. God wants us to be HOT for Him. Rev 3:16 says: “Because thou art like-warm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.” #hotforgod #passionateforgod #ilovescripture #neverlukewarm #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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PassionateMotherTo be passionate is to feel strongly about something, to be willing to sacrifice to accomplish it. It is purposeful mothering. It is knowing you have been commissioned by God for this high calling. Therefore, you don’t allow too many other things and diversions crowd out your divine calling. Know your purpose and you fulfill it. #highcalling #commisionedbygod #powerofmotherhood #ilovemotherhood #mothering #ihaveapurpose #motherhoodquote #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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EverythingGoodHow we need to cry out for discernment. There are so many good things we can get involved in but they are not necessarily the best for us or God’s perfect will for our family. As you go in to this New Year, guard against spreading yourself and your family too thin. Do the things that keep your family together; that’s building your family. Eliminate the things that separate you as a family; that’s weakening your family. #buildyourmarriage #buildyourfamily #strengthenyourfamily #discernment #choosethebest #dontbedeceived #motherhoodquote #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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LionHyenasA dear friend, Patricia Holmes writes from up in the mountains of Panama. Patricia ministers as a missionary among the indigenous people up there. I agree with what she has to say in this email:

“I have long been a critter-lover. But there is one critter that I find to be disgusting, both in appearance and habits. I find no socially redeeming qualities in this creepy critter!

Recently, I saw a picture of an old lion sitting and surrounded by a pack of 20 hyenas . . . despicable hyenas! The lion was in real trouble, and he knew it. The hyenas had not yet attacked the lion, but they were closing in for the kill. To be sure, the lion would be able to take down a few of the hyenas, but what was left of the pack would take down the lion.

In his extremity the lion called out. Thankfully, another lion came to his aid. The hyenas knew that to attack two lions . . . they could do it but would lose many of their pack (an “unacceptable loss” to the pack). Instead, they withdrew and let the lions go.

I immediately thought of our president, Donald Trump . . . and the hyena pack surrounding him in Washington. No matter which way he turns, no matter what he does, the “pack” attacks him. Why? Because Mr. Trump is a Nationalist, and the “pack” are Globalists.

As I looked at the picture and learned of the arrival of the second lion (that rescued the first), I began to pray for Mr. Trump. I prayed that God will give him great wisdom and that God will send another lion to “cover his back.”

As I thought on this, I “saw” a mental picture (of sorts) of a group of lions surrounding the first two . . . and the hyenas backed further away. Then, in the picture I saw the circle of lions became flames . . . a wall of fire (the prayers of the saints?) around the old lion and his rescuer. The hyenas were (by
then) nowhere to be seen.

Dear ones, America is hanging in the balance. If the "Deep State" is able to take down Mr. Trump, it is likely that they will take down America too. After all, they're Globalists: their purpose is to bring about a New World Order (a one-world system), replacing the old system of nation-states. (As Angela Merkel recently said: "Nations must be prepared to give up their national sovereignty." Angela Merkel is a Globalist.)

Not long ago, this thought came to me (and I believe it was from Holy Spirit): "What they are now doing to Trump, they will do to you who are Christians." That is, relentless and unending enemy attacks from all sides!

Folks, we'd better get ready! We need to pray such that our prayers build a “wall of fire” (Zechariah 2:5) around the President, and around each other! We better live in a state of continual repentance and drawing close to God. Daily, daily, daily. And we'd better pray as if our nation depended upon it. It does!

~ Patricia Holmes * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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BetterThingsAheadI pray God’s richest blessings upon you and your family in this coming year. I know this may not mean that everything will be plain sailing. We will all face challenges and difficulties. But we can face the year with confidence and hope knowing that God is working out everything for good and for His eternal plans. We know our God is faithful and we can trust Him wholly and completely. No matter what we face we are anchored with His underlying joy, peace, and rest. Amen. #amen #happynewyear #trustgod #trustgodsplan #godisbiggerthanyourcircumstances #hewillneverleaveyouorforsakeyou #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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DownunderChristmasRobyn Wales from Australia writes on 12/27: “I thought you’d like to see my very special Christmas table cloth. I bought the material at a craft shop in Sydney many years ago and it adorns our table every Christmas. Tonight it is set up outside for a feast of “leftovers.”
Robyn - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Don’t forget, our Downunder friends enjoy a summer Christmas. Many families in the more tropical parts, enjoy an outside barbecue for Christmas. Although when we lived in Queensland in the heat, we still kept to our very English Christmas of roast dinner and plum duff etc. every year! Even though we ate with the sweat pouring down our faces!

I have to admit that I love winter Christmases. I love the atmosphere of the warm fire, the twinkling lights, and snow outside (although we haven't had snow yet this winter)!
~ Nancy

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Table15As you know, I love tables and tablecloths. I love it when readers send me pictures of their tables or the family gathered together at the table.

Vera Louden writes: “I have enjoyed your table pictures and thought I would share mine after one of your readers commented that a fancy table could not be possible with small children! Well, this is our table is set for us with our 13 children, ages 18 months - 21 years with the littlest in the highchair!"

"Notice the mismatched corelle dishes and glasses! Soft lighting, a tablecloth, and a few candles change a regular meal into a feast!

"If we put dinner time at the top of the list of priorities for our families these fancier dinners are completely do-able! The key is to making meals part of a daily routine and to encourage proper table etiquette!”

By the way, Vera is joyfully expecting their 14th blessing in the spring. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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WordEncouragementDo you need some miracles in your marriage and family life? You don’t have to stay in the same rut. There is always a way out. Begin with some encouraging words. Even if you don’t feel like saying them. Think of a new and encouraging word each day—and SAY IT! Begin now! Say them. Write them. Text them. #encouragingwords #speaklife #speaklove #encouragement #sayiloveyou #sayiloveyoueveryday #expectmiracles #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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AlarmClockWhen we have purpose, we’ll be up and ready to start the day. We’ll get dressed for the job. Dear mother, you have great purpose. God has given you a divine mission. He has chosen you to nurture and train your children for Him. Every day is an exciting new day to fulfill this divine calling. You are in God’s end time task force. #getupandgetdressed #youhavepurpose ##divinemission #ilovemotherhood #powerofmotherhood #mothering #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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BeBeginnerNever despise the day of small things. We get better as we go along. Even in motherhood. Have you found that you become a better mother with each new baby? You eliminate more and more selfishness. You are able to give more freely of yourself with each new baby. Keep plodding on and never give up. Ecclesiastes 7:8 says: “Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof.” #nancycampbell #theendisbetterthanthebeginning #keepploddingon #practicemakesperfect #aboverubies

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JesusSalvationGodWhen Joseph and Mary brought baby Jesus into the temple, Simeon saw Him and "took him up in his arms, and blessed God, and said, Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, according to thy word: FOR MINE EYES HAVE SEEN THY SALVATION, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel"
(Luke 2:29-32).

Oh how blessed we are.

May you have a blessed Christmas Day as you remember our glorious Savior.

~ Nancy Campbell

P.S. Don't you love this painting of Simeon and Jesus? It's one of my favorites.

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ImmanuelIsaiah prophesied that Jesus would be called Emmanuel—God with us. “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14).

What love! What purpose God has for us in the gift of His son, Yeshua. He gave him to be the Savior of the world—to save us from our sins, to deliver us from our selfishness and bondages, but also to be with us. He wants to be close to us. He wants to fellowship with us. He wants to be present in every detail of our lives. There is no greater gift we could receive than Emmanuel.

Because Jesus died to take the punishment of our sin, we have cleansing and forgiveness—and the infilling of the Holy Spirit—God with us.

This gets to the very nitty-gritty of our lives. Dear mother, God is with you in every moment of your mothering. He is with you when you feel overwhelmed and even when you feel you can’t cope any longer. He is with you in all your frustrations and challenges. He is with you as you tackle another mound of dishes. He is with you as you scrub and clean.

He is with you as you face all the extra activities you take on at this Christmas season. He is with you as you sort out squabbles and sibling rivalry. You are not doing all this on your own. Emmanuel is with you. Acknowledge that He is with you. Thank Him that He is with you. It makes all the difference.

All these moments, the good and the difficult, are sacred moments because of Emmanuel. He is with you as you curl up on your sofa and nurse your baby. He is with you as you read stories to your children, and He is with you in the daily disciplines of teaching and training your children. Your whole attitude, and the atmosphere of your home, changes when you understand that God is powerfully with you in every mothering moment.

He is with you in the dark times. He is with you when you do not feel Him and think that He is far away. Your feelings have nothing to do with it. Your feelings do not change Emmanuel!

You may feel you are drowning in the waters, but in the midst of the deep waters, God says “I am with you . . . they shall not overflow you.” The waters of adversity may be swirling around you. They look fearful and you wonder how you will survive. But remember, you cannot drown when God is with you. It is impossible. Read Isaiah 43:2 again. Instead of talking about all that you are going through, thank God that He is with you in your trial. When you understand that God is with you, you can rejoice.

Perhaps you are going through a fiery trial. The flames are engulfing your life and family. They feel as though they are consuming you. But, once again, please remember the promise of God—"You will not be burned!” The flames will not consume you. Why? Because God is with you! God is bigger than your fiery trial. Read again Isaiah 43:1-3.

The greatest gift we have in this earthly life is that God with us. We are not citizens of this world. We are only sojourners here, ambassadors for the King of kings on our way to eternity. He does not leave us here to grovel and exist on our own. He has sent Emmanuel to be with us—to teach us, guide us, and fill us with His wisdom and His glorious presence as we fulfill our destiny.

Make this be the glorious theme of your Christmas celebrations. Share this wonderful revelation with your family. As you thank God, encourage each one in the family to thank God that He is Emmanuel--God with us.

May you and your family be filled with joy at this Christmas season,

Nancy Campbell

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OComeOur focus at this Christmas time—Jesus Christ, the Savior if the world. King of kings and Lord of lords. He came to be the LAMB (slain from the foundation of the world), but He’s coming back as the LION of the tribe of Judah. #jesuschristisborn #jesuschristismysavior #jesuschristislord #jesusisthelambofgod #jesuschrististhelionofthetribeofjudah #kingofkings #aboverubies

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LostinWonderHow amazing that the Son of God came. He left the glory of Heaven and became like one of us. He came to die. He came to shed His precious blood. He suffered an agonizing death that we might have eternal life and enjoy the glories of Heaven forever. We should never let a day go past without thanking and worshipping Him for His great salvation. Amen and Amen. #godcamedown #greatsalvation #jesusdiedandroseagain #eternallife #worshipgod #worshipjesus #neverforgettothankhim #aboverubies

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LifeIsWe protect life and love life from conception onwards. #alwaysprolife #prolife #lovelife #babiesareprecious #ilovebabies #godlovebabies #aboverubies

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DoYouKnowI think it is important to know who we are as women, don’t you? God calls us a number of different names in His Word. The first name God gives for women is “help meet.” The word “help” is “ezer” in the Hebrew and simply means “to do for someone what he or she cannot do for himself or herself.”

It’s the same word that is used to describe God as our Help. God comes to our aid when we have no way of helping ourselves. What’s amazing is that God used this word to describe women before we read it as a description of God. To be a help to our husband is a divine mission. It is one of the attributes of God.

Read the meaning again. Do you notice that God did not create us to be the same as our husband? He created us differently. He created us to complement our husband in things that he cannot do himself.

God’s divine and glorious plan is to bring two people together and make them one—a man and a woman. Not two males. Not two females. Each are different, so they can accomplish the ultimate purposes of God.

God has created us with a womb to conceive and nurture life in our womb. Our husbands cannot do this. He created us to nourish a babe at our breast. Our husbands cannot do this. He created us to love home and make a nest and a safe sanctuary for our husbands and family. Our husband cannot do this. Without a wife in the home it looks and feels like a “bachelor pad.” No ambiance. No feminine touches. No hominess

This is God’s glorious plan. But because it is God’s plan, the devil hates it. He hates everything that is of God. Therefore, he seeks to destroy marriages. He woos women out of the home. He deceives them to take on their husband’s role and vacate the role God ordained for them.

Dear wives and mothers, let’s not be betrayed by the devil who is a liar and a deceiver. He has already two-timed thousands of women. Don’t be another of his statistics. Let’s be who God created us to be.

I was reading a commentary by Matthew Henry the other morning. He describes the wife as a “companion to her husband, manager of domestic concerns, trusted to form the minds of children.” I thought of how many women would despise these words today, and yet they are biblical.

It’s time to stop joining the devil’s plan (while he laughs up his sleeve), and instead embrace God’s eternal purpose.

Loads of love to you in your home today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting by Johann Georg Meyer von Bremen

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Above Rubies Address

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