DontFeelSorryI loved this letter an Above Rubies reader, Rachel Malcolm, wrote to me:

“I am home every day with my children. We have a limited budget and rarely go on trips or out for dinner. I don't own a washing machine, and I don't have running water. But don't feel sorry for me, because I am free!

“I am free from debt, depression, and disease. I am free to jump on the trampoline or have a tea party with my children. I am free to teach them right from wrong; free to teach them how to read and explore the wonders of creation with them. I am free to worship God and read His Word. I am free to work in my garden and enjoy the labor of my hands.

I am free to choose whether to be thankful or feel sorry for myself; and I am free to make that choice every day.”

You are free too. Make the right choice today.

Love from Nancy Campbell

Illustration: Brooke Smart

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NewHeartWhat a great prayer to pray for ourselves and for our children. May we, and our children, always keep soft and tender hearts toward the Lord and to one another. #softandtenderheaet #submissiveheart #nostubbornness #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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VisitFromGodWhat was Mary’s reaction when she conceived the Christ child by the power of the Holy Spirit? How could it work out in her situation? It would bring her shame, persecution, and ridicule. She was poor. How would she provide for this child? Yet she rejoiced. “And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior” (Luke 1:46-47).

What is your response when you conceive? Do you rejoice in the amazement that an eternal soul who will bear the image of God is growing inside you?

Did you know that when you conceive, God has visited you? What could be more awesome than a visitation of God?

Just think about it. It’s true, dear mothers. Genesis 21:1-2 says: “The Lord visited Sarah . . . for Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son.”

Again, it says in I Samuel 2:21: “And the Lord visited Hannah, so that she conceived, and bare three sons and two daughters.”

Do we really understand the awesomeness of conception?

Blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell
Painting by Robert Coombs

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LittlePiggyPainting" This Little Piggy" by Tom Sierak (1950, American). Don't you love playing "This Little Piggy" with your babies? I now play it with my grandbabies. Solly loves me to play it with her.

Do you know it? Starting at the big toe . . .
This little piggy went to market,
This little piggy stayed home.
This little piggy had roast beef,
And this little piggy had none,
And this little piggy (the little toe) cried,
Wee, wee, wee, wee all the way home.

And you run your hand up their body and tickle them under the arm or under their chin.

~ Nancy

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QuintFemWhy do we tend to be more like society than to embrace who God created us to be? I think it is because the devil seeks to distort God's original intention. The more we embrace our femininity, our motherliness, and our life-giving power, the more we reveal to the world the purpose and plan of God for women.

What does it mean to you to be a female? I think of these words—conception, breastfeeding, comforting, embracing, enriching, encouraging, feeding, femininity, forgiving, helping, inspiring, life-giving, mothering, nurturing, nesting, nourishing, succoring, strengthening, self-sacrificing, womanliness, and wombing,

As you embrace this beautiful picture of a woman, you not only nurture your family, but you build a nation!

Motherhood is not weakness, it is power.

Be encouraged today, Nancy Campbell
Painting by Sandra Kuck.

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AweWonderI love the lines of Sara Teasdale:

“Children’s faces looking up,
Holding wonder like a cup.”

“Wonder” is an emotion God has given to us, firstly, in relation to Him. He is called “Wonderful” (Isaiah 9:6). The word is “pele” and literally means, “a wonder, a marvel.” God cannot be fathomed. He is mysterious (Job 11:7-10). Judges 13:18 says His name is “secret.” God should be our greatest awe as we continually receive new glimpses and understanding of Him and His amazing creation.

Can we awake each morning, filled with wonder and expectation of what God will do and show us? Or have the stresses and burdens of life dimmed this wonder? Perhaps excessive social media and iphones etc., have blurred our brains from seeing the wonder and expectation in life. A book I am reading currently talks about a delightful clockmaker who “had never grown up and things still amazed him.”

May you and I be those who keep being amazed! Ask God to renew in you the delight of wonder. Together, with your children, daily look to understand more of God. Look for wonders and miracles in your everyday lives, not only in the big things of life, but also the tiny little things.

As you sit together at the table at supper time, ask your children to tell you about some “wonders” they noticed today.

Live in the expectation of wonder today.

Blessings from Nancy

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SeeWhatGodStuff doesn’t satisfy! Some mothers think that they could never manage on one income. Yet they will never know until they take that scary step of faith and see what God can do. God waits to show His faithfulness to us, but often we don't give Him a chance.

It’s amazing how much cheaper you can live when you are home. When you only shop once a week, or maybe once every two weeks, you save hundreds of dollars. Have you found that the less you go to shops, the less you spend?

When you are home you cook from scratch, using wholesome, non-packaged foods. You can grow a garden and eat fresh, non-sprayed vegetables. You save loads of dollars on prepared foods and eat healthier.

You save on gas and clothes.

But best of all, you are with your precious children. You are not handing them over to someone you don’t even know! You are investing in their lives. You are teaching them in the ways of God. You are “little by little, and precept by precept” training them to grow up in the character of God.

You still think you can’t do it? No, you can’t in your own strength. But when you take a step of faith and simply obey God’s ultimate plan for you, you will find He is with you all the way. You’ll be amazed at the miracles that take place! You’ll be amazed at how you survive!

Love to you from Nancy Campbell

You are still wondering how God can provide for you. Check out this link:

Painting by Katie Berggren

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WhyPro LifeCaring for the Unborn and their Mothers
By Randy Alcorn (Award winning and best-selling author)

This book must get into the hands of EVERY person in the nation. In this critical hour of certain states in our nation wanting to freely murder babies after they are born, we have a responsibility to know the truth. Our children and teens must know the truth. This book is grounded in medical science and psychological studies and offers answers to this abortion debate in a concise and informative manner.

If you listen to my podcast, FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS W/ NANCY CAMPBELL, you will have heard, Serene my daughter, read excerpts from this book on the podcast.

Selling for ONLY $5.00.

Purchase extra copies (two or upwards) to share with friends and give to everyone you can for
ONLY $2.50 each!
Let’s get the message out.

Click here to: Buy WHY PRO-LIFE? Now

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ReceiveRebukeDo you find it difficult to receive a rebuke? It’s not easy, is it? At first, we may feel offended. But then we must change the attitude of our hearts.

“Dear Father, please give me a soft and tender heart to receive reproof. Teach me Your ways from this reproof.”

And instead of getting bitter, we open our hearts to instruction. This is the way we mature. This is the way we grow in our walk with the Lord. If we cannot receive reproof, we may stay in the same habit, the same sin, or the same rut for years!

The other day I read this powerful Scripture in Psalm 141:5: “Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil.”

I looked up the Passion translation and was challenged when I read: “When one of your faithful ones rebukes me, I will accept it like an honor I cannot refuse. It will be healing medicine that I swallow without an offended heart.” What wonderful words to take to our hearts.

Can we receive instruction and reproof to heal us like medicine? And without being offended?

This Scripture calls reproof a healing medicine. Proverbs 15:31 calls it “the reproof of life.” It brings life to our souls.

This is how we need to live our personal lives and then teach this habit to our children. We must teach our children HOW to receive instruction and rebuke. It is natural to resist. We must show them God’s way.

I think this would be a good Scripture to pin up in your kitchen for the whole family, don’t you?

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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An Above Rubies reader sent this poem for us to enjoy. Yes, we as mothers are teachers. We are the best teachers. And we have so much to teach our children.

Mama, teach me how to comb my hair,
Teach me how to wipe the chair.

Mama, teach me how to make my bed,
Teach me how to wash my head.

Mama, teach me how to clean the tub,
Teach me how to sweep the rug.

Teach me how to pay the bills,
Teach me how to cook our meals.

Teach me, Mama, how to sew,
Teach me how to wear my clothes.

Teach me how to be a lady,
Teach me how to care for a baby.

Teach me, Mama, sweet words to say,
Teach me, Mama, how to pray.

Teach me how to find a godly man,
Teach me how to help him stand.

Teach me how to help someone in need,
Teach me how to be a friend indeed.

Teach me how to read my Bible,
Teach me how to fight life's trials.

Teach me, Mama, what to do,
Teach me, Mama, to be like you!

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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DontgiveupprayingWere you disappointed to see that 12 Republican Senators voted to terminate the national emergency declaration to protect our Sothern border? We are all aware of the terrorists, gang members, and illegals seeking to invade our nation. The people who seek to invade our nation are not the people we want in our nation. We welcome those who come legally.

We all believe in protecting our homes. It is an inherent thing to do. We should have the same concern for our nation. Psalm 144:14 says that when God’s blessing is upon the land there will be “no breaking in.” Another translation says that “our enemies will not invade our land.”

My husband and I had to come to this great country legally. We had to spend time, money, and effort to become a US citizen. It’s not easy, but it is a prized possession. Not to be taken lightly.

I was most disappointed to see that the following senators did not stand with securing our border. I have already contacted my Tennessean Senator. I encourage you all to do the same. Just google for the phone number of the Senator in your sate and call to express your concern.

Lamar Alexander of Tennessee (615) 736-5129
Roy Blunt of Missouri
Susan Collins of Maine
Mike Lee of Utah
Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
Rob Portman of Ohio
Mitt Romney of Utah
Marco Rubio of Florida
Patrick Toomey of Pennsylvania
Rand Paul of Kentucky
Roger Wicker of Mississippi
Jerry Moran of Kansas

~ Nancy

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BeforeConceivedI was checking the transcript for Podcast, No. 40 FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS. I think it is more powerful to listen to the podcast than to read it. However, some have asked for transcripts so we make them available for you. You can pick both up on the webpage,

As I was reading it through, I was arrested again by something Serene said. I was so blessed to have my daughter, Serene, talk with me on this podcast. You all know Serene and Pearl of Trim Healthy Mama.

We were talking about how God knows each child even before He forms them in the womb. He knows them from eternity. He is Omniscient and has each child in His heart from before the foundation of the world.

I often think of how Hebrews 7:9, 10 tells us how Levi paid tithes to Melchisedec while he “was yet in the loins” of Abraham who was his great-grandfather! He wouldn’t have even been a twinkle in Abraham’s eyes, and yet God knew him before he was conceived. The Bible states that he literally paid tithes when Abraham paid tithes! Wow, God’s understanding is far beyond ours, isn’t it?

Anyway, as we were talking, Serene talked about her little one-year-old, Solly, sitting on her knee, and said, “Oh my goodness, if I didn't have her! It's just too incredible and too amazing. And look at her personality! God had a vision of her. Imagine if I had said, ‘No, God, I don't want her, I don't care for Your desire to have her in eternity with You.”

What a powerful revelation. This is something to think about. When we say No to a child that God has planned before the foundation of the world to spend eternity with Him, we deprive that child of life. Not only of life in this world, but of the opportunity to enjoy the glories of the eternal world forever. Glories that are beyond the scope of our human minds to comprehend! How grieving to deprive someone of this glory.

Our minds are so puny. I constantly need to ask God to open my mind to think His thoughts. To understand His ways. May God save us from putting Him in a box, bringing Him down to the level of our puny thinking, of making ourselves our own god, instead of allowing Him to be God!

Be blessed today, Nancy Campbell

Photo: Serene with Solly as a newborn.

Scriptures about how God knew us before we were born:
Judges 13:5; 16:17; Psalm 139:16; Isaiah 49:1, 5; Jeremiah 1:5; Luke 1:15, 16, 41; and Galatians 1:15, 16.

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feminismIt’s time to come back to the truth! God’s original plan is the GOOD way. Read Jeremiah 6:16. It’s the way of rest and joy and blessing. Satan’s lies lead to destruction. God’s ways lead to life and joy. #godswayisthebestway #godswayleadstoblessing #marriageisgood #motherhoodisgood #ilovelovemarriage #ilovemotherhood #aboverubies #nancycampbell

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LovesWorldWhen Erin Harrison and I were doing the TEA AND TALK SHOW this week, Erin got a great revelation. We were talking about the way to make our marriages, our homes, and our families prosper. To do this we need to get back to God’s way. It’s God’s ways that work. When we fill our lives and our children’s lives RICHLY with God’s Word, we will be filled with wisdom and knowledge of the right way to do things. Instead of following the world, we follow the Word.

All of a sudden, Erin realized that there’s only one letter difference. Take out the L from “world” and you’ve got Word! We are either going to live our lives according to the mindset of the world, or the mindset of the Word of God. Which will it be?

We need to get the L of leftist ideologies out of our lives which infiltrate our society. We choose whether we will have a biblical worldview or a liberal worldview.

We’ll never be old-fashioned when we choose the “old paths” because they lead us to rest and blessing. Jeremiah 6:16 says: “Thus saith the LORD (not Nancy Campbell or anyone else, but GOD), Stand ye in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the GOOD way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.”

God’s living Word is the secret to prospering. Joshua 1:8 says: “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way PROSPEROUS, and then thou shalt have GOOD SUCCESS.”

Live by the Word, not the spirit of this world!

1 John 2:15-17 says: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.”

And James 4:4 is challenging too, isn’t it? “Know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”

Be a Word family, not a worldly family.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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LittleLiftDoes your home need a little lift? Put a candle or a vase of flowers on the table! Little things make the difference.

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WhatDoTheySeeI don't think there is anything more beautiful than a mother looking with adoration at her baby. Even a plain mother is beautiful when she looks lovingly at her child. Jean Millet writes: "Beauty does not lie in the face. . . . Beauty is expression. When I paint a mother, I try to render her beautiful by the mere look she gives her child."

It truly is the expression of our face that is beautiful to the beholder. It is our expression that comes from within that makes us beautiful or otherwise. I am always challenged by the words in Isaiah 3:9: “The show of their countenance doth witness against them.” Isn’t it so true? Our countenance gives us away. It reveals what’s on the inside.

Let’s keep a good attitude. Cast aside all negativity, anger, hurt, bitterness, unforgiveness and let’s fill our lies with the beauty of forgiveness, love, joy, and unselfishness.

2 Corinthians 3:18 tells us how that when we behold the face of Jesus, we are changed into His likeness. This also happens with us and our children. Our children behold our face all day long. What do they see? An expression of contentment and joy? Or frustration and anger? A smile or a frown?

Dear mother, your children will change into the same image they see on your face. Do you want happy, smiling children? Let them see this expression on your face.

I love the words of the hymn:

Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me,
All his wonderful passion and purity,
O thou Spirit divine, all my nature refine,
Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.

May the expression on our faces make us look beautiful to our husbands and children.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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MoreToGiveA man who was lame from birth sat at the temple gate to beg. When he saw Peter and John going into the temple for the 3.00 p.m. prayer meeting, he asked for money. Peter answered, “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk” (Acts 3:6).

I often think that “when I have more money” I will be able to help certain ministries and do greater things for God. But the early disciples didn’t have silver and gold and they turned the world upside down! They gave what they had—the life-giving power of God residing in them through the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Let’s forget about what we don’t have and give what we do have—the power of God dwelling in us to bless those around us. Give love and joyful service to your husband. Give to your children—hugs, kisses, encouraging words, godly teaching, and a home atmosphere that’s filled with God’s love, joy, and peace.

It’s good to remember that we don’t always have to give our children monetary things. It’s not things that they’ll remember, but the love and happiness in our homes.

Don’t allow your children to get into the habit of expecting to get something every time you go to the shops. Your children won’t be deprived if you can’t take them to all the entertainment that requires money! And there are loads of wonderful adventures and outdoor things you can take your children to that don’t require finance. And you can make it far more exciting and creative.

Of course, if you have the money, you can bless them in this way too. But it’s not necessary. Pour out your life for your family and for those who are needy around you. If you don’t have money to bless others, you can certainly do it in so many other ways.

Be a giver of your life, your smiles, your joy, your prayers, your time, and your practical love.

Be encouraged today,

Nancy Campbell

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YourRewardWhat does it mean to be faithful? The Hebrew word is "aman" which means “to stand firm, to endure, long continuance, reliable, trusty.” I like the word, “trusty” don’t you?

Faithfulness is not a flashy thing. It is not always an exciting thing. It can often be part of the drudgery of life. We do the same thing day after day as we mother in our homes. Life may seem monotonous. It may seem boring compared to the exciting life that others are leading outside the home. But dear mother, be encouraged. You are fulfilling the most far-reaching and influential career in the nation!

Catherine Booth said, “I seek to make myself fit to be a mother, and being that in every sense, I shall be ready for any destiny God has for me.” Be faithful in your home—your marriage, mothering, and all the little things you do in the “daily grind.” This is your greatest training for life and eternity.

All your daily moments of faithfulness add up. They add up to a life of faithfulness. They add up to the reward of those wonderful words, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter into the joy of thy lord” (Matthew 25:21).

And here’s another promise for you as you abound in your great calling of mothering: “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that YOUR LABOR IS NOT IN VAIN IN THE LORD” (1 Corinthians 15:58).

God is watching and your reward is coming.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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MotherT“Every woman is the heart of the family, since no man can ever really love in the same way as a woman. So that by trying to become somebody else, women lose something, and because of that loss, the world is what it is today.

My advice to women is simple: Stay home. A woman's first responsibility is to be the mother, the heart, the only one who can keep the family together We are liberated only when we live our life to the fullest as a woman. And that is the greatest liberation of all."

~ Mother Theresa

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HeartMatterGod is Father. He loves to father. He is the source of all parenting.

Talking about Jesus Christ, God says in Hebrews 1:5: “For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son?” As we read this Scripture, see the intent of God’s heart to be a Father. Jesus Christ is His “beloved Son.”

When we have a desire to bring forth children, we reveal the heart of our God. To desire to be a father and a mother is God-like. God gives to every man unique and differing gifts. However, no matter what gifts or career a man has, his greatest calling is fatherhood. He is made in the image of God who is a Father. Everything else in life serves this highest purpose.

It is the same for us as women. Each one of us have different gifts and abilities which we use for the blessing of others in this life. But we are essentially mothers. Or I should say quintessentially, for we were created for this purpose. When we embrace mothering and our nurturing anointing, we reveal God’s heart. The core of His heart.

Embrace your beautiful calling, mother. You are in God’s perfect will. You are revealing His likeness to the world.

To reject mothering is to reject the likeness of God. (And precious mothers who are unable to have children of your own, please don’t despair. You are also great mothers as you release your nurturing anointing to those God brings into your life).

We see such a hatred today to God’s ultimate plan for families. It comes from the pit of hell. The rising star of the Democratic Party, Ocasio-Cortez, now states that it may not be ethical to have children, given the difficulties that climate change will likely cause in the years to come. Her thinking is the opposite of God’s ways.

We are either on God’s side or the devil’s side. There is no in-between.

Be blessed,

Nancy Campbell

J. Omado Phorography

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