Suprising InfoGod loves to bless His people. I’m sure you love reading Deuteronomy chapter 28, the blessing chapter. Such wonderful blessings God promises to those who diligently listen to His voice and obey His commandments. Read them over again from verses 1-14. Wonderful promises of provision.

Did you notice the first blessing God gives? After promising us that He will bless us wherever He has chosen us to live, whether in the city or the country, the first blessing He states is the blessing of the fruit of the womb. Isn’t that interesting? It seems that this is a blessing that even the majority of the church don’t want! And yet it is the first blessing God gives. I wonder why there is such a discrepancy between what we want and what God wants?

Let’s go back to the beginning. The very first words God spoke to mankind were: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.” But before He says those words the Bible says: “AND GOD BLESSED THEM, and God said unto them . . . “

Here’s some more interesting Scriptures.

Genesis 32: 9: “I will deal well with thee.” The Hebrew word for “deal well” is “yatav” and means “to do good, beautiful, pleasant, lovely, blessed.”

God continues talking to Jacob and in verse 12 says: “I will surely do thee good (it’s the same word, yatav).” And how does God do us good and give us a beautiful life? Let’s find out. The verse continues: “And make thy seed (children, descendants, progeny) as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude.” This is how He wants to give us a beautiful and blessed life.

Deuteronomy 6:3: “Hear therefore, O Israel, and observe to do it; that it may be well (yatav) with thee, and that ye may INCREASE MIGHTILY.”

Deuteronomy 30:5, 9: “And the LORD thy God . . . will do thee good (yatav), and multiply thee above thy fathers . . . And the LORD thy God will make thee plenteous in every work of thine hand, in the fruit of thy womb . . . for the LORD will again rejoice over thee for good, as he rejoiced over thy fathers.”

Are you getting the picture? When God rejoices over us and wants to do us good, He blesses us with children! Now here comes the question. Is this the God you believe in? The God of the Bible? Or do you believe in someone different, the God you have made to fit your circumstances.

We also read it in a negative way when God speaks the curses over those who will not heed His commandments. Deuteronomy 28:63 says: “And it shall come to pass, that as the LORD rejoiced over you to do you good (yatav), and to multiply you; so the LORD will rejoice over you to destroy you . . .”

Let’s be Bible believers.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


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