AReminderDear lovely ladies, I’d love to remind you about something. Well, not just something like it’s time to get that laundry up-to-date, etc. No, this is intrinsic to who we are. It seems ridiculous to even remind you about it. Many of you will not need reminding at all, but there are others (even in the church today) who do need reminding.

This reminder is that God created us as women to be nurturers and mothers! Every single one of us. Even those who do not marry or who do not have the privilege of bringing children to birth from their womb. We all have a nurturing instinct to care for those who are needy and helpless.

It comes down to this! The majority of women today want to take the man’s role. They want to get out into the market place and be the provider. There is not one career they haven’t invaded. Even the military and fire-fighting. And, of course, the standard has dropped to allow them in.

Not only do they want to take the man’s role, but they want their man to think and be like them. They don’t want to accept him as a real man with leadership and the anointing of authority. They want a weaker man they can order around. They want him to think like them and fit in with their plans.

This is utter delusion. We are created differently! Male and female are not the same. Each are totally different—physically, emotionally, and mentally. And this is the fun part. We do not blur the roles, which never works. We are two different people who when we embrace our unique roles and free each other to fulfill the roles God intended we fit together. We accomplish God’s plan and purposes.

The female body is geared to motherhood right down to her elbows which are bent differently than men’s. Why? To perfectly cradle a baby. Men are created with 50 percent more brute strength than men to do stronger work.

When are women going to stop heading down the path the enemy has planned for them? It’s the opposite to the way God created us. It’s the opposite to the way He planned for women to function.

It is a denial of God, the Creator. He is the Potter and we are the clay. And yet today, His creation no longer want to be clay in His hands, but are hard and cracked and cannot be molded to God’s plan. They fight it tooth and nail.

Dear mothers, we do not have to be intimidated by the feminists and humanists. We can lift up our heads and rejoice that when we submit to our Potter that He will work in us all that he has planned, not only for now, but for eternity.

He uses the powerful role of motherhood to fashion and mold us into His image to make a beautiful vessel for His glory. And our husband can become the man God intends him to be.

Be encouraged today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting by Sandra Kuck.

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