Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

The vision for Meat for Men — UNCOMPROMISING MANHOOD blog is to encourage husbands, fathers and single men in Biblical manhood.


OnenessThe solidness of the candlestick was in its oneness. Exodus 25:36 (NET) tell us: “Their buds and their branches will be one piece, all of it one hammered piece of pure gold.”

Without oneness there cannot be a true golden candlestick. Although each branch had its own light, yet it was all made of one piece of gold. No joins. When we abide in Christ and His commandments, which primarily come under the great doctrine and ministry of love, we become one with Jesus Christ and His Father God.

It is impossible for us to radiate the light of Christ unless we become one with Jesus, even as He could not radiate the light of His Father God without being one with Him.

Jesus Christ is one in three—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But He is also one with every branch of the candlestick. In John 17:11 Jesus prays to His Father: “Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.”

In John 10:30 Jesus states: “I and my Father are one.” One heart, one mind, one will, one walk, and one work or mission. Unless the churches really get this truth, not only as a major doctrine, but in experience, the truth of abiding and oneness are nothing more than pious statements.

Another great aspect of this truth to which we must give earnest heed is that we are not only to make certain we are one with Jesus our Savior and our Father God, but also one with each other.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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SolidGoldThe golden candlestick, although cunningly intricate, was made from one solid piece of gold. It was a type of Jesus Christ who is solid gold. The Scriptures do not say the words “solid gold,” but it is inferred by the terminology of Exodus 25:36 (HCSB) and 37:22: “All of it is to be a single hammered piece of pure gold.”

Seams did not join the candlestick. There were no joins. It was one solid piece of gold.

The manufacturing of the menorah or golden candlestick to give light in the holy place was divinely inspired. It took a chosen man to do it. Exodus 31:1-6 says: “And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, See, I have called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah: and I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship . . .”

The branches of this candlestick revealed all the stages of the almond tree--the flower, the bud, and the fruit. All the ornamentation of the various stages of the almond tree clearly speak to us of the importance of each branch abiding in Jesus, the Vine (the main lighted candle) so that we can be fruitful and allow His light to shine through us.

Matthew 5:16: “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” When God’s light shines through us, we will manifest good works. There are good works that all men can do that in many ways bring glory to themselves, even when they may not want it. I do not discredit these works.

However, when the good works that we do have the characteristic of the miraculous about them, that is when men give glory to God. The Holy Spirit baptized the believers in the upper room at Pentecost and tongues of fire came upon those candlesticks. Miraculous works immediately happened, and men gave glory to God (Acts 3:10).

Nicodemus said to Jesus: “Rabbi, we know that thou art a teach come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him.”

The church was born to manifest the light through miraculous deeds.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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ShineURLightI am sure that most Christians are glad that Jesus is the light of the world. As believers, we rejoice that our Lord Jesus Christ is absolutely pure gold. There are no flaws in Him at all. And yet this truth seems to have little impact on the lifestyle of many churchgoers today.

God’s people are meant to be the sppiritiual light of the world. But the true light can only rardiate from pure, golden candlesticks. Purity of heart and lifestyle has always been the throbbing heartbeat of the church walking in true revival.

These days, it is possible to end up sitting in church by couples who are living together and having children outside the covenant of marriage--and who have no conscience about it. Many have little conscience concerning the gay agenda because it is not politically correct to speak against sin and loose biblical values.

This failure to promote godly values for the fear of upsetting the conscience of certain people produces hardness of heart.

Recreational marijuana is a multi-billion-dollar business and many states are rushing to legalize it. They want to finance their government programs (even police forces) through the taxes profited by the sales. Take notice that they are not using the profits to help the drug rehabilitation programs. It won’t be long before you will find people smoking dope out in the church parking lots.

The light of God’s people is dimming. It is no longer an antidote to drugs. People are no longer getting high on the Holy Spirit, so they resort to smoking dope!

However, the true light of Christ that comes from the pure, golden candlestick will always repel the darkness of the counterfeit. The states that accept and promote cannabis for the sake of billions of dollars they make from its revenue are no better than the South American drug cartels who smuggle drugs over our southern borders. They do it for the same reason.

Marijuana is much more refined and potent. These drugs always lead to substance abuse by those who have no, or little, spiritual restraining influences in their lives.

The light of our nation will quickly be snuffed out if the church does not rise and shine. Creative brains, talents, and gift will be dumbed down at the altars of making more dollars.

Wake up America. Do not invest in this multi-billion-dollar brain deadening industry.

Instead of getting high on dope, God’s answer is Romans 14:17: “For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.”

Nehemiah 8:10 “The joy of the LORD is your strength.”

Isaiah 62:1: “I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as BRIGHTNESS (a brilliant, shining light).” It is righteousness that shines as a light in this dark world.

Pure gold has no cannabis or any other foreign substances in it. Jesus is pure gold, and this should be the main objective of the true church.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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PureGoldIn Exodus 25:31 and 36 we notice three descriptions about the golden candlestick. It was made of:
1. Pure gold.
2. Beaten gold.
3. Solid gold (made of the same piece of gold).

We can give praise to our Father God that His Son, Jesus Christ is pure gold.

Gold in Scripture speaks of heaven.
Revelation 21:18: “And the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass.”
Revelation 21:21: “And the street of the city was pure gold as it were transparent glass.”

Pure gold means that there is no impurity, e.g. no tin, iron, clay, or any other foreign substance at all.

1 John 1:5: “God is light and in him is no darkness at all.” The pure light of God can only come on a pure golden candlestick. Anything less than pure is not worthy of His light.

Jesus Christ is the great light of the world (Matthew 4:16) and is in the midst of the seven-branched candlestick.

John’s testimony in Revelation 1:12, 13 says: “And I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.”

We ask the question: how is it that the candlestick was pure gold and yet the seven churches of Asia, which Jesus called the seven branches of the candlestick, were in many cases anything but pure? The answer is found in each of the church’s relationship with Jesus Christ. We are being made pure and accounted as pure gold because of what Jesus is and has already credited to us.

As the priests worked in the tabernacle to dress and trim the lamps morning and evening to keep them pure and clean, so our High Priest, Jesus Christ purifies us by His Holy Spirit morning and evening. He is pure and holy and therefore day by day sanctifying us. We must work with Him and by faith yield ourselves to the refining, purifying work of His Spirit in our lives. If we do not, we are in danger of having our candlestick removed.

Revelation 2:5: “Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent."

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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LightWorldWe are now going to look at the fourth golden ministry we read about in God’s Word.

The first golden ministry of the tabernacle we discussed together was the GOLDEN ALTAR OF INCENSE which represents prayer and intercession and praise and worship. This ministry means so much to me. It challenges me in this time of great need in our nation and the world. Jesus Christ intercedes for us 24/7. What about us?

The second golden ministry was the GOLDEN TABLE OF SHEWBREAD. This speaks to us of the great importance of God’s Word in our lives. We cannot and must never ever separate God’s words in the Bible from the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is in the Old Treatment concealed and in the New Testament revealed.

As believers, we are exhorted to feast on His Word and in doing so we find ourselves feasting on the Living Word, Jesus Christ. We cannot be conformed into His image if we do not seek Him personally. We must ask the Holy Spirit to reveal Jesus to us in His Word.

The third ministry was the GOLDEN THRONE on which was placed the GOLDEN ARK OF THE FIRST COVENANT God made with His people, Israel. On this ark was a GOLDEN MERCY SEAT. This Mercy Seat was once a year sprinkled with the blood of the sacrificial lamb which represented Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God whose blood is sprinkled upon the Mercy Seat in Heaven for us.

Today, we begin to look at THE GOLDEN CANDLESTICK. Please join with me each day in the revelation of this wonderful ministry.

This major golden ministry applies to all believers. The candlestick firstly speaks of Jesus Christ who is the light of the world. He is the GREAT light of the world. Talking of Jesus Matthew 4:15 says: “The people which sat in darkness saw GREAT LIGHT; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up.”

Secondly, it represents all of God’s people, individually and collectively, set on fire by the Holy Spirit which lit up the early church at Pentecost (Acts 2:3).

This amazing golden ministry is important for us today. We live in a time of much deception. It is destroying the very foundations of our nation and the nations of the world. While, on one hand, we see the great benefits of the Internet (and we wonder how we could live without it), yet on the other hand, multitudes are addicted to its endless river of evil. We see in it the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that was the temptation n Eden.

It’s time for us to arise and shine with the light of God and not fall for deception all around us. Isaiah 60:1-3 states: “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.”

Matthew 5:14: “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.”

More to come.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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TBallIt is true that we can give without loving, but we cannot love without giving. John 3:16 says: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

How you can give heart-felt love to your family and others who are part of your life?
1. Give your smiles of approval.
2. Lavish encouraging words.
3. Give sympathy.
4. Give advice and counsel.
5. Give help and give support wherever possible.
6. Give fellowship, friendship, and time.
7. Give financial assistance when appropriate.
8. Organize trips and excursions (especially surprises!).
9. Give heart-felt affection.
10. Give forgiveness freely.
11. Give yourself to prayer for your wife, children, and those in need.
12. Give your children good doses of God’s Word each day.

If God as a father gave His very best for us because He wanted us to become His own special sons and daughters, how can we not be like Him in our fatherhood?

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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SincereManWhat gifts of speech a man may own,

What grace of manners may appear,
Have little worth unless his heart
Be honest, forthright, and sincere.

The sincere man is like a rock,
As true as time; with honest eye
He looks you squarely in the face
Nor turns aside to make reply.

Nothing is hidden; there is no sham,
No camouflage to caution care,
No ifs or buts to haunt the mind,
Or secret doubts to linger there.

A crystal candor marks his speech,
With conscience clear he goes his way,
He does the thing he thinks is right
Nor cares a whit what others say.

Give me a man that is sincere,
And though a wealth of faults attend,
I shall clasp his hand in mine
And claim him as a trusted friend!

~ Alfred Grant Walton

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DontDropI once heard a prophetic utterance as I was about to return home from a men’s conference. The message came forth that the heavens are weeping over our nation’s children who are crying themselves to sleep because they have no fathers to answer their questions.

I am shocked and horrified at how many children in our nation who do not have fathers present in their lives. The U.S. Census Bureau states in Fatherhood Data and Statistics that 24 million children, one out of every three, live without a biological father. These statistics are tragic!

Absent fathers have drastically weakened the nation. Fatherhood is an awesome responsibility. Failure to take up this challenge through lack of interest or selfish priorities reveals a great weakness of character that is not acceptable. In fact, if is plain irresponsible.

Marriage breakdown and divorce is also a main contributor to absent fatherhood. All children need loving, understanding, kind fathers who make every endeavor to be present and involved with their families. Every child is another link in the generational chain and parents must make every effort to make that generational link as strong as possible.

Don’t drop the baton.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

Painting by Vickie Wade

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BeAvailableMen, one of the greatest responsibilities of good fatherhood is to be available to your children as much as possible. All children need the godly, stabilizing input and influence of their fathers, some more than others.

Please do not leave the overall responsibility of parental presence to your wife. There are many times, even in the daily ministrations of family life, when things go wrong. I think most women tend to be more emotional than men. It’s not their fault. It’s just the way they are wired.

Most men react more rationally and calmer when a child has an accident or gets into trouble. I know that men cannot always be available because of working away from home, but when you get a lunch break or some time to take a break, please give your wife a call. Check up on what’s happening at home.

A husband’s reassuring voice of wisdom goes a long way to calm a wife’s frazzled nerves when things are not going well. When you are at home, be at home. In other words, be involved with your family as much as possible. I think it is possible for some men to be at home, but they might as well not be home. They shut themselves off from their family.

Genesis 22:7 says: “And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father and said, My father: and he said, here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for burnt offering?” Like Isaac, there are many sons and daughters crying out, “My father, my father, where are you? Please answer me. I need your help and wisdom now.”

Fathers, when you are at home, make yourselves available. Even though you may have responsibilities to take care of, even at home, be ready to drop what you are doing to attend to the needy request of your own flesh and blood, your children.

Beware of being overly taken up with your iPhone, computer, favorite hobby, or self-interest. Remember, you are a father FIRST OF ALL. You are an honorable, attentive father. Fatherhood is a crown for your head. Put it on and wear it with godly pride. It is your privilege.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

Painting by Janice Trane Jones

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ProtectGemsProverbs 31:10 (AMP) states that the virtuous woman is “Far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls.” Expensive jewelry is kept in a safe place where it is protected from thieves and destroyers, such as the Crown Jewels.

Sending one’s wife out of the protected environment of a godly home into the unprotected work place is not esteeming her value to be worth more than rubies. While your valuable treasures are kept in a bank vault or in a strong steel case with an expensive lock, your most treasured and loved wife is placed in a work environment of sleazy, flirtatious predators. This does not make sense to me.

No wonder our homes are falling apart and our treasures are thrown to the wind. If you regard your daughters as crown jewels, you will also protect them from the wolves of the work place or crazy colleges.

Father, you have a divine responsibility to protect your living gem stones.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

Painting by Marie Kvěchová-Fischerová

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fathersmilingdaugtherWhen your heart is turned toward your children, you will find yourself smiling at them more. A loving smile does wonders, even when a child does not deserve it. A smile of agreement and approval always gives encouragement. A knowing smile gives comfort and assurance to a child who needs to overcome insecurity and uncertainty.

Smiling lights up your home and family. Smiling is the language of love. Smiling that comes from a spirit that is in a healthy relationship with the indwelling Christ can melt the hardest rock and break the most solid ice.

Many times, when words don’t bring healing to deepening wounds, why not try smiling? Too many religious Christians think that smiling and laughing are too worldly, frivolous, and carefree and that Christianity is a pious, straight-faced business. Just look at some of the older generation photographs.

And yet smiles are the most healing of all influences. They are also very contagious.

Hebrews 1:9 gives a testimony of Jesus: “Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. He was full of joy, gladness, and smiles more than anyone else!"

Be encouraged to smile more in your home,

Colin Campbell

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starry nightMany Christians who say they believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God fail to realize that God's first mandate for all husbands and wives to be fruitful and multiply. It is just as important today as it was to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

"Why is it important?" you ask. It's all about the image and likeness of God. You may think that God's image is His business and not ours. Surely there are other things about God that are more important. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Our very existence in this world is primarily for this express purpose. We should look and act entirely different to the way the world looks and acts.

Are we a clear revelation to this needy world of how God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit looks and acts like? Wouldn't this world be a better place to live in if the image and likeness of God was multiplied and manifested everywhere-in all its glory and clarity? A thousand times, yes.

Is it possible that every child born to a Christian couple and raised in the ways of God, born again, and filled with the Holy Spirit could be like a great neon sign, showing to the world the image of God? Absolutely, yes. Your street, your family, your city, your country, and your world would be far better off with the multiplication of God's image and likeness. God's love, His truth, mercy, holiness, faithfulness, gentleness, kindness, and all His virtues are what it is all about.

It all begins with a newborn baby being raised in the ways of God. And why would we stop with only one? We need to multiply God's image with two, three, four, or however many God plans to give us. This truth needs to be shouted from the roof tops.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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WhereZealMen, if we have no zeal, we are like gasoline without octane. What man wants to drive a car that has no "get up and go"? Come on! Sluggishness is something we men cannot stand when it comes to driving cars or working any kind of machinery, including computers.

Some may think that zeal sounds a little fanatical, but the truth is that most of us could do with a bit more of it! Some, a lot more of it!

True zeal spurns compromise, especially when it comes to principles. Jesus acted with zealous fanaticism to cleanse the house of God. John 2:17 tells us that it was zeal that motivated his actions.

If it's okay for communists, socialists, progressives, and Islamics to be zealots, what about God’s people?

The Greek word for "zeal" is “zecos” meaning "heat, ardor, fervent mind." It's most important for us men to be zealous for our families, our homes, our principles, our work or career, and most important of all, our service to God. A man without zeal will tend to be overly casual. He will be a "moocher" Have you heard this word before? We use it in New Zealand and Australia for loitering about aimlessly.

A man lacking zeal is like trying to drag around a heavy weight. He has no spring in his step, no oomph in his personality, no twinkle in his eye, and no passion for anything. He is like a dead man walking. He is a bore to be around, a fire without heat, a drag on society. This is not the man being created into the image and likeness of God (Romans 8:29).


Zeal knows no apathy. It deplores laziness and slackness. It believes in creativity, enthusiasm, and a job well done. Zeal cannot tolerate sitting around and accomplishing nothing. That’s mooching!

Zeal loves motivation. It rejoices in challenges. It fights for what is right.

Seven times the Bible mentions God possessing and acting with zeal. Zeal is a great motivator. If God uses it to get things done, so should we. Isaiah 9:7 says, "The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this."

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

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BothNaturalThe very first mandate God gave to the husband and wife was: “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth” (Genesis 1:28).

If God believes in fruitfulness and multiplication, so should we. When God gave these words to Adam and Eve, He spoke of the natural and physical. Anyone with an honest mindset must agree.

There are some who argue that God is only interested in spiritual fruitfulness and multiplication, such as John 15:16 where Jesus spoke primarily regarding spiritual fruitfulness.

However, to argue that we do not need to be naturally fruitful to produce a world full of spiritual fruit is plain, straight, ridiculous. God wants fathers and mothers who are spiritually fruitful to bring forth natural sons and daughters. He wants them to raise them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord to multiply spiritual fruitfulness that will influence the whole world—every nation, every city, every village, every home, and every individual.

It is for this purpose God has called and mandated every husband and wife to be fruitful and multiply, both naturally and spiritually. The more children we permit God to give us, the greater potential we have as parents to influence the world for righteousness. We cannot increase righteousness if there is no one created to receive it. As we teach and train our children in the ways of the Lord, the whole earth will be filled with His glory (Numbers 14:21).

Those who call themselves Christians, and yet have no vision to increase and multiply sons and daughters, obviously have no vision to see the world influenced with the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 15:46 tells us: “First which is natural . . . and afterward that which is spiritual.”

Do we believe in God’s Word or our own understanding?

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell

Picture: Howard and Evangeline Johnson and their ten children.

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~ Colin Campbell

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NowIsTimeNow is NOT the time for coffee and tea gatherings or prayer breakfasts where we do more talking and breakfasting than praying. Now is not the time for levity, laughing, joking, and telling funny stories.

Now is the time for us to take military action in the spirit realm.

Now is the time for us to pray as families for those who are being downtrodden, beaten, and persecuted.


~ Colin Campbell

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MenBackboneIt takes men of backbone to speak the truth. Men who are wishbones wish that things were better. They wish they had the prosperity of past years. They wish God would answer their feeble prayers. They wish that someone else would speak up for them. But they themselves will not lift a finger or a toe to make a solid stand for truth. IT'S HIGH TIME FOR MEN WITH REAL BACKBONE TO SPEAK UP FOR TRUTH.

~ Colin Campbell

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GiveMountainGod looks for men who will deny themselves the easy road, especially if the easy road includes the lusts of the flesh and yielding to temptations. Everything is acceptable on the easy road, as long as it makes you feel good and requires no moral resistance.

Homosexuality is okay on the easy road, as is divorce, abortion, drugs, sex, alcohol, and witchcraft.

Matthew 7:13-14 says: "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth until life, and few there be that find it."


Little prayer
Little Bible
Little work for God
Little sacrifice
Little hospitality
Little giving
Little witness
Little families
Living close to the world
Enjoying the world
No to homeschooling
Living on handouts
Let others pay


The road of mountains and battles with giants. Caleb said: “Give me this mountain” (Joshua 14:6-15).
Calling upon the Lord
Hard work
Denying the flesh and worldly lusts (2 Corinthians 11:25-30)
The way of the cross

Which is your road?

Be encouraged,

Colin Campbell

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NeverInfluenceGod looks for men who will stand out from the crowd--men who will not be crowd lovers, crowd blenders, crowd pleasers, or crowd followers, but men who will dare to be different (2 Chronicles 16:9).

~ Colin Campbell

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FightBattlesOne of the great acts of courage in the Bible (and of course there are many) was displayed by Jonathan, King Saul's son in 1 Samuel, chapters 13-14. The Bible is full of courageous acts.

In 1 Samuel 13:5-7 we read, "And the Philistines gathered themselves together to fight with Israel, thirty thousand chariots, and six thousand horseman, and the people as the sand which is on the sea shore in multitude... When the men of Israel saw that they were in a strait, (for the people were distressed,) then the people did hide themselves in caves, and in thickets, and in rocks, and in high places, and in pits."

But in chapter 14 we read of how with great courage, Jonathan and his armor bearer discovered themselves to one of the Philistine garrisons. Jonathan spoke words of faith and courage when he said to his armor bearer: "Come, and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised: it may be that the Lord will work for us: for there is no restrain to the Lord to save by many or by few."

In that first encounter, Jonathan, with his armor bearer, slew about 20 men, then God took over. Remember that the only people in all Israel with sword and spear were Saul and Jonathan. Through the spiritual weapons God has given us, we can be like Jonathan. Through prayer (one of our greatest spiritual weapons), we can expose ourselves, slay about 20 devils, and just see what God can do with the rest!

Be encouraged,

Colin Campbell

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

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Franklin, TN 37068-1687

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