OneLampstandWe rejoice that Jesus Christ, as solid gold, is one with us. He is united with us personally. He made us and calls us His own personal body on the earth.

We rejoice in Paul’s teaching in Ephesians 2:13, 19: “But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were afar off are made nigh by the blood of Christ . . . Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God.”

We rejoice with Jesus that we are one with Him corporately. The truth is that all believers are one in Christ Jesus. There is no sectarian spirit in Him.

All the churches in Asia, mentioned in Revelation, chapters 1- 3, were equal in height. The numerical numbers of the church made no difference to their height. All were of equal worth. All were one in Him even though they were in different locations. All their problems and challenges were felt by the head of the church, Jesus Christ, and therefore were to be felt by the rest of the churches.

Solid gold is dependable, trustworthy, and can be counted on. This is our Jesus Christ. He is the gold standard. He is pure and perfectly one with all the churches. So should we be one as much as we possibly can.

We may not always agree with everything going on in our own church. We may not agree with everything going on in other churches. We may not agree with everything going on in our own lives. As we need prayer for ourselves, we should pray for other churches for we are all one lampstand to the world.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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