LetShineGenesis 1:3: “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”

John 1:5 (ESV): “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

Each Christian family should confess: “Let there be light.” How can Christian families be the light God intends us to be? The answer lies in fathers and mothers catching the vision for their own families to become lighthouses to their churches, communities, the nation, and the world.

There is only one true answer to the spiritual darkness that holds individuals, families, and nations captive to the chains of the myriad forms of evil and sin. It is the power of light.

Every individual that makes up your family should have their light turned on. As spiritually wise fathers and mothers, exert every effort to make sure that each individual member of your family is the brightest light they can possibly be.

It takes both parents working together and putting their whole hearts into this vision to make it happen. We must make our homes and families lighthouses that will scatter the darkness.

Having Family Devotions is a great way to encourage the light to burn brighter in all members of your family. Why is that so few families daily engage in this light-creating practice? It is no wonder that our nation is rocking and reeling under the relentless attacks of demonic darkness.

Much of the left wing mainstream media is a major tool of sinister forces of darkness which attack any vestige of light coming from our president and vice president. Cold blooded murder happens every day on the streets of our cities. Police are gunned down as they try to protect innocent citizens. Drug deaths through overrsdose are rampant in all our communities, both large and small. This evil list of darkness could take pages to fill.

While we as a nation seek to stop evil around the world, we are ravished by evil in our own country. The light from many so-called Christian families is barely turned on, let alone shining.

As families, we must do all we can to shine our lights to scatter the darkness. Make sure you and your family are shining lights.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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