EducationStartsPsalm 119:105: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”

Every child brought up in a loving Christian home where God’s Word is faithfully read each day has great potential to be a shining, dazzling light to expose and scatter the darkness.

Without heavy doses of the anointed Word of God such as Morning and Evening Devotions, how will we ever push back the powers of darkness?

Yesterday 177 young college students were gunned to death. Ten ore are in various stages of injury in hospitals in Florida. Our hearts and prayers go out to them all. There have been far too many school shootings in recent years. Schools are becoming increasingly dangerous and wise parents need to think more than twice about sending their precious children to be amongst the wolves that dominate by dark, murdering, evil spirits.

This school had thousands of students. The greater risk of exposure to students who are living and feeding on the dark media that espouses the violent side of life. When are Christian parents going to wake up and say: “Enough is enough.”

God’s Word is the greatest source of spiritual light and the state schools have done away with it. There are many that believe that the state school system provides the necessary light through their humanistic teaching programs for children to be successful in this world.

However, when the Supreme Court ruled out the Bible and payer from our state schools many wise, thinking people realized that God would lift His hand of protection from the schools. This has proven to be true. When you send your young and impressionable children to be among teachers and peers who often know little or nothing about God, are you being responsible before God? He gave you, the parents, not the state, the privilege of being the godly custodians and stewards of your precious children.

Another question parents must ask themselves: Are your children in state schools going to have their spiritual light increased? Or decreased? Or even diminished? Worse still—demolished! I think the chances of their little lights being damaged or even snuffed out completely are very high. All I can say to parents who are willing to run the risk and send their children to hours of exposure to the power of darkness that they better fortify their children with daily, strong doses of God’s Word, coupled with earnest prayer. They will certainly need it.

The best solution is to homeschool your children just like hundreds of thousands of serious thinking parents are doing. Or second best, if you can afford it, send them to a solid, Christian school where all the teachers are dedicated Christians and where all the children come from Christians homes.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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