DrudgDelightWhen God blesses you with a precious little baby, He gives you a very special gift from His heart. A gift that is eternal. Designed and planned by God. He knew this baby before time began. And when God gives you this precious life, He doesn’t give it to you to give to someone else to nurture and mother. He gives this child to you.

Therefore, as you nurse your sweet baby, pour out your love on your little one, and mother and train the other children God has given you, you are in the perfect will of God! You are doing what God intended you to do. And remember the wonderful promise in 1 John 2:17: “He that doeth the will of God abideth forever.”

What attitude should you have to fulfil the perfect will of God? We read about the attitude of Jesus when He answered God’s call to leave Heaven and come to this earth to die, shed His blood, and to take our sins upon Himself. The prophetic word in Psalm 40:8 says: “I DELIGHT to do thy will, O my God.”

Are you delighting in your motherhood? We decide what attitude we will have each day. We can choose to delight in our mothering. Embrace it with all out heart. Praise God even on the challenging and difficult days. When we delight to do God’s will, we will live in joy (Psalm 113:9 and Hebrews 12:2).

Or we can give in to self-pity and complaining. What does that do? It changes everything into drudgery!

Does someone who serves God in a foreign country and suffers hardship for the name of Christ become disillusioned and grumble about their difficulties? No. They embrace it all with joy because they are serving God. They know they are walking in God’s will. The perfect will of God is not always the easiest path, but it is the eternal one. The greatest one. The only one.

You determine your attitude of mothering. You determine the atmosphere of your home. It’s either delight or drudgery.

Will choose to DELIGHT in will of God for you today?

Love from Nancy Campbell


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