OnenessThe solidness of the candlestick was in its oneness. Exodus 25:36 (NET) tell us: “Their buds and their branches will be one piece, all of it one hammered piece of pure gold.”

Without oneness there cannot be a true golden candlestick. Although each branch had its own light, yet it was all made of one piece of gold. No joins. When we abide in Christ and His commandments, which primarily come under the great doctrine and ministry of love, we become one with Jesus Christ and His Father God.

It is impossible for us to radiate the light of Christ unless we become one with Jesus, even as He could not radiate the light of His Father God without being one with Him.

Jesus Christ is one in three—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. But He is also one with every branch of the candlestick. In John 17:11 Jesus prays to His Father: “Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.”

In John 10:30 Jesus states: “I and my Father are one.” One heart, one mind, one will, one walk, and one work or mission. Unless the churches really get this truth, not only as a major doctrine, but in experience, the truth of abiding and oneness are nothing more than pious statements.

Another great aspect of this truth to which we must give earnest heed is that we are not only to make certain we are one with Jesus our Savior and our Father God, but also one with each other.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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