ShineURLightI am sure that most Christians are glad that Jesus is the light of the world. As believers, we rejoice that our Lord Jesus Christ is absolutely pure gold. There are no flaws in Him at all. And yet this truth seems to have little impact on the lifestyle of many churchgoers today.

God’s people are meant to be the sppiritiual light of the world. But the true light can only rardiate from pure, golden candlesticks. Purity of heart and lifestyle has always been the throbbing heartbeat of the church walking in true revival.

These days, it is possible to end up sitting in church by couples who are living together and having children outside the covenant of marriage--and who have no conscience about it. Many have little conscience concerning the gay agenda because it is not politically correct to speak against sin and loose biblical values.

This failure to promote godly values for the fear of upsetting the conscience of certain people produces hardness of heart.

Recreational marijuana is a multi-billion-dollar business and many states are rushing to legalize it. They want to finance their government programs (even police forces) through the taxes profited by the sales. Take notice that they are not using the profits to help the drug rehabilitation programs. It won’t be long before you will find people smoking dope out in the church parking lots.

The light of God’s people is dimming. It is no longer an antidote to drugs. People are no longer getting high on the Holy Spirit, so they resort to smoking dope!

However, the true light of Christ that comes from the pure, golden candlestick will always repel the darkness of the counterfeit. The states that accept and promote cannabis for the sake of billions of dollars they make from its revenue are no better than the South American drug cartels who smuggle drugs over our southern borders. They do it for the same reason.

Marijuana is much more refined and potent. These drugs always lead to substance abuse by those who have no, or little, spiritual restraining influences in their lives.

The light of our nation will quickly be snuffed out if the church does not rise and shine. Creative brains, talents, and gift will be dumbed down at the altars of making more dollars.

Wake up America. Do not invest in this multi-billion-dollar brain deadening industry.

Instead of getting high on dope, God’s answer is Romans 14:17: “For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.”

Nehemiah 8:10 “The joy of the LORD is your strength.”

Isaiah 62:1: “I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as BRIGHTNESS (a brilliant, shining light).” It is righteousness that shines as a light in this dark world.

Pure gold has no cannabis or any other foreign substances in it. Jesus is pure gold, and this should be the main objective of the true church.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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