NeverGoingUnderDo you always seem to be facing some challenge? Are you forever going through a difficulty? You can't pay your bills? Can I share a little secret with you? It's actually Paul's secret. He was constantly facing hardships, beatings, shipwrecks, imprisonments, and suffering. But what was his confession? "Always 'going through it' yet never 'going under'" (2 Corinthians 6:9 JBP).
He goes on to say in verse 10: “We know sorrow, yet our joy is inextinguishable. We have 'nothing to bless ourselves with' yet we bless many others with true riches. We are penniless, and yet in reality we have everything worth having."
No matter what you are going through, you don't have to go under. Well, you may, if you trust in yourself and your own resources. But when you put your trust in God, He will not fail you. He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5-6). He is bigger than your difficulties. No problem is too big for Him to handle. Trust Him.
Trust Him when dark days assail thee,
Trust Him when thy faith is small,
Trust Him when to simply trust Him
Is the hardest thing of all.
When all seems dark around you, the Lord will be your light. Even in the raging torrent He says to you, "For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not, I will help thee" (Isaiah 41:10). Even if you fall, you still can't go under. His everlasting arms are waiting to catch you and hold you.
Deuteronomy 33:27 reminds us that “The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.”
God bless you today,
Nancy Campbell
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ThankfulHeartJoyThere’s so much to be thankful for, isn’t there? Not just thankful but OVERFLOWING with thanksgiving (Colossians 2:7). Thankful for our glorious and eternal salvation. Thankful for the little things of each day. Thankful for our husbands. Thankful for each one of our children. And this releases the joy!

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TheGloryLifeI wonder why we live so below the life God intends for us. Jesus not only died to save us from our sin but to bring us into a far more glorious way of living. He wants us to live the GLORY LIFE.
2 Corinthians 3:7-8 tells us: "But if the ministry of death, written and engraved on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, which glory was passing away, how will the ministry of the Spirit not be MORE GLORIOUS?"
I am humbled and convicted. The law came with fire, smoke, earthquake, thunder, and the "louder and louder" blast of the trumpet (Exodus 19:18-19). It was glorious. And yet, God says the new covenant of the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts is MORE GLORIOUS! What does this say for the way you and I live each day?
When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, his face so shone with the glory of God that the children of Israel were afraid to come near him (Exodus 34:29-30). We are living in the greater glory of the Spirit. Do our faces shine with His glory? Do people sense the holy presence of God upon our lives when they come near us?
What about our children? What do they see on your face as they look at you each day?
The mark of God upon us is not living by laws and regulations and "thou shalt not do this" and "thou shalt do that." We have come into a more glorious way. The way of the Spirit does not just keep to the letter of the law. It goes beyond the law into an abounding life of being led and filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ paid the greatest sacrifice for us to enter into the "MORE GLORIOUS" life.
Let’s read about this truth in the Passion translation: “HOW MUCH MOIRE RADIANT is this new and GLORIOUS ministry of the Spirit that shines from us! For if the former ministry of condemnation was ushered in with a measure of glory, HOW MUCH MORE does the ministry that imparts righteousness FAR EXCEL IN GLORY. What once was glorious no longer holds any glory because of the INCREASIGLY GREATER GLORY that has replaced it . . . So then, with this AMAZING HOPE LIVING IN US we step out in freedom nd boldness to speak the truth.”
The word “EXCEED in glory” (KJV) used in v. 9 is the Greek word “perisseuo” which is a word that is frequently used in the New Testament (and which I frequently remind you about). It means “to superabound, to be in excess, to excel, to abound, enough and to spare, over and above.” God does not intend us to live a normal life! It is above the normal.
Well, how can it be normal when Christ, the LORD OF GLORY dwells within us?
But that’s not all. The word “excelleth” (KJV) used in verse v. 10 is “huperballo” and means “to throw beyond the usual mark, to surpass, to exceed.” Once again, we see that God does not intend us to live ordinary lives. We will go beyond the ordinary. If Christ dwells in us we will live extraordinary lives. And of course, that starts in our homes.
Are you living the GLORY LIFE?
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
P.S. Did you know that 2 Corinthians 3 is the Glory Chapter in the Bible? It mentions the word glory or glorious 14 times, the most of any chapter in the Bible.
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FeelStirGod has visited you,
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interuptionsSo true.

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HalfMotheringHebrews 1:1 tells us how God spoke in times past by the prophets, but now speaks to us through His own beloved Son. The word "prophet" is not only a foretelling as many people think of a prophet, but it is an OUT-SPEAKING! Trench explains it, "The ‘prophet’ is the outspeaker; he who speaks out the counsel of God with the clearness, energy, and authority which spring from the consciousness of speaking in God's name and having received a direct message from Him to deliver."
Christ, who lives in us is "prophet, priest, and king." I believe that every father should be a prophet to his family, seeking God for His ways and speaking God's counsel to His family. But we as mothers also have a daily responsibility to speak the counsel of God to our children.
What does Proverbs 6:20-22 (WSV) say? “Forsake not your mother’s teaching . . . When you walk, the will lead you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; and when you awake they will talk with you.”
Motherhood is even more than nurturing, feeding, and caring for our children’s physical bodies. It is our God-given duty to feed their inner man—their souls and spirits as well as their bodies . . . even more so.
Let's be mothers who earnestly seek God and His Word. And then with energy and authority we will daily speak God's counsel to our children. WHAT A HIGH AND LOFTY CALLING! Don't be content to only half-mother your children. You may be a wonderful nurturer of their physical bodies, but are you also nurturing their inner man? How much and how often are you feeding and strengthening their souls and spirits?
We must prepare them now to be strong and steadfast, ready for the days when they will face the battles from the kingdom of darkness.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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DependsAttitudeIt all depends on our attitude.

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JoyFilledMomAre you a JOY-filled mother?

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MerryHeartedMotherGod gives a description of mothers in Psalm 113:9. In fact, it is His design and plan for mothers. Do you know the description? He calls them JOYFUL mothers!
"Oh my," you retort. "How do you expect me to be joyful when I hardly have time to get one moment for myself? I'm over-worked and underpaid! I've got crying little ones around me all day!" Dear mother, can I let you into a secret? It's all in your attitude. If you think you could be doing something else, you'll resent you powerful role of mothering. If you think you deserve to be in some more "significant" role, you'll be frustrated.
I want to remind you today that you could not be doing anything more powerful. You are in the perfect will of God. You are fulfilling the greatest career God has given to women. You are determining the course of this nation. You are doing an eternal work. As you embrace your high calling with all your heart, the joy will come. God intends you to be filled with joy, not just because everything is perfect and easy, but because you are doing what He wants you to do.
The full understanding of the Hebrew word "JOYFUL" is that we will be glee-FULL, merry-FULL, happy-FULL, cheer-FULL, rejoicing-FULL, and of course, joy-FULL! Motherhood is not a half-measured life, but a FULL life.
And this Scripture ends with, PRAISE THE LORD!
Can you say, Praise the Lord” with me?
Love to you today,
Nancy Campbell
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HeCanTakeWeightIt is easy to say “Trust the Lord to someone who is going through a difficult time. It can be like a cliché. But dear friend, IT IS TRUE.
Anything and anyone else you put your trust in can fail you. When you lean on your own resources and your own flesh, they are not strong enough to hold you. 2 Kings 18:21 (NLT) says: “On Egypt? If you lean on Egypt, it will be like a reed that splinters beneath your weight and pierces your hand.”
Conversely, God, who is your Rock, is able to take all your weight. He is strong enough to bear all that you cast upon Him--all your burdens and traumas.
I love the confession of Moses in Psalm 90:1, 2: “LORD, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.”
God is our Rock from one generation to the next. With all my heart I want to encourage you to speak these words out loud today: “FROM EVERLASTING TO EVERLASTING, YOU ARE GOD.” Say them consistently. Say them over and over again. Get your children to learn them. The more you speak them out, the more the power of these words will go into the depths of your spirit. They will strengthen your hope and trust in God. They will carry your through your difficulties and heartaches.
Blessings to you today,
Nancy Campbell
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GodlyDynastyMother, you are not only building into your children’s lives, you are building into a nation. A nation is only as strong as its families. Therefore the mothers in the home are the backbone of the nation.
Mother, you are the hidden strength of the nation!
You are also building future generations and for eternity. You are I. The most important. Holding program in the nation. Be a great builder!
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AddieWedAnother wonderful family wedding on the weekend, our grandson, Isaiah Allison (Sam and Serene’s son) and his new wife Addie. Addie used to be one of our lovely Above Rubies helpers. Many of you will remember how Isaiah had a near fatal car accident and perhaps even prayed for him. God miraculously delivered him. We rejoice in the goodness of God in bringing Isaiah and Addie together. They are so perfect for one another.

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EvilSpeakerIt is good to pray the Scriptures. We have so many evil, deceiving, and fake speakers in this land. But we can win the battle as we don’t give up praying. Do you gather your family morning and evening to pray for this nation and the world?

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HelpThroughItTrue Christianity is a one-anothering lifestyle.

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Right WrongThe popular opinion is not always the right one. Search for truth and stand for truth even when you are in the minority. “Let God be true, but every man a liar” (Romans 3:4).

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GodsGraceLicenseThe Christian life is all about overcoming, conquering, getting the victory, and prevailing over sin and all evil. We cannot do this in our own strength but through the power of the life of Jesus Christ who dwells in us. “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death.”

Read Revelation 2:26, 3:5, 12, 21; 12:11; 15:2; and 21:7.

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WhatMemoriesMakingCharles Hadden Spurgeon writes: "It would not be easy for some of us to recall the hour when we first heard the name of Jesus. In very infancy that sweet sound was as familiar to our ear as the hush of a lullaby. Our earliest recollections are associated with the HOUSE OF GOD, THE FAMILY ALTAR, THE HOLY BIBLE, THE SACRED SONG, and the FERVENT PRAYER."
It was this foundation that produced a man such as Spurgeon.
Are your children experiencing these memories? Do you take them to the house of God every week. No excuses. No exceptions. It’s the habit of your life and therefore becomes the habit of your children’s lives.
Do you enjoy The Family Altar in your home? Help? What’s that?” you may ask. Many Christians have never heard that phrase. The Family Altar is another name for gathering together as a family each morning and evening to read God’s Word and pray together. You may call it something different in your family such as Bible Time, or Prayer Time, or Worship Time.
Years ago, it was always called The Family Altar. Of course, we don’t have an altar of wood or stone in our homes. But we make a time and place each day where we meet with God to hear Him speak to us and where we all call upon the Lord. This should be a memory of every child in a God-fearing family.
And it’s at The Family Altar where your children will experience the memories of Bible Reading, singing hymns and worship songs together, and praying together.
These were Spurgeon’s memories that set him on a path to bring God’s word to millions of people. Will your children have these memories?
Have a beautiful day with your children in your home today,
Nancy Campbell
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RUPregnantWhat an awesome blessing. Pray this prayer over your precious baby growing in your womb. It is even be better to pray together with your husband. Ask him to lay his hands upon your womb and pray over you every day of your pregnancy. If you have a friend who is pregnant, you could also pray this prayer for them.
"Father, I thank You for filling my womb with life. I know this precious little baby comes from You and has been destined by You from the beginning of the world. I thank You for this miracle growing inside me in the "secret place" of my womb. I thank You that You are giving this little baby to us as a gift, but also as a gift for the world. We can't wait to see another image of Yourself come forth into this world and the plans You have for this child.
“We ask you, Father, in Jesus' name, to hedge our little baby about with Your mighty protection. Watch over this little one each day as You intricately create him/her in the hidden sanctuary of my womb. Please sustain me in good health and vitality throughout this whole pregnancy.
“Please fill me with Your joy and that everyone will see the glory of God upon me as I nurture this precious life within me. Thank You again for this amazing miracle and for giving my husband and me an eternal soul that will live forever. It is awesome to think that I am part of something eternal. I pray that You will keep this baby growing in the womb until FULL TERM and this baby will come forth in Your perfect timing. In Jesus' name. Amen."
Dear pregnant Mommy, may God pour out His blessing and refreshing on you each new day,
Nancy Campbell
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RUNursingBabyWhat a joy and privilege. Dear mother, you are blessed beyond measure. God is so good. When He gives you a precious new baby, He doesn’t leave you to manage on your own. He fills you with wonderful hormones to help you in this God-given task.
When you nurse your baby, you produce prolactin and oxytocyn. They are called the love hormones. They are also called the anti-stress hormones. Who would like to be filled with anti-stress hormones? Well, embrace nursing babies!
God doesn’t intend women to be high-powered, stressed-out women in the workforce. He designed them to have His anointing of peace upon them (Isaiah 66:11-13). Do you realize that the more your nurse your baby, the more prolactin and oxytocyn you produce? Therefore, you become more loving and motherly. The more relaxed you become. Your brain marinates with dopamine and therefore feelings of pleasure. And without having to take a pill, God-induced anti-stress hormones fill your brain and body.
Who wouldn’t want to be a mother? Don’t miss out on all the blessings God has for you. Don’t only nurse your baby for food. Nurse your baby to console, comfort, delight, and satisfy his God-given sucking instinct. Don’t use a pacifier which is a mother substitute. Don’t try to wean your baby too soon. Let your baby wean when he is ready. Bask in the joys of God’s blessing hormones as long as you can. It is your inheritance as a mother.
Sadly, Satan wants to rob women of the fullness of motherhood that God planned for them. He comes to rob, kill, and destroy. Don’t let him rob you. Embrace all that God has for you. Live in the glory of your motherhood.
God bless you in your mothering today,
Nancy Campbell
P.S. You may like to check out this article:
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