HMLoversMany women don’t like the phrase “keepers at home.” Even Christian mothers. And yet it’s in the Bible! I wonder why they think they know better than the Bible. The phrase is found in Titus 2:5 and is translated from two different manuscripts.
The first is ”oikourogo,” coming from two words:
oikos meaning “home” and ergon meaning “to work.”
The word literally means HOME-WORKERS!
In other words, the mother is not working out in the corporate world, but in the home.
The second is ”oikouros.” also from two Greek words:
oikos meaning “a home, a dwelling, or by metonymy--a household or family” and
ouros meaning “to guard, to watch, to keep, to have the oversight and responsibility for something.”
This translation means HOME-GUARDERS!
It is the picture of a “keeper of the castle” who guards it from any intruder.
The above word is only used in this Scripture in the New Testament. Therefore, we must look to similar words in the Greek language to fully understand its meaning. This word and all derivatives of this word were used in the context of a woman who stayed at home for the purpose of managing her household. In the language of the day this same word referred to a watch dog who guarded the house. It was also used of men who stayed home to avoid military service. They were called “stay-at-home” men.
Therefore, this word means a “stay-at-home” mother, which is also the exact meaning from the Strong’s concordance, “a stayer at home.” She does not stay home for the sake of staying home. She is home to watch over and guard her family. She is a Watch Dog. What is the use of a Watch Dog who is not at home?
This woman does not stay at home because of legality. No. She sees her home as a powerful place to raise her children and prepare them for their destiny and to impact the world. She also sees it as a glorious opportunity to bless many people as she invites them into her home to bless and encourage them.
She loves her home. She is happy and contented in her home. She knows the power of her home. She is proud of her career in her home.
Be blessed in your home today,
Nancy Campbell

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