HolyMotheringMarriage is a sacred institution and motherhood is also a sacred calling. The humanistic programming of today, masterminded by Satan, relegates motherhood to the “common” or even the “inferior.” This is a lie. It is time we saw motherhood as God sees it, a holy and elevated estate.
1 Timothy 2:15 (BSB) reminds us that women will be “saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love, and HOLINESS, with self-control.” The Scriptures combine motherhood with holiness. This word is translated “sanctification” in other places and literally means to be purified. Motherhood is certainly a role that exposes our flesh and our need to be purified, doesn’t it?
There is an interesting verse in the Apocrypha. The Apocrypha was not included in the canon of Scripture, but it is good reading. Ecclesiasticus 1:16 (Knox) says: “Wouldest thou be wise, the first step is fear of the Lord . . . it goes with holy motherhood.”
Mother, God sees your work as holy. You are called into holy employment! You are set apart by God for this sacred task, the mightiest career in the nation. Motherhood is what keeps civilization going. Motherhood determines the rise or fall of the nation. Motherhood is eternal. God has divinely called you to not only train your children to spread the kingdom of God on this earth but to prepare them for the eternal realm.
You may think that much of what you do in the home is mundane and worthless. Wrong thinking! Everything you do in your home—scrubbing toilets, changing diapers, teaching your children, or preparing meals are all part of the holy estate of motherhood. Every task is holy, no matter how lowly.
Zechariah 14:20, 21 talks about even our pots and pans being holy unto the Lord. That makes a difference to preparing meals, doesn’t it?
What a privilege and blessing to be employed in a holy vocation.
May your home be filled with the presence of the Lord today,
Nancy Campbell
Painting by Trent Gudmandsen

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