MotherDestroyerThe devil is afraid of mothers who know who they are and God’s purpose for their lives. The devil wants to destroy the family but he can’t do much damage when there is a praying, God-fearing, home-loving, motherhood-embracing, nation-changing mother in the home! As a mother, you are a powerful force for the kingdom of God.

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CountNotI am encouraged by this Scripture in Proverbs 24:25-27 TPT: “Set your gaze on the path before you. With fixed purpose looking straight ahead, IGNORE LIFE’S DISTRACTIONS. Stick to the path of truth . . . DON’T ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE SIDETRACKED FOR EVEN A MOMENT.”
The devil knows that he can’t sidetrack us with things that are evil. We would not be interested. So, he distracts us and sidetracks us with things that look good and even wise, and yet my not be the best. We must constantly check what is our purpose in life and mothering and keep our eyes on that goal. If even good things will distract us from our purpose, we don’t do them.
I am already a very focused person, but I am seeking to more and more be untouched by distractions. We must also learn to detect distractions and know that although they may be harmless and even good, they may not be the ultimate best.
May the Lord pour out His blessings upon you in this coming year and keep you looking to Him and doing His will.
Much love,
Nancy Campbell
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LittleEyesToday I would love to bless you with a song from my daughters, Serene and Pearl. I'll give you the words too, so you won't miss the blessing as they sing. Be thankful for your husband and children today. Don't ever take them for granted. Click on the link to enjoy the song.
Little arms reaching for me,
Grubby fingers touch my face
And love is what I feel.
Little eyes looking at me,
Chubby cheeks burst with smiles
And joy is what I know,
Peeking in while they sleep at night,
I thank God for the gift of life,
I thank God for more that I deserve.
My heart is full, my heart is full,
Why would I want for more?
When my cup overflows?
My heart is full, my heart is full,
This much I know.
Strong arms reaching for me
Circle my waist for the millionth time
And love is what I feel
Sometimes I watch him sleep at night,
I thank God that I am his wife,
And joy is what I know.
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HighCalmingDearest mothers, you have such a high calming and such a beautiful role in society. And so needed. Embrace it. Never look down upon it.

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1ST CORINTHIANS 13 - Adapted for Christmas.

1stCorIf I decorate my house perfectly with plaid bows, strands of twinkling lights and shiny balls, but do not show love to my family, I'm just another decorator.
If I slave away in the kitchen, baking dozens of Christmas cookies, preparing gourmet meals, and arranging a beautifully adorned table at mealtime, but do not show love to my family, I'm just another cook.
If I work at a soup kitchen, carol in the nursing home, and give all that I have to charity, but do not show love to my family, it profits me nothing.
If I trim the spruce with shimmering angels and crocheted snowflakes, attend a myriad of holiday parties, and sing in the choir's cantata but do not focus on Christ, I have missed the point.
Love stops the cooking to hug your child.
Love sets aside the decorating to kiss your husband.
Love is kind, though harried and tired.
Love doesn't envy another's home that has coordinated Christmas china and table linens.
Love doesn't yell at the children to get out of the way.
Love doesn't give only to those who are able to give in return but rejoices in giving to those who can't.
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.
Love never fails. Video games will break, pearl necklaces will be lost, golf clubs will rust. But giving the gift of love will endure.
~ Unknown.
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WellDoneDo you feel overwhelmed at all you have to do? Don’t give up in Despair. Keep plodding on. Do a little bit at a time and soon you will have the job completed the job.

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ChristmasCakeA few days ago, I shared the picture of two of my granddaughters helping me make my annual Christmas cake. I notice that a number of folks are asking for the recipe. Sorry for the delay, but here it is for you.
(This was my husband’s mother’s recipe and she most probably got it from generations previously).
Cream together 1 lb. butter and 1 lb. raw sugar (I use succanat or equivalent THM Gentle Sweet). Beat it until it is very creamy. I use a strong wooden spoon. Lots of arm exercise! Get your children taking turns to beat.
Add 10 eggs. Add them two at a time and beat them into the creamed butter and sugar mixture. More arm exercises!
Gradually add 3 cups flour. You can use any flour. I use spelt or kamut (with half THM Baking Blend). Start adding the flour slowly along with the eggs. Even more arm exercise! It gets harder to beat as you go along. But keep beating. Get the children to take turns. And dad too! You’ve got to get this mixture really creamy.
When you’ve gradually added all the eggs and the flour until they are absorbed, add:
1 Tbs. dark jam
1 Tbs. Treacle (American readers, we can’t get treacle, but you could use sorghum, molasses, or dark honey)
Essences. Use whatever you have in your pantry such as vanilla, rum, brandy, almond etc.
Spices. Use 1- 2 tsp. mixed spice, ginger, and cinnamon, as you desire
1 tsp. Baking Soda
Mix in, and then add the fruit and nuts.
1 lb. Currants (it’s hard to get currants in USA, so I add more raisins).
1 lb. Sultanas
1-packet raisins (or use more raisins if you don’t have sultanas or currants)
1 cup chopped walnuts (nuts are optional)
1 cup chopped almonds (use more nuts if you desire). I use more nuts as I love the nuts in the cake.
Grease a large cake tin. I usually line the tin with newspaper, so it doesn’t burn on the bottom. I then line it with butter papers (the paper in which the butter was wrapped). Start saving your butter papers now. Place mixture in the tin and cook at 250 degrees for about three to four hours.
I usually pour wine or brandy over my cake when it comes out of the oven.
Suggestions from lady in England: Did you know that in England we make our Christmas cakes in October. The reason is that it matures over the weeks. We pick holes in the top and pour a little brandy in (about 2 Tbs.) or apple juice if you don’t use brandy. Seal fully with foil. Then we open every two weeks and repeat the process. This keeps it lovely and moist and allows the fruit to mature. My children and I make six every year as love gifts for our family.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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Every life is sacred
And possesses untold worth.
The prophet John leapt in the womb
When unborn Jesus was on earth.
How is it that before it's born
A child is seen as less
Than anyone outside the womb?
It's strange, I must confess . . .
Until I ponder on this truth
Revealed in God's own Word,
That people are deceived and lost
Until their ears have heard . . .
That God, the Author of all life,
Gives value to us all.
Rich or poor, young or old,
All people, big or small.
Before He formed us in the womb
Our lives by Him were planned.
Yet till we know our worth to Him,
We cannot understand.
Oh Lord, please open every heart
To know your love for all,
That every unborn, precious life
Will live to hear your call.
Rescue those condemned to die
At hands of sinful man.
Restore the right of every life,
Let truth rule in this land.
Each baby that you send in love
Is a miracle of grace,
As we gaze upon each tiny one,
There's the image of Your face.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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HornsWickedThis is another Scripture you can pray. It is powerful to pray God’s Word. Horns in the Bible speak of power and authority. Pray that the usurping power of the wicked and those who are wanting to control humanity will be cut off and the authority of righteous men will be lifted up for righteousness exalts a nation. It is interesting that the golden altar of incense in the temple had four horns, one on each corner. And we know that the altar of incense represents prayer and praise. Let’s take up our authority in prayer. It is our greatest weapon of war. Pray as families together every day.

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FreeCountryThe deep state, the world economic forum, the great reset, and others want total jurisdiction over our lives. They are taking dominion over our bodies. We will no longer enjoy freedom unless we fight for it. We must resist all tyranny.

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EvilSpeakerAmen! I love to pray the Scriptures when I am praying. I can’t pray anything more powerful than the Word of God. Join with me in praying this prayer and that all the lies and deception from the media and the government will be exposed and become powerless. Amen again

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TrialsMake1 Peter 4:12-14 tells us not to be surprised at the fiery trials that come our way. Instead of complaining about them, this Scripture tells us to rejoice and be happy! Paul gloried in his tribulations knowing that they were working God’s character into his life (Romans 5:3-5). Be encouraged dear one. God will not let you go.

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AnxiousTomorrowYou can trust God for each new day. God doesn’t give you today what you need for tomorrow. He will give that to you tomorrow. Lay your head on the pillow and have a good sleep. Give all your worries and concerns to God. Stop worrying about them right now. Tomorrow you will wake with fresh wisdom, fresh strength, and understanding what you need to do. God‘s mercies and blessings and strength for each new day.

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By Bonnie Sampson
(Bonnie wrote this one evening after one of “those days” with little ones!)
As I sit on the couch and breastfeed my babe,
There’s a clattering sound down the hall,
I squeeze my eyes shut with a frustrated sight
And lift my voice and call.
No reply hits my ears, so I unlatch the babe
And race to the scene of a crime,
There’re cupboards wide open and food on the floor,
She’s been having a wonderful time.
In the midst of the mess sits my small, cute offender
With the guiltiest look on her face.
“Patience! I think and I slowly exhale,
Shooting speedy prayers upwards for grace.
She’s just being curious, exploring the world,
Making messes is what toddlers do,
I don’t want to spend her whole life saying “No!”
And she’s young, she’s not even two!
Being a mother just stretches my patience
And wears it down really thin,
Toddlers are constant, chaotic people
Always exposing my sin.
But sin exposed, as I look to the cross
And see hanging there my Lord,
Giving up all in a maelstrom of grace,
Heaven’s joy his final reward.
I fall on my knees and worship the God
Who showed limitless mercy to me,
Who saw all my sin and still went to the cross,
Forever setting me free.
If my Jesus could give up Himself, even die,
And if love demands mercy and grace,
Then I can be patient with my children at home,
So I scoop her up in my embrace.
I marvel again that God chose me
To love and to raise this one,
Oh, Father grant grace and patience
And make me like Your Son.
~ Bonnie Sampson.
Bonnie was one of my lovely Above Rubies helpers. She lives in New Zealand and is now married with two darling little girls, Shari and Hazel.
Hannah Bronn was also an Above Rubies girl from New Zealand at the same time as Bonnie. And now she is engaged to the brother of Bonnie’s husband. Isn’t that special? And they didn’t even know one another before they came to be with us here at Above Rubies.
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LetLittleChildrenOh, don't you love children? God loves them too! Apart from your salvation, they are the greatest blessing you can receive in life.

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DangerousWomanSatan is scared of mothers who know who they are and who know their purpose! He doesn’t want homebuilding mothers. He doesn’t want home teaching mothers. He doesn’t want mothers who want more children. Oh no! He wants to get His hands upon the children to influence them for His kingdom so he lures the mothers out of the home. Be aware of his tactics. Embrace your powerful calling of motherhood and you’ll make the devil scared!

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TooMuchTalkSuch a good reminder!

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An Above Rubies reader for many years shared this picture with me (in fact, Paula was one of very original Above Rubies helpers many years ago).
“Here is a photo of the twins (Tiveria and Tikvah). I keep all of my old Above Rubies in the loft and within the last year or so they discovered them, and I think they have already read them through once and are on their second round.”
Paula Smith, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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LoveSlavesI was reading again in Philippians 2:7 how Jesus “made himself of no reputation and took upon himself the form of a servant.” I was arrested by the fact that no one made Jesus a servant. He made Himself a servant. He took upon Himself the position of a servant!
Why did He do this? “For the joy that was set before Him he endured the cross, despising the shame” (Hebrews 12:2).
Although Jesus endued such agony and took upon Himself the sin and sickness of the world, He saw ahead to His glorious purpose of getting a bride who would dwell with Him in Heaven eternally. He saw the joy ahead.
Sometimes we despise the role of a servant, don’t we? I can remember back to my early days of motherhood with all my children around me and everything I had to accomplish and saying, “I’m just a jolly servant around this place.!” Oh, what disgusting words! I didn’t understand the glory and blessing of being a servant.
When we willingly take upon us the servant role, because we know this will bring great blessing to our husbands and family, we can do it with joy When we don’t want to serve or do the lowly monotonous tasks each day and have a bad attitude about them, we usually bring gloom and chaos to our household.
But when we willingly serve to bless everyone in our homes and make things run smoothly we bring joy to everyone in the home and joy to ourselves.
Servanthood equals joy!
Love from Nancy Campbell
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BestKeptSecretIf you want to enjoy vitality, confess the joy of the Lord. If you grumble and complain and live in self-pity, you'll be miserable and tired!
~ Nancy
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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ