
Are you living in the joy today? It all depends on your attitude.

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AMerryHeartProverbs 15:15 says: “All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.”
In this Scripture the “afflicted” are not those who go through great misfortunes but those who see the worst in everything. They are depressed in their minds. The New Living Translation says: “For the despondent, every day brings trouble; for the happy heart, life is a continual feast.”
When we see the negative in everything, we live a miserable life. And what is the bottom line? We are leaving God out of the equation! For no matter what happens in our lives, in the little annoying things of our daily lives or the big situations that seem like the end of the world, God is in control. He is bigger than our problems and difficulties.
We can totally trust Him, and “Whoso trusts in the Lord, HAPPY IS HE” (Proverbs 16:20). When we put our trust in the Lord and rejoice in the fact that He is our Strength, our Source, Our Rock, our Help, and our
Deliverer, we can keep our hearts joyful in any situation.
Your life can be a continual feast! How can that be? It’s all in how we look at things. I love Paul’s confession in 2 Corinthians 43:8-10: “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken, cast down, but not destroyed.”
He goes on to say in verses 16-18: “For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a FAR MORE EXCEEDING AND ETERNAL WEIGHT OF GLORY; while we LOOK NOT AT THE THINGS WHICH ARE SEEN, BUT AT THE THINGS WHICH ARE NOT SEEN: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”
Instead of looking on the dark side today, why not count some blessings?
Love from Nancy Campbell
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GovVoteTodayPlease stop what you are doing if at all possible and pray for Canada. Pray that this Emergencies Act will be stopped. Share this with everyone you can. Not only the freedom Of Canada but of the whole world will be affected by this.

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A good question!


Fight the Good Fight.

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StrengthTodayGod’s promise in Deuteronomy 33:24, 25 is reassuring: ”As thy days, so shall thy strength be.” But have you read it in context? It’s in the passage of the prophetic blessing upon the tribe of Asher which says: “Let Asher be blessed with children” and then it concludes with “As thy days, so shall thy strength be.” Isn’t that amazing?
God doesn’t bless us with children without giving us the strength to nurture and train the children He gives us. This promise is tailor made for parenting.
You may think, “How on earth could I ever cope with another child? My hands are full already.” Dear mother, God is your Strength. He promises to give you strength for each new day. He doesn’t give you strength for tomorrow, but for TODAY. And He doesn’t give you strength and energy for a baby that has not yet arrived. If God sends you another blessing from Heaven, He will give you the strength when that baby comes. What a wonderful God we have.
Look to Him for His strength for today.
Love from Nancy Campbell
Painting: First Smile by Magdalena Palega
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RevoltedI am a freedom lover. In fact, I am a freedom fighter. However, I also believe in boundaries. True freedom is only found in the boundaries that God assigns for us. A train running on its tracks is free to go anywhere the tracks take it. However, if the train decides it doesn’t want the confinement of tracks and veers off, it would be its destruction.
God puts boundaries on nature. God has put limits on the seas and the oceans. Psalm 104:9 says: “Thou hast set a bound (for the waters) that they may not pass over.” Proverbs 8:29 says: “He gave to the sea his decree, that the waters should not pass his commandment . . . “
God gave the angels of Heaven their boundary. Jude 1:6 (GW) tells us: “They (the angels) were held in darkness, bound by eternal chains. These are the angels who didn’t keep their position of authority but abandoned their assigned place.”
God masterminded the and holy estate of marriage, the most beautiful estate on earth when we live it according to God’s plans. But God has placed boundaries on marriage. When a couple are joined as one on their wedding day, they enter into the exclusivity of marriage. We don’t share our marriage with anyone else. Oh yes, we open our homes and lives to encompass people, but our marriage is sacred. We will never embark on a personal relationship with someone of the opposite sex apart from with our husband.
God has given to women a powerful domain over which to rule. God planned for women to be queen of their homes and be the continuers of godly generations revealing the likeness and image of God.
God does not intend us to enter the realm of the male domain. Of course, we can if we want, but it will not be to our detriment. God’s blessings are poured out in the domain that He gives to us.
And our domain, mother, is a glorious domain. Did you read my article, LET’S GET BACK THE GLORY, in the current issue of Above Rubies?
I love David’s confession in Psalm 6:5, 6 (GW): "Your boundary lines mark out pleasant (delightful) places for me. Indeed, my inheritance is something beautiful.”
I love the CJB version: “Pleasant places were measured out for me; I am CONTENT with my heritage.” It is a beautiful thing when we are content within the boundaries that God assigns to us. In these boundary lines we have the greatest freedom because God is also the author of freedom. He wants us to live free.
The words of Jeremiah 5:22, 23 are challenging: “Fear ye not me? saith the LORD: will ye not tremble at my presence, which have placed the sand for the bound of the sea by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass it: and though the waves thereof toss themselves, yet can they not prevail; though they roar, yet can they not pass over it? But this people hath a revolting and rebellious heart; they are revolted and gone.”
Wow, God uses the example of how even the oceans, although they roar and toss, cannot pass God’s boundary lines. And yet, unbelievably, His people do it. God mandated boundaries for His people Israel. He gave them laws and decrees, not to imprison them but to bless them, to make them healthy, and to make them His special and chosen people in all the world. But they didn’t want it. “THEY ARE REVOLTED AND GONE!”
This is often our testimony of many women in the church today. They don’t understand that God’s truths do not inhibit us. They set us free. But they don’t want freedom within their boundaries. They want their own kind of freedom. God mandated for women to be in the home. But where are they? Most homes in America are empty today. The mothers have REVOLTED AND GONE!
This passage continues in verse 25. “Your sins have withholden GOOD THINGS from you.” We miss out on the “GOOD THINGS” when we move away from the boundaries God has assigned for us.
Let’s embrace all that God has for us and live in the fullness of the blessings He longs for us.
Drawing you back to His glorious ways,
Nancy Campbell
Painting by Jessica Zemsky
P.S. Oh help! I can imagine the reaction to some of my above statements. I must say that I know that most women today are brainwashed by our humanistic society. They have beautiful hearts, would never want to do anything to offend God, and think their lifestyle is absolutely normal because that is all they know. Most women today are ignorant of God’s Word and His plan for women and so they are ignorantly living their lives outside the home. Others are in very difficult financial situations and are forced, often against their will, to vacate the home. Feminism has been very successful in making it more difficult for women as they have lowered men’s wages and advocated for their so-called women’s rights.
I understand the many reasons, dear mothers, but at the same time, as an older mother, I must be faithful to teach what God says from His Word. I know that our society is so far away from God’s original intention that it’s a long road back. To some it even looks impossible. But ultimate revival is for us to turn back. We cannot live under the fount of His full blessings unless we live in the boundary lines He has designated for us.
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FightGoodFightAnother reader commented on my post about contacting the Canadian Embassy to voice our concern over Trudeau taking dictatorship of Canada. She reminded us that our war is not against flesh and blood. Agree. She also mentioned that people in the Old Testament often did things their own way and got screwed up. We certainly don’t always do everything correctly.
But this hits on a truth in God’s Word that we all need to understand. And that is that God works, and we work. God works for us and on our behalf, but He also wants us to work. He wants us to do our part. He wants to work together with us. He is in Heaven, and we are His voice, His hands, and His feet on the earth.
We see this in every aspect of Life. God is the bread-giver, but we have to work to grow the grain and bake the bread. God generously and lavishly provides food for us, but we must work to make it grow and prepare it to eat.
God loves marriage. He brings couples together, but they have to build into their marriage to make it beautiful.
God gave the land of Canaan “a land flowing with milk and honey,” to His people as an everlasting possession, but they had to go in and fight the giants and possess the land. God promised them that He would be with them and fight for them, but He didn’t do all the fighting. They had to get into the fight too.
Let’s look at some Scriptures. Oh, I could give you so many, but here are a few.
Deuteronomy 7:2, 16: “When the Lord thy God shall deliver them before you” (that's GOD fighting), thou shalt smite them and utterly destroy them; thou shalt consume all the people which the Lord thy God shall deliver you.” (That’s the children of Israel fighting).
Deuteronomy 7:24: “He shall deliver their kings into thine hand” (that's GOD fighting) and thou shalt destroy their name from under heaven.” (That's YOU fighting).
Deuteronomy 9:3: “The Lord thy God, which goeth over before thee; as a consuming fire, He shall destroy them and He shall bring them down before thy face.” (That’s GOD fighting). Then it goes on to say: “So shalt thou drive them out and destroy them, as the Lord thy God hath said to thee.” (That's YOU fighting,)
In 1 Chronicles 14:15-16 we read a strategy that God gave to Israel for one of their battles: “When thou shalt hear a sound of going in the tops of the mulberry trees, that then thou shalt go out to battle.” (That's YOU fighting). “For God is gone forth before thee, to smite the host of the Philistines.” (That's GOD fighting). “David therefore did as God commanded him: and they smote the host of the Philistines from Gibeon, even to Gazer.”
Are you getting the picture? God does His part BUT He also gives us some fighting to do to.
I'll give you one more. In Jeremiah 51:20-24 God prophetically speaks through Jeremiah to Israel:
“Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee” (that's YOU fighting), “will I break in pieces the nations.” (That's GOD fighting).
“And with thee,” (YOU are fighting), “will I destroy kingdoms,” (GOD fighting).
“And with thee” (YOU are fighting) “I will break in pieces the horse and his rider.” (GOD is fighting).
“And with thee” (YOU are fighting), “will I break in pieces the chariots and his rider.” (That's GOD fighting).
This is a biblical principle we must remember as we fight our battles. God fights for us but we also have to fight.
“Fight the good fight of faith” (1 Timothy 6:12).
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
Awhile back I did three podcasts on LIFE TO THE FULL about the war we have to fight as mothers and in our daily lives. You can find them at these links.
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GodsBigHeartIn my post about what is happening in Canada, one reader commented that I should keep my eyes in my own back yard. I think it is important to line up all our thoughts with God’s Word, don’t you? What is God’s heart about this matter?
God doesn’t want us to keep our eyes and actions only in our back yard. Of course, this is where we live as mothers. But we can reach out in prayer and certain actions to other nations of the world.
God’s heart yearns over the nations. Psalm 66:7 says: “He ruleth by his power for ever; His eyes behold the nations: Let not the rebellious exalt themselves. Selah.” His eyes behold the nations and what is going on. If we have God’s heart, we will be doing the same thing.
In the Messianic psalm of Psalm 2:8 God speaks to His Son: “Ask of me and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the UTTERMOST PARTS OF THE EARTH for thy possession.” We can also pray this prayer because this is the heart of Jesus.
Psalm 22 is another Messianic psalm of Christ and verse 27 states: “ALL THE ENDS OF THE WORLD shall remember and turn unto the LORD and ALL THE KINGDREDS OF THE NATIONS shall worship before thee. For the kingdom is the LORD’S and he is the GOVERNOR AMONG THE NATIONS.”
Psalm 72:8: “He shall have dominion also from sea to sea.” If we are one of God’s children, we will have the same heart and vision that He has for the nations. We will want to see His rule for righteousness across the whole world. We believe in Proverbs 14:34: “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.“ And therefore we can’t keep our nose in our own back yard.
We must have a big heart for the nations. Families, hidden away in their homes, can become world-changing families as they watch over the nations in prayer. And of course, you can’t pray without doing something!
What were the words of Jesus to the early church? First of all, He gave the great commission:
Matthew 28:18-20: “Go ye therefore, and teach ALL NATIONS, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”
And then He reminded them again in Acts 1:8: “Ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all the Judea, and in Samaria, and unto THE UTTERMOST PART OF THE EARTH.”
We see this truth right throughout the Bible. Even back in tabernacle days. The brazen altar where they conducted the daily sacrifices had four horns on the altar, speaking of the four corners of the earth. God’s salvation is to go out to the four corners of the earth.
We study the golden altar of incense, and we see that it also had four horns, once again representing the four corners of the earth. You will know that the altar of incense speaks of prayer and intercession going up to God.
He wants our prayers to go up to Him, not only for ourselves and our own families, but to the four corners of the earth.
God has a big heart, and He wants us to have a big hearts too. He wants us to be interceding for the nations of the world.
Be blessed,
Nancy Campbell
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horrifiedAre you horrified, as I am, at what is happening in Ottawa, Canada? It is unbelievable to think that Trudeau has invoked the Emergencies Act to gain total control over the peaceful protestors in Canada. They even want to freeze the bank accounts of anyone who has been involved or helped financially. They are not only tyrannizing but stealing!
I have been in touch with people who been “on the ground” IN THE FREEZING COLD at the Ottawa protest since its inception and are still there. I have watched videos and it has been a joyful and peaceful protest of people singing, worshipping God, and praying. In fact, most reports reveal that this peaceful protest is predominantly Christian.
These are people are standing for their freedom against mandates that take dominion over their lives and over their bodies. I think of the words in Nehemiah 9:36, 37: “Behold, we are servants this day and for the land that thou gavest unto our father to eat the fruit thereof and the good thereof, behold, we are servants in it . . . also they have dominion over our bodies . . . at their pleasure, and we are in great distress.”
This is what is happening with mandatory vaccinations. Most of these truckers have already lost their jobs and their livelihood. But they are standing not only for themselves but for all those who are being tyrannized.
Canada is meant to be part of the free world, and this is nothing less than tyranny! It is disgusting and the beginnings of Nazi Germany.
We are in a war, a war of freedom versus tyranny. Our greatest weapon of war is the place of prayer. Are you praying? We have been praying morning and evening and will continue to pray. But we must also stand up and be a voice. We cannot carry on with our lives without doing something. This issue will affect the whole world. If Trudeau has his way, it will set a precedent for the whole world to come under tyranny.
If freedom wins, it will set free many other countries that are locked down and where their people are under servitude and already being thrown in internment camps. Are you aware of what is going on in the world?
I was talking to a Canadian this morning and she said that they ware wanting people all over the world to contact their Canadian Embassy and register their disgust at what is happening
Let’s respond by calling our Embassies. The phone number for the Canadian Embassy in USA is 1 844 880 6519. You will have to wait on the line after 9 options. When I spoke with a representative, she tried to give the excuse that there was violence in the protests but that is the liberal agenda they are trying to portray. Be strong and register your protest.
You can also email them at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Let’s do our part to bring freedom to this nation and ultimately the world. We dare not sit back and do nothing for the sake of the future of our children and grandchildren.
Yours for freedom,
Nancy Campbell
P.S. Let’s pray for the JERICHO MARCH. Every morning many folks march around Parliament Hill in Ottawa. On Thursday they will march around seven times.
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trans schools s
The children of our country are under attack. Left wing school boards all over this nation are seeking to coerce children into a transgender lifestyle. Please sign this petition to ask our governors and senators to take action against this evil.
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DtoDDutiesOh, how I love God’s Word. It is new every morning. And it is so practical and relating to life. This morning I read about the different functions of the priests and Levites in 1 Chronicles chapter 9. We often think of the priests in the functions of praying and blessing God’s people. But the Bible talks about their mundane tasks which they had to do from day to day.
First of all, in v. 23 it gives the description: “Very able men for the work of the service of the house of God.” Yes, God gave them WORK to do. And they were to SERVE. They weren’t sitting around praying all day.
Dear mother, your home is also a house of God. And God gives you work to do in your home. You are in the perfect will of God as you serve in your home.
Verses 19 – 26 tell us about the work of the gatekeepers. You are also a gatekeeper of your home as you protect and guard it from evil and in the inroads of the enemy.
Verses 28 - 32 tells us about more practical tasks God gave to His priests and Levites. Some were in charge of the vessels and instruments of the sanctuary which they had to count when they were brought out and count when they were brought in.
Others were in charge of the fine flour, the wine, the oil, and all the spices. Others were in charge of mixing the spices. Mattithiah was appointed to take charge of baking the bread for the offerings.
Other priests were in charge of making the showbread to put upon the Table of Shewbread each week. Baking bread? Yes, God looked upon it as a priestly duty! What attitude do you have to baking bread in your home?
And what do you do when you’ve baked bread? You have to wash the pans and all the utensils you used. These priests did a lot of washing dishes too!
But there’s more yet. God’s Word states that all these people were ordained “IN THEIR SET OFFICE ” (verses 22, 26, and 31). The word “office” in the Hebrew means “faithfulness, firmness, fidelity, stability, truth.” It is translated “faithfulness” 26 times in the King James Version.
These men were to be faithful to their tasks, even though many of these tasks were menial.
Dear lovely mother, you have also been ordained to a “set office” by God. As you manage your home—preparing meals, baking, washing dishes, doing laundry, cleaning floors and toilets, and caring for your precious children, God sees each task as a priestly duty. You are doing these things in His presence. He sees these duties as powerful and anointed as a minister preaching his sermon on Sunday. Please, do not ever see them as insignificant. Everything you do in the presence of God is sacred and therefore powerful.
Embrace every little practical task in your home today. Rejoice in it. Be faithful to it.
Oh yes, one more thing to encourage you. This attribute of faithfulness God wants us to have toward our homely duties is the very same word that is used 20 times to describe God’s faithfulness! When you are faithful, with joy, to your daily tasks, you reveal the character of God! Wow! That is powerful.
Have a wonderful day,
Nancy Campbell
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WaitinggameWhen God brought forth the first beautiful woman from the side of Adam, what realm did she come into? She immediately came forth to be a wife . . . and then a mother. After the glorious introduction of Eve to Adam, God states: "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his WIFE: and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24).
Wow! She didn’t even have time to be single. She didn’t have time to find who she really was. She didn’t have time to have her fling before she settled down into marriage. She didn’t have time to have fun before she had children. She didn’t even have time to go to college! These are the comments we hear in today’s society.
Now don’t get me wrong. I know there are some women who will not get married. There are others who do not meet “the right one” until their thirties, or even forties. However, the majority meet when they are relatively young. This is God’s plan. This is the way He has created us. This is the time of life when He puts the desire within us for marriage, and yes, for sexual union.
Society today believes in the waiting game. You must wait unto you are more mature. You must wait until you have finished college. You must wait until you are financially settled. You must wait until “you have all your ducks in a row.” You must wait until you have traveled and seen the world! This sounds wise advice, but is it biblical?
We read in Malachi 2: 15 about the “wife of his youth” and Joel 1:8 about the “husband of her youth.” We read in Psalm 127:4 about the “children of your youth.” The word “youth” in the Hebrew word “na’uwr” and means “young people, juvenile.” That doesn’t sound like old to me.
If Colin and I had waited until we were financially secure before we married, we wouldn’t be married yet! If we waited for the “perfect” time to have children, we still wouldn’t have any children! It all sounds so plausible, but it’s hot air and the wisdom of this world. The reality is that God intends couples to marry young and have children when they are young.
We don’t find who God wants us to be by doing our own thing. We find who we are as women through marriage and motherhood. This is how we mature. This is how a young man matures. There is nothing like marriage to mature a young man. You watch him grow before your eyes (unless he is unteachable and without godly training). Ultimately, God gives parents the responsibility to prepare their children for marriage, from childhood through adolescence.
Amazingly, many couples are quite happy with the waiting game. But what happens with all this waiting? Instead of coming to marriage as pure virgins and righteous young men they come violated. God’s plan is for “young men to marry virgins” (Isaiah 62:5). The waiting game does not help God’s plan.
Why do we think we know better than God?
Nancy Campbell
Painting: “The Wedding Morning” by John Henry Frederick Bacon (1868- 1914) British painter
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How often do you smile at your husband and your children each day?

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YourDescriptionThe Song of Solomon is full of glorious descriptions of the Bridegroom to the bride and vice versa. Shall we look at one today? The Bridegroom speaks in Song of Solomon 7:6: “How fair and how pleasant art thou, O love, for delights!
The words of this book can be read as the words of our Heavenly bridegroom to the church, His bride. They can also be taken literally as the husband and wife speaking to one another. As we read this description, do you think it is a description your husband would say of you?
I notice four adjectives in this one little sentence.
HOW BEAUTIFUL YOU ARE. The Hebrew word is “yaphah” which is the word used in Israel today for beautiful. It means to “make oneself beautiful, to decorate.” We know this means beautiful on the inside as well as the outside. Not all of us are what we could call beautiful, but we can make ourselves beautiful with a loving smile and attitude. This far outweighs any outward beauty. How often do you smile adoringly at your husband? Many times a day?
HOW SWEET YOU ARE. The word “pleasant” in the Hebrew is “na-em” and means “to be agreeable, to be a delight, to be pleasant, to be sweet.” Are you agreeable to live with? Or are you reactionary? Are you sweet to your husband or cold and boring?
HOW LOVED YOU ARE. Your husband cannot help loving you because of the love you show to him. When you pour out love it comes back to you.
HOW DELIGHTFUL YOU ARE. The Hebrew word “delights” is “ta-anuwg” and means “delight, pleasant, delicate.” This Scripture is in the context of love-making. Are you intoxicating him with delights? But it is far more than that. It relates to every department of our lives as wives in the home.
Do you notice the word is plural? It has an “s” on the end! It is not one delight but continual delights. Do you continually delight your husband—in the bedroom, in the kitchen with delightful and wholesome meals, in every situation in your life? Do you delight to serve him?
As you seek to delight him, he will delight in you.
Love from Nancy Campbell
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TrialsMakeBe encouraged. Your trials and challenges often turn in to blessings. Don’t focus on your trials; turn your attention to the Lord. Keep your eyes on Him and He will carry you through. You will love to read my new devotional book, 100 DAYS OF BLESSING , Volume 4. In this book there are five devotions which tell you all the miraculous things that can happen to you even when going through your wilderness. God will never for sake you.

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ForgottenPhraseAt the beginning of this year a member of our church fellowship shared some insights she had read from the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, a group of intercessors who meet together every year to pray and seek God for what He is saying to the body of Christ.
One of the things she shared was that they felt there would be a return to the “family altar.” She stopped and said, “Well, I don’t know what that means. I have never heard of it.” But I did know what it means, and my heart leapt to hear these words because they are forgotten words in the body of Christ today. Even archaic words. But they shouldn’t be archaic because the truth comes from the Living and eternal Word of God.
I decided to check out what she was saying and found it on the Internet. In one of the paragraphs I read:
“During this Era of the Holy Spirit, many prodigals will come back to the Lord. We are backing the Turnaround Tuesday movement where the Body of Christ fasts on Tuesday for the salvation of families and for prodigals to come home. God will also shake and prune the church to prepare to receive them, along with the great harvest. (I had not heard about Turnaround Tuesday but it sounds great. I am sure that families who have prodigals would love to check this out and join in this fasting and prayer).
The vision continued: “There will be a special emphasis in 2022 on the family. God is calling families to “build the family altar” in their homes and pray with and for their families.”
There was the phrase in writing. What does it mean? “The family altar” was one time part of the daily life of every Christian family. Every morning and evening they would gather as a family to meet with God—to hear His words and to pray and worship together.
It comes from the passage in Leviticus 6:8-13 where God gave the instructions of how to conduct the burnt offerings on the altar. He told them that the fire on the altar was NEVER to go out. He told them to keep it going by attending to it every morning and every evening. If we want the fire of God to keep burning in our lives and each member of our family, we must attend to the fire every morning and evening. Fires go out easily if they are not constantly refueled.
God wants each family burning brightly for Him. O, how I was encouraged to hear that God is calling His families again to the family altar.
Will you hear His call? Are you ready to rearrange your family lives to incorporate the family altar into each day? To meet with Him morning and evening is the very least that we can give to Him in the 24 hours He gives us each day. I have found in my own experience that I cannot hope this will happen. I must make it happen. I make it happen and everything else fits around it. If other things don’t get done, it doesn’t matter. But if we let this go, the fire will go out.
Let’s respond to God’s call. This is the beginning of revival. If a move of God does not begin and CONTINUE in the families of God’s people, it will be something that comes and goes but does not last.
Oh, let’s turn back to His ways,
Nancy Campbell
I would encourage you to check out the following materials:
To read more about the Morning and Evening Principle in the Scriptures go to:
FAMILY DEVOTIONS - The Husband's and Wife's Role E-Booklet (
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LevelLivingI posted yesterday about living in the true reality, the reality of the heavenly world. How can we practically do we do this?
When Christ dwells in our hearts everything is sacred. No matter how mundane the task at hand, it cannot be anything less than holy when Christ dwells in us.
The real truth is “Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27). We need to acknowledge this truth and believe it!
When you clean toilets, sing for joy because Christ sings with you and over you (Zephaniah 3:17).
When you wash dishes and laundry, acknowledge the presence of Christ with you.
When you prepare another meal for your family, do it with joy and excitement because Christ is with you.
He doesn’t leave you when you do the commonplace duties. He is not apart from you in the humdrum of life. He is in you and with you.
He promises: “I will NEVER leave you, or forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). No matter what you are doing (unless you are sinning and grieving His Holy Spirit), He is with you.
I love Zechariah 14:20, 21 (NET): “On that day the bells of the horses will bear the inscription “HOLY TO THE LORD.” The cooking pots in the LORD’S temple will be as holy as the bowls in front of the altar. Every cooking pot in Jerusalem and Judah will become holy in the sight of the LORD who rules over all.
Every saucepan you pick up is holy because you are holding it.
Everything in your home is sanctified by the power of the living Christ who abides in you.
To prepare a meal for your family is as sacred as a minister who prepares a spiritual meal for the church!
Therefore, enjoy every moment and every task in your home today.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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NittyGrittyThe reality of life is our day-to-day responsibility to manage our homes, feed, nurture, and train our children—and attend to all the interruptions of our children. But there is another reality, a reality that has the power to affect our daily lives in our home. It is the reality of the heavenly.
Jesus told us to pray: “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).
Colossians 3:1-3 (NLT) states: “Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.”
These words seem so far from our experience, don’t they? And yet this is normal Christianity. The realities of the heavenly realm are the TRUE REALITIES. The eternal realm is the real world. This world is passing away. It is like a vapor that appears for a moment and is gone.
When we focus our ordinary, daily life on the eternal, it takes us from the doldrums to delight, from misery to the miraculous, from pre-occupation with self to praising God. Instead of being overwhelmed about all our challenges and problems, we lift our eyes to Jesus who sits at the right hand of the Father. We give our difficulties to Him. Nothing is too big for Him to handle.
Did you know that God never gets in a state of confusion or tension? And He dwells in your heart by His Spirit? Therefore, you don’t have to get all tied up in knots. Allow Christ to take control. He’ll do a much better job than you!
Be encouraged today as you read 2 Corinthians 4:1-18: “For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a FAR MORE EXCEEDING AND ETERNAL WEIGHT OF GLORY: While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which re not seen are eternal.”
Many blessings to you today,
Nancy Campbell
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NotInsignificantMother, you are the backbone. You are the hidden strength of the nation. When a mother vacates her mothering role, the nation weakens.

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With God you cannot laugh at impossibilities!


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