haveMoreThis is an interesting principle, isn’t it? I read the other morning in Numbers 33:54: “And ye shall divide the land by inheritance among your families; and to the more ye shall give the more inheritance, and to the fewer ye shall give the less inheritance.”
The Complete Jewish Bible translates it clearly: “You are to give more land to the longer families and less to the smaller ones.”
The humanistic mindset of our society thinks that if we have too many children we will stay poor. We will be deprived of many things. But this Scripture promises that those who have more children will get more land! Those who have less will receive less.
And it is true. God does not provide for children that we don’t yet have. He is a faithful God. He provides when a new baby comes along. Therefore, the more babies God gives you the more provision will come your way. It’s just the way it works.
Deuteronomy 28:4 – 13 tells us that the first blessing God gives is the fruit of the womb. But when He gives the fruit of the womb, He adds many more blessings to enable you to provide for the fruit of the womb.
You don’t get the provision first; you get the baby first.
And then comes the blessing of provision!
Deuteronomy 28:4 (BSB) tells us: “The fruit of your womb will blessed, AS WELL as the produce of your land and the offspring of your livestock—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.” Look it up and keep reading up until verse 13 to read all the rest of the blessings.
I know some big families live in small homes, but it may not be forever. God will enlarge you as your family enlarges.
God’s ways are the best ways.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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EmptyWombI am sharing this poem with you from Holly Bennington. Holly writes:
“I wrote this poem one evening after a grievous state law had been passed permitting (and celebrating) late term abortion rights. I could not help but think about the parallels between the innocent lives being taken and Jesus, the innocent, being crucified. I am a mother of seven and my heart breaks for the loss of life that plagues our country and world.”
Two men stood accused before a judge,
the crowds demanded blood.
One, a convicted murderer,
One, the Son of God.
The former already proven guilty,
In the latter no guilt to be found.
He couldn’t with clear conscience decide
For death there were no grounds.
So, he let the people choose:
One to die,
The other to walk free.
And they satisfied their bloodthirsty desires
And nailed the innocent One to the tree.
Today, a mother and her child,
Heart beating already inside.
Which life is given more value?
Who gets the right to decide?
Again, the innocent
Gets slaughtered like the Lamb,
And love for Self
Gets called a Choice.
A little life
Has lost her voice.
An empty tomb.
An empty womb.
I see them sitting there,
On a hill beside that tree.
Jesus takes her little hand
Gently lifts her upon his knee.
“Your mama would have loved you so,
Her greatest joy you would have been,
But just like Eve she accepted a lie,
And was grievously deceived by sin.
She traded her greatest riches and wealth
Only to end up empty and poor.
But do not weep, sweet little one,
For I could not love you more.”
~ Holly Bennington
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DoingALittleGood advice. Just keep doing a little at a time. Don’t give up and you’ll find you have finished your job!

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GodGaveLotsGod's ways are opposite of man's ways. God loves giving babies. If we are on God's side, we will love having His babies. God's ways are powerful. They impact nations.

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WhichWayGod’s way is often the opposite to the world’s way. We have to choose which way we are going to live. The world’s way lures mothers out of the home. God‘s word woos them into the home to mother and nurture their children in this safe and secure sanctuary. The world’s way encourages women to pursue their careers outside the home. God wants mothers to be the keepers of the home, teaching and training their children and preparing them to be godly men and women who will impact the nation. Mothers are the hidden strength of the nation. They determine the character of a nation.

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LyingLipsHave you noticed that children have a tendency to tell lies? They want to save face. They don’t want to get caught or own up to their wrong doing and so they tell lies. As parents we must be on the watch. When wen notice it we deal with it strongly. We don’t allow our children to get into the habit.
I read this morning in Jeremiah9:5: “They will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies . . . “
If we don’t deal with lies our children will automatically teach their tongue to speak lies. It is not a light thing. It is an evil habit.
When we speak lies we align ourselves with the nature of Satan. Wow, that’s serious, isn’t it? John 8:44 (NET) says that the devil is a liar and “there is no truth in him. Whenever he lies, he speaks according to this own nature, because he is a liar and the father of lies.”
It is important for children to understand that they side with Satan and take on his nature when they lie. When they resist Satan and speak the truth they side with God who is truth!
Psalm 51:6: says: “Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.” Make this Scripture a memory verse for your children.
The BSB translation says: “You desire truth in the inmost being; You teach me wisdom in the inmost place.”
Break the habit of lies in your children.
And here’s a little poem for them to learn.
Here’s a secret for the girl and boy
Who wants to live a life of joy—
When you tell a lie, you please the devil,
He’s the father of lies and wants you a rebel—
Do not try to cover the mess you’re in
By telling a lie God says is sin—
Every lie you tell makes matters worse,
It leads to another and becomes a curse—
Confess the truth although hard to do,
It’s the way to go and God will bless you—
There are no liars in heaven, did you know?
Stop telling them now, it’s the way to go!
Break the habit of lies while in your youth,
To follow God, you must speak the truth—
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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WarmLovelyYou are going to love today’s podcast (posted below). Erin and I talk about three things a man needs to make him happy when he comes home—a warm welcome, a warm meal, and a warm bed (meaning more than an electric blanket!). These are very basic but wonderful things and will bless your husband.
However, I think you can notch it up further and make it a . . .
Don’t just yell Hi from the kitchen when your husband comes home. Get up from what you are doing. Go to the door or walk toward your husband and welcome him with open arms and a loving and lingering kiss. Tell him how happy you are to see him. A warm welcome is nice, but a hot spicy welcome is even nicer!
Make a lovely nutritious meal for your husband and family but make it spicy and full of flavor too. Bland food is boring. Spice up your food with herbs and spices and if you are up to it, hot peppers too. Basic, wholesome food changes from satisfying to scrumptious when you make it flavorful. God gave us tastebuds. Tantalize those tastebuds. Try out new things.
And spice up your family mealtimes with good conversation. Mealtimes can be terribly boring if there is no purposeful conversation. As I raised our children, I found that it was just as important to think about what we would talk about as what I would cook for the meal. Things don’t just happen. You have to make them happen. Think of a subject to bring to the table to discuss with your husband and family—political, biblical, historical, or geographical. Ask a question and get each one in the family to share their thoughts. Think of ideas to make your mealtimes exciting.
Always be ready to love your husband passionately. Forget being passive and pour out your hot spicy love on him. He is waiting for it. As you give to him, you will be blessed beyond measure. Proverbs 5:19 tells us that the wife is to “satisfy” and “ravish” her husband. Yes, that’s King James language. Other translations say “captivate, intoxicate, exhilarate, rapture” I can’t let you off the hook, ladies. It’s Bible!
Your husband will love coming home to you!
Love from Nancy Campbell
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Your prayers, attitudes thoughts, and words will affect your baby even in the womb.

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WondersNumbersJob exclaims that God does “great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number” (Job 9:10 and 5:9). How true this is. We see God’s wonders every day—in creation, in His workings in our lives, and in our children (the beautiful miracles He has given us.) Every new baby is a miracle from God, a unique new person who has never lived on the earth before and there will never be another one like him or her. How amazing.
Take time to look at your children and appreciate the miracles they are. Thank God for them. Embrace them as miracles and joy in them.
The word “wonders” is the Hebrew word “pala” and means “astonishing, extraordinary, marvelous, miraculous, wondrous, to accomplish.” It reveals God doing things beyond the powers of human powers or expectations.
It is used in Genesis 18:14 about the miraculous conception of Isaac: “Is (pala) any thing too hard (pala) for the Lord? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life and Sarah shall have a son.” God miraculously restored Sarah’s womanly cycle and she conceived during the “time of life,” the time of the month when the womb is ready for conception and a miracle of God.
Although this was a very special miracle to an older woman, every married woman has this opportunity for a miracle during her “time of life.”
This word is used of God creating each new life in the womb (Psalm 139:13-16). The psalmist exclaims: “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous (pala) are thy works.”
God uses this word when describing a couple falling in love (Proverbs 30:18, 19). God calls it marvelous and wonderful. I’m sure it makes His heart smile for it is His plan and design.
Each night as I am going off to sleep, I like to think of all the wonders around me for which I can thank God and then I like to do it again as I wake in the morning.
We can easily get bogged down with all the pressures and complexities of life. But look up today, dear mother. Rejoice in the miracles all around you. You have wonders without number if you will only open your eyes.
Be filled with thanksgiving today,
Nancy Campbell
We are to show to our children, and all people, God’s marvelous works. We must not keep them hidden: 1 Chronicles 16:9, 12, 24; Psalm 9:1; 26:7; 71:17; 78:4 (specifically); 96:3; 105:2, 5; 107:8, 15, 21, 31; 119:27; and 145:5.
God loves to do wonderful and marvelous things: Exodus 3:20; 34:10; Job 5:9; 37:5, 14; Joshua 3:5; Psalm 31:21; 40:5; 72:18; 75:1; 78:32; 86:10; 98:1; 106:7, 21, 22; 111:4; 118:23; 119:18; 136:4; Isaiah 28:19; 29:14; Jeremiah 32:17, 27; Joel 2:26; and Zechariah 8:6-8.
~ Nancy
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KingOKingsTHE GREATEST MAN in history--
He had no servants, yet they called him Master.
He had no degree, yet they called him Teacher.
He had no medicines, yet they called him Healer.
He had no army, yet kings feared him.
He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world.
He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him.
He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today.
He is my Savior and Redeemer. His name is Jesus Christ,
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HmisBestStay, stay at home, my heart, and rest;
Home-keeping hearts are happiest,
For those that wander they know not where
Are full of trouble and full of care;
To stay at home is best.
Weary and homesick and distressed,
They wander east, they wander west,
And are baffled and beaten and blown about
By the winds of the wilderness of doubt;
To stay at home is best.
Then stay at home, my heart, and rest;
The bird is safest in its nest;
O'er all that flutter their wings and fly
A hawk is hovering in the sky;
To stay at home is best.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Painting by Janet Kruskamp: Summer Front Porch.
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BrassGoldDid you know that your home is meant to be a treasure house, filled with the good things of God? Proverbs 15:6 says: “In the house of the righteous is MUCH treasure.” The word “treasure” in this Scripture also means “riches, strength.”
God wants our homes filled with all the riches that are in Christ Jesus--His wisdom, knowledge, mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering, forbearance, forgiveness, love, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost (Romans 14:17; Colossians 2:2, 3; 3:12-17; and James 3:17, 18). What amazing treasures. These are the riches that fill our homes with strength!
But we know that Satan is the robber. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy and he wants to rob you and your home of all these beautiful treasures. In 2 Chronicles 12:9 we read how the king of Egypt came against Jerusalem and “took away ALL the treasures of the house of the Lord; he took all.” This included the shields which were all made of gold.
What did king Rehoboam of Jerusalem do? He made brass shields. Instead of gold, he now had brass! Dear mother, be on the alert against the robber of your home. Sometimes we can be so apathetic that we don’t even notice we are being robbed. The treasures of love, kindness, peace and joy creep out the door and we settle for the inferior. We get used to the status quo of how we are living.
We can become so deceived that we are satisfied with counterfeits. We put up with the brass instead of the gold.
Instead of pursuing a loving, serving, and intimate relationship with our husband, we settle for “just living together.”
Instead of seeking forgiveness and peace, we settle for arguments, bickerings, and moods amongst family members.
Instead of embracing and nurturing our children in our home, we take the enemy’s counterfeit of daycares. And so it goes on.
Let’s go for the treasures of gold, not the counterfeit of brass.
Don’t settle for the status quo.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell.
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IfGodBeForI received these encouraging words from Patricia this morning. She used to be a neighbor to us but is now a missionary to the native people of Panama. May you be encouraged.
If God is with us, what more could we ask?
If God be for us, who can be against?
If Heaven smiles down on us,
How can earth oppose?
If God is with us, what more could we ask?
When evil sweeps thru like a flood,
When trials and griefs swell on waves,
Even then, praise your God,
For praise has strength to overcome.
This, too, has come-to-pass,
And “pass” it shall, for God has warranted
His will for us is good, His love is great,
His Kingdom SHALL come, and we shall see it!
If God is with us, then we are with Him,
Side-by-side, joined in Jesus Christ.
Oh, faithful pilgrim—keep on keeping on!
If God is with us, what more could we ask?
~ Patricia Moore Holmes
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Yesterday I wrote a post about wombing, one way to describe being pregnant. I enjoyed all the comments and other different words that some of you use to describe pregnancy.
Many of the ladies say they like to say “with child” which is a biblical term. I agree with this too and thought I’d give you some of the Scriptures about being “with child.”
Ecclesiastes 11:5 talks about “how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child.” The Hebrew for “with child” in this passage is male and means “full, filling, fullness.” It is the picture of the womb filled with child. If this phrase was more popular, society would become aware of the truth that the baby is not a blob of tissue, but an actual human being growing and filling the womb—a human being that has the same DNA it will have when he or she is even 70 or plus years of age.
The Hebrew word hareh is also translated “with child.” This word is used for conception as well as the child growing in the womb. It’s the language of angels. When the angel of the Lord came to Hagar he said, “Behold thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael” (Genesis 16:11).
In Genesis 21:2 the same word is used when it says: “Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age.” The Bible makes it clear that life begins at conception. This word is used for the moment of conception, the child growing in the womb, when the baby is “great” and ready to be born, and then coming into the world. A similar word, harah, is also used for both conception and being “with child.”
Here’s another thought-provoking point. Exodus 21:22 says: “If men strive, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her . . .” “With child” is hareh. But what is the word for fruit? It is the Hebrew word yeled which means, “something born, a child, a young man.” That’s talking about a person who is alive and walking around. But God uses that word for the baby in the womb, confirming that the babe in the womb is just as much the person they will be when they are a child or even older.
Let’s go to the New Testament. Jesus speaks of Mary being “with child” when Jesus, the Son of God grew in her womb (Matthew 1:18, 23 and Luke 1:31) and it is used five other times. The Greek word brephos is also used of a babe in the womb as well as a child.
Don’t you think it is time we understood God’s truth rather than listening to human reasoning?
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
Other hareh (“with child”) references: Genesis 38:24, 25; Exodus 21:22; Judges 13:5, 7; 1 Samuel 4:19; 2 Samuel 11:5; Isaiah 7:14; 26:7; Jeremiah 20:17; 31:8; Amos 1:13; and 2 Kings 8:12.
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GetStraightIn understanding Scripture, the “law of the first mention” is critical. When God states something the first time, He lays down a foundation for that particular truth. He adds to it and develops it throughout the rest of His Word, but He does not change from the establishing of the “first mention.”
The first mention of marriage in the Bible is in Genesis 2:24. In this Scripture God speaks of the man and his wife and the father and mother. God puts male and female together—His plan from eternity. There is no mention of same sexes.
If we want something to work properly, we must read the manual from the one who designed it. God is the one who created our bodies and designed marriage, and we better make sure we take notice of His manual.
One of the synonyms of marriage is matrimony, usually called “holy matrimony,” the union of a man and woman for life. It comes from the Latin word, “matrimonium,” from “mater,” from which come the words mother, maternal, matrimony, marriage.
Therefore, the full understanding of marriage is that the wife can become a mother. This cannot happen naturally in a homosexual relationship. It is totally unnatural and against God’s divine order of creation and His eternal plan for us.
We cannot bow to mortal man’s deception, distortion, and desecration of divine truth.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
Painting by Willem Haenraets
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ThriftyHousewifeIt is so true that you can save so much money when you buy in bulk, prepare foods from scratch, and from the garden. It takes time and effort to be a good homemaker but it saves a lot of money. You can quit your job and “do good to your husband all the days of your life” (Proverbs 31:12).
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OhTheWonder“I’m pregnant!” No, not me, although that would be amazing! But these are usually the words a mother will say when she sees the pink line! Actually, It’s not such a nice-sounding word, is it? For something so wonderful I am sure we could think of a better word.
What about “I’m gestating!” That doesn’t sound very beautiful.
I love the sound of “I’m wombing!” It reveals what is really happening. Of course, I don’t expect you will use this word. It’s a little old-fashioned, but I love it. And it truly describes what is happening.
What a beautiful thing to be wombing. When else does a mother have an excuse to have a nap in the afternoon and dream of her coming baby?
It is a time of wonder and apprehension for a first-time mother. But is it any less wonder for the mother of five, six, or more? I think she understands even more the awe and miracle of the little life growing inside her—a brand new person who has never lived before and will never come to this earth again. She may have other children, but this is a new creation of God. What will he or she be like?
She may be waiting in anticipation for the surprise. Will it be a boy or girl? Many don’t wait for this surprise today, but it is one of the surprises God loves to give us. Psalm 139:15 tells us how God crates the baby in “the secret place.”
It is so exciting for a new mother to feel the first “quickening” of life within her womb. Nor will an older mother ever get tired of this wonder. What could be more amazing?
Are you blessed to be pregnant? Enjoy your wombing? It is a powerful time of your life. It is more important that all the other things you could be rushing about doing. God Himself tells us in Isaiah 40:11 that He “gently leads those that are with young.” When you are asked to be involved in this and that, you can say, “I’m so sorry, but I”m not available at this time. I’m wombing!”
It’s time to enjoy the wonder. It’s time to “cozy in” and prepare your “home nest” again for your coming baby. First time mothers, you will never be able to comprehend until the moment of birth the overwhelming love you will feel for your baby.
Second time mothers, you love your present child so much, you wonder if you could ever have enough love for another child. This is also a wonder. You will have even more love for this precious child. And each baby that comes into the family causes the mother to love her husband and her other children even more. The mother who has many children overloads with more and more love for each individual in her family when a new baby is born.
Oh, the wonder.
Love from Nancy Campbell
This is a picture of Marvel Lea, Chalice’s little baby. Chalice is Serene’s daughter. She is barely three weeks old and already getting so fat!
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YourFavPlaceHow do you feel about your home? Do you feel like a prisoner? Are you longing for the day when you can get on to something different?
Or is your delight in your home? Is it your favorite place to be? Dear mother, this is God’s plan for you.
Psalm 106:24, 25 says: “Yea, they despised the pleasant land, they believed not his word: But murmured in their tents, and hearkened not unto the voice of the LORD.“ The “pleasant land” was the home God chose for His people. It was the land that flowed with milk and honey, but they despised it and murmured and complained.
God has chosen a “pleasant land” for you too. It is your home. The first home, which was the prototype of all homes to come, was called the garden of Eden. Eden means “delight” and God wants you to make your home a delight too.
Dear sweet mother, I know life is not always easy in your home as you care for your little ones and face all the challenges of each day. But can I let you in on a secret? It is delightful or burdensome according to your attitude. Nothing influential or powerful in this life is easy. It takes hard work and commitment. It’s the same with mothering in your home.
If you are in the grumbling and despising state, change your attitude today. Embrace your home. You are in the perfect will of God. Delight in it. And commit to making your home a delight—for your husband, your children, and even for yourself.
Love to you today,
Nancy Campbell
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MakeHavenYour home is what you make it to be! Build good and lovely things into your home today.

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Good Question

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