Seems the last I remember,
you were small
and playing with toys.
How is it now you are grown up
And raising your own
girls and boys?
I remember your
Chatter and laughter,
As though they had Just filled the air.
I almost feel sweet little fingers
Tugging their way
through my hair.
What would I give
just to go back
to years so swiftly gone by,
To tell you more often, "I love you,”
to annoyances,
turn a blind eye.
More moments I'd speak
of our Savior,
To know you were sure of His love.
By grace, be a better example
Of His truths that
I often spoke of.
I'd lay aside things that don't matter,
To hear of your joys
and your fears,
To look in your eyes as you shared them,
to sympathize more
with your tears.
Those days have dissolved
Like a vapor,
But I still hold you close In my prayers.
I long for the glory
that's waiting,
to ever be close to you there.
2015 Val Halloran
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Painting by Trent Gunderson
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My children are playing,
I can see their joy,
They know they are loved,
I’m a stay-at-home Mom.
I teach my young one how to clean,
I teach my older one how to cook,
I nurse my little one, I am content,
I’m a stay-at-home Mom.
They awake with a smile, there is no hurry,
Mommy will take care of us, so they don’t worry
They know they are loved,
I’m a stay-at-home Mom.
As the years do pass and I see them grow,
I am there for them wherever they go,
They are by my side, I am there to guide.
They know they are loved,
I’m a stay-at-home Mom.
I have learned my place,
I’m a keeper at home,
My children know they are loved,
I’m a stay-at-home Mom.
~ Jessica Campbell
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MothersLoveA Mothers’ Love
A Mother's love is something that no one can explain,
It’s made of deep devotion and of sacrifice and pain,
It is endless and unselfish and enduring come what may
For nothing can destroy it or take that love away.
It believes beyond believing when the world around condemns,
And it glows with all the beauty of the rarest, brightest gems.
It is patient and forgiving when all others are forsaking,
And it never fails or falters even though the heart is breaking.
It is far beyond defining; it defies all explanation,
And it still remains a secret like the mysteries of creation.
A many splendored miracle man cannot understand,
Just another wondrous evidence of God's tender guiding hand.
~ Helen Steiner Rice
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NoChildrenNo children?
No children in the house to play-
It must be hard to live that way!
I wonder what the people do
When night comes on and the work is through,
With no glad little folks to shout,
No eager feet to race about,
No youthful tongues to chatter on
About the joy that’s been and gone?
The house might be a castle fine,
But what a lonely place to dine!
No children in the house at all,
No finger marks upon the wall,
No corner where the toys are piled—
Sure indication of a child.
No little lips to breathe the prayer
That God shall keep you in His care,
No glad caress and welcome sweet
When night returns you to your street;
No little lips a kiss to give—
Oh, what a lonely way to live!
No children in the house! I fear
We could not stand it half a year.
What would we talk about at night,
Plan for and work with all our might,
Hold common dreams about and find
True union of heart and mind,
If we two had no greater care
Than what we both should eat and wear?
We never knew love’s brightest flame
Until the day the baby came.
And now we could not get along
Without their laughter and their song,
Joy is not bottled on a shelf,
It cannot feed upon itself;
And even love, if it shall wear,
Must find its happiness in care;
Dull we’d become of mind and speech
Had we no little ones to teach.
No children in the house to play!
Oh, we could never live that way!~ Edgar GuestPainting by Frances Tipton Hunter (1896-1957).
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NightTimeTreasuresThis is Mother's Day week and therefore I am going to post a lovely poem about motherhood from this Wednesday until next Wednesday. I trust you will be blessed.
You pitter-patter to my bed
And laying down your little head,
Quietly whisper in the night,
“I need you, Mommy; hold me tight.”
“Come,” I croon, “I’ll hold you, dear,”
And gently brush away your tear.
Soft hands reach up and stroke my face;
Enclose me in your sweet embrace.
I gently rock you in my arms
Delighting in your baby charms.
Now humming as your lashes close
On cheeks so softly touched with rose.
You drift away to a far-off land
As dreams unfold from God’s dear hand.
This heart of mine is full of love
And thanks for you to God above.
~ Connie Richard
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BuildStrongNationEverything comes back to the family. Marriage and family were the first institution God designed--before church and before government. They were in the heart of God in eternity even before He created the world. Therefore, God has blessed parents and given them authority and anointing to "be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue, and take dominion . . . " (Genesis 1:28).
What happens in the nation is a picture of what is happening in the family. We are watching the breakdown of marriage, the fragmentation of family life, more and more children being born out of wedlock, violence in our streets, and our jails filled with young people who have not experienced a stable home life.
The prophet speaks God's Word to the people of Judah and tells them they are a nation that do not listen to the voice of the Lord God, nor do they receive correction. Consequently, truth is perished and cut off from their lips (Jeremiah 7:28). This is also God’s word to our nation today.
Are we raising children who love and listen to God's Word? Are we raising children who know how to receive correction and discipline? Are we raising children who know the truth, who have discernment, and who cut through the deception that is around them?
I know this is a huge task. It's not something you can do on the side. It's a fulltime career. But your career of mothering determines the destiny of the nation. If children come out from your home with rebellion in their hearts and not knowing how to receive correction, they help the nation on a downward path.
However, if your home produces children who love the truth, who have soft hearts, and are willing to receive correction and discipline in order to grow, you are part of building a great nation. You are preparing your children to have stable marriages. You are preparing them to build strong families.
And this is what builds a strong nation.
It all hinges on us, dear mothers. Let's forget about all the pursuits that entice us away from our greatest destiny. We have great and important work to do. We are training children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and future generations to transform the nation.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
Painting by Mollie Faustman
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HaphazardHospitalityHave you thought of inviting someone home for lunch after your morning service tomorrow? Currently we have a fellowship meal each Sunday after church which provides such rich fellowship with one another. But in the seasons when we have not been doing this we always asked a family, or families, to our place for lunch after church. It was always such a blessing and such joy. Church is not just going to a building to listen to the pastor. It is togetherness. It is fellowship. It is one anothering. It is ministering into one another’s lives.

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ShewBreadThe 12 loaves of shewbread which were upon the table of shewbread in the tabernacle were always there. They were never off the table. At the end of the week when the priests gathered the old loaves and placed the new fresh loaves upon the table, they placed them immediately the previous loaves were taken off so there was not one moment when the loaves were not upon the table. They speak of Christ who is our daily bread and of the Word of God which is our daily sustenance. Make sure God’s Word is daily bread and daily sustenance in your home. We must give it to our children daily. It is as important as our daily physical food.

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DontPanicWhen something traumatic happens, Sarah’s daughters don’t fear, they look to God. They trust God. God is bigger than any situation you face. Get into the habit of lifting your heart to God and trusting Him. Confess your trust on Him.

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WithChild...than to bring forth an eternal soul into the world.

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GloriousBlessingJessica Britton shares her joy of motherhood: "I am a mother in my forties with my sweet 10th baby, Lucy Pearl, and loving every minute of it. Motherhood is such a gift. God is so gracious to me."
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BornPrincesessWhen my granddaughters were young, they loved to go to the dress-up box. It was their favorite thing to do. I don’t have lots of beautiful princess dresses in my Dress Up Box (they don’t last very long here) but I have tulle and sheer white curtains and lace and such and they were very creative at making themselves look like princesses, queens, and brides.
Now they have grown and the majority of them have enjoyed the glory of being the real bride and bridesmaids many times. Cherish, who married in January has been bridesmaid 10 times so far! Lots of opportunities in a big family!
Why did they want to do this? I didn’t tell them to do it. It was instinctive. Therefore, if it is instinctive and God-given, why do little girls change as they grow up? An interesting question.
I don’t believe God intends us to change. I believe He wants females to continue to dress and act like royalty. Yes, we belong to a royal kingdom. We are daughters of the King of kings. And we are meant to look like daughters. We are meant to glory in our femininity because this is the way God made us.
Today we live in a society that blurs the sexes in the way we dress, act, and even think. We are indoctrinated. We are propagandized. We are influenced by the enemy of our souls who wants to lure us away from who God intends us to be. God created male and female. Therefore, Satan who wants to rebel against all God’s ways, seeks to destroy these roles.
I think it is time we began to think truthfully. We are like sheep and so quickly led astray to do whatever everyone else in society is doing. Look around you. How are most women dressed? In the uniform. All the same. Everyone wears jeans and top. They must be like everyone else. Where are the girls and women who dress femininely like princesses? Like they loved to do when they were little girls?
I think of Sarah, Abraham’s wife. The Bible says she was beautiful. She also dressed beautifully--not drab or boringly. She dressed like royalty. Her name means Princess. When Pharaoh sent his scouts out looking for beautiful women for his harem, they spied Sarah. They weren’t looking for a woman in jeans and top. They looked for a princess. It happened again with King Abimelech.
I am sure I am treading on people’s toes but let’s be honest. We are conditioned by society more than our God-given instincts. Are we even in touch with how God innately created us?
Love and blessings to you today,
Nancy Campbell
Photo: Meadow and Rashida dressing up when they were little girls. I notice Meadow has on the remains of one of my turquoise negligées. They dressed up in this for years until it wore out! Meadow is now waiting for her third baby (and still dresses like a princess) and Rashida has three darling children.
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AffordWorkI often hear mothers say, “I wish that this [being a stay-at-home mom] was the case for me, but we can't afford for me to stay home.” Why are these words such a common reply? I think it is because we feel we must take things into our own hands to make it work. We don’t think that God is able! That’s the bottom line.
That’s rather challenging, isn’t it? Especially when we read the words in Psalm 78:19-22: “Yea, they spake against God; they said, Can God furnish a table in the wilderness? . . . Can he give bread also? Can he provide flesh for his people? . . . Therefore the Lord heard this, and was wroth… because they believed not in God, and trusted not in his salvation.”
When we don’t believe that God can provide, we are really confessing that we don’t trust Him and that He is not sufficient for our needs. And yet, isn’t He God? The God of the universe. The God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills. The God who has promised to provide for the fruit of the womb.
I know it can be scary when you wonder where the next meal is coming from. And we all go through seasons, just as Paul did (Philippians 4:11-13). There were times when he abounded and times when he was abased. We’ve faced the same thing many times. I remember one time when we had no money coming in and I thought that I would help the situation! Help, Nancy Campbell didn’t trust God! Shame!
I could never imagine my getting a full-time job out of the home, but I thought I’d do a few cleaning jobs to bring in a little extra (my children were mostly grown by this time). I was dutifully doing this when a woman of God challenged me. She said I was blaspheming God’s Word and not being an example to the younger women. At first, I was indignant. “Who does she think she is?” I thought. “She doesn’t know our situation.”
But then the Holy Spirit used her words to speak into my heart. I realized she was right! I confessed my sin and unbelief and immediately stopped these little jobs that took me out of the home. The amazing thing is that it didn’t change a thing! I noticed no difference when I was trying to bring in extra money than when I trusted God! God could do better than what I could do!
Why is it we think we can do a better job than God? God doesn’t require sacrifice, but obedience. When we obey Him and trust Him, we experience His faithfulness. That doesn’t mean we will always be abounding, but we will never starve!
To the dear mothers who are still working and yet long to be home, I want to encourage you. Please, take a step of faith and obedience. You will wait for the rest of your life for the circumstances to be right before you can come home! Your circumstances will never be perfect. You will never think you have enough money without your wage. You need to take a step of faith. You must act in obedience. Give your notice and then you will see what God can do.
While you try to do it in your own strength, God steps back and lets you do it your way. He can only show you His faithfulness and His provision when you let Him take over! Try it and see! I would love to hear the hundreds of testimonies from those who have seen God’s provision as they have taken this step of faith.
Instead of “we can’t afford for me to stay home, “my husband always said, “I can’t afford for my wife to leave the home. Too much is at stake!”
When the mother is out of the home, the enemy and destroyer of souls has a chance to influence our children. We as mothers are watch dogs of our children and our homes. A watch dog is of no worth if he is not at home. We can’t leave our post. Our children, the nation, and future generations are dependent on us!
Be blessed today,
Nancy Campbell
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SweetPicklyWhat’s your disposition toward your husband? Way's translation of Titus 2:4 exhorts wives "to be amiable and submissive to their own husbands." To be amiable makes for a happy and loving atmosphere.
The dictionary meaning of amiable is "good-natured and friendly." This is a good translation of the Greek word that is used in this Scripture which is the word "philandros." It means "to be affectionate and friendly."
This is the attitude God wants us to have as wives. Instead, we often get prickly, irritated, and impatient with our husbands?
Ask God to take away your prickliness. Ask Him to fill you with His amiableness. Get into the habit of reacting with an amiable spirit rather than an impatient spirit.
The psalmist rejoiced in Psalm 84:1: "How amiable are thy tabernacles (dwelling places), O LORD of hosts."
Think of ways to be good-natured, friendly, and affectionate to your husband (and your children). That means taking time to stop what you are doing and look at him, smile at him, touch him, hug him, and kiss him.
Can you say Amen?
Have a wonderful day,
Nancy Campbell
P.S. I am busy preparing for Passover tonight.
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WheneverBlueSo true. There’s nothing like helping someone in their need to help you forget about your own worries. The best antidote to depression is to care for someone else and bless them.

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RUCoveredThe Bible talks a lot about covering. Isaiah 61:10: “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God, for He hath CLOTHED me with the GARMENTS of salvation, he hath COVERED me with the ROBE of righteousness.” When we accept the salvation God gives to us, He washes away our sins, covers us with the precious blood of Jesus, and clothes us with a robe of righteousness. It’s not our righteousness for we have none of our own, but it’s His righteousness.
This is something that happens to us spiritually. However, everything that happens in the inward man should be revealed in the outward man. Our physical body emanates what goes on in the “hidden man of the heart.” I believe that if we are truly covered with a robe of righteousness inwardly, we will also reveal this work of righteousness within us by covering our physical body.
A robe is not a scanty dress; it covers the body. It doesn’t have to cover head to foot, but at least a robe will modestly cover the top to below the knee. I grieve when I see women who confess they are Christians and yet blatantly display cleavage, some a little, some as much as they can! To many it is normal. Sorry, I don’t believe it is normal, or godly, for a woman who is covered with a robe of righteousness. Display is for the bedroom, not for the public eye. In fact, I can’t believe how husbands. who are the covering of their wives allow them to leave their home showing so much flesh.
Revelation 1:6; 5:10; and 20:6 tells us that we have been made “kings and priests unto God.” What kind of clothing does God wants His priests to wear? Exodus 28 tells us all about it. In fact, God is the first clothes designer and He designed glorious clothes for the priests, “for glory and for beauty” (Exodus 28:2).
The High Priest was most gloriously clothed with a breastplate, a shoulder garment, a robe, an embroidered long shirt, a turban, and a girdle all in amazing colors and precious gems! All the other priests had to wear linen trousers with a long shirt of fine linen, once again “for glory and for beauty.” The main thing we notice is that they were CLOTHED and COVERED, not with drab clothing, but beautiful clothing. This typifies a priest of the most High God.
Are you fully covered with the robe of righteousness? Psalm 132:9, 16 says: “Let the priests be clothed with righteousness.” If so, you will automatically cover your physical body.
Blessings to you today from Nancy Campbell
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AreUDangerousThe first chapter of Exodus tells us about the children of Israel living down in Egypt. Verse 7 says: “And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was FILLED with them.” They were fulfilling the first commandment that God gave to man. Something powerful always happens when we obey God’s commandments. They are not ordinary words to be discarded; they are life-giving decrees.
What happened in Egypt? The children of Israel became “more and mightier” than the Egyptians. (v. 9). They became a threat to them. Verse 12 says: “But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel.” The word grieved is the Hebrew word “quts” and it means “disgusted, abhorred, horrified, afraid—actually vomiting is the primary understanding of the word.”
This same Hebrew word is used in another passage where the children of Israel became a threat. In Numbers 22:3 it tells us, “Moab was sore afraid of the people, because THEY WERE MANY and Moab was distressed (quts) because of the children of Israel.” Why was Moab so very afraid? Because the Israelites were multiplying! When a people multiply, they become scary. When they multiply, they take dominion.
Now here’s the question. Are we, the people of God, a threat to the enemy in our nation today? Sadly, we must answer no. For many decades, instead of multiplying, God’s people have been diminishing. They have turned away from the infallible, immutable Word of God and followed their own desires. They have limited their number of children to the worldly 1.9 average (1.2 in many European countries). They have sacrificed bringing God’s children into the world on the altar of careerism and modern culture-ism. And now the humanists and socialists are taking over.
There are thousands and millions of precious godly offspring who are not here! God has been deprived of His intentions. The world has been deprived of the godly offspring who fill the nation with His love, righteousness. truth, salvation, wisdom, and justice. And of course, although many do not realize it, the parents themselves have been deprived.
But all is not lost. There are a growing number of families who are listening to the heartbeat of God. They are hearing His desire for family and for children. They are turning from their deceptions and opening their hearts to the children that He has destined for them to have, whether it is one or ten! As they obey God’s first commandment, something is happening. The liberalists are starting to get scared!
A few years back, a book was published by a radical feminist and published by Beacon Press, which promotes homosexuality and anti-Christian dogma. She wrote this book to expose Biblical patriarchy and fruitful motherhood. In this book she states that the parents who embrace children are “a movement we ignore at our peril.” In a message to Barack Obama, the author wrote, “Fearless Leader—forget the fundamentalists in Iraq; these prolific Christians are the real bad guys!” In other words, fruitful mothers, embracing the children God wants them to have are dangerous! They are scaring the feminists!
The enemy, who hates life, who comes “to rob, kill and destroy” is scared of the godly seed! Mothers who are not deceived by the delusions of Satan, the robber of life, and who still believe in God’s very first mandate to mankind are dangerous people! Isn’t that exciting? You may think you are insignificant as you care for your children in your home each day, but mother, lift up your eyes! You are doing a powerful work. You are doing God’s work. You are dangerous to the enemy. He is scared of you, because he is scared of the godly seed coming into this world who will hate evil and love righteousness, who will destroy the works of the devil and lift up the name of Jesus.
Don’t you love being dangerous? Look out! Here we come--holding on to the Word of Life, walking in God’s commandments, embracing the Godly seed and training them to be mighty warriors for God who will impact this world and fill it with His glory. Never forget—the more children a godly mother brings into this world…
The more scared the liberalists will become!
The more evil will be defeated in the land!
The more the kingdom of God will be advanced!
The more the gospel will be spread across the earth!
The more the image of God will be revealed in the earth!
The more the economy will boom in the land!
The more righteousness and morality will pervade the land!
The more righteous leaders will arise in the nation!
The more justice, honesty, and truth will flood the land!
The more God will be glorified in the earth!
The more the nation will prosper and be blessed!
The more dangerous she will be!
And the more the statists will fear and tremble!
Keep being dangerous!
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GoodOldWaysI think the words of the prophet Jeremiah speak to the climate of God’s people today.
In Jeremiah 6:16 he says: “Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, wherein is the GOOD way, and walk therein, and ye shall find REST FOR YOUR SOULS.”
Many don’t like the old paths, the paths of God’s Word which were written for all generations. They think the modern way of our humanistic society is better. They are horrified if you mention that God’s Word encourages mothers to be “keepers at home” and that their No. 1 priority is to love their husbands and children (Titus 2:3-5). That doesn’t mean leaving them for a career which they love better.
Many Christian women have flung off the godly way of dressing and dress according to the fashions of this world which often expose too much of the body. Their dressing is antipathy to godly standards and God’s Word. But look out if you dare say anything. You maybe be stoned!
Many Christians today have forgotten what it means to have a solid commitment to the church gathering. They go when it suits them but give in to any little excuse to do something more entertaining. They have forgotten there is such a phrase as rock solid commitment.
And so we could go on. Why don’t we like the old ways? It’s not that we should be old fashioned, because God’s Word is as up-to-date as tomorrow’s news media. Most of what we hear is lies, but God’s Word not only gives us principles for every generation but has written the whole future for us to read
Jeremiah 10:1-3 says: “Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel.” Did you notice those words? It is God speaking. It’s certainly not me! And just as well as I think I might get a lot of flack! Let’s continue: “Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen . . . for the customs of the people are vain.” It’s so easy to learn the way of society, isn’t it? We just get into the groove of what everyone else is doing. We need to constantly check our lifestyle to see if it lines up with God’s Word.
God speaks again in Jeremiah 18:15 (NLT): “My people . . . have stumbled off the ancient highways and walk in muddy paths.” When we get off God’s highway, it can get really muddy. We get stuck in the mud of deception and often it’s not easy to get out.
Let’s get out of the mud and into God’s glorious ways. They are so much
higher than man’s ways.
Love from Nancy Campbell
Painting from Etsy.
P.S. Further Scriptures to read. Share them with your children too:
Read also Leviticus 18:2-5; 20:23, 24, 26; Matthew 7:13, 14; John 15:19; 17:14; Romans 12:1, 2; 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; James 4:4; 1 Peter 1:14-17; and 1 John 2: 15-17.
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GreatThingsAll the creative things, the feats, the adventures, the inventions, the innovations can only happen through someone and that someone was first created by God in the womb of a mother. Without the mother’s womb all life would come to a stop.

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...can make or break your marriage. Speak loving, kind, and encouraging words.

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

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