Destroy Devils PlanDid you ever hear about the Georgia Guidestones and what has happened to them?
Recently a friend came to stay with us and shared his concern regarding these Guidestones. They are huge granite rocks inscribed with ten commandments for a humanistic world, or obviously for the New World Order.
They have been sitting out in the middle of nowhere, in Elbert County, about 90 miles from Atlanta for about 40 years. No one knows for sure who organized their construction.
The first inscription says: Maintain humanity under 500 million.
The current population of the world is 7.795 billion, nearing 8 billion. To bring it down to this number would mean they would have to wipe out nearly 90 percent of the world's population. It would have to be an orchestrated genocide beyond anything we could dream of. This is also the plan of the World Economic Forum.
As we talked about it at our prayer meeting, our friend, Gary asked us if we would pray. "Let's pray," he said, "that God will wipe them out and they will fall flat on the ground. Could God send an earthquake or an explosion?"
And so we began to pray. We really prayed. We brought out our prayer guns and mightily prayed against those stones with their blatant message to mankind and more importantly the spirit behind it. And we continued to pray at our morning and evening devotions.
Amazingly, three weeks later, on Wednesday July 6 we woke up to hear the news that these massive stones were wiped out. There was explosion. In fact, two explosions. And then because of safety, they completely bulldozed them down. And as of this present moment, no one has found any source of how it happened! What an amazing victory! Our God is a prayer answering God. I am sure that God touched many others to pray against this evil agenda too.
This comes as another encouragement after the victory of Roe v. Wade. I share this with you to encourage you to pray. Do you pray together with your family each day? You can see mighty things happen as you pray. The most powerful families on earth are praying families. Praying families are nation changing families. Even world-changing families.
Do you have a prayer meeting in your home? It's such a great thing to do. Gather others with you each week to pray for this nation and for the world. We are going to be facing difficult times very soon. Food Shortages. And maybe power and water and many other shortages. This is not a time to live life as usual as though nothing is happening.
We must become preparing and praying people! Be part of seeing God do great things even in the midst or deception and darkness. Move from little prayers to battering ram prayer meetings. Demolishing the works of the devil prayer meetings. Taking up your authority in the name of Jesus.
God bless you today,
Nancy Campbell

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