Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


HowDoUPrayHow do you and your family pray? How often do you pray? I must confess, dear ladies, that it surprises me how little God’s people are praying at this time. How can that be? We are facing lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and tyranny. And still the church of God isn’t calling for prayer meetings and crying out to God? What must yet happen before God gets our attention?
Of course, it starts in the home. The church will never be a praying church until we are praying families. In the New Testament I find six ways God wants to pray.
God not only wants us to pray, but to pray fervently. Epaphras “labored fervently” in prayer for the Colossian believers (Colossians 4:12). This word means to “contend for the victory, to fight, to wrestle.” What kind of praying do you do in your family? Do you pray fervently? That means fighting against the devil and all evil. Are you teaching your children pray this way? They learn to pray from you.
James 5:16: “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
AMPC: “The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available (dynamic in its working).”
TPT: “Tremendous power is released through the passionate, heartfelt prayer of a godly believer!”
God wants us to pray believingly. Read Matthew 21:22 and Mark 11:23, 24.
God wants us to pray continually. Colossians 4:2 tell us to: “Continue in prayer.” The word “continue” is “proskartero” and means “to be devoted to prayer, to continue steadfastly, to keep persisting, keep persevering, earnestly and unwearied.”
It’s easy to give up on prayer, isn’t it? But Romans 12:12 (NLT) admonishes us to “Keep on praying” and 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NLT) tells us to NEVER STOP PRAYING.” Never give up, no matter how bleak the situation. Do you have a loved one who is not walking with God? They can never get away from your persistent and continual prayers.
Read these examples: Luke 21:36; Acts 1:14; 2:42; 6:4; Romans 12:12; Ephesians 1:16; 6:18; Colossians 1:3, 9; 4:2, 12; 1 Thessalonians 3:10; 5:17; 2 Thessalonians 1:11; and 2 Timothy 1:3.
God wants us to pray earnestly. Read James 5:17.
God wants us to pray exceedingly.
1 Thessalonians 3:10: “Night and day praying exceedingly.” The word “exceedingly” is the Greek word “perissos” and means “exceeding some number or measure, over and above, more than is necessary, much more than all, surpassing the ordinary.”
Are you praying beyond the normal? Are you gathering your family together morning and evening to cry out to God for this nation and the nations of the world? Have you thought of having a prayer meeting in your home and inviting others to come in and pray with you? We have never been without a corporate prayer meeting in our home.
When we have prayer meetings in our home, we always include the children. We don’t even send the little ones off to bed but encourage them to be part of it. My husband usually says to the children: “Alright children, you can all pay first before you go off to sleep.” So the children will often be the first to pray and gradually they begin to fall of to sleep as the pray3er meeting continues.
God wants us to pray perseveringly (Ephesians 6:18). We won’t change the world praying little prayers now and then. We change the world by being committed to prayer, wrestling in prayer, persevering in prayer, and pouring out our hearts in prayer. We do it personally. We do it as a family each day, teaching our children how to cry out to God and intercede in prayer. And we do it corporately, gathering in others to pray with us.
Let’s become praying families.
Praying families are nation changing families.
Praying families are world changing families.
Be encouraged.
Nancy Campbell
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Keep your spiritual life strong.

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TenderMerciesIt is wonderful to read Scriptures about the tender mercies of God. It reveals His character to us. I read another one this morning in Psalm 25:6: “Remember, O LORD, thy tender mercies and thy lobvingkindnesses; for they have been ever of old.”
It is amazing to read the Hebrew meaning of “tender mercies.” It is the word “racham” and means “compassion in a plural sense, cherishing the babe in the womb, tender love, womb.,” This word is used interchangeably in the Old Testament for the womb of a woman and also to describe God’s compassion. The same word! God links His compassion with the womb. This is such a beautiful thing for us to comprehend as women.
As we embrace our womb to nurture and bring forth life into this world, we are linking with God to reveal His compassionate and tender heart to the world. And it is not a fleeting thing. God’s compassion is everlasting. The words “ever of old” are the Hebrew word “olam” which means “vanishing point, time out of mind (past and future), eternity, everlasting.”
God’s Word translation says” “Remember, O LORD, your compassionate and merciful deeds. They have existed from eternity.”
The Smith’s Literal Translation says: “They are from forever.”
Isn’t it sad that many women will give up the beautiful purpose of their womb (which reveals God’s DEVERLASTING compassion) for careers and other lifestyles that are vain and fleeting and which they cannot take into eternity.
Bringing forth an eternal soul into the world is something that lasts forever.
Be blessed,
Nancy Campbell
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HMswHMHow do you feel about your home? Do you feel like a prisoner? Are you longing for the day when you can get on to something different? Or is your delight in your home? Is it your favorite place to be?
Psalm 106:24, 25 says: “Yea, they despised the pleasant land, they believed not his word: But murmured in their tents, and hearkened not unto the voice of the LORD.“ The “pleasant land” was the home God chose for His people, but they despised it and murmured and complained.
God has chosen a “pleasant land” for you too. It is your home. The first home, which was the prototype of all homes to come, was called the garden of Eden. Eden means “delight” and God wants you to make your home a delight. The word “pleasant” in Psalm 106:24 also means “delightful, desirable, precious, greatly beloved.”
Dear sweet mother, I know life is not always easy in your home as you care for your little ones and face all the challenges of each day. But can I let you in on a secret? It is delightful or burdensome according to your attitude. Nothing influential or powerful in this life is easy. It takes hard work and commitment to do anything great. It’s the same with mothering in your home.
If you are in the grumbling and despising state, change your attitude today. Embrace your home. You are in the perfect will of God. Delight in it. And commit to making your home a delight—for your husband, your children, and for all who come in your doors.
Love to you today,
Nancy Campbell
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UpstreamDownstream1 John 5:19 (ESV): "The whole world lies in the power of the evil one." If this world is in the grip of the evil one, how do we live without getting pulled into its grip? How do we keep our children from its control? We've got to swim upstream.
It's not easy to swim upstream, is it? It takes all your effort. The moment we relax, we start floating downstream again, away with the current of the evil one. That's why we must constantly fight the good fight of faith. We must fight it ourselves, and for our family. We must teach our children the principles of swimming upstream.
As children get older, and especially into their teens, they are prone to being swept into the current of this world system. We must teach from a young age how to constantly fight the battle and swim upstream. Here are some pointers:
1. Penetrate your children with a godly and biblical worldview. How they live and think is determined by their worldview. Remember, the public education system teaches your children a humanistic worldview.
2. Teach them to pray. Establish daily prayer times with your children.
3. Fill them with God's Word. Don't let anything deter you from Family Devotions each day with your family.
4. Make sure you have at least weekly fellowship with the people of God (Hebrews 10:25). Encourage friendships with other godly young people.
5. Teach them to say no to the flesh and the devil and yield to Christ who dwells within them.
What will take them, and even us, downstream?
1. Compromising with the world (1 John 2:15-17).
2. Tolerating sin. God does not tell us to tolerate, but to obliterate! Ephesians 5:22: "Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather REPROVE them."
3. Undisciplined time with media.
4. No daily habit of prayer and reading God's Word.
5. Hanging around with the wrong company. Proverbs 13:20: "He that walks with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. " I raised our children on this Scripture. Young people will go the way of those they hang around with. Guide them into wise company.
Are you a swimming upstream family, or merrily floating downstream with the current of this world? Remember- when you are floating, you don't even realize you are going downstream until it is too late.
Blessings to you today,
Nancy Campbell
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motheringbeginsYour baby will be impacted by your attitudes while in the womb. Embrace your precious baby to your heart from the moment you are aware and begin praying prayers of blessings and protection and God’s anointing on your baby.

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OutOfBoxWhen Pearl and Evangeline or I have a birthday, our favorite gift is to receive a surprise from Serene. No, it’s not something from the shop! We love it when she makes one of her great concoctions--something that no one has ever tasted before.
Serene creates new recipes every day. What will it be this time? We can't wait to try. Of course, it won't be anything you'll ever see in Trim Healthy Mama. A lot of Serene's recipes don't get past our family--they are too "way out" for most people, but they are always amazing, and of course always in the super food realm!
I’ll let you have a peep behind the scenes. On one of Evangeline's birthdays Serene came up with a new recipe along with a poem to go with it:
To VangiBabe
What can you give a girl with golden hair
Who thinks "out of the box" and makes every head stare?
Can you go to Walmart and buy her some socks,
Or something normal that fits in a box?
Shop at the Mall for apparel with prices steep?
She could make better herself from the back of a sheep!
Buy her some shoes? She likes bare feet in the soil!
Soaps, trinkets, or hankies? She'll shudder and recoil!
What about a book? The best one in the store?
She'll have read it already, it will be a bore!
I could get spicy sausages and fermented butter,
But I did that last year for her birthday supper!
So I'll make her some "out of the box" chocolate truffles,
She'll like them better than store-bought skirts with ruffles,
I'll fill them with ginger, hot peppers, and Oolong tea,
Grass-fed gelatin and vanilla; and she'll scream with glee.
She'll eat them for breakfast, even at midnight,
This is what I'll do to fill her face with delight,
I'll send them along with a prayer in my heart
For her best years yet, to unfold and now start.
Love from Sereniebean.
I got to taste one before she went over to Vange's. They were DELECTABLE! Melt in your mouth!
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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EverymotherIsn’t that amazing? Motherhood goes into eternity. It is the most lasting career in the universe. I met a lovely mother today who has seven children that she fought against all odds to bring into the world. But she also had 21 miscarriages. Wow, just think of all the precious lives she will meet in eternity! What overwhelming joy.

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OwningUpCurrently, my brother and his wife and part of STORY WORTH where they write about their lives in answer to questions from their family. I love reading their stories and the other day my brother shared this confession. It’s a good story to read to your children too.
“Instead of making a purchase of a new TV in our small town in support of our local businessmen I went further afield to another city to purchase a bargain.
When setting up the TV I discovered I needed some parts. This time I went down the road to the local store. During conversation the owner asked some rather pointed questions concerning my TV and I had to lie to cover up my purchase from out of town instead of supporting my local store.
I thought to myself. I can buy purchases from wherever I want. It’s none of his business. I don’t have to tell him all the details, but the fact was I told a lie.
I paid for my purchases, thanked him, and returned to my car. On the way out my inner policeman (conscience) accused me of lying. I argued that it was none of his business. I don’t have to answer his questions. But I couldn’t run from the conviction—you lied!
I hopped into the car and started the engine. After a few minutes of debating with myself I decided to get my confession over and done with. Back in the shop I again spoke with the owner and told him that when he’d asked about my TV I had lied to him.
He accepted my apology, appreciated me coming back, and I walked out with a clear conscience, ready to do battle with the next challenge when it arose.
God gave us ten golden rules to live by. One being you shall not lie. How freeing it would be if we all lived out this rule!”
My brother, Grant, is also the author of the children’s book we have in stock called BIG BAD BULLY BILLY BROWN. It’s all about The Golden Rule.
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TrustHimI love these words. We don’t trust when it is easy but when it is the hardest thing of all. And we always find that God is faithful. His everlasting arms are waiting underneath us.

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ValueMotherhoodA daycare worker was sharing with me that they take in babies from six weeks old. And yet dog breeders do not sell their puppies until eight weeks and up to 12 weeks for toy breeds. How is that human mothers can give up their babies so soon? What has happened to the value of mothering? This worker also mentioned that many mothers never even check to find out when their baby or toddler slept or what food they were given for the day or when. Where is their concern and yearning over their child?
Oh yes, I know they love their babies and little ones. But we can also love chocolate and love our house and love our new car. Mothering is much bigger than loving. It’s commitment. It’s like marriage. Marriage is more than loving. It takes commitment and daily building and pouring into our marriages.
But mothering is even more than commitment. It’s not only something we do. IT’S WHO WE ARE! We were created physically and innately for this divine career. We were born for it. It’s not enough to love our babies and children. We must love motherhood. Yes, the career of motherhood. When we embrace and love motherhood, we will enter into the joy and fullness and glory of motherhood.
Motherhood is not just having a baby. It is nursing from the breast, nurturing, cherishing, and pouring out your life. And as you do the blessing is poured back to you.
Mothers and babies are not meant to be separated. They are part of one another. Where the mother goes, the baby goes.
Mother and home are synonymous.
Live in the glory of motherhood today.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
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I was reading an article this morning of the number of children per family across the world. It’s amazing to see how the birthrates are becoming lower and lower. It takes 2.1 children per family to sustain a population, more to increase.
I thought the United States was down down to 1.9 children per family. The World Population Review states that the USA, UK, and Australia are now down to 1.7! Canada is 1.5! The article I read this morning said that once a nation gets down to 1.6 it is impossible for them to recover and that nation will eventually die out.
I wonder why we are shooting ourselves in the feet. The increase of a nation is the blessing of God, decrease is curse. A growing population is necessary for successful economy. The Bible links these factors together in Isaiah 29:22, 23 (TLB): “My people will no longer be ashamed. For when they see the surging birth rate and the expanding economy, then they will fear and rejoice in my name.”
God is glorified with an increasing birthrate in the nation. Isaiah 26:15 says: “Thou hast increased the nation O Lord, Thou hast increased the nation . . . Thou art GLORFIED.”
We are living in a culture that is opposite to the Bible and the kingdom of God. Our culture imbibes contraception, sterilization, and abortion as a normal part of life. Limiting families to two is normal. The sad part about this is that so many “Christian” families have also imbibed this lifestyle.
They even believe the lies about population explosion. God is not in the slightest worried about such a thing. Isaiah 45:18 says: “For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens, God Himself that formed the earth and made it; He hath established it, He created it not in vain, He formed it to be INHABITED; I am the Lord and there is none else.”
It seems that it is not enough to wipe out millions with contraception and abortion but now we have this current vaccination which many scientists and doctors believe will result in much fertility. Of course, I am sure you have heard Bill Gates confess with his own mouth that the purpose of the vaccinations is for de-population. Many now call it the de-pop vax.
If that isn’t enough, we now have Agenda 21, the United Nations program to depopulate 95 percent of the world by 2030. Does that sound ridiculous? Unfortunately, it is a well-known and documented plan. You can read about it in the link at the end of this article.
All these things are masterminded by the devil, our enemy, who hates life. While God is the author of life, loves life, gives life, and wants us to always choose life, the devil seeks to eliminate life in every way he can.
Let’s be encouraged, dear folks, to make sure we are on the side of God and that we belong to His kingdom. If we side against life, we promote the devil’s kingdom.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell
The UN 2030 Agenda Decoded: The Blueprint For Global Enslavement | Truth11.com
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RachamIsn’t it so wonderful that the Bible uses the same Hebrew word to describe the womb of the woman as God’s tender mercies and compassion? As you embrace life in your woman you are showing the love and and mercy of God. As a mother comforts her babe so God comforts and consoles in all our adversities.

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ILoveKingdomI love Thy kingdom, Lord!
The house of Thine abode -
The church our blest Redeemer saved
With His own precious blood.
I love thy Church, O God!
Her walls before Thee stand,
Dear as the apple of Thine eye
And graven on Thy hand.,
For her my tears shall fall,
For her my prayers ascend –
To her my cares and toils be giv’n
Till toils and cares shall end.
Beyond my highest joy
I prize her heavenly ways –
He sweet communion, solemn vows,
Her hymns of love and praise.
Sure as Thy truth shall last,
To Zion shall be giv’n
The brightest glories earth can yield,
And brighter bliss of heavn’n.
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HospitalityLifestyleDo you love showing hospitality?

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PowerMotherPrayerThe nurturing, cherishing, teaching, training, influencing, and the powerful prayers of a mother can never be underestimated. Your influence is powerful, dear mother.

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MarriageOrdainedGod created male and female. He has no other plan.

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EVERYCHILDEvery new baby that is born into the world reveals again the existence of God.

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BridlesDuty...is a powerful thing. It keeps the world going. It brings security. It reaps the reward of those who are faithful in the little things. Be encouraged today, mother.

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LikeMotherSome time ago, my husband was at the bank and got talking to the teller (he loves to talk to people). The lady asked what he did, and he replied that he was a pastor and that we also we speak and write about strengthening families. She proceeded to tell him a little story.
Her daughter was putting a ham in the oven, but before she did, she cut a piece of both ends off the ham. A friend who was watching her asked,
"Why do you do that?"
"Because my mother did it," she replied. She thought she would call her mother (the lady speaking to Colin) and ask why she did it.
"Because my mother did it!" her mother replied. The grandmother was still alive, so the daughter called her grandmother and asked her why she cut a piece of the ham off at both ends.
"So it could fit in the pan," she replied! This unnecessary tradition was passing down the generations from one mother to the next! Such is the influence of motherhood. Ezekiel 16:44: "As is the mother, so is her daughter."
Dear mother, think how powerfully we can influence our daughters and sons, practically and spiritually. They will take things into their future lives that we haven't sat down to teach them just by watching us day after day. We must be careful of every action and every word.
Be blessed today,
Nancy Campbell
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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ