Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Every life is sacred
And possesses untold worth.
The prophet John leapt in the womb
When unborn Jesus was on earth.
How is it that before it's born
A child is seen as less
Than anyone outside the womb?
It's strange, I must confess . . .
Until I ponder on this truth
Revealed in God's own Word,
That people are deceived and lost
Until their ears have heard . . .
That God, the Author of all life,
Gives value to us all.
Rich or poor, young or old,
All people, big or small.
Before He formed us in the womb
Our lives by Him were planned.
Yet till we know our worth to Him,
We cannot understand.
Oh Lord, please open every heart
To know your love for all,
That every unborn, precious life
Will live to hear your call.
Rescue those condemned to die
At hands of sinful man.
Restore the right of every life,
Let truth rule in this land.
Each baby that you send in love
Is a miracle of grace,
As we gaze upon each tiny one,
There's the image of Your face.
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