Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
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(This was my husband’s mother’s recipe and she most probably got it from generations previously).
Cream together 1 lb. butter and 1 lb. raw sugar (I use succanat or equivalent THM Gentle Sweet). Beat it until it is very creamy. I use a strong wooden spoon. Lots of arm exercise! Get your children taking turns to beat.
Add 10 eggs. Add them two at a time and beat them into the creamed butter and sugar mixture. More arm exercises!
Gradually add 3 cups flour. You can use any flour. I use spelt or kamut (with half THM Baking Blend). Start adding the flour slowly along with the eggs. Even more arm exercise! It gets harder to beat as you go along. But keep beating. Get the children to take turns. And dad too! You’ve got to get this mixture really creamy.
When you’ve gradually added all the eggs and the flour until they are absorbed, add:
1 Tbs. dark jam
1 Tbs. Treacle (American readers, we can’t get treacle, but you could use sorghum, molasses, or dark honey)
Essences. Use whatever you have in your pantry such as vanilla, rum, brandy, almond etc.
Spices. Use 1- 2 tsp. mixed spice, ginger, and cinnamon, as you desire
1 tsp. Baking Soda
Mix in, and then add the fruit and nuts.
1 lb. Currants (it’s hard to get currants in USA, so I add more raisins).
1 lb. Sultanas
1-packet raisins (or use more raisins if you don’t have sultanas or currants)
1 cup chopped walnuts (nuts are optional)
1 cup chopped almonds (use more nuts if you desire). I use more nuts as I love the nuts in the cake.
Grease a large cake tin. I usually line the tin with newspaper, so it doesn’t burn on the bottom. I then line it with butter papers (the paper in which the butter was wrapped). Start saving your butter papers now. Place mixture in the tin and cook at 250 degrees for about three to four hours.
I usually pour wine or brandy over my cake when it comes out of the oven.
Suggestions from lady in England: Did you know that in England we make our Christmas cakes in October. The reason is that it matures over the weeks. We pick holes in the top and pour a little brandy in (about 2 Tbs.) or apple juice if you don’t use brandy. Seal fully with foil. Then we open every two weeks and repeat the process. This keeps it lovely and moist and allows the fruit to mature. My children and I make six every year as love gifts for our family.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell