Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


I am sure you are like me. I long to hear from God and understand what He is saying. I long for wisdom. I long for knowledge. And I want to be instructed (Proverbs 1:2-3).

However, I notice that the word "instruction" is usually the Hebrew word, "muwcar" which means "chastisement, reproof, warning, restraint, rebuke." Oh my. We don't like that, do we? And yet I find that we only grow in wisdom and understanding as we are open to reproof. We only mature in the knowledge of God as we have a soft and tender heart to the Holy Spirit as He speaks to us through HIs Word, and yes, sometimes through our husband, and other people, too!

It goes against our flesh to receive rebuke and counsel, but this is the only way we mature (Hebrews 12:9-11).

As we imbibe this attitude toward God and to others, our children also learn that this is the lifestyle you live to become mature. This is the attitude you need if you want discernment in this society of deception.

Love from Nancy Campbell
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Yesterday I posted 22 attitudes that God wants us to have toward our great role of mothering. Don't forget to read them if you didn't get to do it yesterday. A number of mothers printed out these attitudes to pin up on their fridge. I think this is a good idea, because we really need to take one attitude each day and work on it. It's just about too much to take them in all at once, don't you think?

God is so great. He shows the way He wants us to mother, and when we do it His way, we reap the blessings of peace and joy in our life and in our home. When we do it our own way, and especially giving in to our own moods and feelings, we reap discontent and misery.

However, not only do we reap the blessings in our home now, but we have an eternal reward. Be encouraged by these Scriptures today:

"Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize. So run, that ye may obtain" (1 Corinthians 9:24 and Philippians 2:12-14). Work in your home with your eye on the finishing line! The words "may obtain" mean "to seize, to lay hold of."

"Be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord" 1 Corinthians 15:58). Mothering is never in vain. It is an eternal career and lasts forever.

"And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not" (Galatians 6:9).

"Whatsoever good thing (and mothering is a good thing) any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord" (Ephesians 6:8)

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward" (Colossians 3:23-24). You may not receive any reward from man, but you will receive it from the Lord!

Don't give up in the race of mothering. Keep your eye on the goal.

Love from Nancy
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I wrote about serving the Lord in motherhood. How does God want us to do this? The Bible tells us exactly.

Joyfully! (Deuteronomy 28:47). Wipe off the frown. Put a smile on your face. Don't worry about whether you feel like it or not. Smile and your attitude will change.

Without being sidetracked! (Nehemiah 6:3).

Humbly! (Matthew 20:26-28).

Faithfully! (Matthew 25:21, 23).

Without expecting anything in return! (Luke 7:7-10).

Relying on God! (John 14:4-5; Philippians 4:13).

Willingly! (Proverbs 31:13). No more excuses!

With all our might! (Ecclesiastes 9:10).

With zeal! (John 2:17). Forget moping around the house. Forget apathy. You are involved in the greatest career in the nation. You are influencing this nation and generations to come. Do it with zeal.

Not giving up! (Acts 20:24; 2 Timothy 4:7).

Fervently! (Romans 12:11).

Aboundingly! (1 Corinthians 15:58). To "abound" in the work of the Lord is the Greek word, "perisseuo" and actually means "to be excessive, over the top, more than is necessary, enough and to spare." Are you just doing what you have to do to get through the day? Or, are you mothering "over the top"? What a fun way to live! What a great way to serve the Lord as you mother each day. When you change a diaper, laugh and smile at your baby. When you are doing mundane tasks, do them with exuberance. When you are preparing a meal, make it a beautiful meal to bless your family.

For the glory of God! (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Lovingly! (Galatians 5:13).

Without Seeking Recognition! (Ephesians 6:6).

Without Grumbling! (Philippians 2:14-15).

Heartily! (Colossians 3:23). The word "heartily" actually means "soul" (psuche). That means we are to not only do our mothering tasks physically, just because we have to do them, but to put our whole heart and soul into them.

In the name of the Lord Jesus! (Colossians 3:17). As we do each task in the name of Jesus, it becomes a sacred task.

With thankfulness! (Colossians 3:17). No more groaning and complaining. We thank and praise the Lord instead.

As to the Lord, and not unto men! (Colossians 3:23). Every big or little task, we do it unto the Lord. Doesn't this attitude change everything?

In the fear of the Lord! (Hebrews 12:28b; Psalm 2:11).

What attitude spoke to you today?

Love from Nancy

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After reading the post below, you may want to check out a few more titles that we can claim as mothers. This is a comprehensive list, but not a complete list. If you can think of some other titles, I love you to share them. Or share with us the one that you relate to the most.

Apart from the greatest title of all, MOTHER, which we are all proud to wear, be encouraged by the following titles:

Accountant, Arbitrator, Art Appreciator, Arrow Polisher, Ambassador for the King of kings, Bodyguard, Bookkeeper, Bulk Buyer, Counselor, Career Consultant, Chauffeur, CEO of my Family Clan, Children's Pastor, Children's Best Friend, Childhood Psychologist, Creative Designer, Customer Service Representative, Coach, Child Development Specialist, Domestic Engineer, Cheer Leader, Cultivator of "olive plants," Dietitian, Discipler, Director of Home Affairs, Driving Instructor, Encourager, Entrepreneur, Entertainer, Educator, First Lady of the home, Fashion Consultant, Finance Manager, Food Tester, Gardener, Generation Builder, Guidance Counselor, Happy Homemaker, Home Executive, Home Manager, Hostess, Hygienist, Historian, Hairdresser, Interior Decorator, Investigator, Intercessor, Janitor, Judge, Lapidary (polisher of precious stones), Librarian, Launderer, Mentor, Master Story Teller, Missionary, Movie Critic, Nurse, Nutritionist, Nurturer, Nation Changer, Professional Chef, Professional Baker, Professional Cleaner, Pediatrician, Project Manager, Purchasing Agent, Photographer, Personnel Manager, Protector, Queen of the home, Referee, Recreation Director, Repairer of breaches, Switchboard Operator, Speech Therapist, Sculptor, Security Guard, Seamstress, Social Coordinator, Safety Instructor, Schedule Coordinator, Shepherd of my flock, Teacher, Time Management Expert, Taxi Driver, Vacation Coordinator, Visionary, Walking Encyclopedia, and of course, Wonder Woman!

Lift your head high, dear mother, and embrace your greatest calling.

Love from Nancy

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Isn't it such a privilege to be in full time service for the Lord? Every mother is in full time ministry. We are engaged in the most powerful career in the nation--mothering, nurturing, educating, and training the next generation. We as mothers determine the destiny of our nation.

What do you answer when someone asks you your occupation? You could respond, "I'm in full time ministry."

"What is the area of your ministry? they may ask.

"I'm a Children's Pastor," you reply.

Or, you could answer with any amount of titles that God has given you as a mother--Teacher, Nurse, Nutritionist, Childhood Psychologist, or Director of Home Affairs.

Of course, being in full time ministry for God, you'll be serving the Lord with all your heart, "Not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord" (Romans 12:11).

Love from Nancy
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God is a dwelling God and He delights to dwell in your life. The essence of our Christianity is "Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27). We are more than a creature with a spirit; we are a spirit with a body waiting to be indwelt by the Holy Spirit. If Christ lives in you, this fact changes everything you say and everything you do. Your life is no longer secular and meaningless. Everything you do is sacred because you are housing the presence of God.

Dear mother, when you are preparing meals, cleaning up, washing dishes, doing laundry, and even cleaning toilets, you are doing sacred tasks. They are as meaningful to God as if you were doing some great ministry in a church. Every moment is a hallowed moment because God is with you.

This changes the mundane to be memorable, the daily grind to be delightful, the boring to be beautiful, and instead of griping you'll be giving glory to God.

1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do (every little or big task you have to do in your home today), do all to the glory of God."

May God's presence fill you home today as you do everything as a sacred task.

Love from Nancy Campbell
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We are preparing children to "speak in the gates." But, what are they going to speak? Are they going to give an "uncertain sound" or a certain sound (1 Corinthians 14:8)? Our job as mothers is to instill in their minds and hearts the certainty of God's truth. The Knox translation says to "ground thee in true doctrine." They must be grounded and rooted in God's Word so that all opposition to the truth will run off them like water off a duck's back!

Proverbs 22:20-21 says, "Have not I written to thee excellent things in counsels and knowledge, that I might make thee KNOW THE CERTAINTY OF THE WORDS OF TRUTH; that thou mightest answer the words of truth to them that send unto thee?" This is my current memory verse.

I love the word "certainty," don't you? We as mothers must know the certainty of God's truth. We must ingrain our children in the certainty of God's truth. It's not enough that they hear it. They must know it enough to speak it. Check out Isaiah 59:21. God does not want His Words to depart from our lips, the lips of our children, or even our children's children forever! What a huge responsibility we have. Motherhood is certainly not a part time job.

One of the ways our children daily receive God's Word is at our morning and evening Family Devotions. Don't let anything rob you of this family blessing.

Love from Nancy
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We are talking about not being silent, but contending for the truth. This should not only be our testimony, but it is God's mandate for training our children. The familiar Scripture in Psalm 127:5 says, "Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them (children): they shall not be ashamed, but they shall SPEAK with the enemies in the gate."

Do you notice that we are training arrows to "SPEAK" in the gate? We don't need much help in knowing what the word "speak" means, but this same word is also translated in different Scriptures as "answer, command, commune, declare, publish, utter, talk--and even subdue in Psalm 18:47 and 47:3." Nowhere does it say "stay silent."

What an awesome task we have as parents to prepare our children to be ready to speak the truth and contend for the faith. We don't send our children out before they are ready. We've got a lot of preparing and training to do. But when the time comes, we will have them prepared. We are not training children for hibernation, but for revelation. God wants His people to invade the world with the revelation of His truth and His character.

Make sure you have lots of practice. Have times when you get together as a family, and even invite other families to join you. Ask difficult questions to the children and get them to answer. Expect them to answer from God's point of view and a biblical worldview as you have been teaching them. Sometimes you may even want to heckle and oppose as you prepare them for the fray they will one day face. Remember, God sends us out as "lambs amongst the wolves" (Matthew 10:16).

Be encouraged in the great task God has given you.

Love from Nancy
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When we talk to people and realize they are in deception and believing a lie, what do we do? When someone is doing something that is not right, what do we do? I guess that if we are to be honest we would have to confess that we prefer to say or do nothing. We don't want to interfere in their lives. We don't want to be thought of someone who is condemning or legal, so we keep quiet.

But, is that what we are meant to do? Proverbs 28:4 says, "They that forsake the law praise the wicked; but such as keep the law CONTEND WITH THEM." What does this word "contend" mean? The Hebrew word is "garah" and means "to meddle, to stir up." In other words, it means to get involved.

Is it loving to leave someone in deception? Often they are ignorantly in deception. Is it loving to not seek to rescue someone who is going in the wrong direction? (Read Jude 1:23).

How can we change society if we stay silent? As God's people, we are meant to be invading society with God's truth. We are mean to be leading the way. We are meant to be shining God's light into the darkness, not hiding our light (Matthew 5:13-16).

Of course, I don't believe we should be judging and condemning in our response. A great way to challenge people's thinking is to ask them questions. Ask them why they think this way. Get to the bottom of their worldview. The whole of society, Christian and non-Christians, are constantly bombarded with a secular and humanistic worldview. It is time we invaded society with a biblical worldview.

Don't hide your light. Drop seeds of truth wherever you go; when you meet women at the supermarket, when you talk to them at church, and when you talk to people who are going in a wrong direction. And don't forget to smile at them when you talk to them.

Love from Nancy
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We can't build a strong home without wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. Building a home doesn't just happen.

Isn't it amazing that girls are encouraging to get degrees in all kinds of things, but there is no degree for homebuilding. And yet, this is the most important career in the nation! It is the homes that strengthen or weaken the nation. It is the mothers who determine the destiny of the nation. We can spend years studying for that which is unnecessary and never prepare for the most necessary.

Of course, we can't build a godly home with worldly wisdom and understanding. We must come to God, the one who planned the whole idea of home and family in the first place. His Word is filled with wisdom about how to go about it. And in Him "are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Colossians 2:2).

Proverbs 24:3-4 says, "Through wisdom is an house builded, and by understanding it is established, and by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches."

Cry out to God daily for His wisdom and knowledge. He is the source of it all. And He has promised to give it to you (James 1:5-8).

Love from Nancy
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Have friends or family been talking about you? Have they said things that hurt you deeply? What is your response? Are you harboring hurt, unforgiveness, or even bitterness?

Or, perhaps you are full of fear as you face a current crisis. Once again, what is your response? Are you turning your heart to God?

David experienced these very things you may be experiencing. In fact, his enemies wanted to kill him!

What was his response? "But, I trusted in thee, O Lord, I said, THOU ART MY GOD" (Psalm 31:13-14). Can I encourage you, dear mother, to take your eyes off your circumstances, stop dwelling on them, and instead look to God. He is bigger than anything you are facing. He is in control of your life. You can trust Him.

Change your confession. Confess out loud, "Oh God, I do trust you. I thank you that you are my God." All throughout this day, confess out loud, "YOU ARE MY GOD."

Your situation may not change, but you will be amazed at the change in the attitude of your heart.

Love from Nancy
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We all know that Americans are eating more every year. But, it's not only Americans. Most of the world is eating more, too. An article in the coming Above Rubies states, "From 1961 to 2003, the available (for consumption) calories per capita has risen from 2254 to 2809, over 24 percent increase in about four decades." And yet, in that same time, the global population doubled! Isn't that amazing? More people on the planet, all eating more, and yet there is still plenty of room. Our earth has the capability of producing up to four times as is needed for the current seven billion people on the earth.

It is only a puny mind, that doesn't believe God, that thinks that there is a problem with over-population! Have you traveled by car across America? You drive for hundreds of miles without seeing habitation until you come to a city. You drive through the city and encounter miles of open space again. This is not only typical to America. I have traveled by bus and by train through Malaysia. Once again you drive for miles through fields and palm groves until you reach a city.

God, the creator of this world created it to be inhabited. And He created the world with the ability to feed all its inhabitants. As the population grows, so does the capacity to feed them. Our God is a big God.

Isaiah 45:18 says, "For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else."

Weren't the first words God said to man, "Fill the earth" (Genesis 1:28)? It's not filled yet!

Love from Nancy
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The is the seventh and last post in a series of things the Bible says are "good" to include in our lives. This one is found in the story of Martha and Mary where "Mary sat at Jesus' feet, and heard his word." But, poor Martha! She was left in the kitchen cooking and serving. She started to feel really mad inside and asked Jesus to send Mary to help her! I'm sure we'd feel the same!

What did Jesus answer? "Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her" (Luke 10:38-42).

It's hard to reconcile this incident, isn't it? When we are running a home and have little children all around us, it's hard to find time to sit at the feet of Jesus, even though we long to do so. Before I was married, I had time to spend up to three hours in the presence of the Lord each day. When I married and children came along, I no longer had those precious times and had to find little moments to read the Word in the toilet room or from a Bible on my windowsill as I prepared food and washed dishes. My prayers were no longer hours long, but little cries of help to God throughout the day.

But, God understands a mother's life. He "gently leads those that are with young" (Isaiah 40:11).

My life is still full and busy. One of the things I love about each day is when we take time out for Family Devotions each morning and evening. I take time to sit and listen to God speak to me through the Word as my husband reads it to us. We take time to worship and pray together. I am doing the "good" part, and I WILL NOT LET IT BE TAKEN AWAY FROM ME!

Love from Nancy
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Another thing the Bible says is "good" is the blessing of unity. Psalm 133:1 says, "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" Notice this Scripture has an exclamation mark!

David wrote this psalm after the terrible heartache he experienced with the rebellion of his son, Absalom. After this heartbreak he acknowledged and longed for the blessing of unity which is "good" and "pleasant" which also means "delightful and sweet." The precious ointment that was poured out upon Aaron was a sweet perfume and the fragrance filled the sanctuary.

It's not always easy to have unity, is it? Because we are not perfect, we can easily become agitated, offended, upset, or even angry with one another. But, will we hang on to these feelings and stay in discord? Or, will we humble our hearts, swallow our pride, forgive, and love in spite of everything?

We are a family of strongly opinionated ideas. We don't all agree with each other. Not even Colin and I agree all the time. But, as my husband says, "We are not commanded to agree with one another, but we are commanded to love one another." And so we learn to love one another and have unity even when we don't agree. That's not always easy, but it's exciting and victorious living! And it brings the blessing. The sweet perfume fills the home.

David likens this unity to the ointment poured upon the head of Aaron. It starts at the top. It starts with you, Mom and Dad. When you live in harmony, with a tenderhearted spirit to one another, the blessing runs down to the very bottom of the garments. The blessing comes down on every child in the family.

Choose unity.

Love from Nancy
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Not all good things feel good. There are some good things that we would rather not experience, and yet they are for our good. Psalm 119:71 says, "It is good for me that I have been afflicted: that I might learn thy statues."

There are times when God allows us to go through affliction and difficult times. These experiences cause us to run to God and to His Word. When we cast ourselves upon Him, He leads us from our own way to learn His way. Without these times of humbling and chastening, we would stay in our same old rut. If we want to climb higher and become more and more conformed to the image of Christ, we will embrace the afflictions that lead us closer to Him.

I am always amazed at Paul's testimony when he confesses, "We glory in tribulations," but he says this because he understands that tribulation leads him to patience (Hebrews 5:3-5). Read also 1 Peter 1:6-7; 4:12-14 and Hebrews 12:11.

It is usually the difficult experiences of life that teach us more of God's ways than the sunny times, isn't it? The important thing is: will we learn from our tough times, or will become bitter and complaining?

I have always loved the following words...

'Tis better far to let Him choose the way that we should take;
If only we leave our life with Him, He will guide without mistake;
We, in our blindness, would never choose a pathway dark or rough,
And so we should never find in Him the GOD WHO IS ENOUGH!
In disappointment, trouble, or pain, we turn to the Changeless One,
And prove how faithful, loving and true is God's beloved Son.

Love from Nancy
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Here's another "good" thing to do in your home. Psalm 91:1-2 says, "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High: to show forth thy lovingkindness in the morning, and thy faithfulness every night." And Psalm 147:1 says, "It is good to sing praises unto our God."

To cultivate an attitude of thanks toward the Lord is so much better than an attitude of negativity and complaining, isn't it? Don't wait to thank God for the big things, but instead get into the habit of thanking the Lord for each little thing that happens throughout the day. Encourage your children in this habit, too.

Although a thanking heart should be our attitude all the day long, this Scripture specifically states that we should thank the Lord every morning and every evening. Gathering our family together each morning and each evening for Family Devotions provides a foundation for us to do this faithfully.

I am so grateful for these very precious times in our home each day. I know that without these specified and committed times, we would not take this time to thank the Lord and sing praises to His name. God knows that we need specific times to remind us.

Love from Nancy
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I am now on a roll about things the Bible says are "good" things to do.

Lamentations 3:27 says, "It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth."

Many modern parents think children should be spared from doing too much work and taking on too much responsibility while they are young. Many Children's Protection Services workers think it is abuse if children are expected to do dishes and other chores around the home. This is a humanistic way of thinking and the antipathy of preparing children for life.

Of course, I believe children should enjoy being children and have lots of opportunity for play, but they should also be taught responsibility. As they get older, they should be given more and more responsibility.

It is sad to see young people today (older teens and young twenties) who don't know how to get "stuck in" and work hard and don't know how to take on responsibility. They are not prepared to for life, because to be successful in life you have to be experienced in how to work hard, complete a task efficiently, and take initiative. This only happens with training. The "yoke" was put on the oxen when they went to work.

Of course, there are also many wonderful young people who have a wonderful testimony in this area.

You are training your children now for success or failure. Don't get taken up with the humanistic mindset of our society.

Love from Nancy

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We can't build a strong home without wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. Building a home doesn't just happen.

Isn't it amazing that girls are encouraging to get degrees in all kinds of things, but there is no degree for homebuilding. And yet, this is the most important career in the nation! It is the homes that strengthen or weaken the nation. It is the mothers who determine the destiny of the nation. We can spend years studying for that which is unnecessary and never prepare for the most necessary.

Of course, we can't build a godly home with worldly wisdom and understanding. We must come to God, the one who planned the whole idea of home and family in the first place. His Word is filled with wisdom about how to go about it. And in Him "are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Colossians 2:2).

Proverbs 24:3-4 says, "Through wisdom is an house builded, and by understanding it is established, and by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches."

Cry out to God daily for His wisdom and knowledge. He is the source of it all. And He has promised to give it to you (James 1:5-8).

Love from Nancy
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Have friends or family been talking about you? Have they said things that hurt you deeply? What is your response? Are you harboring hurt, unforgiveness, or even bitterness?

Or, perhaps you are full of fear as you face a current crisis. Once again, what is your response? Are you turning your heart to God?

David experienced these very things you may be experiencing. In fact, his enemies wanted to kill him!

What was his response? "But, I trusted in thee, O Lord, I said, THOU ART MY GOD" (Psalm 312:13-14). Can I encourage you, dear mother, to take your eyes off your circumstances, stop dwelling on them, and instead look to God. He is bigger than anything you are facing. He is in control of your life. You can trust Him.

Change your confession. Confess out loud, "Oh God, I do trust you. I thank you that you are my God." All throughout this day, confess out loud, "YOU ARE MY GOD."

Your situation may not change, but you will be amazed at the change in the attitude of your heart.

Love from Nancy
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We all know that Americans are eating more every year. But, it's not only Americans. Most of the world is eating more, too. An article in the coming Above Rubies states, "From 1961 to 2003, the available (for consumption) calories per capita has risen from 2254 to 2809, over 24 percent increase in about four decades." And yet, in that same time, the global population doubled! Isn't that amazing? More people on the planet, all eating more, and yet there is still plenty of room. Our earth has the capability of producing up to four times as is needed for the current seven billion people on the earth.

It is only a puny mind, that doesn't believe God, that thinks that there is a problem with over-population! Have you traveled by car across America? You drive for hundreds of miles without seeing habitation until you come to a city. You drive through the city and encounter miles of open space again. This is not only typical to America. I have traveled by bus and by train through Malaysia. Once again you drive for miles through fields and palm groves until you reach a city.

God, the creator of this world created it to be inhabited. And He created the world with the ability to feed all its inhabitants. As the population grows, so does the capacity to feed them. Our God is a big God.

Isaiah 45:18 says, "For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord; and there is none else."

Weren't the first words God said to man, "Fill the earth" (Genesis 1:28)? It's not filled yet!

Love from Nancy
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