Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


Have you noticed that many people who are deceived regarding God's truth are actually very loving and kind people? Some of them don't believe in God; others are "believers" who don't believe! But, they are still lovely people. That's where we can easily be misguided. Because they are nice we can think they are right!

However, truth has to be determined according to God and His living Word. Satan knows he cannot deceive us with blatant evil. He comes as an angel of light. He makes his philosophy look pleasant, nice, and wise as he did in the garden of Eden (Genesis 3:6). Deception is so close to the truth.

2 Corinthians 4:4 says, "The god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not." When we do not believe, we give a foothold for Satan to blind our eyes. I am always challenged by Paul's statement in Romans 3:4, "Let God be true, but every man a liar."

This is the bottom line. Do we believe God and His Word? If not, what are we believing? If it doesn't line up with Gold's truth, it is a lie! Only God is truth. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 says, "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first."

May God save us and our children from falling away from truth. Dear mother, one of the greatest tasks of your high calling of mothering is to infiltrate and penetrate your children with God's living Word. The Word of God, richly filling our lives, and the lives of our children, is the greatest deterrent to deception.

Believe God, or believe a lie!

Love from Nancy
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Are you facing a difficult trial at this time? Are you suffering an affliction? Are you being persecuted for walking in God's truth? Please don't despair. There is more happening behind the scenes than what you realize!

After telling the Corinthian believers about the troubles and persecutions he was facing, Paul states, "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal" (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).

When you are going through something, it seems endless, but God reminds us that in the light of eternity it is only transitory. He also reminds us that it is working for us a great reward in the eternal realm. In fact, He uses five adjectives to describe the glory that will be revealed in us. Count them--FAR, MORE, EXCEEDING, ETERNAL, WEIGHT OF GLORY!

The CEB translation says, "Our temporary minor problems are producing an ETERNAL STOCKPILE OF GLORY for us that is beyond all comparison."

The answer is: don't keep your mind fixed on your problem. Don't let it consume you. Instead, fix your gaze on the unseen, on the eternal, on what God is working in you. The difficulty you are going through is only temporary, but the work God is doing in you is eternal.

You are STOCKPILING for glory. You can rejoice!

Love from Nancy
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Many years ago I remember seeing this cartoon. The mother was sitting at the table with the newspaper spread out before her. The home was in a mess, the toys were all over the floor, and the children were running wild! The husband came in the door and said, "What on earth are you doing?"

"I'm looking for a job," she replied. "I need a vacation!"

I'm sure there are times when you felt just like that! It's not an easy career to be a mother and efficiently run a home. But that doesn't mean to say we give up on the job. It is challenging because it is the greatest career in the nation. You, dear mother, are determining the destiny of the nation. You are a military training institute, training arrows for God's army. It's a high priority job.

Paul, the apostle, faced constant afflictions, infirmities, persecutions, beatings, stonings, perils, weariness, painfulness, hunger, and the burden of the church. But, he did not give up. What was his confession? "We faint not" (2 Corinthians 4:1).

You are not facing as many difficulties as Paul, dear mother. But, make his confession yours. "I will not give up." I like the Message translation of this Scripture, "We're not about to throw up our hands and walk off the job just because we run into occasional hard times."

Stick to your great career. You are doing the greatest job in the universe.

Love from Nancy
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Have you ever said, “How can I raise godly children? I’m not good enough myself. I make so many mistakes?”

Dear mother, you don’t have to be perfect. But, you do have to be real! Of course you’ll make mistakes. You will blow it and yell at your children. You will often fail. I can't count how many times I've felt like a failure. Your children will forgive you for these things, but they will be twisted in their thinking and theology if they see hypocrisy.

More than anything else children want reality. They want parents who are real. They need to see that your relationship with the Lord is as real on Monday morning as it is worshipping the Lord in church. They need to see that God is high priority in your home every day of the week.

They need to see that if you say you are "believing" parents that you do truly believe and trust the Lord. You will go through hard times, and often lean times. How do they see you reacting? Complaining and in despair? Or, hanging on to God in prayer and faith--and still rejoicing in the faithfulness of God. It's often in the difficult times that they really see if we are real or not.

What about when people despise you and speak wrongfully against you? What do your children see? Are you bitter and speaking negative things about these people? Or, do they see you blessing them and continuing to laugh and rejoice anyway.

You won't be perfect every day. You'll be saying "Sorry" many times. But, be genuine in your faith and love to God.

Love from Nancy
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I have just been checking www.numberofabortions.com. At this minute, there have been 55,642,804.4 (and climbing every second) abortions since 1973, Roe vs. Wade. Just this year over one million babies have been aborted in the USA and over 35 million worldwide. My heart is heaving.

How can we act as though nothing is happening? How can we live family life as usual? How can we do church as usual when so many millions of babies are aborted every year? And that is only the beginning. Babies aborted through the pill far exceeds the holocaust of abortion!

We often forget verses eight and nine in Proverbs 31, the famous Above Rubies chapter, "Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy."

The NIV translations says, "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves." Are we speaking up?

We cannot sit idly by while millions of babies die. We may not be able to do a lot to stop the millions of babies who are aborted, but we can speak up for those around us. We can lovingly encourage a mother to keep her baby who may be thinking of abortion. We can speak up for life at every opportunity. We can sign petitions and give financially. But, most of all, we can pray.

Pray about this issue with your family each day as you have Family Devotions. God hears your cry and the cries of your children.

Love from Nancy

P.S. Can you believe it? Over 800 abortions have taken place worldwide in the last 10 minutes (checking the abortion clock). Surely we cannot but speak up! Surely we cannot but pray!
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Many years ago I remember seeing this cartoon. The mother was sitting at the table with the newspaper spread out before her. The home was in a mess, the toys were all over the floor, and the children were running wild! The husband came in the door and said, "What on earth are you doing?"

"I'm looking for a job," she replied. "I need a vacation!"

I'm sure there are times when you felt just like that! It's not an easy career to be a mother and efficiently run a home. But that doesn't mean to say we give up on the job. It is challenging because it is the greatest career in the nation. You, dear mother, are determining the destiny of the nation. You are a military training institute, training arrows for God's army. It's a high priority job.

Paul, the apostle, faced constant afflictions, infirmities, persecutions, beatings, stonings, perils, weariness, painfulness, hunger, and the burden of the church. But, he did not give up. What was his confession? "We faint not" (2 Corinthians 4:1).

You are not facing as many difficulties as Paul, dear mother. But, make his confession yours. "I will not give up." I like the Message translation of this Scripture, "We're not about to throw up our hands and walk off the job just because we run into occasional hard times."

Stick to your great career. You are doing the greatest job in the universe.

Love from Nancy
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I have just been checking www.numberofabortions.com. At this minute, there have been 55,642,804.4 (and climbing every second) abortions since 1973, Roe vs. Wade. Just this year over one million babies have been aborted in the USA and over 35 million worldwide. My heart is heaving.

How can we act as though nothing is happening? How can we live family life as usual? How can we do church as usual when so many millions of babies are aborted every year? And that is only the beginning. Babies aborted through the pill far exceeds the holocaust of abortion!

We often forget verses eight and nine in Proverbs 31, the famous Above Rubies chapter, "Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy."

The NIV translations says, "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves." Are we speaking up?

We cannot sit idly by while millions of babies die. We may not be able to do a lot to stop the millions of babies who are aborted, but we can speak up for those around us. We can lovingly encourage a mother to keep her baby who may be thinking of abortion. We can speak up for life at every opportunity. We can sign petitions and give financially. But, most of all, we can pray.

Pray about this issue with your family each day as you have Family Devotions. God hears your cry and the cries of your children.

Love from Nancy

P.S. Can you believe it? Over 800 abortions have taken place worldwide in the last 10 minutes (checking the abortion clock). Surely we cannot but speak up! Surely we cannot but pray!
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Truly God's ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:7-8). Who could ever dream that infants and nursing babes could defeat the enemy? And yet this is what God says in Psalm 8:2, "Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger." Every precious new baby that comes into the world, born in the image of God, is another opportunity to destroy the works of the devil. Even the Son of God, Creator and Ruler of the universe came into the world as a little baby and through doing this will one day bring ALL HIS ENEMIES UNDER HIS FEET.

I love the words of Frank Boreham, "We fancy that God can only manage His world by big battalions abroad, when all the while He is doing it by beautiful babies at home. When a wrong wants righting, or a truth wants preaching, or a continent wants opening, God sends a baby into the world to do it. That is why, long ago, a babe was born in Bethlehem."

Perowne writes, "Out of the mouth even of lisping children Thou hast founded strength; Thou hast made them a bulwark or defence against those who rebel against Thee; with their praises and confessions Thou puttest to silence the malicious slanders of Thy enemies."

Are you being blessed with another baby? Never despise the power of conception and the miracle of a new baby growing in your womb. Rejoice in the awesomeness of what is happening within you. A precious life is being prepared to come forth to impact this world. An eternal soul is growing within you that will live forever.

Love from Nancy
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Since the election on Tuesday, there are now nine states, plus the District of Columbia who support same sex couples and allow them to be married. As God's people in this nation, we should be repenting in dust and ashes for God says it is an abomination (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26-68; 1 Corinthians 6:9). It is against the way He planned for mankind. It has no possibility of life and therefore brings an end to civilization.

Oh yes, I know some will want to throw rotten eggs at me. "You're meant to show love" they shout. Of course we show love. God loves these people as much as He loves the most "righteous" person in the nation. He loves them so much He sent His only beloved Son to die upon the cross and shed His precious blood to save them from their sin and bondage. But, He does not love their sin. He died to deliver them from their sin.

"But you've got to be tolerant," they cry. How duped and propagandized have we become? We either agree with God, or we agree with the humanists and the same-sexites! Do we no longer have godly convictions? Tolerance is causing more and more states to give in to an abomination which brings the judgment of God on our nation. It's time we stopped standing on the fence and began to agree with God, the Creator of the human body.

God loves every individual, but hates sin. We are also to love every individual, but hate sin. God's people are to "hate evil and love righteousness" (Psalm 97:10; Amos 5:15; Romans 12:9; Ephesians 5:11; Hebrews 1:9.

This means we don't accept it. Instead we speak against it.

Love from Nancy
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Our Christian walk is not only believing in Jesus Christ, but confessing that He is our Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9-10). We are born again by believing and confessing. And now this is the way we continue to walk in Christ. Every new understanding of truth we believe as we read the Word of God, we must also confess.

Hebrews 10:35 says, "Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward." The Greek word for "confidence" is "parrhesia" and actually means "all out-spokenness--frankness, bluntness, publically and boldly speaking, assurance." We do not hide our salvation; we proclaim it. We do not hide the truth God reveals to us; we boldly speak it out, even in the face of ridicule and resistance from family and those around us.

Confession keeps our faith real. Confession keeps truth vibrant in our hearts. The more you share the truth with others, the more it becomes part of your life.

This same word is used of Jesus, the early disciples, and of Paul speaking boldly. Paul and Barnabas "waxed bold" in the midst of people "contradicting and blaspheming" them (Acts 13:45-46). It was because Jesus spoke boldly that He came from God and was one with God that they crucified Him!

Our confession may get us into trouble, but do we stop confessing? We dare not! I think that now we had better start boldly confessing the truth more than ever, because we don't know how much longer we will be able to do it without real persecution! A new day has dawned in America. It's time to be more radical than ever!

Love from Nancy
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There are lots of twins mentioned in the Bible. I'm not talking about physical twins, but spiritual twins. One set of twins are RIGHTEOUSNESS and JOY! Sometimes we imagine that righteousness is associated with legality and seriousness. How do we get these strange ideas? God links them together.

Talking of Jesus, Hebrews 1:8-9 tells us, "Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity, therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows." This is not ordinary joy, but joy more than anyone else.

Shouldn't we have the same attitude as our Savior? We should also love righteousness and hate evil. In other words, we are to be a friend to righteousness and an enemy of evil. This requires action! We have to actively go after righteousness. We have to actively hate evil and do something about it (Psalm 97:10; Proverbs 8:13; Ephesians 5:11).

When we have this attitude, our twin JOY will accompany us. Isn't that great?

Have a joyful day. Love from Nancy

There are lots of twins mentioned in the Bible. I'm not talking about physical twins, but spiritual twins. One set of twins are RIGHTEOUSNESS and JOY! Sometimes we imagine that righteousness is associated with legality and seriousness. How do we get these strange ideas? God links them together.

Talking of Jesus, Hebrews 1:8-9 tells us, "Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity, therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows." This is not ordinary joy, but joy more than anyone else.

Shouldn't we have the same attitude as our Savior? We should also love righteousness and hate evil. In other words, we are to be a friend to righteousness and an enemy of evil. This requires action! We have to actively go after righteousness. We have to actively hate evil and do something about it (Psalm 97:10; Proverbs 8:13; Ephesians 5:11).

When we have this attitude, our twin JOY will accompany us. Isn't that great?

Have a joyful day. Love from Nancy
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One of my constant prayers is that God will daily lead me into truth and expose all deception in my life. I hate deception. I love truth. I am sure this is your attitude, too.

Jeremiah 5:3 says, "O Lord, are not thine eyes upon the truth?" Because God is Truth, and can't be anything else than truth, He hates lies, but aligns Himself with truth. I want to be in sync with God so I hanker after truth. That means I must immerse myself in His Word.

Man's humanistic reasoning is no match for God's eternal truth. It is only when we know His truth that we discern deception. It is interesting that when the children of Israel were taken captives to Babylon that God warned them through the prophet Jeremiah to watch out for deception "in the midst of you" (Jeremiah 29:8-9). You would have thought He would have warned them to watch out for the deception in Babylon as Babylon was filled with deception and confusion! However, he knew they would see through that deception because it was so blatant. The deception we have to be concerned about is that which is so similar to the truth that it takes being filled with God's Word to discern it!

I want to be a truth seeker, a truth finder, a truth lover, a truth embracer, a truth adherer, a truth speaker, and a truth promoter! Don't you?

And let's raise children who have a love for truth, children who will not be swayed by humanistic propaganda, children who can discern the difference between good and evil, and children who will be able to stand, "and having done all stand" against all deception.

Love from Nancy
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I was looking at my daughter, Evangeline's Facebook and noticed her answer to an article she read called, "Why Motherhood is not the Finish Line for Biblical Womanhood" written by a single woman. I thought I would share it with you. Of course, Vange writes in her style! Those who know Vange will love it! If you haven't been introduced to her yet, well, look out! Nancy

The problem with this article is in its very, very, narrow definition of motherhood. If you define motherhood as the few short years where you have your own children around your knees, she is right, because once the children are no longer little ones in your arms you have reached a finished line of sorts--which is the most limited and incomplete view of mothering I've ever heard.

BUT, if you step back and look at the bigger picture and a more biblical view of mothering - mothering is INNATE. It is the compassionate, nurturing, God-given nature of the female gender. It both predates and postdates having children of your own. It is expressing God's compassion and tenderness to those around us whether they be our family or the families He puts in our lives. I would never argue with the author that having a firm basis of biblical truth is not critical. Anyone who replaces the Bible with the La Leche League manual is asking for trouble eternally, but they are equally asking for trouble if they try to strip the compassionate, nurturing, mothering heart out of women and turn them into theological robots who do not understand one of their greatest callings while on earth.

If you actually look at the biblical injunctions that are addressed to women I believe that they demonstrate that God cries out for women to be encouraged in these very roles that the author is so sick of the church encouraging (loving your husband and loving your children). Maybe she does not have a husband or children so therefore needs to realize that she can still manifest who she is with the God-given female mothering nature within her. She ALSO needs to realize that mothering never has a finish line. Never! NEVER!!!

That is why Paul told the older women to instruct (mother) the younger women to be great wives and mothers before all other earthly ministries, the very thing this author is griping about. We are told that when we mother we are then fruitful for the Kingdom of God more than by doing other ministries. In this way we light up the world! In this way we keep the world going! In this way we bring God's nurturing heart to the world! In this way we honor Him! Talk about doctrine - could we be reading from the same bible? Part of training in theology is part of training to be a good mother. Good godly mothering is a dying art in this society today. It is belittled, despised, rejected, touted as disturbing, to name just a few attitudes.
Yet, most women, at sometime, become or embrace mothering and are left bewildered, discouraged, and lonely in a mothering land that is despised everywhere we turn today - EVEN in the churches... and if we do not encourage or teach them that this is God's own heart, His idea, One of His destinies for us - then we ourselves have become blinded by this age and God himself will reach out and take them by the hand and gently lead those that are with young!
God is calling a revival of mothering. Calling them to stand in their land of mothering and nurture with all their God-given power!

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We are all reeling from the impact of Storm Sandy. Jeremiah 5:22 is an interesting Scripture to read at this time, "Fear ye not me? saith the Lord: will ye not tremble at my presence, which have placed the sand for the bound of the sea by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass it: and though the waves thereof toss themselves, yet can they not prevail; though they roar, yet can they not pass over?"

God gives boundaries in nature for our safety and blessing. Until we came to USA I lived by the ocean and have always been amazed to watch the pounding waves break upon the shore and yet only come so far. God has divinely set their boundary. What stops the waves, except God? We are aware again of this miracle when we have a storm such as Sandy that rebels against the boundaries and wrecks such devastation and loss. And yet, even in a monster storm the waves can only go so far.

Just as we need boundaries in nature to keep us safe and secure, so we need boundaries in our personal lives, our families, and in the nation. Our boundaries are God's principles and laws which He has given for the safety of our lives. When we keep within His boundaries we live in freedom and blessing. The psalmist confessed in Psalm 119:71, "It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes." Many times we reap the consequences of moving beyond God's boundaries where we no longer have His covering and blessing. We need to return to the fold again.

Some parents don't like to put boundaries upon their children. They want their children to think they are nice! However, they will not enjoy true freedom in a home that has no boundaries. They will instead experience frustration and can be led down a path of destruction.

Embrace your boundaries in your own life. Teach your children the blessing of boundaries. Boundaries give peace. Boundaries give safety, And boundaries release us to freedom. We are free to enjoy life to the full in the midst of safe boundaries.

Love from Nancy
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I believe that one of the most important attitudes we can have in our life is a "returning spirit." Jeremiah 5:3 tells us about the children of Israel who "refused to return."

I should always have a "returning spirit" in my heart--returning back to God when I grieve the Holy Spirit, returning back to God's plumbline of truth when I get into deception, returning back to a soft and tender spirit when my heart becomes hard.

Not only should I have a "returning spirit" toward the Lord, but also toward my husband--returning to a soft a sweet spirit when I become haughty and independent, returning to a submissive spirit when I would rather do my own thing. I think that one of the secrets of a harmonious marriage is to keep a soft and tender spirit. This takes constant "returning."

What about the church of God today? I believe that "the spirit of returning" is the greatest need of the hour--returning to our first love, returning back to God's absolute truth and principles, returning back to the radical lifestyle of the earth church, and turning away from our mediocre, middle of the road, complacent, flesh-pampering and world-loving spirit.

God leaves us with the plea to return in the last verses of the Old Testament, "He shall TURN THE HEART OF THE FATHERS TO THE CHILDREN, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse" (Malachi 4:5-6). The Hebrew word is "shuv" and is translated "turn" 80 times and "return" 491 times. God's greatest longing is for a returning back to His heart for family, to see children as He sees them, and to embrace into our families the children He wants us to have.

Will we have a "returning spirit"? Or would we rather stay in our rut of "my way." In everything in life it is either "my way" which usually leads to destruction and deception, or "God's way" which leads to life and holiness.

Love from Nancy Campbell
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May God strengthen you mightily as you mother and train your children today. You are privileged to be working in the most influential career in the nation--building a strong marriage and family, and consequently building a nation! And even more amazing, you don't have an earthly employer; your employer is God Himself!

When Zerubbabel and his crew came back from Babylon to rebuild the temple, God encouraged them with the words, "Yet now be strong, alert and courageous, O Zerubbabel, says the Lord; be strong, alert and courageous O Joshua... and be strong, alert and courageous all you people of the land, and work. For I am with you, says the Lord of hosts" (Haggai 2:4 Amplified).

We are also involved in rebuilding--rebuilding a nation where marriages and families have been falling apart. I believe the answer to the cry of the psalmist, "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" is to build them again. We do this firstly by putting every effort into building our own marriage and family, and secondly, to be part of strengthening and building up again the families of the nation by proclaiming and standing true to God's principles.

How do we this? We have to be STRONG! We have to be DISCERNING AND ALERT to the enemy's subtle inroads into our home! We have to be COURAGEOUS! And, we have to WORK! Yes, it is not a picnic! It takes WORK!

But, we do not need to faint, because who is with us? The strong and mighty Warrior, the Lord of hosts, the Lord of the armies of heaven who fights for His people.

Be encouraged today in your great work of building. You are doing a great work. I know you'll be strong and courageous for the task.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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Isn't it awesome to know that we weren't created haphazardly, but purposely. God created every aspect of our female body for His divine purposes. He didn't create our female organs to lie dormant or to atrophy, but to fulfill God's wondrous designs. Our whole being, transcendentally and physically, are tied together. Even the physical organ of our womb is not only a physical organ. It is the very seat of our emotions. It is the essence of our motherly compassion and love.

It always amazes me that the word "womb" in the Bible is often used for the physical womb, and at other times to describe compassion and pity, especially God's compassion. When we embrace the function of our womb, we experience more and more of the anointing of God's compassion in our lives.

I noticed this again this morning as my husband read Isaiah 49:15 in our Family Devotions, "Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have COMPASSION on the son of her WOMB? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee." Once again, in this passage, compassion and the womb are linked together.

Do not despise the glorious function of your womb. It is not only where you conceive and nurture an eternal soul, but where the anointing of God's compassion and love will encompass you. And, even more amazingly, you will reveal God's compassionate heart toward your children and to those around you.

Love from Nancy Campbell
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The following is an article sent in by an Above Rubies reader, written by Bernard Doherty about the function of the pill. It is important that every women understand how it works.

When birth control came out in the 70's, the estrogen levels were so high ovulation never happened. The women never released an egg. They found out about 10 to 15 years later, after women started dying that the estrogen level was too high. They stopped adding so much estrogen, but that also left a higher risk of releasing an egg or a higher risk of pregnancy. To counter the risk of ovulation or pregnancy they started adding progestin. Progestin does not prevent ovulation, so what does it do?

Birth Control with Estrogen and Progestin work together like this.

1. By blocking ovulation (release of an egg from the ovaries), thus preventing pregnancy. (Estrogen)

2. By altering mucus in the cervix, which makes it hard for sperm to travel further. (Progestin)

3. By altering the fallopian tubes (the tubes through which eggs move from the ovaries to the uterus) so that they cannot effectively move eggs toward the uterus. (Progestin)

4. By changing the endometrium (lining of the uterus) so that it cannot support a fertilized egg. (Progestin)

The first two steps try to prevent conception.

If the first two steps fail, conception could take place and you have new life inside of you (You are pregnant). The new life is complete with 46 chromosomes. At the instant of fertilization, your baby's genes and sex are set. If the sperm has a Y chromosome, your baby will be a boy. If it has an X chromosome, the baby will be a girl.

This New Life takes a trip down your fallopian tubes to your uterus. It's grows on its way there. It takes around four to seven days to get there, an average of five days (One Week). When it arrives, it implants in your uterine wall for sustenance (Food).

But wait! Step four of Progestin. Changing the endometrium (lining of the uterus) so that it cannot support a fertilized egg.

So, the New Life (Boy or Girl) grows for a whole week and it finally makes it to the uterus. But when it tries to implant, it is unsuccessful. The uterine wall has been changed so that it will no longer support this New Life. It has been changed so that it will no longer allow implantation. Without implanting, the New Life (Boy or Girl) can no longer sustain itself and it dies. It effectively starves to death.

Thus, the fourth Step in Progestin, has successfully aborted this New Life and your pregnancy. The pill has effectively performed an abortion on your pregnancy. You were pregnant for a whole week and you didn't even know it.

The Pill, The Shot, and IUD's all work the same way. They do not prevent pregnancy from happening. They prevent the New Life (Boy or Girl) from living, thus aborting (Abortion) your pregnancy! While the risk of this is relatively low, it can be said that a sexually active woman on birth control will have at least one abortion a year.

Also, the risk of fallopian tube pregnancies are higher on birth control. If you take a look at step three, you can see why. If the New Life cannot make it to your uterus for implantation it has two options. It can either die or implant in the fallopian tube.

I was sick to my stomach when I first found out. I prayed to God for forgiveness for what I have done. You may ask, how was this allowed to go unnoticed? Or, why do the doctors and the companies tell us it doesn't cause abortion?
The pill companies know this. They will tell you that it does not cause abortion. They tell you this because they have changed the definition of pregnancy. They have effectively convinced most of society that pregnancy does not occur until after implantation so the New Life you have been carrying for a whole week is not really a New Life and you were never really pregnant. Disregard the fact that it has all the chromosomes and its sex, boy or girl, has already been picked out. On top of that, it has been growing inside of you for a whole week.

Most people agree that pregnancy starts at the time of conception. The time of New Life. Sperm meeting Egg. The birth control companies would have you believe that pregnancy no longer starts at conception. The reason for this lie is money! If they agreed that pregnancy started at conception then they would have to agree that birth control causes abortion! They won't do that because they will lose customers and money! Their companies revolve around, MONEY! They don't care that it allows abortions, or the fact that they lied to you. They just want your money! That's what makes them happy!
By Bernard Doherty

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I think one of the greatest Scriptures in the Bible (how can there be a "greatest" when they are all great?) is "Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Colossians 1:27). But, do we believe it?

When you acknowledge that Christ is living His life in you, it changes every moment and every circumstance. You know that because He is in you He is right with you in your kitchen. Yes, right now! He is with you when everything that is happening at once and even overwhelming you. Remember, nothing gets Christ upset! He can handle every situation--and He lives in you!

I love the quote of Brother Lawrence, "The time of business does not with me differ from the time of prayer and in the noise and clutter of my kitchen while several persons are at the same time calling for different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon by knees at the blessed sacrament."

Love from Nancy
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One of the Scriptures my husband read at Family Devotions Saturday morning was Psalm 119:97, "O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day." Colin loves to ask questions at Family Devotions and asked, "How can we meditate in the Word all the day long?" At first, no one had a good answer as to how we could do this in the midst of a busy day with so many things to do. God wants us to work hard six days a week. He wants us to build houses, plant gardens and tend to them, have children and care for them, and "subdue and take dominion" (Jeremiah 29:4-6; Genesis 1:28). That's a lot of work! How can you meditate while you are doing all this?

Serene and the children were with us and she answered, "By sowing it into the framework of our lives." I thought that was a wonderful answer. God's ways should be sown into every part of our lives. God does not want the spiritual separated from the practical. It is all one together. As we imbibe God's principles, we'll know how He wants us to act in every practical detail of our lives. It will be part of our lives all day long.

Sow God's Word into your own heart. Sow it into the minds and hearts of your children. This is your top priority. Unless they have God's Word as the foundation and framework of their lives, they will build on a shaky and deceptive foundation.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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