Yesterday I talked about the "slavery of assimilation." I see it again in the words I read this morning in Isaiah 30:1-3 and 31:1 of how Israel wanted to go to Egypt for advice rather than seeking the Lord. They put their strength and trust in the "shadow of Egypt" rather than the Lord God.

We are also doing this as a nation. The majority of this nation are putting their trust in ObamaCare for the care of their bodies. We are coming into the heartrending state of the Jews which Nehemiah wrote about. They had become servants in their own land! And he anguishly called out that those who ruled over them "HAVE DOMINION OVER OUR BODIES... at their pleasure, and we are in great distress." (Nehemiah 9:36-37).

But even more than our bodies, the state already has dominion over the majority of the minds of the nation. And we have willingly handed them over.

The state education and the media programs the minds of the majority of our nation today. I can understand an ungodly people handing over their children's minds and souls to an ungodly education, but I cannot understand, for the life of me, how God-fearing parents can willingly hand over their children to an ungodly system.

John Dewey (1859-1952) is known as the father of our education system. He rejected the concept of God, holding that man has no soul, and denied the existence of God's unchangeable truth. He co-authored the original Humanist Manifesto in 1933 and was a promoter of global government. Consequently we have a public education system today that no longer accepts anything to do with God.

Due to U.S. Supreme Court rulings, in 1962 students were forbidden to publicly pray in school. In 1963 students were forbidden to recite the Lord's Prayer or Bible passages as part of devotional exercises. In 1980 the Ten Commandments were prohibited from being posted on public school classroom walls. In 1985 the observance of "daily moments of silence" were banned from public schools in case students would pray to the true God. In 1992 they banned prayers led by members of the clergy at public school graduation ceremonies. And in 2000, student-led pre-kickoff prayers at high school football games were outlawed!

There must be no vestige of God, prayer, or the Bible! And yet, Christian parents daily send their children to be gradually duped and programmed by this new "progressive" education system.

We have put our trust in Egypt! And what will be the result? "Therefore shall the strength of Pharaoh be your shame, and the trust in the shadow of Egypt your confusion" (Isaiah 30:3).

Love from Nancy


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