Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Strengthening Families Across the World through the encouragement of women in their high calling from God as wives, mothers and homemakers.


OverTheTopGod’s purpose for our lives is to be “abounding with thanksgiving” (Colossians 2:7). That doesn’t mean saying a “thank you” every now and then, but a lifestyle of thankfulness. Not just a lifestyle of thankfulness, but one that abounds with thankfulness! Over the top with thankfulness!

It’s not only being thankful to God, but to our husband and children. And to people we meet. It means being thankful for all the little things of life. It means have a grateful heart to all that happens in our lives.

I am amazed how this generation of young people and children have not been taught to be thankful. They haven’t been taught to say, “thank you” for everything that is done for them. Let’s make this the habit of our own lives and invest it into our children.

When your husband does something for you, thank him. Don’t just take it for granted. When your children do their jobs well, thank them. Teach your children to be thankful for the daily things in life. Teach them to say, “thank you” at the end of the meal you cooked for them. When you take them somewhere, remind them to thank you rather than just taking it for granted. It should become the habit of their lives to say “thank you” for everything.

We must not let our children get into the entitlement spirit which is so prevalent today. We don’t deserve anything. We should always be “over the top,” “above and beyond,” and exceedingly thankful for everything in life. May we never be like the nine lepers, who after they were healed, went rejoicing on their way without ever bothering to thank the One who healed them (Luke 17:11-19).

Some time back a lovely family stayed in our home. They also loved fellowshipping with the Johnsons (Howard and Evangeline’s family) who live next door. They noticed how their children were “over the top” thankful about everything. They didn’t say “Thank you” in a monotonous voice, but “Oh, tha-a-a-a-nk you SOOOOO much.” This is how their children always thank people. When they are given a gift for a birthday or Christmas, they immediately express their enthusiastic thanks and give the person a hug.

Our visiting family noticed and took up the habit too. When they waved goodbye to us, they all puts their heads out the window cried out: “Tha-a-a-a-a-a-nk you SOOOOO MUCH!”

You can never be too exuberantly thankful! Encourage a new spirit of thankfulness in your home today and see what happens.

Much love, Nancy Campbell

Nancy Campbell

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FineWeatherToday, ladies I would love to introduce you to another very dear friend. Heather Jones is Val’s sister. Val is the Director of Above Rubies in Australia and her sister, Heather, is the Director of Above Rubies in New Zealand. This is a testimony which Heather wrote for Above Rubies 40 years ago when the magazine first began. I am sure it will relate to you as much as if she was writing it today.

The Howling Gale . . .

Most people ask children at some time what they want to be when they grow up. I always replied, “A mother.” As far as I could see, childrearing would be a breeze. However, when it happened, I soon registered a howling gale!

Our first child, Richard, was not well when he arrived, and for that matter, neither was I. We both struggled together. Nineteen months later Naomi arrived, healthy and strong. Then came Virginia 18 months after—with a heart defect. I had three children in three years. Those who have their children close know what it’s like.

My husband suffered from a disease called “deerstalking-it is.” which meant he was in the hills every chance he got. He also worked shift work, so that left me practically bringing up the children on my own.

They were not easy children, as those who knew us would verify. I got lots of sympathy, mostly from myself!

Richard had social problems. He would suddenly attack a child for no reason and cause it harm. He was so unpredictable. We could never see it coming, so every day I was going up the wall.

Those were the days that I’d go to bed at night and wish the next day would never come. I hated my life and many times wished I could die. One evening, after I’d struggled to get the children off to bed, and was still pretty wound up, a friend called and asked how I was. My reply, much to her horror, was, “I wish I could get some dreaded disease and die.” I felt that dying of a painful disease would be easier on me than these three offspring in my care.

I was desperate and cried out to God. How I pleaded with Him and how He graciously taught me not to fight my children, but to understand them. The unfolding wasn’t easy, because I didn’t always want to take His advice. But I learned to set my will to do what I knew had to be done.

I couldn’t feel close to my middle child. She was hard for me to love. I’d have her on my knee one minute, then push her off. I could see what my rejection was doing to her, and so I WILLED myself to show her lots of attention. When I’d rather watch her little sister, I’d watch her instead. I’d sit her on my knee and cuddle and kiss her until she’d had enough. It was lovely to see her respond. My attitude changed through the sheer discipline of my will. And now I looked forward to our cuddles together.

After a while she asked me, “Mummy, do you love me?” Finally, SHE KNEW I did.

Another thing I learned was that God had REWARDED me with my children. He wanted to bless me through my children. When I realized this, I stopped calling them “fair little brats” and began to call them “my blessings” and “my rewards.” As I changed my words, they changed their behavior and truly became my blessings. They are now my joy and delight.

As our children are growing up, we’re filled with joy and expectancy about their future. Their father is no longer a deerstalker, nor does he do shift work. Together we are jointly working towards a wholesome life for our children.

Evan and Heather’s children are now grown and they are doting grandparents.

Picture: Heather Jones and Nancy cutting the Above Rubies anniversary cake to celebrate 40 years of doing Above Rubies. This was taken in the spring of this year in the city of Palmerston North, New Zealand where the magazine began.

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Dear ladies, Did you enjoy reading Val's testimony which she wrote 40 years ago in the post below? Do read it if you haven't read it yet. I am posting another of her testimonies which she wrote many years later. It's about how she learned to submit to her husband. It was not easy for her at the time as her husband would not take any authority to which she could submit. How did she manage to do it? Find out in this story . . .


The Bible was open before me and notes were everywhere as I waited on God to give me this anointed message on submission. You can imagine my shock when several hours into this study God spoke to me and said, “Val, you cannot teach this message.” A little unnerved I asked, “Why not?” His answer to my heart was, “Because you don’t know what submission is!”

Now I don’t mind admitting that I was shocked.

“Lord, do you realize that I’m Val Stares from Above Rubies? I’ve always encouraged submission.” “Yes,” was the reply, “but you still don’t know how to submit.”

By now I was on the defensive. “But. Lord, you know that every time I want something, or desire to go somewhere, I always ask my husband first.”

“And what is his reply?”

“He says for me to please myself. Oh yes, he always adds, ‘you usually do.’ I don’t know why he says that because he’s already given me permission to do what I think best. After all, Lord, if I didn’t want what I asked for, I wouldn’t ask for it.”

“If you are serious about learning submission, Val, I want you to go to your husband and tell him that from now on he needs to answer “yes” or “no.” If he says that you can please yourself, then you will take that as his disapproval and will stay home or go without. There is to be no pouting, no banging doors, no attitude of annoyance or hurt when this happens.”

I desired to obey the Lord, so I bowled out to the shed where my husband could always be found. He is a cabinetmaker and works at home. I shared with him the plan that God had laid out before me.

“I can’t wait!” he roared, laughing. “You’ll never be able to do it.” I felt annoyed at him for thinking I was so weak, but it didn’t matter, as I didn’t want to go anywhere or have anything at that time. So far, the strategy was easy.

About three weeks later, a visiting speaker came to town. Everyone was excited. “Are you coming, Val?” I was asked. “Sure, I will,” I answered. "I wouldn’t miss this for anything."

Finally, it was time to ask my husband if I could go. Out to the shed I went, told him what was happening and asked if I could go. As usual, I left everything until the last minute! Can you guess his reply? “Please yourself, you usually do.”

Suddenly I remembered my pact with God. I was speechless as the enormity of the situation began to impact my brain. I can’t go! Worse still, I can’t say anything. I raced into the bedroom and pleaded with God, “He’s forgotten he has to say “yes” or “no.” Can’t I just remind him?” “No” came the answer to my heart.

Perhaps pleading would help. “Lord, this is a special overseas visitor to our church. He may never come this way again. His message could change my life. I’m told I shouldn’t miss his teaching.”

“I’m teaching you.” was the awesome reply. By now you would think I would be still, but no, I had to have one more shot. “Lord, couldn’t I just have a shower and get ready so that it will help to jog my husband’s memory.”

“No!” came the answer.

It was too much for me. I couldn’t do anything. My emotions were getting the better of me. If I was going to obey God, I would have to divert them. I began cleaning the house to help relieve the tension. Around the time I should have left for the meeting, my husband walked in to find me cleaning.

“I thought you were going out to a meeting,” he said. You would have been proud of me. As sweetly as I could manage, and it wasn’t easy, I answered. “No, darling. Remember I told you that from now on I’m not going to please myself. God said you must say ‘yes” or “no.” otherwise I must stay home.

What do you think happened? He relented and said I could go? No. My husband is a gentleman and very slow to anger. This time he was livid! “If you want to be so stupid, you can stay home!” he shouted as he stormed out. It was then that the full revelation of what God was teaching me became clear.

I had overridden my husband’s decision so many times that he was now robbed of any desire to lead. He must have felt so cheated. Now, by God’s hand, he was responsible for me staying home, but what hurt me most was the realisation that it was me, the Christian wife, who had robbed him!

I wasn’t bossy when we married. I just grew that way. My husband is a cautious man and rather slow at making decisions. My impatience at waiting for an answer caused me to make more and more decisions myself and he would go along with me for the sake of peace. When you’ve got children hanging out for answers, it’s easy to get caught up in this syndrome.

I stayed home for several weeks after that while we both learned our respective roles. I thought I’d have to stay home forever! Gradually, my husband began to say “yes” or “no” without the added adage of pleasing myself.

As I continued to study the Scriptures about submission, I realized that this was something I had to do of my own volition.

Ephesians 5:22: “Wives, submit yourself unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and He is the savior of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.” Are you like me and sometimes wish he hadn’t written that last phrase?

Colossians 3:18: “Wives, submit yourself unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.”

The Greek word for “submission” is “hupotasso” which means “to place yourself under.” In each of these scriptures, God tells us “to place ourselves under our husband’s authority.” He doesn’t tell husbands to make us obey or make us come under their authority. We do it because we love God and our husbands and because He has asked us to. It is our choice.

In my mind, I saw my broom raised to a horizontal position above my head. The handle was labeled, “My husband’s Authority.” I could see that if he were in his rightful position, I would be able to walk beneath it in an upright position. This upright position was one of honor, security, love--and a surprise I didn’t expect or notice until much later--power!

As I pondered my imaginary broom handle, I realized that I couldn’t stand upright beneath my husband’s authority. No, I would have to bend to get beneath it, mainly because he had been slowly robbed of his rightful authority, and secondly, because he now had no compulsion to take it up. My futile efforts only seemed to make matters worse.

Just as my husband couldn’t make me submit, I wasn’t able to make him lead. Both were individual heart decisions. God gently showed me that I would have to learn to bend my attitudes until I could get under his authority. I had to become flexible. Just because the things I wanted to do were good things, didn’t necessarily mean they were what my husband wanted to do. He could have other plans.

Then I realized that even bending wouldn’t be enough to get under his authority. It would take more than a little bending. Perhaps, if I kneeled! Oh, what a humbling position, but if that was what it would take, I would go that far.

I realized I was measuring myself against Bill instead of the Word of God. I was the one who was reading the Word each day, praying, and going to all the church meetings and he wasn’t. But God wanted me to measure myself by the attitude of Jesus and His example in 1 Peter 2:18-23: “For what glory is it, if when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? But if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God. For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps . . . Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously . . . Likewise, (with the same spirit of Jesus) ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the Word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation (the manner of life) of the wives.”

I had become so religious that I had failed to see that I would please the Lord more by obeying and submitting to my husband than attending every church meeting and program.

However, it still wasn’t low enough! There was only one position left! My husband’s authority was so low that I had to lie down to get under it. Yes, I had to lay down my life! To get my marriage back into its rightful order, I took this position.

I placed myself there. No one made me. It took sacrifice and I had to lay down all my own rights. But I desired to be where God wanted me to be. It was the only position from where I could help my husband to take up his leadership role again.

With God’s help and guidance, I took one step at a time. The hardest part lasted only for a season. The rewards are for a lifetime and eternity.

What happened to that feared and dreaded “door mat,” the so-called intimidated mousy wife who gets no say? It was a lie. It had no substance or power. I can now stand up and walk upright, secure and loved under his protection. On this side of submission, I have more say because my opinion is of greater value than before.

One word of warning. Submission is a daily practice, not a one-time act. I must daily check my attitude and the humility of my heart. Is my life daily laid down for my best friend, my husband, Bill?

Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

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RubyCelDear Ladies,
Because this month is the Ruby Celebration of publishing Above Rubies for 40 years, I thought I would send you a few more testimonies that were written in the magazine back 40 years ago.

The following testimony is by Val Stares. Val has worked with me in the ministry of Above Rubies from the very first day. I remember sharing the vision with her and telling that we were going to get out a magazine to encourage and strengthen the wives and mothers of the nation. She looked at me with a blank stare! Well, her name is Val Stares!

I didn’t know that that very morning she had said to the Lord, “If Nancy Campbell comes up with any more of her great idea, I’m not getting involved.” Obviously, I was wearing her out! However, so much for her confession, she got involved and has faithfully worked in this ministry ever since. When we moved to Australia, she and her husband and family moved with us and she continued to help me in the ministry there.

When Colin and I came to USA, I handed over the ministry in Australia to Val and she has watched over it ever since, until this day. What amazing faithfulness. I cannot count my blessings to have such a faithful laborer in this great vision of strengthening the families of the world. God has raised her up as an anointed speaker to wives and mothers and she has blessed so many women and families.

This was the first testimony Val ever wrote about her early days as a mother. Val came into our church one Sunday evening and was miraculously saved and baptized the very same night. God miraculously changed her and her whole life was turned around.
~ Nancy

by Val Stares

As a young girl, my heart’s desire for my future was to have a husband who loved me and children of my very own. I felt capable and confident that I could love and care for them as good as, and if not better, than the next person. To be a successful wife and mother was my big aim in life.

Eventually, while on a working holiday in Australia I met my future husband. We married and built a new home in a suburb of Sydney. Life was exciting at this stage because our first baby was on the way. It seemed I had all my heart’s desires met within a short period. A husband, a new home, and a baby of our own.

One thing we didn’t have was very much money. In fact, we had struggles making ends meet so I worked until I was eight months pregnant. Because of financial pressures I went back to work when my daughter was six weeks old. Grandma came and lived with us and looked after our precious little girl, Natalie. Having my motherly mother with a “heart of gold,” our situation looked good. But it wasn’t true.

Because I left the house each morning at 6 a.m. and didn’t arrive home until 6 – 6:30 p.m. I saw very little of my baby during the week. I longed for the weekends when I could bathe, feed, and play with her. But for the first time I experienced something from someone very close to me which I’d never experienced in my life before. REJECTION!

My baby didn’t want to come to me. She wanted Grandma! At first, I smiled brightly and covered up the hurt by joking, but as the weeks went by I couldn’t hide my hurt. I was brokenhearted. My baby didn’t know why I worked. She didn’t know reasons why I was never home. All she knew was that her mother rejected her by not being there and so she rejected me and clung to Grandma.

What had gone wrong? Why was it that I had all I ever wanted, yet it wasn’t a bit like I ever dreamed it would be? Now life was a burden instead of a joy.

When my baby was eight months old we moved to New Zealand and started life afresh, but rather penniless. We again lived with my mother, this time in a two-bedroomed flat. I continued to work and we saved hard buying ourselves a small car and then eventually building another home.

We began to experience the same old pressures again, but by this time our responsibilities increased with the birth of our son. He was a very sickly child during his first 18 months and took a lot of attention, so I only worked part time while he was young. With sickness and lack of finance life was a big drag. I dreaded each new day.

Then I met Jesus! This meeting changed my whole life. I experienced a miraculous conversion and was never the same again. However, being a young Christian I didn’t know God’s word or His will for my life and so I continued to work with the excuse that I was my husband’s helpmate and was therefore helping him with finance.

One morning at our Bible Study we had a visiting speaker. She asked us to open our Bibles to Titus 2:5 and there I read that I was meant to be a “keeper AT home.” The Holy Spirit convicted me and that very day I handed in my notice. Because of holidays owing to me finished that very day. I left work at a time of great need as by this time we had our third child and were in a new home needing fences, drive, paths, lawns, and a garage.

Our Bible Study leader gave me a memory verse to learn and claim. Hebrews 13:5: “Let your conversation be without covetousness: and be content with such thing as ye have: for He hath said, ‘I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.’”

In the days to come I literally clung to this verse. Another verse in Philippians 4:19 tells me He will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory. I find this a fantastic verse. I don’t live according to my husband’s wages. I live according to His riches in glory!

I testify now that since I have stayed at home and become a mother and a wife in the true sense and learnt to trust God that we have never gone without. We have all our fences, paths, lawns, garage, bigger car, etc. All on one wage. We are well-clothed, well-fed, and much, much happier. We have never had an account which has not been paid in a reasonable time.

This Christmas for instance was our first without two wages coming in. We had a family gathering Christmas day, the first in eight years, plus during the holidays we showed hospitality in a way we had never done before. In the natural we couldn’t afford all this, but in God I learnt a valuable lesson.

My grocery account became rather large with the extra food needed so I took the matter to God and left it with Him. So often I used to give Him my problems and then take them back again and have another worry over them. This time, however, I managed to leave it with Him. On Pay Day, my husband handed me his wages and no matter which way I juggled it the money just wouldn’t go far enough. I therefore decided to pay a small portion of my grocery account and pay more later. I informed the lady at the counter of my intentions and she said, “Mrs. Stares, your account had been paid in full.” Praise God!

He hasn’t always blessed me in such spectacular ways, but nevertheless I am fully aware of His hand providing clothing for us and the children which miraculously fit or match, the very things needed at the time. Food – the very thing we’ve run out of and so on. God continues to bless me as I become increasingly obedient to His will for me.

I would also like to share that being a working mother was most harmful to my children’s behavior, not being there to do the correcting of bad habits and teach them the right ways is something I could only blame on myself. I also laid a big burden on my mother who loved to help me, but not to do my job for me. I thank God for her understanding, patience, and love throughout those years when I didn’t know God.

I now find my life is totally fulfilled as a mother and a wife and as I reach out to others, to neighbors, and friends.


Picture: Val Stares, Nancy, and Pat Twomey together in Australia in March of this year. Pat is a wonderful mother and grandmother who has supported Val in the ministry of Above Rubies in Australia. She is also a dear friend and great woman of faith.

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GardenLifeFor the garden of your daily living, plant:
Three rows of PEAS:
Peace of mind
Peace of heart
Peace of soul

Four rows of SQUASH:
Squash gossip
Squash indifference
Squash grumbling
Squash selfishness

Four rows of LETTUCE:
Lettuce be faithful
Lettuce be kind
Lettuce by patient
Lettuce really love one another

Three rows of TURNIPS:
Turnup for the family meal table
Turnup for church
Turnup to help one another

And lastly, you can’t grow a garden without THYME:
Thyme for God
Thyme for each other
Thyme for family
Thyme for friends

Water freely with patience and cultivate with love. You will harvest what you sow.

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WomensRightsI love this poem, "Woman's Rights" by Thomas Bracken, written in the late 1800s. Among many other poems, he is the author of the famous poem, “Not Understood,” and the great words of the New Zealand National Anthem. Thomas Bracken was born in Ireland, raised in Australia, and then moved to New Zealand where he married and worked as a poet, journalist, and politician. I printed this poem in the very first issue of Above Rubies, September 1977, 40 years ago. Celebrating, I print it for you again.


Some people think that women should
Compete in life’s swift race
With men, and gain each privilege
Position, power, and place
Which he enjoys. I can’t agree
With those progressive lights;
I’ll tell you what appears to me
To be fair woman’s rights.

When passion’s young ecstatic fire
First kindles in our veins,
‘Tis woman’s right to bind our hearts
In Cupid’s rosy chains;
She wields a queenly scepter then
Which we must needs obey,
We’re building castles in the night
And dreaming all the day.

‘Tis woman’s right to be caressed
When love is in the spring
And when affection’s harvest comes
Her right it is to bring
The garnered fruits of happiness
To cheer man’s dreary way,
To smooth his tougher nature
And refine his coarser clay.

‘Tis woman’s right to wean us from
Our selfishness and greed,
A counsellor in trouble and
A faithful friend in need.
‘Tis woman’s right to lead us from
The foot of Mammon’s throne
And take us to a nobler shrine
Where purer joys are known.

‘Tis woman’s sacred right--and this
To her by God is given,
To teach the lisping little ones
The password into Heaven.
No joy man knows on earth can with
A mother’s bliss compare
When listening with the angel choir
She hears her child’s first prayer.

‘Tis woman’s right to lean on man
In sorrow and distress
For he was made to comfort her
And she was made to bless;
Her bulwark against danger, be
She daughter, sister, wife,
Or mother, he should guard her well
Aye, even with his life.

‘Tis woman’s right, ere we prepare
To battle in life’s van,
To shape our future destinies
And mould the mind of man.
And here, where we’re erecting on
Pacific’s breast a state,
The mothers of our rising race
Can make it poor or great.

~ Thomas Bracken

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After40Because this year is the 40th anniversary of publishing Above Rubies, I recently re-read the very first magazine I published. I was amazed to see that I am still speaking and writing the same things I did 40 years ago. God’s truth doesn’t change.

The only wonderful thing is that over the years God has revealed increasingly more understanding of His plan and ways to me about women from His living Word. God doesn’t leave us in the dark, but makes His Word a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105). We don’t have to sit in darkness.

The following is the FIRST little article I wrote for Above Rubies 40 years ago. I wonder who still has a copy of this magazine?

Did you know that God has given honor to women? Christianity does not put women down, but raises her to a place of honor and dignity. You are not significant. Nor are you inferior as a serving wife, mother, and homemaker, which are the greatest privileges God has given to women. Proverbs 11:16 says: “A gracious woman retaineth honor.”

The reason many are not happy in their role is because they have not accepted it and often resist it. It is true that there are times when it is not easy going, but there is a price to success in any career. It involves selflessness that doesn’t sit well with our lower nature. But surely it is this that matures us in strength and character and refines us to be gracious women.

Many women are crying out for their own rights. Feminists herald: “You don’t have to stay married. Put yourself first rather than serving your husband and children.” Does this really work? In fighting for her own rights, a woman loses the honor God divinely gives her.

It is the gracious woman who keeps her honor. What is grace? Jesus showed us what grace is like. We read the description in Philippians 2:6-8: “Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”

These words are preceded by the admonition: “Let this mind (attitude) be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (v. 5). Do we have the same attitude Jesus had? In our marriage and in our home? Are we prepared to lay down our lives for others? Do we show the same grace He showed?

We often feel we have the right to do what we want, but we don’t earn respect and honor by demanding our own way. There were times when I stomped through the house and exclaimed, “I’m just a servant around this place.” Then I hear the words of Jesus in my ear, “Nancy, didn’t I come to serve?” My heart softens again and I respond, “I’m sorry, Lord. Let me serve with love and graciousness.”

With this attitude, I find true happiness and contentment.

Be blessed today,


Painting by Charles Perugini, [British Painter, 1839-1918].

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ShiningMotherDear mother, you are blooming like a beautiful flower
As you embrace your motherhood and rely on God’s power,
You are walking in God’s perfect will and plans
Who chose you to tenderly care for His lambs.

You are obediently fulfilling God’s great vision
To bring forth godly seed which is God’s commission.
He wants to fill this world with His glory and light,
A holy seed who will bring answer to this world’s plight.

May you raise sons and daughters who will be mighty for God,
Who will turn many to Jesus while on this sod,
"Arrows" who are polished and ready for the bow
To be sent forth in God’s time to attack the foe.

May you experience God’s strength and His help each day,
May you live in divine health as you eat the healthy way,
May you be filled with great joy, which is your strength
And know His mighty anointing for each day’s length.

Oh, I know that you often feel tired and worn,
But God’s promises are true, He has sworn
He will always be faithful; He will not let you down,
You can trust Him completely; He won’t let you drown.

Don’t get downhearted; throw self-pity out the door!
As you trust and obey, He’ll give grace more and more!
Keep pressing on, keep your eyes on the Lord,
Look beyond the day’s frustrations to the eternal reward!

The world is waiting to observe your radiant face,
To witness on you God’s glory and grace,
There is no greater testimony for this world to see
Than a joyful mother with a child on her knee.


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HowBecomeWiseWe all want to be wise, don't we? It is only the wise who build a strong home and family.

Praise God, we are not left in the dark. Deuteronomy 4:5-9 gives us the secret. Moses reminds the children of Israel about the statutes and judgments God has given to them and says in verse 6: "Keep therefore and do them; for this is your WISDOM AND YOUR UNDERSTANDING in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statues, and say, Surely this great nation is a WISE AND UNDERSTANDING PEOPLE . . . And what nation is there so great that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?"

What guides our lives? Are we conditioned and shaped by the customs of this world, or do we adhere to God's principles which are true wisdom and understanding? Yes, they are usually opposite to the ways of the world, but if we want to be a wise builder, we must do it God's way. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 1:25 that even "the foolishness of God is wiser than men."

Jeremiah the prophet exhorts the people in Jeremiah 10:2-3 (ESV): "Learn not the ways of the nations . . . for the customs of the people are vanity." But God's ways are the ways of wisdom.

On which foundation are you building your marriage and home? [Matthew 7:24-27).

And what about your children? Are you training them to live according to the culture of this world or according to Bible culture? Are you educating them in God’s ways or are they being educated by the humanist and progressive public education?

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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MarriageDestroyerOne of the biggest stumbling blocks in a marriage relationship is pride. Pride reveals itself when we are stubborn and not willing to yield. It rears its ugly head when we stay on our "high perch" or keep our "high look" and are not prepared to humble ourselves.

Conversely, one of the greatest building tools in establishing a happy and sweet marriage is to have a humble and tender heart. We certainly don't have this in our own flesh, but as we yield to the Holy Spirit, He works it in our hearts. And you will have the favor of God upon you. When you have God's favor in your marriage, you will enjoy all kinds of wonderful blessings.

God continually reminds us that He hates the pride. Psalm 101:5 (HCSB) says: “I cannot tolerate anyone with haughty eyes or an arrogant heart”. The CEB translation says: "I can't stomach anyone who has proud eyes or an arrogant heart."

God runs from pride! We won't experience His presence anywhere near us when we keep our proud heart (James 4:6 and 1 Peter 5:5).
But who does God want to dwell with? Those who have "a contrite and humble spirit" (Isaiah 57:15). When we follow the example of Jesus and humble ourselves, God comes right into our marriage with His mighty presence--melting stubbornness, softening hardness, and turning our hearts to one another.

May blessings fill your home today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting: Pinzellades Al Mon

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Let the...


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SavvyRecently I read about a wife whose husband was unkind to her and didn’t want to spent time with her, choosing to spend all his evenings in other company. She went to a counselor. He didn’t spend hours counseling her, but instead gave her one simple message, “Always treat your husband with a smile.”

She began to put it into practice. A few months later she returned to the counselor to say that her husband no longer sought other company, but longed to be with her and treated her with constant love and kindness.

This secret works wonders for a problematic marriage, but also enhances a good marriage. Try it.

What about your children? Do they get more frowns than smiles from you? 2 Corinthians 3:18 tells us that we grow into the likeness of Jesus the more we behold Him. It says, "But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord."

In the same way, your children become like the image they see on your face? Do they see a grumpy face? They'll be grumpy? Do they constantly look at a smiling and happy face? You'll have happy children.

But, you don't feel like smiling? Don't live by your feelings. That's such a miserable way to live. Smile even when you don't feel like smiling. Soon you'll be smiling because you feel like it and everyone in your home will be smiling, too.

Have a wonderful smiling day, Nancy Campbell

Nancy Campbell

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As4FamilyMicah 4:5 says: “Though all the peoples walk each in the name of his god (whatever captivates their attention), as for us, we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever.”

Do you want this confession to be the testimony of your family? I want it to be our affirmation: “As for the Campbell family, we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever.”

What a great affirmation for you and your children to speak out loud each day: “As for us (put in your family name), we will walk in the name of the Lord our God.” Perhaps you could all say it together at supper time this evening.

What a privilege to walk in the name of the Lord God. What a responsibility to take His name upon us and our family, and all that His holy and awesome name represents. As we make this a family confession and testimony, it will remind us to conduct our lives in a way that will bring honor to His glorious name.
How long are we to walk in His name? Forever and ever. It is not only for your children now. God wants each continuing generation of your family and my family to continue walking in His ways.

Pray not only for your children, but for the coming generations.

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell

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AreUCrownWho is a crown to her husband? The one who . . .

C Cherishes her husband. (Titus 2:4).
R Reverences her husband. (Ephesians 5:33).
O Obeys her husband. (Titus 2:5).
W Watches over her husband to do him good. (Proverbs
N Never nags her husband. (Proverbs 19:13; 21:9,19; and 27:15).

Bless you husband with loving words and deeds today.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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DoWearApronI am one of those people that need to wear an apron when I am preparing food. I am not like some women who can do messy things and still stay clean. I remember when we lived in Australia and were painting our new church. It was just as well I wore old clothes as I got paint all over me.

A friend arrived in beautiful clothes, high heels, and even her hat to match! I thought she had come to say Hi. But, no. She'd come to join the team. She began to paint and never got a drop of paint on her! I guess she doesn't have to wear an apron in her home.

Not me. I make sure I wear one. However, there is an apron that God wants us all to wear. 1 Peter 5:5 (Williams) says: "You must all put on the servant's apron of humility to one another, because God opposes the haughty but bestows His unmerited favor on the humble."

When we dress each morning, it is important to also put on our "servant's apron." The apron of humility. What a mighty difference this makes in the home and in our relationships with our husband and children. It’s not always easy to wear, is it? But this is the apron that makes you look the most beautiful–and it is precious in God’s sight too.

Love from Nancy Campbell

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GodsUltPlanGod has a plan for every person He creates. He prepares our destiny before we are born (Ephesians 1:4;
2:10 and Psalm 139:16). Even more, He prepares our body for us. Each one is unique and different.

When God marvelously prepares our body in the utter seclusion of the womb He determines whether we will be male and female. He creates a specific male body for the male and a special female body for the female. There is something very special about the different sexes. That’s why we wait with baited breath to know whether our new baby will be a boy or a girl! And then we celebrate the sex of the child!

I believe that we should encourage our children in the way God created them. We should affirm our sons with their male body. God created them to be stronger to do hard physical work and to be able to provide and protect their families. We encourage them to be strong, hard-working, and not wimps. We should affirm our daughters that God created them so wondrously with bodies that have the privilege to conceive and bring forth life into the world. Our children should grow up embracing who God created them to be.

I am so challenged when I read about Jesus in Hebrews 10:5 where He states that His Father prepared a body for Him. Or rather “fitted for Him.” God planned and designed Jesus’ body, but also the purpose for His body before time began. He was the Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world (1 Peter 1:19, 20 and Revelation 13:8).

Hebrews 10:5-10 goes on to tell us that the very purpose for His body was to be offered up as a sacrificial victim for the sins of the world. He gave His body as a willing sacrifice to obey His Father’s will. The fitting of his body was not only for His incarnation, but for obedience “even unto death” (Philippians 2:5-8). He didn’t do this grudgingly, but with delight (Psalm 40:6-8).

When God gives us a body, it is not to please ourselves, but to fulfil the purpose for which God created and planned before the foundation of the world. Because God chose by His determinate counsel to create us female, we must embrace our femaleness and live it for His glory. We must embrace the anointing to nurture and mother and bring precious and eternal babies into this world, not only for the revelation of God’s image in the world, but for His eternal kingdom.

And just as Jesus came to give His body as an offering, so we should also “present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service” (Romans 12:1,2).

Blessings from Nancy Campbell

Painting by Daniel Gerhartz

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GodsHeartGod beholds every minute detail of the baby in the womb. Oh, how He must grieve when women terminate the life of their baby, a life that God is so wondrously and marvelously creating.

Palm 139:15,16 (NLT) says: “You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”

Painting by Sarah Janisse Brown

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FulfillPurposeThis is the third post about having a purpose to build a home to the name of our God.

When Solomon publicly proclaims his vision to build a house for God in 2 Chronicles 2:1-9 he pinpoints his purpose more specifically.

Why does he want to build this house? Verse 4 says: "Behold, I build an house to the name of the LORD my God, to dedicate it to him, and to burn before him sweet incense, and for the continual shewbread, and for the burnt offerings morning and evening. . .” What is this all about?

It was for these purposes that God asked Moses to build the tabernacle in the wilderness.

He told them to build a golden altar of incense where they were to burn sweet incense before him continually. To keep the incense burning they had to light it every morning and evening. In the Bible incense always speak of praise, worship, prayer, and intercession. Read the following Scriptures: Psalm 141:2; Revelation 5:8; and 8: 3, 4.

The shewbread speaks of the loaves of bread which were baked each week and placed upon the table of shewbread—speaking of Christ who is the bread of life and the Word of God which gives life to us daily.

The burnt offerings were sacrificed every morning and evening, each one pointing to Jesus Christ who was the pure, spotless Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world. We no longer sacrifice animals to cover sin, because Jesus Christ died ONCE FOR ALL for our sins. This is repeated seven times in Hebrews 9:11-14; 25-28; 10:10-14; and 1 Peter 3:18.

However, we learn an amazing principle that God gave to us through the teaching of the tabernacle and that is the Morning and Evening principle. God wants us to come into His presence to worship Him, to hear from Him, and to intercede for the needs of the world every morning and every evening.

Solomon’s whole passion for building a house for God was to have a place where He could offer this sacrifice of praise to God continually. This exhortation also comes to us New Testament believers in Hebrews 13:15.

Can you feel Solomon’s passion when he says in verse 6: “But who is able to build him a house, seeing the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain him? Who am I then, that should build him a house, except as a place to burn sacrifices before him?”

“Except as a place . . .” This was his consuming passion. To have a place where he could sacrifice before God (Romans 12:1, 2). There was nothing more important to him.

As we build our house for God, it should also be our consuming passion to make a place in our homes and a time each day where we meet together to hear God’s Word, to worship Him, and to cry out to Him for the needs of others. This should be the minimum we give to God each day if He is truly Lord of our home.

We don’t try to fit this into our daily plan. If we have this attitude, we’ll never do it. Because it is our consuming passion, we make it happen, and fit everything else around it! If other things don’t get done, we have fulfilled the most important function of our home.

What kind of home are you building? A place where God is honored each day? A place where you meet with Him every morning and evening? A place that is hallowed with God’s presence?

Embrace the same purpose Solomon had which was to build a home that would be WONDERFUL and GREAT (verse 9).

Have a wonderful day,

Nancy Campbell

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GreatBuildingIn my last post to you I write about our great purpose to build a home for God’s name. What a vision! We are not building to our own name, but to the name of the Lord—the holy, glorious, awesome name of God.

After seven years of building, Solomon finished the house of the Lord and at the prayer of dedication he mentioned the name of the Lord 14 times (1 Kings 8:12-53)! He wanted God’s glorious name to be known in the city of Jerusalem, in Israel, and in the whole of the earth (1 Kings 8:60). Are your neighbors aware that you are building a home to the name of the Lord God?

As in all building projects, you’ll face insurmountable problems and challenges as you build your home and family. But never give up. Never lag. When you have a passion and a purpose, nothing will deter you. No matter how many friends and family members ridicule you or what setbacks you face, you keep on faithfully building.

What does it mean to build? The Hebrew word is “banah” and has three meanings in the Hebrew.

1. To build. You constantly build up and strengthen your marriage and each one of your children. You build into your home each day, making it stronger and more unified.

Every decision you make, you make with the intention to build up your family, not fragment it. You determine to speak words to build up your husband and children and never to tear down (Proverbs 14:1).

2. To repair. Unless we constantly repair and renew, our house will deteriorate around us. We must repaint, fix broken things, renew floors and so on. It is the same with our family relationships. Because we are human, they will never be perfect. We must constantly repair--to forgive, bless, encourage, renew, and heal relationships.

3. To bring forth children. This is part of the Hebrew word “banah.” Check the Strong’s concordance. Ruth 4:11 speaks of Ruth and says: “The LORD make the woman that is come into thine house like Rachel and like Leah, which two did build the house of Israel.” How did Rachel and Leah build the house of Israel Not with hammer and nails? No. They laid the foundation and built it by bringing children into the world. Every child you bring into your family helps to build up your family.

Sadly, many families don’t have all the children God intends for them and don’t complete the building of their home!

And be reminded that your children are involved in building too. The most common Hebrew name for children is “ben” and comes from this word “banah.” This word children means “the builder of the family name.” Remind your children that they each one helps to build the family, not only to your family name, but ultimately to build a family to honor and glorify the name of the Lord.

Have a great family building day,

In His love,

Nancy Campbell

Painting by Rudolf Epp (1834 – 1910, German)

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