ByLoveWe can have many family mottos and change them from time to time. A great motto to have is the words of Galatians 5:13: “By love serve one another.” We read this Scripture in our family devotions this morning. We currently have ten of the Allison children staying with us, plus others. We have 17 living in the home at the moment.

Two weeks ago, Serene’s husband, Sam, left for Sudan and then China on business. Before he left he sprayed their concrete floor. Unfortunately, it left such a terrible chemical smell that they haven’t been able to go back into the house, although they are taking the plunge to go back today.

We discussed this Scripture with the children this morning. When we have family devotions, we don’t only read the Word, but ask questions to see if they understand and how they can work out God’s words practically in their lives. We talked about how they could each think of someone in the family to serve today by being kind to them and helping them. To tell you the truth, these children don’t need a lot of encouragement to do this. They are all servers and all work hard to bless the family.

Because Serene is pregnant, she didn’t want to inhale the fumes and so the children went back Saturday and hauled out all clothes, dishes, and everything in the home and washed them, put them all back, and left the home spick and span and shining clean. I went over to check-- it was perfection. I couldn’t have done a better job myself. These children are well-trained in how to clean and keep the house and they never complain, but love and rejoice to serve. They are all an absolute delight.

But I thought what a lovely motto to have in a home. If everyone in the family can be encouraged to serve, which means every person serving one another (husband and wife and children), what could be more wonderful?

Would you like to encourage this godly character in your home? It’s is the example of Jesus Himself who “came not to serve, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). Philippians 2:7 tell us that when He came into this world He became “a servant.” The NLT translates it: “He gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave.”

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell


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